## Setup and Configuration
1. Download and unzip Git:Blit.
*Its best to eliminate spaces in the path name as that can cause troubleshooting headaches.*
2. The server itself is configured through a simple text file.
Open `gitblit.properties` in your favorite text editor and make sure to review and set:
- *git.repositoryFolder*
- *server.tempFolder*
- *server.httpBindInterface* and *server.httpsBindInterface*
- *server.storePassword*
Its recommended to use **https** wherever possible instead of http because passwords are transmitted as clear text!
3. Execute `gitblit.cmd` or `java -jar gitblit.jar` from a command-line
4. Wait a minute or two while all dependencies are downloaded and your self-signed certificate is generated.
5. Open your browser to or depending on your chosen configuration.
6. Click the *Login* link and enter the default administrator credentials: **admin / admin**
Make sure to change the administrator username and/or password!!
### Administering Repositories
Repositories can be created, edited, and deleted through the web UI. They may also be created, edited, and deleted from the command-line using real Git or your favorite file manager and text editor.
All repository settings are stored within the repository `.git/config` file under the *gitblit* section.
description = master repository
owner = Joe Owner
useTickets = false
useDocs = true
showRemoteBranches = false
accessRestriction = clone
#### Repository Names
Repository names must be unique and are case-insensitive. The name must be composed of letters, digits, or `/ _ - .`
Whitespace is illegal.
### Administering Users
In contrast, all users are stored in the `users.properties` file or in the file your specified in `gitblit.properties`.
The format of `users.properties` follows Jetty's convention for HashRealms:
#### Usernames
Usernames must be unique and are case-insensitive.
Whitespace is illegal.
#### Passwords
User passwords are CASE-SENSITIVE and may be *plain*, *md5*, or *crypt* formatted (see `gitblit.properties` -> *realm.passwordStorage*).
#### User Roles
There is only one actual *role* in Git:Blit and that is *#admin* which grants administrative powers to that user. Administrators automatically have access to all repositories. All other *roles* are actually repository names. If a repository is access-restricted, the user must have the repository's name within his/her roles to bypass the access restriction. This is how users are granted access to a restricted repository.
### Creating your own Self-Signed Certificate
Review the contents of the `makekeystore.cmd` or `makekeystore_jdk.cmd`script and execute it. Voila.
### Running as a Service
Review the contents of the `installService.cmd` or `installService64.cmd`, as appropriate for your JVM.
Set the *JDK* variable in the script to the location of your JDK, add any necessary start parameters, and execute the script.
#### Command-Line Parameters
--tempFolder Server temp folder
--repositoriesFolder Git Repositories Folder
--realmFile Users Realm Hash File
--useNio Use NIO Connector else use Socket Connector.
--httpPort HTTP port for to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)
--httpsPort HTTPS port to serve. (port <= 0 will disable this connector)
--storePassword Password for SSL (https) keystore.
--shutdownPort Port for Shutdown Monitor to listen on. (port <= 0 will disable this monitor)
java -jar gitblit.jar --realmFile c:\myrealm.txt --storePassword something