package profile;
import org.aspectj.lang.*;
* Profile execution time of join points
* by making a concrete aspect which defines targets(),
* if not register(JoinPoint)
* and signal(Object, long, long)
public abstract aspect Profile {
* Identify join points to profile.
* Those within the lexical extent of Profile
* or its subtypes will be excluded from profiling.
protected abstract pointcut targets();
Object around() : targets() && !within(Profile+) {
final Object key = register(thisJoinPoint);
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return proceed();
} finally {
signal(key, startTime, System.currentTimeMillis());
protected Object register(JoinPoint jp) {
return Thread.currentThread().getName() + " -- " + jp;
protected void signal(Object key, long start, long end) {
long duration = end - start;
String tag = (duration == 0 ? "none" : duration < 100 ? "fast" : "slow");
//System.err.println(duration + " " + start + " - " + end + ": " + key);
System.err.println(tag + ": " + key);