public \u0063l\u0061ss Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { test(); } public static void test() { // integer literals int dec = 5; long longDec = 5; long longDecL = 5L; int hex = 0xAbcdE; long longHex = 0xAbcdE; long longHexL = 0xAbcdEL; int oct = 0762; long longOct = 0762; long longOctL = 0762L; // boolean literals boolean btrue = true; boolean bfalse = false; // float literals float f1 = 1e1f, f2 = 2.f, f3 = .3f, f4 = 3.14f, f5 = 6.023e+23f; // character literals char // c1 = '\u2352', c2 = '\u0063'; // 'c' // c3 = '\u0007'; // string literals String \u0063 = "c"; // String c = "c"; String s1 = ""; String s2 = "\u0063"; // the string "c"; // String s3 = "\u3333"; // uncommenting this will break weaver // string literals with escapes String bs = "\b"; String ht = "\t"; String lf = "\n"; String cr = "\r"; String dq = "\""; String sq = "\'"; String backslash = "\\"; String oes = "\u0000"; // octal escape smallest String oeb = "\u00ff"; // octal escape biggest String ctrlg = ""; // this turns into "\u0007" by the time it is parsed. String random = "\u3333"; } }