#!/usr/bin/env sh
# # A GitHub API client library written in POSIX sh
# https://github.com/whiteinge/ok.sh
# BSD licensed.
# ## Requirements
# * A POSIX environment (tested against Busybox v1.19.4)
# * curl (tested against 7.32.0)
# ## Optional requirements
# * jq (tested against 1.3)
# If jq is not installed commands will output raw JSON; if jq is installed
# the output will be formatted and filtered for use with other shell tools.
# ## Setup
# Authentication credentials are read from a `$HOME/.netrc` file on UNIX
# machines or a `_netrc` file in `%HOME%` for UNIX environments under Windows.
# [Generate the token on GitHub](https://github.com/settings/tokens) under
# "Account Settings -> Applications".
# Restrict permissions on that file with `chmod 600 ~/.netrc`!
# machine api.github.com
# login
# password
# machine uploads.github.com
# login
# password
# Or set an environment `GITHUB_TOKEN=token`
# ## Configuration
# The following environment variables may be set to customize ${NAME}.
# Base URL for GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
# The 'Accept' header to send with each request.
# The name of the jq binary, if installed.
# The debug logging verbosity level. Same as the verbose flag.
# Output current GitHub rate limit information to stderr.
# Allow destructive operations without prompting for confirmation.
# Output some text in Markdown format.
export NAME=$(basename "$0")
export VERSION='0.5.1'
export OK_SH_URL=${OK_SH_URL:-'https://api.github.com'}
export OK_SH_ACCEPT=${OK_SH_ACCEPT:-'application/vnd.github.v3+json'}
export OK_SH_JQ_BIN="${OK_SH_JQ_BIN:-jq}"
# Detect if jq is installed.
command -v "$OK_SH_JQ_BIN" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
# Customizable logging output.
exec 4>/dev/null
exec 5>/dev/null
exec 6>/dev/null
export LINFO=4 # Info-level log messages.
export LDEBUG=5 # Debug-level log messages.
export LSUMMARY=6 # Summary output.
# Generate a carriage return so we can match on it.
# Using a variable because these are tough to specify in a portable way.
crlf=$(printf '\r\n')
# ## Main
# Generic functions not necessarily specific to working with GitHub.
# ### Help
# Functions for fetching and formatting help text.
_cols() {
sort | awk '
{ w[NR] = $0 }
cols = 3
per_col = sprintf("%.f", NR / cols + 0.5) # Round up if decimal.
for (i = 1; i < per_col + 1; i += 1) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j += 1) {
printf("%-24s", w[i + per_col * j])
_links() { awk '{ print "* [" $0 "](#" $0 ")" }'; }
_funcsfmt() { if [ "$OK_SH_MARKDOWN" -eq 0 ]; then _cols; else _links; fi; }
help() {
# Output the help text for a command
# Usage:
# help commandname
# Positional arguments
local fname="$1"
# Function name to search for; if omitted searches whole file.
# Short-circuit if only producing help for a single function.
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
awk -v fname="^$fname\\\(\\\) \\\{$" '$0 ~ fname, /^}/ { print }' "$0" \
| _helptext
_helptext < "$0"
printf '\n'
help __main
printf '\n'
printf '## Table of Contents\n'
printf '\n### Utility and request/response commands\n\n'
_all_funcs public=0 | _funcsfmt
printf '\n### GitHub commands\n\n'
_all_funcs private=0 | _funcsfmt
printf '\n## Commands\n\n'
for cmd in $(_all_funcs public=0); do
printf '### %s\n\n' "$cmd"
help "$cmd"
printf '\n'
for cmd in $(_all_funcs private=0); do
printf '### %s\n\n' "$cmd"
help "$cmd"
printf '\n'
_all_funcs() {
# List all functions found in the current file in the order they appear
# Keyword arguments
local public=1
# `0` do not output public functions.
local private=1
# `0` do not output private functions.
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(public=*) public="${arg#*=}";;
(private=*) private="${arg#*=}";;
awk -v public="$public" -v private="$private" '
$1 !~ /^__/ && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*\(\)/ {
sub(/\(\)$/, "", $1)
if (!public && substr($1, 1, 1) != "_") next
if (!private && substr($1, 1, 1) == "_") next
print $1
' "$0"
