/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.systemtest.ajc121; import java.io.File; import junit.framework.Test; import org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase; public class Ajc121Tests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase { public static Test suite() { return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(Ajc121Tests.class); } protected File getSpecFile() { return new File("../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc121/ajc121.xml"); } public void test001(){ runTest("false ambiguous binding error (introduced in 1.2rc2)"); } public void test002(){ runTest("An if() pointcut inside a perthis() clauses an ABORT - null pointer exception in ajc"); } public void test003(){ runTest("An if() pointcut inside a perthis() clauses an ABORT - null pointer exception in ajc"); } public void test004(){ runTest("An if() pointcut inside a perthis() clauses an ABORT - null pointer exception in ajc"); } public void test005(){ runTest("compiler aborts with 'conflicting dominates orders' with circular declare precedences"); } public void test006(){ runTest("'can't bind type' message has $ for . in type name for declare soft"); } public void test007(){ runTest("Hiding of Instance Methods by static methods"); } public void test008(){ runTest("if(false) optimisation"); } public void test009(){ runTest("if(true) optimisation"); } public void test010(){ runTest("java.lang.NullPointerException in WeaverMessageHandler class"); } public void test011(){ runTest("ClassCastException at BcelRenderer.java:169"); } public void test012(){ runTest("Front-end bug, shouldn't allow patterns of the form foo.., should be foo..*"); } public void test013() { runTest("Nullpointer-Exception when defining a withincode() pointcut"); } public void test014() { runTest("NPE, Incorrect XLint:unmatchedSuperTypeInCall warning"); } public void test015_invalidXlint() { // keywords: "laurie hendren" runTest("invalid warning indicating no match when a match really occurs"); } public void test016_ByteConversionInstructions() { runTest("RuntimeException thrown: Could not find instruction: org.apache.bcel.generic.B2I"); String output = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Expected to find [b2] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[b2]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [b127] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[b127]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [b0] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[b0]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [c65] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[c65]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [c66] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[c66]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [c67] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[c67]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [s1] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[s1]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [s32767] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[s32767]")!=-1); assertTrue("Expected to find [b0] in this output but didn't:"+output,output.indexOf("[b0]")!=-1); } public void test017_PrivateMethodCallsInAroundAdvice() { runTest("Cannot advise private method call in around advice"); System.err.println(getLastRunResult().getStdErr()); } public void test018_PrivateFieldSetsInAroundAdvice() { runTest("Cannot advise private field sets in around advice"); System.err.println(getLastRunResult().getStdErr()); } public void test019_PrivateFieldGetsInAroundAdvice() { runTest("Cannot advise private field gets in around advice"); System.err.println(getLastRunResult().getStdErr()); } // test takes over 5 minutes to run, so not included in normal suite run // public void test020_branchTargetOffsetTooLargeForShort() { // runTest("Branch target offset too large for short"); // } // public void test021_BcelFailureWithVeryLargeClasses() { // runTest("Weaver fails in BCEL for large classes"); // } // // public void test022_BcelFailureWithVeryLargeClasses_Binary() { // runTest("Weaver fails in BCEL for large classes (binary)"); // } public void test023_proceedInAround1() { runTest("proceed used as method name in around advice (1)"); } public void test024_proceedInAround2() { runTest("proceed used as method name in around advice (2)"); } public void test025_proceedInAround3() { runTest("proceed used as method name in around advice (3)"); } public void test026_bindingThisAndTargetToTheSameFormal() { runTest("ajc crashes when compiling the following program (binding this() and target())"); } public void test027_itdsOnInnerClassesAsStatic() { runTest("ITDs on inner classes should be static context"); } public void test028_itdsAndInitializers() { runTest("resolution of IT field inits"); } public void test029_falseInvalidAbsoluteTypeName() { runTest("Valid but inaccessible type names should not be flagged by XLint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName"); } public void test030_privateITDinitialisersBeingMatched() { runTest("intertype initialisers should match field set pointcuts"); } public void test031_privateITDinitialisersBeingMatched_OxfordTest() { runTest("intertype initialisers should match field set pointcuts (oxford testcase)"); //System.err.println(">"+getLastRunResult().getStdErr()); String exp = ":set field set(int C.n):set field set(int C.m):get field get(int C.n):set field set(int C.n)"; assertTrue("Expected output '"+exp+"' but got "+getLastRunResult().getStdErr(), getLastRunResult().getStdErr().equals(exp)); } public void test032_stringConcatForDEOW() { runTest("Compile time declarations (warning and error) do not accept string concatenation (with +)"); } public void test033_stringConcatForDEOWErrorCase() { runTest("Compile time declarations (warning and error) do not accept string concatenation (with +) (2)"); } public void test034_scopeForITDS_pr61768() { runTest("scope for inter-type methods"); } public void test035_innerAspectCallsPrivateMethod_pr71372() { runTest("NoSuchMethodError calling private method from around advice in inner aspect"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Expected ':before:around' but got "+s, s.equals(":before:around")); } public void test036_innerAspectCallsPrivateMethod_pr71372_2() { runTest("NoSuchMethodError calling private method from around advice in inner aspect (2)"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Expected ':before:around' but got "+s, s.equals(":before:around")); } public void test037_innerAspectCallsPrivateMethod_pr71372_3() { runTest("NoSuchMethodError calling private method from around advice in inner aspect (3)"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Expected ':before:around' but got "+s, s.equals(":before:around")); } public void test038_innerAspectCallsPrivateMethod_pr71372_4() { runTest("NoSuchMethodError calling private method from around advice in inner aspect (4)"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Expected ':before:around' but got "+s, s.equals(":before:around")); } public void test039_privilegedAspectAccessingPrivateMethods_pr67579() { runTest("NPE on privileged aspect error"); } public void test040_privilegedAspectAccessingPrivateMethods_pr67579_2() { runTest("NPE on privileged aspect error (2)"); } public void test041_ITDaccessingPrivateMethod_pr67578() { runTest("Privileged Aspect Access Problem Across Packages"); } public void test042_ITDaccessingPrivateMethod_pr67578_2() { runTest("Privileged Aspect Access Problem Across Packages (2)"); } public void test043_pr62642_ExceptionInInitializerError() { runTest("proper handling of ExceptionInIntializer inside clinit in presence of after throwing advice"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); assertTrue("Output should contain java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError but is '"+s+"'", s.indexOf("java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError")!=-1); // No getCause on 1.3 JVMs // assertTrue("Output should contain 'CAUSE=org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException' but is '"+s+"'", // s.indexOf("CAUSE=org.aspectj.lang.NoAspectBoundException")!=-1); } public void test044_ITDnameClashes() { runTest("ITD name clashes with private members"); } public void test045_ITDprotectedVisibility() { runTest("Inconsistency in scoping of protected members in ITDs"); } public void test045_wrongLineForExecutionJoinPoint() { runTest("wrong line for method execution join point"); } public void test046_interfaceITD_pr70794_1() { runTest("The introduction on interface causes the interface implementation class error (1)"); } public void test047_interfaceITD_pr70794_2() { runTest("The introduction on interface causes the interface implementation class error (2)"); } public void test048_interfaceITD_pr70794_3() { runTest("The introduction on interface causes the interface implementation class error (3)"); } public void test049_interfaceITD_pr70794_4() { runTest("The introduction on interface causes the interface implementation class error (4)"); } public void test050_typePatternMatchingWithArrays() { runTest("declare warning warns at wrong points"); } public void test052_bogusMessage1() { runTest("Bogus error message: The abstract method ajc$pointcut$$tracingScope$a2 in type Tracing can only be defined by an abstract class (1)"); } public void test053_bogusMessage2() { runTest("Bogus error message: The abstract method ajc$pointcut$$tracingScope$a2 in type Tracing can only be defined by an abstract class (2)"); } public void test054_cnfe() { runTest("passing null to array arguments confuzes static join point signature. (1)"); } public void test055_cnfe() { runTest("passing null to array arguments confuzes static join point signature. (2)"); } public void test056_arrayCloning() { runTest("around advice throws java.lang.VerifyError at runtime"); } public void test057_decSoftWithSuper() { runTest("declare soft can cause programs with invalid exception behaviour to be generated"); } public void test058_npeOnTJPerror() { runTest("NPE on thisJoinPoint mistake"); } public void test059_cflowOptimization_counters() { runTest("Optimization of cflow - counters (1)"); } public void test060_cflowOptimization_counters() { runTest("Optimization of cflow - shared counters (2)"); } public void test061_cflowOptimization_counters() { runTest("Optimization of cflow - shared stacks (3)"); } public void test062_cflowOptimization_counters() { runTest("Optimization of cflow - counters (4)"); } public void test063_cflowOptimization_countersWithAbstractPcuts() { runTest("Optimization of cflow - counters with abstract pointcuts (5)"); } public void test064() { runTest("Anonymous classes unaware of introductions into abstract classes"); } private int countLines(String s) { int lines = 0; int idx = 0; while (s.indexOf("\n",idx)!=-1) { lines++; idx = s.indexOf("\n",idx)+1; } return lines; } public void test065() { runTest("before,after not (cflow(within(Trace*))) prints nothing"); String s = getLastRunResult().getStdErr(); int lines = countLines(s); assertTrue("The actual output does not match the expected output. Expected 102 lines but got "+ lines+" lines. Actual output =\n"+s,lines==102); // IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE EXPECTED OUTPUT, LOOK IN THE TEST PROGRAM bugs/WhatsGoingOn.java } }