package com.gitblit.utils; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * The class PasswordHashPbkdf2 implements password hashing and validation * with PBKDF2 * * It uses the concept proposed by OWASP - Hashing Java: * */ class PasswordHashPbkdf2 extends PasswordHash { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PasswordHashPbkdf2.class); /** * The PBKDF has some parameters that define security and workload. * The Configuration class keeps these parameters. */ private static class Configuration { private final String algorithm; private final int iterations; private final int keyLen; private final int saltLen; private Configuration(String algorithm, int iterations, int keyLen, int saltLen) { this.algorithm = algorithm; this.iterations = iterations; this.keyLen = keyLen; this.saltLen = saltLen; } } private static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom(); /** * A list of Configurations is created to list the configurations supported by * this implementation. The configuration id is stored in the hashed entry, * identifying the Configuration in this array. * When adding a new variant with different values for these parameters, add * it to this array. * The code uses the last configuration in the array as the most secure, to be used * when creating new hashes when no configuration is specified. */ private static final Configuration[] configurations = { // Configuration 0, also default when none is specified in the stored hashed entry. new Configuration("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256", 10000, 256, 32) }; PasswordHashPbkdf2() { super(Type.PBKDF2); } /* * We return a hashed entry, where the hash part (salt+hash) itself is prefixed * again by the configuration id of the configuration that was used for the PBKDF, * enclosed in '$': * PBKDF2:$0$thesaltThehash */ @Override public String toHashedEntry(char[] password, String username) { if (password == null) { LOGGER.warn("The password argument may not be null when hashing a password."); throw new IllegalArgumentException("The password argument may not be null when hashing a password."); } int configId = getLatestConfigurationId(); Configuration config = configurations[configId]; byte[] salt = new byte[config.saltLen]; RANDOM.nextBytes(salt); byte[] hash = hash(password, salt, config); return + ":" + "$" + configId + "$" + StringUtils.toHex(salt) + StringUtils.toHex(hash); } @Override public boolean matches(String hashedEntry, char[] password, String username) { if (hashedEntry == null || type != PasswordHash.getEntryType(hashedEntry)) return false; if (password == null) return false; String hashedPart = getEntryValue(hashedEntry); int configId = getConfigIdFromStoredPassword(hashedPart); return isPasswordCorrect(password, hashedPart, configurations[configId]); } /** * Return the id of the most updated configuration of parameters for the PBKDF. * New password hashes should be generated with this one. * * @return An index into the configurations array for the latest configuration. */ private int getLatestConfigurationId() { return configurations.length-1; } /** * Get the configuration id from the stored hashed password, that was used when the * hash was created. The configuration id is the index into the configuration array, * and is stored in the format $Id$ after the type identifier: TYPE:$Id$.... * If there is no identifier in the stored entry, id 0 is used, to keep backward * compatibility. * If an id is found that is not in the range of the declared configurations, * 0 is returned. This may fail password validation. As of now there is only one * configuration and even if there were more, chances are slim that anything else * was used. So we try at least the first one instead of failing with an exception * as the probability of success is high enough to save the user from a bad experience * and to risk some hassle for the admin finding out in the logs why a login failed, * when it does. * * @param hashPart * The hash part of the stored entry, i.e. the part after the TYPE: * @return The configuration id, or * 0 if none was found. */ private static int getConfigIdFromStoredPassword(String hashPart) { String[] parts = hashPart.split("\\$", 3); // If there are not two parts, there is no '$'-enclosed part and we have no configuration information stored. // Return default 0. if (parts.length <= 2) return 0; // The first string wil be empty. Even if it isn't we ignore it because it doesn't contain our information. try { int configId = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); if (configId < 0 || configId >= configurations.length) { LOGGER.warn("A user table password entry contains a configuration id that is not valid: {}." + "Assuming PBKDF configuration 0. This may fail to validate the password.", configId); return 0; } return configId; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.warn("A user table password entry contains a configuration id that is not a parsable number ({}${}$...)." + "Assuming PBKDF configuration 0. This may fail to validate the password.", parts[0], parts[1], e); return 0; } } /** * Hash. * * @param password * the password * @param salt * the salt * @param config * Parameter configuration to use for the PBKDF * @return Hashed result */ private static byte[] hash(char[] password, byte[] salt, Configuration config) { PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, config.iterations, config.keyLen); Arrays.fill(password, Character.MIN_VALUE); try { SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(config.algorithm); return skf.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) { LOGGER.warn("Error while hashing password.", e); throw new IllegalStateException("Error while hashing password", e); } finally { spec.clearPassword(); } } /** * Checks if is password correct. * * @param passwordToCheck * the password to check * @param salt * the salt * @param expectedHash * the expected hash * @return true, if is password correct */ private static boolean isPasswordCorrect(char[] passwordToCheck, byte[] salt, byte[] expectedHash, Configuration config) { byte[] hashToCheck = hash(passwordToCheck, salt, config); Arrays.fill(passwordToCheck, Character.MIN_VALUE); if (hashToCheck.length != expectedHash.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < hashToCheck.length; i++) { if (hashToCheck[i] != expectedHash[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets the salt from stored password. * * @param storedPassword * the stored password * @return the salt from stored password */ private static byte[] getSaltFromStoredPassword(String storedPassword, Configuration config) { byte[] pw = getStoredHashWithStrippedPrefix(storedPassword); return Arrays.copyOfRange(pw, 0, config.saltLen); } /** * Gets the hash from stored password. * * @param storedPassword * the stored password * @return the hash from stored password */ private static byte[] getHashFromStoredPassword(String storedPassword, Configuration config) { byte[] pw = getStoredHashWithStrippedPrefix(storedPassword); return Arrays.copyOfRange(pw, config.saltLen, pw.length); } /** * Strips the configuration id prefix ($Id$) from a stored * password and returns the decoded hash * * @param storedPassword * the stored password * @return the stored hash with stripped prefix */ private static byte[] getStoredHashWithStrippedPrefix(String storedPassword) { String[] strings = storedPassword.split("\\$", 3); String saltAndHash = strings[strings.length -1]; try { return Hex.decodeHex(saltAndHash.toCharArray()); } catch (DecoderException e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to decode stored password entry from hex to string.", e); throw new IllegalStateException("Error while reading stored credentials", e); } } /** * Checks if password is correct. * * @param password * the password to validate * @param storedPassword * the stored password, i.e. the password entry value, without the leading TYPE: * @return true, if password is correct, false otherwise */ private static boolean isPasswordCorrect(char[] password, String storedPassword, Configuration config) { byte[] storedSalt = getSaltFromStoredPassword(storedPassword, config); byte[] storedHash = getHashFromStoredPassword(storedPassword, config); return isPasswordCorrect(password, storedSalt, storedHash, config); } }