__main() {
# ## Usage
# `${NAME} [] (command [, ...])`
# ${NAME} -h # Short, usage help text.
# ${NAME} help # All help text. Warning: long!
# ${NAME} help command # Command-specific help text.
# ${NAME} command # Run a command with and without args.
# ${NAME} command foo bar baz=Baz qux='Qux arg here'
# Flag | Description
# ---- | -----------
# -V | Show version.
# -h | Show this screen.
# -j | Output raw JSON; don't process with jq.
# -q | Quiet; don't print to stdout.
# -r | Print current GitHub API rate limit to stderr.
# -v | Logging output; specify multiple times: info, debug, trace.
# -x | Enable xtrace debug logging.
# -y | Answer 'yes' to any prompts.
# Flags _must_ be the first argument to `${NAME}`, before `command`.
local cmd
local ret
local opt
local OPTARG
local OPTIND
local quiet=0
local temp_dir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/${NAME}.${$}.$(awk \
'BEGIN {srand(); printf "%d\n", rand() * 10^10}')"
local summary_fifo="${temp_dir}/oksh_summary.fifo"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
trap '
excode=$?; trap - EXIT;
exec 4>&-
exec 5>&-
exec 6>&-
rm -rf '"$temp_dir"'
exit $excode
while getopts Vhjqrvxy opt; do
case $opt in
V) printf 'Version: %s\n' $VERSION
h) help __main
printf '\nAvailable commands:\n\n'
_all_funcs private=0 | _cols
printf '\n'
j) NO_JQ=1;;
q) quiet=1;;
x) set -x;;
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
printf 'No command given. Available commands:\n\n%s\n' \
"$(_all_funcs private=0 | _cols)" 1>&2
exit 1
[ $OK_SH_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && exec 4>&2
[ $OK_SH_VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && exec 5>&2
if [ $quiet -eq 1 ]; then
exec 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ "$OK_SH_RATE_LIMIT" -eq 1 ] ; then
mkdir -m 700 "$temp_dir" || {
printf 'failed to create temp_dir\n' >&2; exit 1;
mkfifo "$summary_fifo"
# Hold the fifo open so it will buffer input until emptied.
exec 6<>"$summary_fifo"
# Run the command.
cmd="$1" && shift
_log debug "Running command ${cmd}."
"$cmd" "$@"
_log debug "Command ${cmd} exited with ${?}."
# Output any summary messages.
if [ "$OK_SH_RATE_LIMIT" -eq 1 ] ; then
cat "$summary_fifo" 1>&2 &
exec 6>&-
exit $ret
_log() {
# A lightweight logging system based on file descriptors
# Usage:
# _log debug 'Starting the combobulator!'
# Positional arguments
local level="${1:?Level is required.}"
# The level for a given log message. (info or debug)
local message="${2:?Message is required.}"
# The log message.
shift 2
local lname
case "$level" in
info) lname='INFO'; level=$LINFO ;;
debug) lname='DEBUG'; level=$LDEBUG ;;
*) printf 'Invalid logging level: %s\n' "$level" ;;
printf '%s %s: %s\n' "$NAME" "$lname" "$message" 1>&$level
_helptext() {
# Extract contiguous lines of comments and function params as help text
# Indentation will be ignored. She-bangs will be ignored. Local variable
# declarations and their default values can also be pulled in as
# documentation. Exits upon encountering the first blank line.
# Exported environment variables can be used for string interpolation in
# the extracted commented text.
# Input
# * (stdin)
# The text of a function body to parse.
awk '
NR != 1 && /^\s*#/ {
while(match(line, "[$]{[^}]*}")) {
var=substr(line, RSTART+2, RLENGTH -3)
gsub("[$]{"var"}", ENVIRON[var], line)
gsub(/^\s*#\s?/, "", line)
print line
/^\s*local/ {
sub(/^\s*local /, "")
sub(/\$\{/, "$", $0)
sub(/:.*}/, "", $0)
print "* `" $0 "`\n"
!NF { exit }'
# ### Request-response
# Functions for making HTTP requests and processing HTTP responses.
_format_json() {
# Create formatted JSON from name=value pairs
# Usage:
# ```
# ok.sh _format_json foo=Foo bar=123 baz=true qux=Qux=Qux quux='Multi-line
# string' quuz=\'5.20170918\' \
# corge="$(ok.sh _format_json grault=Grault)" \
# garply="$(ok.sh _format_json -a waldo true 3)"
# ```
# Return:
# ```
# {
# "garply": [
# "waldo",
# true,
# 3
# ],
# "foo": "Foo",
# "corge": {
# "grault": "Grault"
# },
# "baz": true,
# "qux": "Qux=Qux",
# "quux": "Multi-line\nstring",
# "quuz": "5.20170918",
# "bar": 123
# }
# ```
# Tries not to quote numbers, booleans, nulls, or nested structures.
# Note, nested structures must be quoted since the output contains spaces.
# The `-a` option will create an array instead of an object. This option
# must come directly after the _format_json command and before any
# operands. E.g., `_format_json -a foo bar baz`.
# If jq is installed it will also validate the output.
# Positional arguments
# * $1 - $9
# Each positional arg must be in the format of `name=value` which will be
# added to a single, flat JSON object.
local opt
local OPTIND
local is_array=0
local use_env=1
while getopts a opt; do
case $opt in
a) is_array=1; unset use_env;;
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
_log debug "Formatting ${#} parameters as JSON."
env -i -- ${use_env+"$@"} awk -v is_array="$is_array" '
function isnum(x){ return (x == x + 0) }
function isnull(x){ return (x == "null" ) }
function isbool(x){ if (x == "true" || x == "false") return 1 }
function isnested(x) { if (substr(x, 0, 1) == "[" \
|| substr(x, 0, 1) == "{") return 1 }
function castOrQuote(val) {
if (!isbool(val) && !isnum(val) && !isnull(val) && !isnested(val)) {
sub(/^('\''|")/, "", val) # Remove surrounding quotes
sub(/('\''|")$/, "", val)
gsub(/"/, "\\\"", val) # Escape double-quotes.
gsub(/\n/, "\\n", val) # Replace newlines with \n text.
