import org.aspectj.testing.Tester; import org.aspectj.testing.Tester; class TestContext { public static void signal(String event) { Tester.event(event); } public static void expectSignal(String event) { Tester.expectEvent(event); } public static void startTest() { } public static void endTest() { Tester.checkAllEventsIgnoreDups(); } public static void testFailed(String failureMessage) { Tester.check(false,failureMessage); } } class BaseApp { int i; int get() { return i; } void set(int i) { this.i = i; } void uncountedCall() { } // permits call to be restricted to within(BaseApp) void callFromOutside(int i) { call(i); } private void call(int i) { TestContext.signal("call(int)"); } } /** * Test touching pcd if() variants: * <table> * <tr><td>pcd if(expr)</td><td>anonymous, named</td></tr> * <tr><td>pcd combination</td><td>execution, call, callTyped,initialization,set,get</td></tr> * <tr><td>advice</td><td></td>before, after, around</tr> * </table> * (callTyped is probably not a relevant difference). * Currently passing. * @author wes * History * 8/20/01 initial draft * 8/21/01 fixed namedIf call, added initializations * Todo * */ public class IfPCDAdviceMethods { public static void main(String[] args) { TestContext.startTest(); BaseApp target = new BaseApp(); target.callFromOutside(0); target.uncountedCall(); target.set(1); if (!(1 == target.get())) { TestContext.testFailed("1 != target.get()"); } TestContext.endTest(); } static { // variants of advice defined below String[] cuts = { "call_pc", "callType_pc", "execution_pc", "get_pc", "set_pc", "initialization_pc" } ; String[] kinds = { "before", "after", "around" }; String[] ifs = { "if(true)", "namedIf()", "anonymous" }; for (int i = 0; i < cuts.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < kinds.length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < ifs.length; k++) { //XXX no around on initialization yet if (kinds[j].equals("around") && cuts[i].equals("initialization_pc")) continue; TestContext.expectSignal(kinds[j] + "." + cuts[i] + "." + ifs[k]); } } } // ensure BaseApp method was called TestContext.expectSignal("call(int)"); // Aspect namedIf delegate should have been called this many times // (todo: only checks for at-least, not for extra calls) // -1 for anonymous, 2* for two calls, -1 for around initialization final int namedIfCalls = 2*cuts.length * (ifs.length-1) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < namedIfCalls; i++) { TestContext.expectSignal("executedNamedIf:"+i); } } } /** Catch test failures using aspects - mainly to surface caller/join point easily */ aspect TestSignals { /** identify methods that should never be called */ pointcut errorIfCalled () : call(boolean *..executedNamedIfNever(..)); /** signal failure if method that wasn't supposed to be called is in fact invoked */ after () : errorIfCalled() { // todo: will StaticPart will always have null for source ? StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("TestSignals.after() : errorIfCalled()"); org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint.StaticPart sp = thisJoinPointStaticPart; if (null == sp) { sb.append("null thisJoinPointStaticPart"); } else { sb.append(" kind=" + sp.getKind()); sb.append(" signature=" + sp.getSignature()); sb.append(" source=" + sp.getSourceLocation()); } TestContext.testFailed(sb.toString()); } } /** named pointcuts including if(expr) - call, execution only */ aspect Aspect { static int namedIfCounter; static int namedIfNeverCounter; static int i; static boolean executedNamedIf() { //System.err.println("named if + " + namedIfCounter); a("executedNamedIf:"+namedIfCounter++); return true; } static boolean executedNamedIfNever() { a("executedNamedIfNever:"+namedIfNeverCounter++); return true; } /** * should not short-circuit, but instead call executedNamedIf * @testTarget no short-circuit of false "or" * @testTarget method invocation in if-expression */ pointcut namedIf () : !within(Aspect) && if( ((1 == 0) || executedNamedIf()) ) ; /** * should short-circuit, never calling executedNamedIfNever * @testTarget short-circuit of false "and" * @testTarget assignment in if-expression */ pointcut namedIfNever () // should short-circuit, never calling executedNamedIfNever : if( ((1 == 1) && executedNamedIfNever()) ) ; /** * @testTarget literal operations not optimized away fyi */ pointcut ifTrue () : if(true); /** * @testTarget literal operations not optimized away fyi */ pointcut ifFalse () : if(false); // ------------------------------------- pointcuts /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.named.set */ pointcut set_pc (): if (true) && set(int BaseApp.i) ; /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.named.get */ pointcut get_pc (): if (true) && get(int BaseApp.i) ; /** @testTarget */ pointcut call_pc (): if (true) && call(void *.call(int)) && within(BaseApp); /** @testTarget with Type */ pointcut callType_pc(): if(true) && call(void; /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.named.execution */ pointcut execution_pc(): if(true) && within(BaseApp) && execution(void *(int)); /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.named.initialization */ pointcut initialization_pc(): if(true) && initialization(; // currently broken /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.named.initialization */ //pointcut staticinitialization_pc(): if(true) && staticinitialization(BaseApp); /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.namedIf.set */ pointcut named_set_pc (): namedIf() && set(int BaseApp.i) ; /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.namedIf.get */ pointcut named_get_pc (): namedIf() && get(int BaseApp.i) ; /** @testTarget if pcd by name composition */ pointcut named_call_pc() : namedIf() && call(void *.call(int)) && within(BaseApp); /** @testTarget with Type, if pcd by name composition */ pointcut named_callType_pc() : namedIf() && call(void && within(BaseApp);; /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.namedIf.execution