import org.aspectj.testing.Tester; /** @testcase PR#752 PUREJAVA subclass access to enclosing super class private members */ public class SubclassAccessToEnclosingSuperClassPrivate { public static void main (String[] args) { ClassLoader loader = Expect.class.getClassLoader(); // load expectations.. // nested classes new SuperEnclosing.SubNested().doit(); new SuperEnclosing.SubNested.SubSubNested().doit(); new SuperEnclosing.SubNested.SubSubNestedNoExtends().doit(); // inner (non-static nested) classes SuperEnclosing me = new SuperEnclosing(); SubInner("main").doit(); // run directly me.runSubInner(); // run indirectly me.runMethodLocalInnerSubclass(); Tester.checkAllEvents(); } } /** * <pre> * Access private static and instance method and field from * - static nested subclass * - inner (named) member subclass * - inner method-local subclass * - inner anonymous subclass * other variants: * - more deeply nested - skip over intervening superclass or enclosing class * * incorrect compiler error lines flagged as i-c-e * </pre> */ class SuperEnclosing { static private int staticPrivateInt = 42; private int privateInt = 84; static private void staticPrivateMethod(String caller) { Tester.event(caller + " -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); } private void privateMethod(String caller) { Tester.event(caller + " -> SuperEnclosing.privateMethod()"); } static class SubNested extends SuperEnclosing { static void doit() { String label = ""; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } static class SubSubNestedNoExtends { static void doit() { String label = ""; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } } static class SubSubNested extends SuperEnclosing { static void doit() { String label = ""; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } } } void runSubInner() { new SubInner("Constructed in").doit(); } void runMethodLocalInnerSubclass() { new SuperEnclosing() { void doit() { String label = "runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing subclass"; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ", " + privateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); privateMethod(label); // i-c-e staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } }.doit(); new SuperEnclosing() { void doit() { new SuperEnclosing() { void doit() { String label = "runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing (inner) subclass"; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ", " + privateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); privateMethod(label); // i-c-e staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } }.doit(); } }.doit(); } // ---------- non-static inner class SubInner extends SuperEnclosing { String name; SubInner(String name) { = name; } void doit() { String label = "SubInner=\"" + name + "\".run() " ; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ", " + privateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); privateMethod(label); // i-c-e staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e } class SubSubInnerNoExtends { void doit() { String label = ""; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ", " + privateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e privateMethod(label); // i-c-e } } class SubSubInner extends SuperEnclosing { void doit() { String label = ""; label = label + "(" + staticPrivateInt + ", " + privateInt + ")"; // i-c-e Tester.event(label); staticPrivateMethod(label); // i-c-e privateMethod(label); // i-c-e } } } } class Expect { static { Tester.expectEvent(""); Tester.expectEvent(" -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent(""); Tester.expectEvent(" -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent(""); Tester.expectEvent(" -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"main\".run() (42, 84)"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"main\".run() (42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.privateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"main\".run() (42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"Constructed in\".run() (42, 84)"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"Constructed in\".run() (42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.privateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("SubInner=\"Constructed in\".run() (42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing subclass(42, 84)"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing subclass(42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.privateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing subclass(42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing (inner) subclass(42, 84)"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing (inner) subclass(42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.privateMethod()"); Tester.expectEvent("runMethodLocalInnerSubclass anonymous SuperEnclosing (inner) subclass(42, 84) -> SuperEnclosing.staticPrivateMethod()"); } }