val = "\"" val "\""
return val
} else {
return val
printf("%s", is_array ? "[" : "{")
for (i = 1; i < length(ARGV); i += 1) {
arg = ARGV[i]
if (is_array == 1) {
val = castOrQuote(arg)
printf("%s%s", sep, val)
} else {
name = substr(arg, 0, index(arg, "=") - 1)
val = castOrQuote(ENVIRON[name])
printf("%s\"%s\": %s", sep, name, val)
sep = ", "
ARGV[i] = ""
printf("%s", is_array ? "]" : "}")
}' "$@"
_format_urlencode() {
# URL encode and join name=value pairs
# Usage:
# ```
# _format_urlencode foo='Foo Foo' bar='&/Bar/'
# ```
# Return:
# ```
# foo=Foo%20Foo&bar=%3CBar%3E%26%2FBar%2F
# ```
# Ignores pairs if the value begins with an underscore.
_log debug "Formatting ${#} parameters as urlencoded"
env -i -- "$@" awk '
function escape(str, c, i, len, res) {
len = length(str)
res = ""
for (i = 1; i <= len; i += 1) {
c = substr(str, i, 1);
if (c ~ /[0-9A-Za-z]/)
res = res c
res = res "%" sprintf("%02X", ord[c])
return res
for (i = 0; i <= 255; i += 1) ord[sprintf("%c", i)] = i;
for (j = 1; j < length(ARGV); j += 1) {
arg = ARGV[j]
name = substr(arg, 0, index(arg, "=") - 1)
if (substr(name, 1, 1) == "_") continue
val = ENVIRON[name]
printf("%s%s=%s", sep, name, escape(val))
sep = "&"
ARGV[j] = ""
}' "$@"
_filter_json() {
# Filter JSON input using jq; outputs raw JSON if jq is not installed
# Usage:
# printf '[{"foo": "One"}, {"foo": "Two"}]' | \
# ok.sh _filter_json '.[] | "\(.foo)"'
# * (stdin)
# JSON input.
local _filter="$1"
# A string of jq filters to apply to the input stream.
_log debug 'Filtering JSON.'
if [ $NO_JQ -ne 0 ] ; then
_log debug 'Bypassing jq processing.'
"${OK_SH_JQ_BIN}" -c -r "${_filter}"
[ $? -eq 0 ] || printf 'jq parse error; invalid JSON.\n' 1>&2
_get_mime_type() {
# Guess the mime type for a file based on the file extension
# Usage:
# local mime_type
# _get_mime_type "foo.tar"; printf 'mime is: %s' "$mime_type"
# Sets the global variable `mime_type` with the result. (If this function
# is called from within a function that has declared a local variable of
# that name it will update the local copy and not set a global.)
# Positional arguments
local filename="${1:?Filename is required.}"
# The full name of the file, with extension.
# Taken from Apache's mime.types file (public domain).
case "$filename" in
*.bz2) mime_type=application/x-bzip2 ;;
*.exe) mime_type=application/x-msdownload ;;
*.tar.gz | *.gz | *.tgz) mime_type=application/x-gzip ;;
*.jpg | *.jpeg | *.jpe | *.jfif) mime_type=image/jpeg ;;
*.json) mime_type=application/json ;;
*.pdf) mime_type=application/pdf ;;
*.png) mime_type=image/png ;;
*.rpm) mime_type=application/x-rpm ;;
*.svg | *.svgz) mime_type=image/svg+xml ;;
*.tar) mime_type=application/x-tar ;;
*.txt) mime_type=text/plain ;;
*.yaml) mime_type=application/x-yaml ;;
*.apk) mime_type=application/vnd.android.package-archive ;;
*.zip) mime_type=application/zip ;;
*.jar) mime_type=application/java-archive ;;
*.war) mime_type=application/zip ;;
_log debug "Guessed mime type of '${mime_type}' for '${filename}'."
_get_confirm() {
# Prompt the user for confirmation
# Usage:
# local confirm; _get_confirm
# [ "$confirm" -eq 1 ] && printf 'Good to go!\n'
# If global confirmation is set via `$OK_SH_DESTRUCTIVE` then the user
# is not prompted. Assigns the user's confirmation to the `confirm` global
# variable. (If this function is called within a function that has a local
# variable of that name, the local variable will be updated instead.)
# Positional arguments
local message="${1:-Are you sure?}"
# The message to prompt the user with.
local answer
if [ "$OK_SH_DESTRUCTIVE" -eq 1 ] ; then
printf '%s ' "$message"
read -r answer
! printf '%s\n' "$answer" | grep -Eq "$(locale yesexpr)"
_opts_filter() {
# Extract common jq filter keyword options and assign to vars
# Usage:
# local filter
# _opts_filter "$@"
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(_filter=*) _filter="${arg#*=}";;
_opts_pagination() {
# Extract common pagination keyword options and assign to vars
# Usage:
# local _follow_next
# _opts_pagination "$@"
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(_follow_next=*) _follow_next="${arg#*=}";;
(_follow_next_limit=*) _follow_next_limit="${arg#*=}";;
_opts_qs() {
# Extract common query string keyword options and assign to vars
# Usage:
# local qs
# _opts_qs "$@"
# _get "/some/path${qs}"
local querystring=$(_format_urlencode "$@")
_request() {
# A wrapper around making HTTP requests with curl
# Usage:
# ```
# # Get JSON for all issues:
# _request /repos/saltstack/salt/issues
# # Send a POST request; parse response using jq:
# printf '{"title": "%s", "body": "%s"}\n' "Stuff" "Things" \
# | _request /some/path | jq -r '.[url]'
# # Send a PUT request; parse response using jq:
# printf '{"title": "%s", "body": "%s"}\n' "Stuff" "Things" \
# | _request /repos/:owner/:repo/issues method=PUT | jq -r '.[url]'
# # Send a conditional-GET request:
# _request /users etag=edd3a0d38d8c329d3ccc6575f17a76bb
# ```
# Input
# * (stdin)
# Data that will be used as the request body.
# Positional arguments
local path="${1:?Path is required.}"
