# Git Repository Settings

# Base folder for repositories
# Use forward slashes even on Windows!!
# e.g. c:/gitrepos
# SINCE 0.5.0
git.repositoriesFolder = ${baseFolder}/git

# Search the repositories folder subfolders for other repositories.
# Repositories MAY NOT be nested (i.e. one repository within another)
# but they may be grouped together in subfolders.
# e.g. c:/gitrepos/libraries/mylibrary.git
#      c:/gitrepos/libraries/myotherlibrary.git
# SINCE 0.5.0
git.searchRepositoriesSubfolders = true

# Your federation name is used for federation status acknowledgments.  If it is
# unset, and you elect to send a status acknowledgment, your Gitblit instance
# will be identified by its hostname, if available, else your internal ip address.
# The source Gitblit instance will also append your external IP address to your
# identification to differentiate multiple pulling systems behind a single proxy.
# SINCE 0.6.0
federation.name =

# Federation pull registrations
# Registrations are read once, at startup.
# frequency:
#   The shortest frequency allowed is every 5 minutes
#   Decimal frequency values are cast to integers
#   Frequency values may be specified in mins, hours, or days
#   Values that can not be parsed or are unspecified default to *federation.defaultFrequency*
# folder:
#   if unspecified, the folder is *git.repositoriesFolder*
#   if specified, the folder is relative to *git.repositoriesFolder*
# bare:
#   if true, each repository will be created as a *bare* repository and will not
#   have a working directory.
#   if false, each repository will be created as a normal repository suitable
#   for local work.
# mirror:
#   if true, each repository HEAD is reset to *origin/master* after each pull.
#   The repository will be flagged *isFrozen* after the initial clone.
#   if false, each repository HEAD will point to the FETCH_HEAD of the initial
#   clone from the origin until pushed to or otherwise manipulated.
# mergeAccounts:
#   if true, remote accounts and their permissions are merged into your 
#   users.properties file 
# notifyOnError:
#   if true and the mail configuration is properly set, administrators will be
#   notified by email of pull failures
# include and exclude:
#   Space-delimited list of repositories to include or exclude from pull
#   may be * wildcard to include or exclude all
#   may use fuzzy match (e.g. org.eclipse.*)

# (Nearly) Perfect Mirror example

#federation.example1.url = https://go.gitblit.com
#federation.example1.token = 6f3b8a24bf970f17289b234284c94f43eb42f0e4
#federation.example1.frequency = 120 mins
#federation.example1.folder =
#federation.example1.bare = true 
#federation.example1.mirror = true 
#federation.example1.mergeAccounts = true