if pcd by name composition */ pointcut named_execution_pc(): namedIf() && execution(void *(int)); /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.namedIf.initialization */ pointcut named_initialization_pc(): namedIf() && initialization(; before(): set_pc () { a("before.set_pc.if(true)"); } before(): get_pc () { a("before.get_pc.if(true)"); } before(): call_pc () { a("before.call_pc.if(true)"); } before(): callType_pc() { a("before.callType_pc.if(true)"); } before(): execution_pc() { a("before.execution_pc.if(true)"); } before(): initialization_pc() { a("before.initialization_pc.if(true)"); } //before(): staticinitialization_pc() { a("before.staticinitialization_pc.if(true)"); } before(): named_set_pc () { a("before.set_pc.namedIf()"); } before(): named_get_pc () { a("before.get_pc.namedIf()"); } before(): named_call_pc () { a("before.call_pc.namedIf()"); } before(): named_callType_pc() { a("before.callType_pc.namedIf()"); } before(): named_execution_pc() { a("before.execution_pc.namedIf()"); } before(): named_initialization_pc() { a("before.initialization_pc.namedIf()"); } Object around() : set_pc () { a("around.set_pc.if(true)"); return proceed(); } int around() : get_pc () { a("around.get_pc.if(true)"); return proceed(); } void around() : call_pc () { a("around.call_pc.if(true)"); proceed(); } void around() : callType_pc() { a("around.callType_pc.if(true)"); proceed(); } void around() : execution_pc() { a("around.execution_pc.if(true)"); proceed(); } //XXXvoid around() : initialization_pc() { a("around.initialization_pc.if(true)"); proceed(); } Object around() : named_set_pc () { a("around.set_pc.namedIf()"); return proceed(); } int around() : named_get_pc () { a("around.get_pc.namedIf()"); return proceed(); } void around() : named_call_pc () { a("around.call_pc.namedIf()"); proceed(); } void around() : named_callType_pc() { a("around.callType_pc.namedIf()"); proceed(); } void around() : named_execution_pc() { a("around.execution_pc.namedIf()"); proceed(); } //XXXvoid around() : named_initialization_pc() { a("around.initialization_pc.namedIf()"); proceed(); } // ------------------------------------- after after(): set_pc () { a("after.set_pc.if(true)"); } after(): get_pc () { a("after.get_pc.if(true)"); } after(): call_pc () { a("after.call_pc.if(true)"); } after(): callType_pc() { a("after.callType_pc.if(true)"); } after(): execution_pc() { a("after.execution_pc.if(true)"); } after(): initialization_pc() { a("after.initialization_pc.if(true)"); } //after(): staticinitialization_pc() { a("after.staticinitialization_pc.if(true)"); } after(): named_set_pc () { a("after.set_pc.namedIf()"); } after(): named_get_pc () { a("after.get_pc.namedIf()"); } after(): named_call_pc () { a("after.call_pc.namedIf()"); } after(): named_callType_pc() { a("after.callType_pc.namedIf()"); } after(): named_execution_pc() { a("after.execution_pc.namedIf()"); } after(): named_initialization_pc() { a("after.initialization_pc.namedIf()"); } static void a(String msg) { TestContext.signal(msg); } } /** anonymous pointcuts including if(expr) - call, execution only */ aspect Aspect2 { /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.set.before */ before() : if(true) && set(int BaseApp.i) { a("before.set_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.get.before */ before() : if(true) && get(int BaseApp.i) { a("before.get_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget */ before() : if(true) && call(void *.uncountedCall()) { a("before.call_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget with Type */ before() : if(true) && call(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("before.callType_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.execution.before */ before() : if(true) && execution(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("before.execution_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.initialization.before */ before() : if(true) && initialization( { a("before.initialization_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.set.around */ Object around() : if(true) && set(int BaseApp.i) { a("around.set_pc.anonymous"); return proceed(); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.get.around */ int around() : if(true) && get(int BaseApp.i) { a("around.get_pc.anonymous"); return proceed(); } /** @testTarget */ void around() : if(true) && call(void *.uncountedCall()) { a("around.call_pc.anonymous"); proceed(); } /** @testTarget with Type */ void around() : if(true) && call(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("around.callType_pc.anonymous"); proceed(); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.execution.around */ void around() : if(true) && execution(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("around.execution_pc.anonymous"); proceed(); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.initialization.around */ //XXX // void around() : if(true) && initialization( { // a("around.initialization_pc.anonymous"); // proceed(); // } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.set.after */ after() : if(true) && set(int BaseApp.i) { a("after.set_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.get.after */ after() : if(true) && get(int BaseApp.i) { a("after.get_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget */ after() : if(true) && call(void *.uncountedCall()) { a("after.call_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget with Type */ after() : if(true) && call(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("after.callType_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.execution.after */ after() : if(true) && execution(void BaseApp.uncountedCall()) { a("after.execution_pc.anonymous"); } /** @testTarget ifpcd.compile.pcds.unnamed.initialization.after */ after() : if(true) && initialization( { a("after.initialization_pc.anonymous"); } static void a(String msg) { TestContext.signal(msg); } }