This module contains test data and scripts, while the testing-drivers and testing modules contain the harness. Tests differ in the kind of harness they use and their target. (Many tests are unused and date back to earlier times in the project.)
Test Description | Driver | Sources |
Harness tests compile and run test sources. | Harness in testing-drivers module | ajcTests.xml, and ajcTests10.xml, referring to tests in new/, base/, errors/, design/, pureJava/, etc. |
Product tests use a variety of Ant and Bash scripts to drive the product distributions. | bash, Ant | product/.. |
AjcTest is a large taskdef which compiles and runs large Java systems. | AjcTest Ant Task in testing module | other-systems/.., aspectj-external-lib.jar?/other-systems/ |
Jacks is the Jikes compiler test suite, run for us using a bash script. | bash | See the Jacks project page |
JUnit tests normally are run directly before checking in, but there is an Ant script to run and report on them all. | JUnit | Every module has a testsrc/ directory with JUnit tests. |
in the testing-drivers
For help on harness options, use -help
For for help on component options, see the package docs.
Note in particular how to select tests using keywords or supply compiler
arguments on the command line.
To write a new test, evolve an existing example. See the dtd and/or
the javadoc for the testing harness implementation in the
module for more details.
To write a test case for a bug, see readme-writing-compiler-tests.html.