# The URL path for the HTTP request.
# Must be an absolute path that starts with a `/` or a full URL that
# starts with http(s). Absolute paths will be append to the value in
# `$OK_SH_URL`.
# Keyword arguments
local method='GET'
# The method to use for the HTTP request.
local content_type='application/json'
# The value of the Content-Type header to use for the request.
local etag
# An optional Etag to send as the If-None-Match header.
shift 1
local cmd
local arg
local has_stdin
local trace_curl
case $path in
(http*) : ;;
*) path="${OK_SH_URL}${path}" ;;
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(method=*) method="${arg#*=}";;
(content_type=*) content_type="${arg#*=}";;
(etag=*) etag="${arg#*=}";;
case "$method" in
POST | PUT | PATCH) has_stdin=1;;
[ $OK_SH_VERBOSE -eq 3 ] && trace_curl=1
[ "$OK_SH_VERBOSE" -eq 1 ] && set -x
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
curl -nsSig \
-H "Accept: ${OK_SH_ACCEPT}" \
-H "Content-Type: ${content_type}" \
${GITHUB_TOKEN:+-H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"} \
${etag:+-H "If-None-Match: \"${etag}\""} \
${has_stdin:+--data-binary @-} \
${trace_curl:+--trace-ascii /dev/stderr} \
-X "${method}" \
set +x
_response() {
# Process an HTTP response from curl
# Output only headers of interest followed by the response body. Additional
# processing is performed on select headers to make them easier to parse
# using shell tools.
# Usage:
# ```
# # Send a request; output the response and only select response headers:
# _request /some/path | _response status_code ETag Link_next
# # Make request using curl; output response with select response headers;
# # assign response headers to local variables:
# curl -isS example.com/some/path | _response status_code status_text | {
# local status_code status_text
# read -r status_code
# read -r status_text
# }
# ```
# Header reformatting
# * HTTP Status
# The HTTP line is split into separate `http_version`, `status_code`, and
# `status_text` variables.
# * ETag
# The surrounding quotes are removed.
# * Link
# Each URL in the Link header is expanded with the URL type appended to
# the name. E.g., `Link_first`, `Link_last`, `Link_next`.
# Positional arguments
# * $1 - $9
# Each positional arg is the name of an HTTP header. Each header value is
# output in the same order as each argument; each on a single line. A
# blank line is output for headers that cannot be found.
local hdr
local val
local http_version
local status_code=100
local status_text
local headers output
_log debug 'Processing response.'
while [ "${status_code}" = "100" ]; do
read -r http_version status_code status_text
_log debug "Response status is: ${status_code} ${status_text}"
if [ "${status_code}" = "100" ]; then
_log debug "Ignoring response '${status_code} ${status_text}', skipping to real response."
while IFS=": " read -r hdr val; do
# Headers stop at the first blank line.
[ "$hdr" = "$crlf" ] && break
_log debug "Unexpected additional header: ${hdr}: ${val}"
headers="http_version: ${http_version}
status_code: ${status_code}
status_text: ${status_text}
while IFS=": " read -r hdr val; do
# Headers stop at the first blank line.
[ "$hdr" = "$crlf" ] && break
# Process each header; reformat some to work better with sh tools.
case "$hdr" in
# Update the GitHub rate limit trackers.
printf 'GitHub remaining requests: %s\n' "$val" 1>&$LSUMMARY ;;
awk -v gh_reset="$val" 'BEGIN {
srand(); curtime = srand()
print "GitHub seconds to reset: " gh_reset - curtime
}' 1>&$LSUMMARY ;;
# Remove quotes from the etag header.
ETag) val="${val#\"}"; val="${val%\"}" ;;
# Split the URLs in the Link header into separate pseudo-headers.
Link) headers="${headers}$(printf '%s' "$val" | awk '
BEGIN { RS=", "; FS="; "; OFS=": " }
sub(/^rel="/, "", $2); sub(/"$/, "", $2)
sub(/^ *, "", $1); sub(/>$/, "", $1)
print "Link_" $2, $1
" # need trailing newline
headers="${headers}${hdr}: ${val}
" # need trailing newline
# Output requested headers in deterministic order.
for arg in "$@"; do
_log debug "Outputting requested header '${arg}'."
output=$(printf '%s' "$headers" | while IFS=": " read -r hdr val; do
[ "$hdr" = "$arg" ] && printf '%s' "$val"
printf '%s\n' "$output"
# Output the response body.
_get() {
# A wrapper around _request() for common GET patterns
# Will automatically follow 'next' pagination URLs in the Link header.
# Usage:
# _get /some/path
# _get /some/path _follow_next=0
# _get /some/path _follow_next_limit=200 | jq -c .
# Positional arguments
local path="${1:?Path is required.}"
# The HTTP path or URL to pass to _request().
# Keyword arguments
# * _follow_next=1
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
# * _follow_next_limit=50
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
shift 1
local status_code
local status_text
local next_url
# If the variable is unset or empty set it to a default value. Functions
# that call this function can pass these parameters in one of two ways:
# explicitly as a keyword arg or implicitly by setting variables of the same
# names within the local scope.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if [ -z ${_follow_next+x} ] || [ -z "${_follow_next}" ]; then
local _follow_next=1
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if [ -z ${_follow_next_limit+x} ] || [ -z "${_follow_next_limit}" ]; then
local _follow_next_limit=50
_opts_pagination "$@"
_request "$path" | _response status_code status_text Link_next | {
read -r status_code
read -r status_text
read -r next_url
case "$status_code" in
20*) : ;;
4*) printf 'Client Error: %s %s\n' \
"$status_code" "$status_text" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
5*) printf 'Server Error: %s %s\n' \
"$status_code" "$status_text" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
