#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Barnum, a Patchset Tool (pt) # # This Git wrapper script is designed to reduce the ceremony of working with Gitblit patchsets. # # Copyright 2014 gitblit.com. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Usage: # # pt fetch [-p,--patchset ] # pt checkout [-p,--patchset ] [-f,--force] # pt pull [-p,--patchset ] # pt push [] [-i,--ignore] [-f,--force] [-m,--milestone ] [-t,--topic ] [-cc ] # pt start | # pt propose [new | | ] [-i,--ignore] [-m,--milestone ] [-t,--topic ] [-cc ] # pt cleanup [] # __author__ = 'James Moger' __version__ = '1.0.6' import subprocess import argparse import errno import sys def fetch(args): """ fetch(args) Fetches the specified patchset for the ticket from the specified remote. """ __resolve_remote(args) # fetch the patchset from the remote repository if args.patchset is None: # fetch all current ticket patchsets print("Fetching ticket patchsets from the '{}' repository".format(args.remote)) if args.quiet: __call(['git', 'fetch', '-p', args.remote, '--quiet']) else: __call(['git', 'fetch', '-p', args.remote]) else: # fetch specific patchset __resolve_patchset(args) print("Fetching ticket {} patchset {} from the '{}' repository".format(args.id, args.patchset, args.remote)) patchset_ref = 'refs/tickets/{:02d}/{:d}/{:d}'.format(args.id % 100, args.id, args.patchset) if args.quiet: __call(['git', 'fetch', args.remote, patchset_ref, '--quiet']) else: __call(['git', 'fetch', args.remote, patchset_ref]) return def checkout(args): """ checkout(args) Checkout the patchset on a named branch. """ __resolve_uncommitted_changes_checkout(args) fetch(args) # collect local branch names branches = [] for branch in __call(['git', 'branch']): if branch[0] == '*': branches.append(branch[1:].strip()) else: branches.append(branch.strip()) if args.patchset is None or args.patchset == 0: branch = 'ticket/{:d}'.format(args.id) illegals = set(branches) & {'ticket'} else: branch = 'patchset/{:d}/{:d}'.format(args.id, args.patchset) illegals = set(branches) & {'patchset', 'patchset/{:d}'.format(args.id)} # ensure there are no local branch names that will interfere with branch creation if len(illegals) > 0: print('') print('Sorry, can not complete the checkout for ticket {}.'.format(args.id)) print("The following branches are blocking '{}' branch creation:".format(branch)) for illegal in illegals: print(' ' + illegal) exit(errno.EINVAL) if args.patchset is None or args.patchset == 0: # checkout the current ticket patchset if args.force: __call(['git', 'checkout', '-B', branch, '{}/{}'.format(args.remote, branch)]) else: __call(['git', 'checkout', branch]) else: # checkout a specific patchset __checkout(args.remote, args.id, args.patchset, branch, args.force) return def pull(args): """ pull(args) Pull (fetch & merge) a ticket patchset into the current branch. """ __resolve_uncommitted_changes_checkout(args) __resolve_remote(args) # reset the checkout before pulling __call(['git', 'reset', '--hard']) # pull the patchset from the remote repository if args.patchset is None or args.patchset == 0: print("Pulling ticket {} from the '{}' repository".format(args.id, args.remote)) patchset_ref = 'ticket/{:d}'.format(args.id) else: __resolve_patchset(args) print("Pulling ticket {} patchset {} from the '{}' repository".format(args.id, args.patchset, args.remote)) patchset_ref = 'refs/tickets/{:02d}/{:d}/{:d}'.format(args.id % 100, args.id, args.patchset) if args.squash: __call(['git', 'pull', '--squash', '--no-log', '--no-rebase', args.remote, patchset_ref], echo=True) else: __call(['git', 'pull', '--commit', '--no-ff', '--no-log', '--no-rebase', args.remote, patchset_ref], echo=True) return def push(args): """ push(args) Push your patchset update or a patchset rewrite. """ if args.id is None: # try to determine ticket and patchset from current branch name for line in __call(['git', 'status', '-b', '-s']): if line[0:2] == '##': branch = line[2:].strip() segments = branch.split('/') if len(segments) >= 2: if segments[0] == 'ticket' or segments[0] == 'patchset': if '...' in segments[1]: args.id = int(segments[1][:segments[1].index('...')]) else: args.id = int(segments[1]) args.patchset = None if args.id is None: print('Please specify a ticket id for the push command.') exit(errno.EINVAL) __resolve_uncommitted_changes_push(args) __resolve_remote(args) if args.force: # rewrite a patchset for an existing ticket push_ref = 'refs/for/' + str(args.id) else: # fast-forward update to an existing patchset push_ref = 'refs/heads/ticket/{:d}'.format(args.id) ref_params = __get_pushref_params(args) ref_spec = 'HEAD:' + push_ref + ref_params print("Pushing your patchset to the '{}' repository".format(args.remote)) __call(['git', 'push', args.remote, ref_spec], echo=True) return def start(args): """ start(args) Start development of a topic on a new branch. """ # collect local branch names branches = [] for branch in __call(['git', 'branch']): if branch[0] == '*': branches.append(branch[1:].strip()) else: branches.append(branch.strip()) branch = 'topic/' + args.topic try: int(args.topic) branch = 'ticket/' + args.topic except ValueError: pass illegals = set(branches) & {'topic', branch} # ensure there are no local branch names that will interfere with branch creation if len(illegals) > 0: print('Sorry, can not complete the creation of the topic branch.') print("The following branches are blocking '{}' branch creation:".format(branch)) for illegal in illegals: print(' ' + illegal) exit(errno.EINVAL) __call(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch]) return def propose(args): """ propose_patchset(args) Push a patchset to create a new proposal ticket or to attach a proposal patchset to an existing ticket. """ __resolve_uncommitted_changes_push(args) __resolve_remote(args) curr_branch = None push_ref = None if args.target is None: # see if the topic is a ticket id # else default to new for branch in __call(['git', 'branch']): if branch[0] == '*': curr_branch = branch[1:].strip() if curr_branch.startswith('topic/'): topic = curr_branch[6:].strip() try: int(topic) push_ref = topic except ValueError: pass if curr_branch.startswith('ticket/'): topic = curr_branch[7:].strip() try: int(topic) push_ref = topic except ValueError: pass if push_ref is None: push_ref = 'new' else: push_ref = args.target try: # check for current patchset and current branch args.id = int(push_ref) args.patchset = __get_current_patchset(args.remote, args.id) if args.patchset > 0: print('You can not propose a patchset for ticket {} because it already has one.'.format(args.id)) # check current branch for accidental propose instead of push for line in __call(['git', 'status', '-b', '-s']): if line[0:2] == '##': branch = line[2:].strip() segments = branch.split('/') if len(segments) >= 2: if segments[0] == 'ticket': if '...' in segments[1]: args.id = int(segments[1][:segments[1].index('...')]) else: args.id = int(segments[1]) args.patchset = None print("You are on the '{}' branch, perhaps you meant to push instead?".format(branch)) elif segments[0] == 'patchset': args.id = int(segments[1]) args.patchset = int(segments[2]) print("You are on the '{}' branch, perhaps you meant to push instead?".format(branch)) exit(errno.EINVAL) except ValueError: pass ref_params = __get_pushref_params(args) ref_spec = 'HEAD:refs/for/{}{}'.format(push_ref, ref_params) print("Pushing your proposal to the '{}' repository".format(args.remote)) for line in __call(['git', 'push', args.remote, ref_spec, '-q'], echo=True, err=subprocess.STDOUT): fields = line.split(':') if fields[0] == 'remote' and fields[1].strip().startswith('--> #'): # set the upstream branch configuration args.id = int(fields[1].strip()[len('--> #'):]) __call(['git', 'fetch', '-p', args.remote]) __call(['git', 'branch', '-u', '{}/ticket/{:d}'.format(args.remote, args.id)]) break return def cleanup(args): """ cleanup(args) Removes local branches for the ticket. """ if args.id is None: branches = __call(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'ticket/*']) branches += __call(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'patchset/*']) else: branches = __call(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'ticket/{:d}'.format(args.id)]) branches += __call(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'patchset/{:d}/*'.format(args.id)]) if len(branches) == 0: print("No local branches found for ticket {}, cleanup skipped.".format(args.id)) return if not args.force: print('Cleanup would remove the following local branches for ticket {}.'.format(args.id)) for branch in branches: if branch[0] == '*': print(' ' + branch[1:].strip() + ' (skip)') else: print(' ' + branch) print("To discard these local branches, repeat this command with '--force'.") exit(errno.EINVAL) for branch in branches: if branch[0] == '*': print('Skipped {} because it is the current branch.'