/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Andy Clement - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.systemtest.ajc150; import java.io.File; import junit.framework.Test; import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Method; import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.util.ClassPath; import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.util.SyntheticRepository; import org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase; public class Annotations extends XMLBasedAjcTestCase { public static Test suite() { return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(Annotations.class); } protected File getSpecFile() { return new File("../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc150/ajc150.xml"); } public void testCompilingAnnotation() { runTest("compiling an annotation"); } public void testCompilingAnnotatedFile() { runTest("compiling annotated file"); } public void testCompilingUsingWithinAndAnnotationTypePattern() { runTest("annotations and within (src)"); } /** * We had a bug where annotations were not present in the output class file for methods * that got woven. This was due to unpacking bugs in LazyMethodGen. This test compiles * a simple program then checks the annotations were copied across. */ public void testBugWithAnnotationsLostOnWovenMethods() throws ClassNotFoundException { runTest("losing annotations..."); if (getCurrentTest().canRunOnThisVM()) { JavaClass jc = getClassFrom(ajc.getSandboxDirectory(),"Program"); Method[] meths = jc.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < meths.length; i++) { Method method = meths[i]; if (method.getName().equals("m1")) { assertTrue("Didn't have annotations - were they lost? method="+method.getName(),method.getAnnotations().length==1); } } } } public void testAnnotatedAnnotations() { runTest("annotated annotations (@Target)"); } public void testSimpleAnnotatedAspectMembers() { runTest("simple annotated aspect members"); } public void testAnnotatedAspectMembersWithWrongAnnotationType() { runTest("simple annotated aspect members with bad target"); } // more implementation work needed before this test passes public void testAnnotatedITDs() { runTest("annotated itds"); } public void testAnnotatedITDs2() { runTest("annotated public itds"); } public void testAnnotatedITDs3() { runTest("annotated public itds - values"); } public void testAnnotatedITDs4() { runTest("annotated public itds - multiple complex annotations"); } public void testAnnotatedITDsWithWrongAnnotationType() { runTest("annotated itds with bad target"); } public void testAnnotatedAdvice() { runTest("annotated advice"); } public void testAnnotatedAdviceWithWrongAnnotationType() { runTest("annotated advice with bad target"); } public void testAnnotatedPointcut() { runTest("annotated pointcut"); } // FIXME asc uncomment this test when parser is opened up // public void testAnnotatedDeclareStatements() { // runTest("annotated declare statements"); // } public void testBasicDeclareAnnotation() { runTest("basic declare annotation parse test"); } public void testAJDKAnnotatingAspects() { runTest("ajdk: annotating aspects chapter"); } public void testAJDKAnnotatingAspects2() { runTest("ajdk: annotating aspects chapter, ex 2"); } public void testAnnotationPatterns() { runTest("ajdk: annotation pattern matching"); } public void testAnnotationTypePatterns() { runTest("ajdk: annotation type pattern matching"); } public void testAnnotationSigPatterns() { runTest("ajdk: annotations in sig patterns"); } public void testAnnotationRuntimeMatching() { runTest("ajdk: runtime annotations"); } public void testAnnotationRetentionChecking() { runTest("ajdk: @retention checking"); } public void testAnnotationInheritance() { runTest("ajdk: @inherited"); } public void testAnnotationDEOW() { runTest("ajdk: deow-ann"); } public void testAnnotationDecp() { runTest("ajdk: decp-ann"); } public void testAnnotationDecPrecedence() { runTest("ajdk: dec precedence"); } public void testAnnotationDecAnnotation() { runTest("ajdk: dec annotation"); } public void testAnnotationsAndITDs() { runTest("nasty annotation and itds test"); } // helper methods..... public SyntheticRepository createRepos(File cpentry) { ClassPath cp = new ClassPath(cpentry+File.pathSeparator+System.getProperty("java.class.path")); return SyntheticRepository.getInstance(cp); } protected JavaClass getClassFrom(File where,String clazzname) throws ClassNotFoundException { SyntheticRepository repos = createRepos(where); return repos.loadClass(clazzname); } }