# Output response body.
[ "$_follow_next" -eq 1 ] || return
_log info "Remaining next link follows: ${_follow_next_limit}"
if [ -n "$next_url" ] && [ $_follow_next_limit -gt 0 ] ; then
_follow_next_limit=$(( _follow_next_limit - 1 ))
_get "$next_url" "_follow_next_limit=${_follow_next_limit}"
_post() {
# A wrapper around _request() for common POST / PUT patterns
# Usage:
# _format_json foo=Foo bar=Bar | _post /some/path
# _format_json foo=Foo bar=Bar | _post /some/path method='PUT'
# _post /some/path filename=somearchive.tar
# _post /some/path filename=somearchive.tar mime_type=application/x-tar
# _post /some/path filename=somearchive.tar \
# mime_type=$(file -b --mime-type somearchive.tar)
# Input
# * (stdin)
# Optional. See the `filename` argument also.
# Data that will be used as the request body.
# Positional arguments
local path="${1:?Path is required.}"
# The HTTP path or URL to pass to _request().
# Keyword arguments
local method='POST'
# The method to use for the HTTP request.
local filename
# Optional. See the `stdin` option above also.
# Takes precedence over any data passed as stdin and loads a file off the
# file system to serve as the request body.
local mime_type
# The value of the Content-Type header to use for the request.
# If the `filename` argument is given this value will be guessed from the
# file extension. If the `filename` argument is not given (i.e., using
# stdin) this value defaults to `application/json`. Specifying this
# argument overrides all other defaults or guesses.
shift 1
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(method=*) method="${arg#*=}";;
(filename=*) filename="${arg#*=}";;
(mime_type=*) mime_type="${arg#*=}";;
# Make either the file or stdin available as fd7.
if [ -n "$filename" ] ; then
if [ -r "$filename" ] ; then
_log debug "Using '${filename}' as POST data."
[ -n "$mime_type" ] || _get_mime_type "$filename"
: ${mime_type:?The MIME type could not be guessed.}
exec 7<"$filename"
printf 'File could not be found or read.\n' 1>&2
exit 1
_log debug "Using stdin as POST data."
exec 7<&0
_request "$path" method="$method" content_type="$mime_type" 0<&7 \
| _response status_code status_text \
| {
read -r status_code
read -r status_text
case "$status_code" in
20*) : ;;
4*) printf 'Client Error: %s %s\n' \
"$status_code" "$status_text" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
5*) printf 'Server Error: %s %s\n' \
"$status_code" "$status_text" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
# Output response body.
_delete() {
# A wrapper around _request() for common DELETE patterns
# Usage:
# _delete '/some/url'
# Return: 0 for success; 1 for failure.
# Positional arguments
local url="${1:?URL is required.}"
# The URL to send the DELETE request to.
local status_code
_request "${url}" method='DELETE' | _response status_code | {
read -r status_code
[ "$status_code" = "204" ]
exit $?
# ## GitHub
# Friendly functions for common GitHub tasks.
# ### Authorization
# Perform authentication and authorization.
show_scopes() {
# Show the permission scopes for the currently authenticated user
# Usage:
# show_scopes
local oauth_scopes
_request '/' | _response X-OAuth-Scopes | {
read -r oauth_scopes
printf '%s\n' "$oauth_scopes"
# Dump any remaining response body.
cat >/dev/null
# ### Repository
# Create, update, delete, list repositories.
org_repos() {
# List organization repositories
# Usage:
# org_repos myorg
# org_repos myorg type=private per_page=10
# org_repos myorg _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.owner.login)"'
# Positional arguments
local org="${1:?Org name required.}"
# Organization GitHub login or id for which to list repos.
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.ssh_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `per_page`
# * `type`
shift 1
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/orgs/${org}/repos${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
org_teams() {
# List teams
# Usage:
# org_teams org
# Positional arguments
local org="${1:?Org name required.}"
# Organization GitHub login or id.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.id)\t\(.permission)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/orgs/${org}/teams" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
org_members() {
# List organization members
# Usage:
# org_members org
# Positional arguments
local org="${1:?Org name required.}"
# Organization GitHub login or id.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/orgs/${org}/members" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
team_members() {
# List team members
# Usage:
# team_members team_id
# Positional arguments
local team_id="${1:?Team id required.}"
# Team id.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/teams/${team_id}/members" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_repos() {
# List user repositories
# Usage:
# list_repos
# list_repos user
# Positional arguments
local user="$1"
# Optional GitHub user login or id for which to list repos.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `per_page`
# * `sort`
# * `type`
shift 1
local qs
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
if [ -n "$user" ] ; then
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_branches() {
# List branches of a specified repository.
# ( https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list_branches )
# Usage:
# list_branches user repo
# Positional arguments
# GitHub user login or id for which to list branches
# Name of the repo for which to list branches
local user="${1:?User name required.}"
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
shift 2
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `per_page`
# * `sort`
# * `type`
local qs
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_contributors() {
# List contributors to the specified repository, sorted by the number of commits per contributor in descending order.
# ( https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-contributors )
# Usage:
# list_contributors user repo
# Positional arguments
local user="${1:?User name required.}"
# GitHub user login or id for which to list contributors
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the repo for which to list contributors
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.type)\tType:\(.type)\tContributions:\(.contributions)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `per_page`
