Gitblit ================= Gitblit is an open source, pure Java Git solution for managing, viewing, and serving [Git]( repositories. More information about Gitblit can be found [here]( [  ]( License ------- Gitblit is distributed under the terms of the [Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0]( The text of the license is included in the file LICENSE in the root of the project. Java Runtime Requirement ------------------------------------ Gitblit requires at Java 7 Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java 7 Development Kit (JDK). Getting help ------------ Read the online documentation available at the [Gitblit website]( Issues, binaries, & sources @ [Google Code]( Building Gitblit ---------------- [Eclipse]( is recommended for development as the project settings are preconfigured. 1. Import the gitblit project into your Eclipse workspace. *There will be lots of build errors.* 2. Using Ant, execute the `build.xml` script in the project root. *This will download all necessary build dependencies and will also generate the Keys class for accessing settings.* 3. Select your gitblit project root and **Refresh** the project, this should correct all build problems. 4. Using JUnit, execute the `com.gitblit.tests.GitBlitSuite` test suite. *This will clone some repositories from the web and run through the unit tests.* 5. Execute the *com.gitblit.GitBlitServer* class to start Gitblit GO. Building Tips & Tricks ---------------------- 1. If you are running Ant from an ANSI-capable console, consider setting the `MX_COLOR` environment variable before executing Ant.
set MX_COLOR=true2. The build script will honor your Maven proxy settings. If you need to fine-tune this, please review the [settings.moxie]( documentation.