import org.aspectj.lang.*; import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.*; /** * Run via main or driveTest. * If you want the verbose output, * use "-p{rint}" to print when invoking via main, * or set resultCache with your result sink before running: *
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); * AllRuntime.resultCache(sb); * int errors = AllRuntime.driveTest(); * System.err.println(sb.toString()); * System.err.println("Errors: " + errors);*
* This was written to run in a 1.1 VM, * outside the Tester or Collections or... * * @testcase PR#474 uses 1.2-only variant of Class.forName */ public class AllRuntime { public static void resultCache(StringBuffer cache) { A.resultCache(cache); } public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuffer result = null; if ((null != args) && (0 < args.length) && (args[0].startsWith("-p"))) { result = new StringBuffer(); resultCache(result); } int errors = driveTest(); A.log("Errors: " + errors); if (null != result) { System.err.println(result.toString()); } } /** @return number of errors detected */ public static int driveTest() { int result = 0; boolean ok = testNoAspectBoundException(); if (!ok) result++; A.log("testNoAspectBoundException: " + ok); ok = testMultipleAspectsBoundException(); if (!ok) result++; A.log("testMultipleAspectsBoundException: " + ok); TargetClass me = new TargetClass(); ok = me.catchThrows(); if (!ok) result++; int temp = me.publicIntMethod(2); if (temp != 12) result++; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("" + me); // callee-side join point if (sb.length() < 1) result++; A.log("Callee-side join point " + sb.toString()); try { ok = false; me.throwException = true;; } catch (SoftException e) { ok = true; } if (!ok) result++; A.log("SoftException: " + ok); A a = A.aspectOf(); if (null != a) { ok =; if (!ok) result++; A.log(" => all advice was run: " + ok); } return result; } /** todo: need test case for multiple aspects */ public static boolean testMultipleAspectsBoundException() { return true; } public static boolean testNoAspectBoundException() { boolean result = false; try { B a = B.aspectOf(new Object()); } catch (NoAspectBoundException e) { result = true; } return result; } } /** This has all relevant join points */ class TargetClass { private static int INDEX; static { INDEX = 10; } private int index = INDEX; private int shadow = index; public int publicIntMethod(int input) { return privateIntMethod(input); } public boolean catchThrows() { try { throw new Exception("hello"); } catch (Exception e) { if (null != e) return true; } return false; } /** print in VM-independent fashion */ public String toString() { return "TargetClass " + shadow; } private int privateIntMethod(int input) { return shadow = index += input; } } /** used only for NoAspectBoundException test */ aspect B perthis(target(TargetClass)) { } aspect A { /** log goes here if defined */ private static StringBuffer CACHE; /** count number of join points hit */ private static int jpIndex = 0; /** count number of A created */ private static int INDEX = 0; /** index of this A */ private int index; /** count for each advice of how many times invoked */ private final int[] adviceHits; A() { index = INDEX++; adviceHits = new int[21]; } public static void resultCache(StringBuffer cache) { if (CACHE != cache) CACHE = cache; } public static void log(String s) { StringBuffer cache = CACHE; if (null != cache) { cache.append(s); cache.append("\n"); } } private void log(int i) { adviceHits[i]++; } /** report how many times each advice was run * logging report. * @return false if any advice was not hit */ public boolean report() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean result = report(this, sb); log(sb.toString()); return result; } /** report how many times each advice was run * @return false if any advice was not hit */ public static boolean report(A a, StringBuffer sb) { boolean result = true; if (null == a.adviceHits) { sb.append("[]"); } else { sb.append("["); int[] adviceHits = a.adviceHits; for (int i = 0; i < adviceHits.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(i+"="+adviceHits[i]); if (result && (0 == adviceHits[i])) { result = false; } } sb.append("]"); } return result; } public static void throwsException() throws Exception { throw new Exception("exception"); } public String toString() { return "A " + index; } //-------------------------------------- pointcuts pointcut safety() : !within(A) && !cflow(execution(String TargetClass.toString())) && !call(String TargetClass.toString()) ; pointcut intMethod() : call(int TargetClass.publicIntMethod(int)); //-------------------------------------- declare, introductions declare parents : TargetClass implements Runnable; declare soft : Exception : execution(void; /** unused - enable to throw exception from run() */ public boolean TargetClass.throwException; public void { if (throwException) throwsException(); } //-------------------------------------- advice /** was callee-side call join point, now is execution */ // todo: not being invoked, though TargetClass.toString is??? before() : execution(public String toString()) && target(TargetClass) { /* comment out test to avoid StackOverflow test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : call(String TargetClass.toString())"); */ log(1); } /** caller-side call join point */ before() : call(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int)) { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : call(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod()) "); log(2); } /** call join point */ before() : intMethod() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : pc() "); log(3); } /** execution join point */ before() : execution(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int)) { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : execution(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod()) "); log(4); } /** execution join point for constructor */ before() : execution( { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : execution( "); log(5); } /** initialization join point */ before() : initialization( { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : initialization( "); log(6); } /** static initialization join point */ before() : initialization( { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : initialization( "); log(7); } /** cflow join point */ before() : cflow(execution(int TargetClass.publicIntMethod(int))) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : cflow(execution(int TargetClass.publicIntMethod(int)))"); log(8); } /** cflowbelow join point */ before() : cflowbelow(execution(int TargetClass.publicIntMethod(int))) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : cflowbelow(execution(int TargetClass.publicIntMethod(int)))"); log(9); } /** initialization join point */ before() : initialization( { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : initialization( "); log(10); } /** field set join point */ before() : set(int TargetClass.index) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : set(int TargetClass.index) "); log(11); } /** field get join point */ before() : get(int TargetClass.index) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : get(int TargetClass.index) "); log(12); } /** within join point (static) */ before() : within(TargetClass+) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : within(TargetClass+) "); log(13); } /** withincode join point (static) */ before() : withincode(int TargetClass+.publicIntMethod(int)) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : withincode(int TargetClass+.publicIntMethod(int)) "); log(14); } /** this join point */ before(TargetClass t) : this(t) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before(TargetClass t) : this(t) && safety() This t: " + t + " this: " + this); log(15); } /** target join point */ before(TargetClass t) : target(t) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before(TargetClass t) : target(t) && safety() target t: " + t + " this: " + this); log(16); } /** args join point */ before(int i) : args(i) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before(int i) : args(i) && safety() args i: " + i); log(17); } /** handler join point */ before() : handler(Exception) { // && args(e) { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before(Throwable e) : handler(Throwable) && args(e) && within(TargetClass+) args e: " ); log(18); } /** if pcd join point */ before(int i) : args(i) && if(i > 0) && safety() { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before(int i) : args(i) && if(i > 0) && safety() args i: " + i); log(19); } /** call join point for constructor */ before() : call( { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "before() : call( "); log(20); } /** everything join point */ before(TargetClass t) : (target(t) ) && (call(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int)) || execution(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int)) || initialization( || (cflow(call(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int))) && !cflowbelow(call(int TargetClass.privateIntMethod(int)))) ) && (!cflow(call(void TargetClass.catchThrows()))) && (!call(void && (!set(int TargetClass.index)) && (!get(int TargetClass.index)) && safety() && if(null != t) { test(thisJoinPoint, thisJoinPointStaticPart, this, "everything"); // todo: add args log(0); } private void test(JoinPoint jp, JoinPoint.StaticPart jpsp, Object tis, String context) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\n join pt: " + jpIndex++); sb.append("\n jp: " + jp); render(jp, sb); sb.append("\n jpsp: " + jpsp); sb.append("\n tis: " + tis); sb.append("\n this: " + this); sb.append("\n context: " + context); log(sb.toString()); } private void render(JoinPoint jp, StringBuffer sb) { if (null == jp) { sb.append("null"); } else { //sb.append("\n args: " + jp.getArgs()); sb.append("\n args: "); render(jp.getArgs(), sb); sb.append("\n kind: " + jp.getKind()); sb.append("\n sig: " ); render(jp.getSignature(), sb); sb.append("\n loc: " ); render(jp.getSourceLocation(), sb); sb.append("\n targ: " + jp.getTarget()); sb.append("\n this: " + jp.getThis()); } } /** render to check subtype of Signature, print in VM-independent fashion */ private void render(Signature sig, StringBuffer sb) { if (null == sig) { sb.append("null"); } else { if (sig instanceof AdviceSignature) { sb.append("AdviceSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); sb.append(""+((AdviceSignature ) sig).getReturnType()); } else if (sig instanceof CatchClauseSignature) { sb.append("CatchClauseSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); sb.append(""+((CatchClauseSignature ) sig).getParameterType()); } else if (sig instanceof ConstructorSignature) { sb.append("ConstructorSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); sb.append(""+((ConstructorSignature) sig).getName()); } else if (sig instanceof FieldSignature) { sb.append("FieldSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); sb.append(""+((FieldSignature ) sig).getFieldType()); } else if (sig instanceof InitializerSignature) { sb.append("InitializerSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); } else if (sig instanceof MethodSignature) { sb.append("MethodSignature "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); sb.append(""+((MethodSignature) sig).getReturnType()); } else if (sig instanceof MemberSignature) { sb.append("MemberSignature?? "); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); } else if (sig instanceof CodeSignature) { sb.append("CodeSignature ??"); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); } else { sb.append("Unknown ??"); sb.append(sig.getName() + " " ); } } } private void render(SourceLocation sl, StringBuffer sb) { if (null == sl) { sb.append("null"); } else { String path = sl.getFileName(); int loc = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (-1 != loc) { path = path.substring(loc+1); } else { // todo: not portable to other machines loc = path.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (-1 != loc) { path = path.substring(loc+1); } } sb.append(path); sb.append(":" + sl.getLine()); //sb.append(":" + sl.getColumn()); } } private void render(Object[] args, StringBuffer sb) { if (null == args) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append("Object[" + args.length + "] = {"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("" + args[i]); } sb.append("}"); } } }