/* * Copyright 2013 gitblit.com. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gitblit.models; import java.io.Serializable; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.ReceiveCommand; import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils; /** * Model class to represent a push into a repository. * * @author James Moger */ public class RefLogEntry implements Serializable, Comparable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final String repository; public final Date date; public final UserModel user; private final Set commits; protected final Map refUpdates; protected final Map refIdChanges; private int authorCount; /** * Constructor for specified duration of push from start date. * * @param repository * the repository that received the push * @param date * the date of the push * @param user * the user who pushed */ public RefLogEntry(String repository, Date date, UserModel user) { this.repository = repository; this.date = date; this.user = user; this.commits = new LinkedHashSet(); this.refUpdates = new HashMap(); this.refIdChanges = new HashMap(); this.authorCount = -1; } /** * Tracks the change type for the specified ref. * * @param ref * @param type */ public void updateRef(String ref, ReceiveCommand.Type type) { if (!refUpdates.containsKey(ref)) { refUpdates.put(ref, type); } } /** * Tracks the change type for the specified ref. * * @param ref * @param type * @param oldId * @param newId */ public void updateRef(String ref, ReceiveCommand.Type type, String oldId, String newId) { if (!refUpdates.containsKey(ref)) { refUpdates.put(ref, type); refIdChanges.put(ref, oldId + "-" + newId); } } /** * Returns the old id of a ref. * * @param ref * @return the old id */ public String getOldId(String ref) { String change = refIdChanges.get(ref); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(change)) { return null; } return change.split("-")[0]; } /** * Returns the new id of a ref * * @param ref * @return the new id */ public String getNewId(String ref) { String change = refIdChanges.get(ref); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(change)) { return null; } return change.split("-")[1]; } /** * Returns the change type of the ref change. * * @param ref * @return the change type for the ref */ public ReceiveCommand.Type getChangeType(String ref) { ReceiveCommand.Type type = refUpdates.get(ref); return type; } /** * Adds a commit to the push entry object as long as the commit is not a * duplicate. * * @param branch * @param commit * @return a RepositoryCommit, if one was added. Null if this is duplicate * commit */ public RepositoryCommit addCommit(String branch, RevCommit commit) { RepositoryCommit commitModel = new RepositoryCommit(repository, branch, commit); if (commits.add(commitModel)) { authorCount = -1; return commitModel; } return null; } /** * Adds a commit to the push entry object as long as the commit is not a * duplicate. * * @param branch * @param commit * @return a RepositoryCommit, if one was added. Null if this is duplicate * commit */ public RepositoryCommit addCommit(RepositoryCommit commit) { if (commits.add(commit)) { authorCount = -1; return commit; } return null; } /** * Adds a a list of repository commits. This is used to construct discrete * ref push log entries * * @param commits */ public void addCommits(List list) { commits.addAll(list); authorCount = -1; } /** * Returns true if this push contains a non-fastforward ref update. * * @return true if this is a non-fastforward push */ public boolean isNonFastForward() { for (Map.Entry entry : refUpdates.entrySet()) { if (ReceiveCommand.Type.UPDATE_NONFASTFORWARD.equals(entry.getValue())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns true if this ref has been rewound. * * @param ref * @return true if this is a non-fastforward ref update */ public boolean isNonFastForward(String ref) { ReceiveCommand.Type type = refUpdates.get(ref); if (type == null) { return false; } return ReceiveCommand.Type.UPDATE_NONFASTFORWARD.equals(type); } /** * Returns true if this ref has been deleted. * * @param ref * @return true if this is a delete ref update */ public boolean isDelete(String ref) { ReceiveCommand.Type type = refUpdates.get(ref); if (type == null) { return false; } return ReceiveCommand.Type.DELETE.equals(type); } /** * Returns the list of refs changed by the push. * * @return a list of refs */ public List getChangedRefs() { return new ArrayList(refUpdates.keySet()); } /** * Returns the list of branches changed by the push. * * @return a list of branches */ public List getChangedBranches() { return getChangedRefs(Constants.R_HEADS); } /** * Returns the list of tags changed by the push. * * @return a list of tags */ public List getChangedTags() { return getChangedRefs(Constants.R_TAGS); } /** * Gets the changed refs in the push. * * @param baseRef * @return the changed refs */ protected List getChangedRefs(String baseRef) { Set refs = new HashSet(); for (String ref : refUpdates.keySet()) { if (baseRef == null || ref.startsWith(baseRef)) { refs.add(ref); } } List list = new ArrayList(refs); Collections.sort(list); return list; } public int getAuthorCount() { if (authorCount == -1) { Set authors = new HashSet(); for (RepositoryCommit commit : commits) { String name = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName(); authors.add(name); } authorCount = authors.size(); } return authorCount; } /** * The total number of commits in the push. * * @return the number of commits in the push */ public int getCommitCount() { return commits.size(); } /** * Returns all commits in the push. * * @return a list of commits */ public List getCommits() { List list = new ArrayList(commits); Collections.sort(list); return list; } /** * Returns all commits that belong to a particular ref * * @param ref * @return a list of commits */ public List getCommits(String ref) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (RepositoryCommit commit : commits) { if (commit.branch.equals(ref)) { list.add(commit); } } Collections.sort(list); return list; } public PersonIdent getCommitterIdent() { return new PersonIdent(user.getDisplayName(), user.emailAddress == null ? user.username : user.emailAddress); } public PersonIdent getAuthorIdent() { if (getAuthorCount() == 1) { return getCommits().get(0).getAuthorIdent(); } return getCommitterIdent(); } @Override public int compareTo(RefLogEntry o) { // reverse chronological order return o.date.compareTo(date); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(MessageFormat.format("{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}: {1} pushed {2,number,0} commit{3} to {4} ", date, user.getDisplayName(), commits.size(), commits.size() == 1 ? "":"s", repository)); for (Map.Entry entry : refUpdates.entrySet()) { String ref = entry.getKey(); ReceiveCommand.Type type = entry.getValue(); sb.append("\n ").append(ref).append(' ').append(type.name()).append('\n'); for (RepositoryCommit commit : getCommits(ref)) { sb.append(" ").append(commit.toString()).append('\n'); } } return sb.toString(); } }