# * `sort`
# * `type`
shift 2
local qs
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_collaborators() {
# List collaborators to the specified repository, sorted by the number of commits per collaborator in descending order.
# ( https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-collaborators )
# Usage:
# list_collaborators someuser/somerepo
# Positional arguments
# GitHub user login or id for which to list collaborators
# Name of the repo for which to list collaborators
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.type)\tType:\(.type)\tPermissions:\(.permissions)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `per_page`
# * `sort`
# * `type`
shift 1
local qs
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_hooks() {
# List webhooks from the specified repository.
# ( https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/#list-hooks )
# Usage:
# list_hooks owner/repo
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the repo for which to list contributors
# Owner is mandatory, like 'owner/repo'
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.config.url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "${url}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_gists() {
# List gists for the current authenticated user or a specific user
# https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#list-a-users-gists
# Usage:
# list_gists
# list_gists
# Positional arguments
local username="$1"
# An optional user to filter listing
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.id)\t\(.description)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
local url
case "$username" in
('') url='/gists';;
(*=*) url='/gists';;
(*) url="/users/${username}/gists"; shift 1;;
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "${url}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
public_gists() {
# List public gists
# https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#list-all-public-gists
# Usage:
# public_gists
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.id)\t\(.description)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_get '/gists/public' | _filter_json "${_filter}"
gist() {
# Get a single gist
# https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#get-a-single-gist
# Usage:
# get_gist
# Positional arguments
local gist_id="${1:?Gist ID required.}"
# ID of gist to fetch.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.files | keys | join(", ")'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/gists/${gist_id}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
add_collaborator() {
# Add a collaborator to a repository
# Usage:
# add_collaborator someuser/somerepo collaboratoruser permission
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local collaborator="${2:?Collaborator name required.}"
# A new collaborator.
local permission="${3:?Permission required. One of: push pull admin}"
# The permission level for this collaborator. One of `push`, `pull`,
# `admin`. The `pull` and `admin` permissions are valid for organization
# repos only.
case $permission in
push|pull|admin) :;;
*) printf 'Permission invalid: %s\nMust be one of: push pull admin\n' \
"$permission" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.color)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json permission="$permission" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/collaborators/${collaborator}" method='PUT' \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
delete_collaborator() {
# Delete a collaborator to a repository
# Usage:
# delete_collaborator someuser/somerepo collaboratoruser permission
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local collaborator="${2:?Collaborator name required.}"
# A new collaborator.
shift 2
local confirm
_get_confirm 'This will permanently delete the collaborator from this repo. Continue?'
[ "$confirm" -eq 1 ] || exit 0
_delete "/repos/${repo}/collaborators/${collaborator}"
exit $?
create_repo() {
# Create a repository for a user or organization
# Usage:
# create_repo foo
# create_repo bar description='Stuff and things' homepage='example.com'
# create_repo baz organization=myorg
# Positional arguments
local name="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the new repo
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `auto_init`,
# * `description`
# * `gitignore_template`
# * `has_downloads`
# * `has_issues`
# * `has_wiki`,
# * `homepage`
# * `organization`
# * `private`
# * `team_id`
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
local url
local organization
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
(organization=*) organization="${arg#*=}";;
if [ -n "$organization" ] ; then
_format_json "name=${name}" "$@" | _post "$url" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
delete_repo() {
# Delete a repository for a user or organization
# Usage:
# delete_repo owner repo
# The currently authenticated user must have the `delete_repo` scope. View
# current scopes with the `show_scopes()` function.
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# Name of the new repo
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the new repo
shift 2
local confirm
_get_confirm 'This will permanently delete a repository! Continue?'
[ "$confirm" -eq 1 ] || exit 0
_delete "/repos/${owner}/${repo}"
exit $?
fork_repo() {
# Fork a repository from a user or organization to own account or organization
# Usage:
# fork_repo owner repo
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# Name of existing user or organization
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the existing repo
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.clone_url)\t\(.ssh_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `organization` (The organization to clone into; default: your personal account)
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "$@" | _post "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/forks" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
exit $? # might take a bit time...
# ### Releases
# Create, update, delete, list releases.
list_releases() {
# List releases for a repository
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#list-releases-for-a-repository
# Usage:
# list_releases org repo '\(.assets[0].name)\t\(.name.id)'
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.tag_name)\t\(.id)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
release() {
# Get a release
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#get-a-single-release
# Usage:
# release user repo 1087855
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local release_id="${3:?Release ID required.}"
# The unique ID of the release; see list_releases.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.author.login)\t\(.published_at)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
create_release() {
# Create a release
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#create-a-release
# Usage:
# create_release org repo v1.2.3
# create_release user repo v3.2.1 draft=true
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local tag_name="${3:?Tag name required.}"
# Git tag from which to create release.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.id)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `body`
# * `draft`
# * `name`
# * `prerelease`
# * `target_commitish`
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "tag_name=${tag_name}" "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
edit_release() {
# Edit a release
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#edit-a-release
# Usage:
# edit_release org repo 1087855 name='Foo Bar 1.4.6'
# edit_release user repo 1087855 draft=false
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local release_id="${3:?Release ID required.}"
# The unique ID of the release; see list_releases.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.tag_name)\t\(.name)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `tag_name`
# * `body`
# * `draft`
# * `name`
# * `prerelease`
# * `target_commitish`
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}" method="PATCH" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
delete_release() {
# Delete a release
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#delete-a-release
# Usage:
# delete_release org repo 1087855
# Return: 0 for success; 1 for failure.
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local release_id="${3:?Release ID required.}"
# The unique ID of the release; see list_releases.
shift 3
local confirm
_get_confirm 'This will permanently delete a release. Continue?'
