path: root/src
diff options
authorTom <>2014-11-15 20:04:48 +0100
committerTom <>2014-11-15 20:06:53 +0100
commit4fdbcf55a0d9938e1a131f65f5b61f9f79ad2452 (patch)
treeb214a0ff465c4f0f9391265406736a3355a9937f /src
parentfeefe7a2febab2e9fecc44b170ae900215816f7c (diff)
Make the sliders clickable.
Always having to drag is cumbersome. Now the slider's handle can also be set by clicking on the slider. Heh :-) I see the GitHub UI designers hadn't thought of that.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/scripts/imgdiff.js b/src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/scripts/imgdiff.js
index 27cca8ca..c98a05a4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/scripts/imgdiff.js
+++ b/src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/scripts/imgdiff.js
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ function rangeSlider(elem, options) {
/** Mousemove event handler to track the mouse and move the slider. Generates slider:pos events. */
function track(e) {
var pos = $elem.offset().left;
- var width = $elem.width();
- var handleWidth = $handle.width();
+ var width = $elem.innerWidth();
+ var handleWidth = $handle.outerWidth(false);
var range = width - handleWidth;
if (range <= 0) return;
var delta = Math.min(range, Math.max (0, e.pageX - pos - handleWidth / 2));
@@ -57,44 +57,64 @@ function rangeSlider(elem, options) {
/** Snaps the slider to the given ratio and generates a slider:pos event with the new ratio. */
function setTo(ratio) {
- var w = $elem.width();
+ var w = $elem.innerWidth();
if (w <= 0 || $':hidden')) return;
lastRatio = Math.min( 1.0, Math.max(0, ratio));
- $handle.css('left', "" + Math.max(0, 100 * (lastRatio * (w - $handle.width())) / w) + '%');
+ $handle.css('left', "" + Math.max(0, 100 * (lastRatio * (w - $handle.outerWidth(false))) / w) + '%');
$elem.trigger('slider:pos', { ratio: lastRatio, handle: $handle[0] });
* Moves the slider to the given ratio, clipped to [0..1], in duration milliseconds.
- * Generates slider:pos events during the animation. If duration === 0, same as setTo.
- * Default duration is 500ms.
+ * Generates slider:pos events during the animation. If duration <= 30, same as setTo.
+ * Default duration is 500ms. If a callback is given, it's called once the animation
+ * has completed.
- function moveTo(ratio, duration) {
+ function moveTo(ratio, duration, callback) {
ratio = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, ratio));
- if (ratio === lastRatio) return;
+ if (ratio === lastRatio) {
+ if (typeof callback == 'function') callback();
+ return;
+ }
if (typeof duration == 'undefined') duration = 500;
- if (duration === 0) {
+ if (duration <= 30) {
+ // Cinema is 24 or 48 frames/sec, so 20-40ms per frame. Makes no sense to animate for such a short duration.
+ if (typeof callback == 'function') callback();
} else {
- var target = ratio * ($elem.width() - $handle.width());
+ var target = ratio * ($elem.innerWidth() - $handle.outerWidth(false));
if (ratio > lastRatio) target--; else target++;
$handle.stop().animate({left: target},
{ 'duration' : duration,
'step' : function() {
- lastRatio = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, $handle.position().left / ($elem.width() - $handle.width())));
+ lastRatio = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, $handle.position().left / ($elem.innerWidth() - $handle.outerWidth(false))));
$elem.trigger('slider:pos', { ratio : lastRatio, handle : $handle[0] });
- 'complete' : function() { setTo(ratio); } // Last step gives us a % value again.
+ 'complete' : function() { setTo(ratio); if (typeof callback == 'function') callback(); } // Ensure we have again a % value
+ /**
+ * As moveTo, but determines an appropriate duration in the range [0..maxDuration] on its own,
+ * depending on the distance the handle would move. If no maxDuration is given it defaults
+ * to 1500ms.
+ */
+ function moveAuto(ratio, maxDuration, callback) {
+ if (typeof maxDuration == 'undefined') maxDuration = 1500;
+ var delta = ratio - lastRatio;
+ if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
+ var speed = $elem.innerWidth() * delta * 2;
+ if (speed > maxDuration) speed = maxDuration;
+ moveTo(ratio, speed, callback);
+ }
/** Returns the current ratio. */
function getValue() {
return lastRatio;
if (options.handleClass) {
@@ -108,9 +128,11 @@ function rangeSlider(elem, options) {
$doc.on('mousemove', track);
$doc.on('mouseup', end);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
- return { setRatio: setTo, moveRatio: moveTo, getRatio: getValue, handle: $handle[0] };
+ return { setRatio: setTo, moveRatio: moveTo, 'moveAuto': moveAuto, getRatio: getValue, handle: $handle[0] };
function setup() {
@@ -119,14 +141,14 @@ function setup() {
var $overlaySlider = $this.find('.imgdiff-ovr-slider').first();
var $opacitySlider = $this.find('.imgdiff-opa-slider').first();
var overlayAccess = rangeSlider($overlaySlider, {handleClass: 'imgdiff-ovr-handle'});
- rangeSlider($opacitySlider, {handleClass: 'imgdiff-opa-handle'});
+ var opacityAccess = rangeSlider($opacitySlider, {handleClass: 'imgdiff-opa-handle'});
var $img = $('#' +'-')+1)); // Here we change opacity
var $div = $img.parent(); // This controls visibility: here we change width.
$overlaySlider.on('slider:pos', function(e, data) {
var pos = $(data.handle).offset().left;
var imgLeft = $img.offset().left; // Global
- var imgW = $img.outerWidth();
+ var imgW = $img.outerWidth(true);
var imgOff = $img.position().left; // From left edge of $div
if (pos <= imgLeft) {
@@ -136,10 +158,32 @@ function setup() {
$div.width(imgW + imgOff);
+ $overlaySlider.css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ $overlaySlider.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+ var newRatio = (e.pageX - $overlaySlider.offset().left) / $overlaySlider.innerWidth();
+ var oldRatio = overlayAccess.getRatio();
+ if (newRatio !== oldRatio) {
+ overlayAccess.moveAuto(newRatio);
+ }
+ });
$opacitySlider.on('slider:pos', function(e, data) {
- if ($div.width() <= 0) overlayAccess.moveRatio(1.0, 500); // Make old image visible in a nice way
+ if ($div.width() <= 0) overlayAccess.moveAuto(1.0); // Make old image visible in a nice way
$img.css('opacity', 1.0 - data.ratio);
+ $opacitySlider.css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ $opacitySlider.on('mousedown', function(e) {
+ var newRatio = (e.pageX - $opacitySlider.offset().left) / $opacitySlider.innerWidth();
+ var oldRatio = opacityAccess.getRatio();
+ if (newRatio !== oldRatio) {
+ if ($div.width() <= 0) {
+ overlayAccess.moveRatio(1.0, 500, function() {opacityAccess.moveAuto(newRatio);}); // Make old image visible in a nice way
+ } else {
+ opacityAccess.moveAuto(newRatio)
+ }
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });