This script tests the AspectJ tools and runtime by building the AspectJ sources. When run, this should finish by emitting the ajc help message. Relevant targets: all build and test runtime and tools tools build output/aspectjtools.jar runtime build output/aspectjrt.jar build-tools-javac build using javac to output Setup: Variables ASPECTJ_HOME and ASPECTJ_SRC refer to the base of an AspectJ install and the modules directory of the AspectJ source tree. By default they are ASPECTJ_SRC: $${basedir}/../.. ASPECTJ_HOME: $${basedir}/../../aj-build/dist/tools which assumes the tools dist is built and this runs from modules/tests/product/build-aspectj You can also define the properties to run on any distribution from anywhere: ant -DASPECTJ_HOME=dev/tools/aj -DASPECTJ_SRC=ec