[ "$confirm" -eq 1 ] || exit 0
_delete "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}"
exit $?
release_assets() {
# List release assets
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#list-assets-for-a-release
# Usage:
# release_assets user repo 1087855
# Example of downloading release assets:
# ok.sh release_assets \
# _filter='.[] | .browser_download_url' \
# | xargs -L1 curl -L -O
# Example of the multi-step process for grabbing the release ID for
# a specific version, then grabbing the release asset IDs, and then
# downloading all the release assets (whew!):
# username='myuser'
# repo='myrepo'
# release_tag='v1.2.3'
# ok.sh list_releases "$myuser" "$myrepo" \
# | awk -F'\t' -v tag="$release_tag" '$2 == tag { print $3 }' \
# | xargs -I{} ./ok.sh release_assets "$myuser" "$myrepo" {} \
# _filter='.[] | .browser_download_url' \
# | xargs -L1 curl -n -L -O
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub user or organization.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local release_id="${3:?Release ID required.}"
# The unique ID of the release; see list_releases.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='.[] | "\(.id)\t\(.name)\t\(.updated_at)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}/assets" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
upload_asset() {
# Upload a release asset
# https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#upload-a-release-asset
# Usage:
# upload_asset https:// /path/to/file.zip
# The upload URL can be gotten from `release()`. There are multiple steps
# required to upload a file: get the release ID, get the upload URL, parse
# the upload URL, then finally upload the file. For example:
# ```sh
# USER="someuser"
# REPO="somerepo"
# TAG="1.2.3"
# FILE_NAME="foo.zip"
# FILE_PATH="/path/to/foo.zip"
# # Create a release then upload a file:
# ok.sh create_release "$USER" "$REPO" "$TAG" _filter='.upload_url' \
# | sed 's/{.*$/?name='"$FILE_NAME"'/' \
# | xargs -I@ ok.sh upload_asset @ "$FILE_PATH"
# # Find a release by tag then upload a file:
# ok.sh list_releases "$USER" "$REPO" \
# | awk -v "tag=$TAG" -F'\t' '$2 == tag { print $3 }' \
# | xargs -I@ ok.sh release "$USER" "$REPO" @ _filter='.upload_url' \
# | sed 's/{.*$/?name='"$FILE_NAME"'/' \
# | xargs -I@ ok.sh upload_asset @ "$FILE_PATH"
# ```
# Positional arguments
local upload_url="${1:?upload_url is required.}"
# The _parsed_ upload_url returned from GitHub.
local file_path="${2:?file_path is required.}"
# A path to the file that should be uploaded.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.state)\t\(.browser_download_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Also any other keyword arguments accepted by `_post()`.
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_post "$upload_url" filename="$file_path" "$@" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
# ### Issues
# Create, update, edit, delete, list issues and milestones.
list_milestones() {
# List milestones for a repository
# Usage:
# list_milestones someuser/somerepo
# list_milestones someuser/somerepo state=closed
# Positional arguments
local repository="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.number)\t\(.open_issues)/\(.closed_issues)\t\(.title)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# GitHub querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `per_page`
# * `sort`
# * `state`
shift 1
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/repos/${repository}/milestones${qs}" | _filter_json "$_filter"
create_milestone() {
# Create a milestone for a repository
# Usage:
# create_milestone someuser/somerepo MyMilestone
# create_milestone someuser/somerepo MyMilestone \
# due_on=2015-06-16T16:54:00Z \
# description='Long description here
# that spans multiple lines.'
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local title="${2:?Milestone name required.}"
# A unique title.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.number)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Milestone options may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `description`
# * `due_on`
# * `state`
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json title="$title" "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/milestones" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
add_comment() {
# Add a comment to an issue
# Usage:
# add_comment someuser/somerepo 123 'This is a comment'
# Positional arguments
local repository="${1:?Repo name required}"
# A GitHub repository
local number="${2:?Issue number required}"
# Issue Number
local comment="${3:?Comment required}"
# Comment to be added
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.id)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json body="$comment" \
| _post "/repos/${repository}/issues/${number}/comments" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
add_commit_comment() {
# Add a comment to a commit
# Usage:
# add_commit_comment someuser/somerepo 123 'This is a comment'
# Positional arguments
local repository="${1:?Repo name required}"
# A GitHub repository
local hash="${2:?Commit hash required}"
# Commit hash
local comment="${3:?Comment required}"
# Comment to be added
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.id)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json body="$comment" \
| _post "/repos/${repository}/commits/${hash}/comments" \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
close_issue() {
# Close an issue
# Usage:
# close_issue someuser/somerepo 123
# Positional arguments
local repository="${1:?Repo name required}"
# A GitHub repository
local number="${2:?Issue number required}"
# Issue Number
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.id)\t\(.state)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `assignee`
# * `labels`
# * `milestone`
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json state="closed" "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${repository}/issues/${number}" method='PATCH' \
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_issues() {
# List issues for the authenticated user or repository
# Usage:
# list_issues
# list_issues someuser/somerepo
# list_issues state=closed labels=foo,bar
# Positional arguments
# user or user/repository
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.number)\t\(.title)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# GitHub querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `assignee`
# * `creator`
# * `direction`
# * `labels`
# * `mentioned`
# * `milestone`
# * `per_page`
# * `since`
# * `sort`
# * `state`
local url
local qs
case $1 in
('') url='/user/issues' ;;
(*=*) url='/user/issues' ;;
(*/*) url="/repos/${1}/issues"; shift 1 ;;
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "$_filter"
user_issues() {
# List all issues across owned and member repositories for the authenticated user
# Usage:
# user_issues
# user_issues since=2015-60-11T00:09:00Z
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.repository.full_name)\t\(.number)\t\(.title)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# GitHub querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `filter`
# * `labels`
# * `per_page`
# * `since`
# * `sort`
# * `state`
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/issues${qs}" | _filter_json "$_filter"
create_issue() {
# Create an issue
# Usage:
# create_issue owner repo 'Issue title' body='Add multiline body
# content here' labels="$(./ok.sh _format_json -a foo bar)"
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local title="${3:?Issue title required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.id)\t\(.number)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Additional issue fields may be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `body` (string)
# * `assignee` (string)
# * `milestone` (integer)
# * `labels` (array of strings)
# * `assignees` (array of strings)
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json title="$title" "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/issues" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
org_issues() {
# List all issues for a given organization for the authenticated user
# Usage:
# org_issues someorg
# Positional arguments
local org="${1:?Organization name required.}"
# Organization GitHub login or id.
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.number)\t\(.title)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# GitHub querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `direction`
# * `filter`
# * `labels`
# * `per_page`
# * `since`
# * `sort`
# * `state`
shift 1
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/orgs/${org}/issues${qs}" | _filter_json "$_filter"
list_my_orgs() {
# List your organizations
# Usage:
# list_my_orgs
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/user/orgs" | _filter_json "$_filter"
list_orgs() {
# List all organizations
# Usage:
# list_orgs
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
local qs
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_opts_qs "$@"
_get "/organizations" | _filter_json "$_filter"
labels() {
# List available labels for a repository
# Usage:
# labels someuser/somerepo
# Positional arguments
local repo="$1"
# A GitHub repository.
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.color)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/repos/${repo}/labels" | _filter_json "$_filter"
add_label() {
# Add a label to a repository
# Usage:
# add_label someuser/somerepo LabelName color
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local label="${2:?Label name required.}"
# A new label.
local color="${3:?Hex color required.}"
# A color, in hex, without the leading `#`.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.color)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json name="$label" color="$color" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/labels" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
update_label() {
# Update a label
# Usage:
# update_label someuser/somerepo OldLabelName \
# label=NewLabel color=newcolor
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local label="${2:?Label name required.}"
# The name of the label which will be updated
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.color)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Label options may also be passed as keyword arguments, these will update
# the existing values:
# * `color`
# * `name`
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/labels/${label}" method='PATCH' \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
add_team_repo() {
# Add a team repository
# Usage:
# add_team_repo team_id organization repository_name permission
# Positional arguments
local team_id="${1:?Team id required.}"
# Team id to add repository to
local organization="${2:?Organization required.}"
# Organization to add repository to
local repository_name="${3:?Repository name required.}"
# Repository name to add
local permission="${4:?Permission required.}"
# Permission to grant: pull, push, admin
local url="/teams/${team_id}/repos/${organization}/${repository_name}"
export OK_SH_ACCEPT="application/vnd.github.ironman-preview+json"
_format_json "name=${name}" "permission=${permission}" | _post "$url" method='PUT' | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_pulls() {
# Lists the pull requests for a repository
# Usage:
# list_pulls user repo
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner required.}"
# A GitHub owner.
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
# Keyword arguments
local _follow_next
# Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
local _follow_next_limit
# Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
local _filter='.[] | "\(.number)\t\(.user.login)\t\(.head.repo.clone_url)\t\(.head.ref)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
_opts_pagination "$@"
_opts_filter "$@"
_get "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls" | _filter_json "$_filter"
create_pull_request() {
# Create a pull request for a repository
# Usage:
# create_pull_request someuser/somerepo title head base
# create_pull_request someuser/somerepo title head base body='Description here.'
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local title="${2:?Pull request title required.}"
# A title.
local head="${3:?Pull request head required.}"
# A head.
local base="${4:?Pull request base required.}"
# A base.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.number)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Pull request options may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `body`
# * `maintainer_can_modify`
shift 4
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json title="$title" head="$head" base="$base" "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/pulls" \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
update_pull_request() {
# Update a pull request for a repository
# Usage:
# update_pull_request someuser/somerepo number title='New title' body='New body'
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local number="${2:?Pull request number required.}"
# A pull request number.
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.number)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# Pull request options may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `base`
# * `body`
# * `maintainer_can_modify`
# * `state` (either open or closed)
# * `title`
shift 2
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "$@" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}/pulls/${number}" method='PATCH' \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
transfer_repo() {
# Transfer a repository to a user or organization
# Usage:
# transfer_repo owner repo new_owner
# transfer_repo owner repo new_owner team_ids='[ 12, 345 ]'
# Positional arguments
local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
# Name of the current owner
local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
# Name of the current repo
local new_owner="${3:?New owner name required.}"
# Name of the new owner
# Keyword arguments
local _filter='"\(.name)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
# POST data may also be passed as keyword arguments:
# * `team_ids`
shift 3
_opts_filter "$@"
export OK_SH_ACCEPT='application/vnd.github.nightshade-preview+json'
_format_json "new_owner=${new_owner}" "$@" | _post "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/transfer" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
archive_repo() {
# Archive a repo
# Usage:
# archive_repo owner/repo
# Positional arguments
local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
# A GitHub repository.
local _filter='"\(.name)\t\(.html_url)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
_format_json "archived=true" \
| _post "/repos/${repo}" method='PATCH' \
| _filter_json "$_filter"
__main "$@"