.format(branch[1:].strip())) continue __call(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch.strip()], echo=True) return def __resolve_uncommitted_changes_checkout(args): """ __resolve_uncommitted_changes_checkout(args) Ensures the current checkout has no uncommitted changes that would be discarded by a checkout or pull. """ status = __call(['git', 'status', '--porcelain']) for line in status: if not args.force and line[0] != '?': print('Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by {}:'.format(args.command)) print('') for state in status: print(state) print('') print("To discard your local changes, repeat the {} with '--force'.".format(args.command)) print('NOTE: forcing a {} will HARD RESET your working directory!'.format(args.command)) exit(errno.EINVAL) def __resolve_uncommitted_changes_push(args): """ __resolve_uncommitted_changes_push(args) Ensures the current checkout has no uncommitted changes that should be part of a propose or push. """ status = __call(['git', 'status', '--porcelain']) for line in status: if not args.ignore and line[0] != '?': print('You have local changes that have not been committed:') print('') for state in status: print(state) print('') print("To ignore these uncommitted changes, repeat the {} with '--ignore'.".format(args.command)) exit(errno.EINVAL) def __resolve_remote(args): """ __resolve_remote(args) Identifies the git remote to use for fetching and pushing patchsets by parsing .git/config. """ remotes = __call(['git', 'remote']) if len(remotes) == 0: # no remotes defined print("Please define a Git remote") exit(errno.EINVAL) elif len(remotes) == 1: # only one remote, use it args.remote = remotes[0] return else: # multiple remotes, read .git/config output = __call(['git', 'config', '--local', 'patchsets.remote'], fail=False) preferred = output[0] if len(output) > 0 else '' if len(preferred) == 0: print("You have multiple remote repositories and you have not configured 'patchsets.remote'.") print("") print("Available remote repositories:") for remote in remotes: print(' ' + remote) print("") print("Please set the remote repository to use for patchsets.") print(" git config --local patchsets.remote ") exit(errno.EINVAL) else: try: remotes.index(preferred) except ValueError: print("The '{}' repository specified in 'patchsets.remote' is not configured!".format(preferred)) print("") print("Available remotes:") for remote in remotes: print(' ' + remote) print("") print("Please set the remote repository to use for patchsets.") print(" git config --local patchsets.remote ") exit(errno.EINVAL) args.remote = preferred return def __resolve_patchset(args): """ __resolve_patchset(args) Resolves the current patchset or validates the the specified patchset exists. """ if args.patchset is None: # resolve current patchset args.patchset = __get_current_patchset(args.remote, args.id) if args.patchset == 0: # there are no patchsets for the ticket or the ticket does not exist print("There are no patchsets for ticket {} in the '{}' repository".format(args.id, args.remote)) exit(errno.EINVAL) else: # validate specified patchset args.patchset = __validate_patchset(args.remote, args.id, args.patchset) if args.patchset == 0: # there are no patchsets for the ticket or the ticket does not exist print("Patchset {} for ticket {} can not be found in the '{}' repository".format(args.patchset, args.id, args.remote)) exit(errno.EINVAL) return def __validate_patchset(remote, ticket, patchset): """ __validate_patchset(remote, ticket, patchset) Validates that the specified ticket patchset exists. """ nps = 0 patchset_ref = 'refs/tickets/{:02d}/{:d}/{:d}'.format(ticket % 100, ticket, patchset) for line in __call(['git', 'ls-remote', remote, patchset_ref]): ps = int(line.split('/')[4]) if ps > nps: nps = ps if nps == patchset: return patchset return 0 def __get_current_patchset(remote, ticket): """ __get_current_patchset(remote, ticket) Determines the most recent patchset for the ticket by listing the remote patchset refs for the ticket and parsing the patchset numbers from the resulting set. """ nps = 0 patchset_refs = 'refs/tickets/{:02d}/{:d}/*'.format(ticket % 100, ticket) for line in __call(['git', 'ls-remote', remote, patchset_refs]): ps = int(line.split('/')[4]) if ps > nps: nps = ps return nps def __checkout(remote, ticket, patchset, branch, force=False): """ __checkout(remote, ticket, patchset, branch) __checkout(remote, ticket, patchset, branch, force) Checkout the patchset on a detached head or on a named branch. """ has_branch = False on_branch = False if branch is None or len(branch) == 0: # checkout the patchset on a detached head print('Checking out ticket {} patchset {} on a detached HEAD'.format(ticket, patchset)) __call(['git', 'checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD'], echo=True) return else: # checkout on named branch # determine if we are already on the target branch for line in __call(['git', 'branch', '--list', branch]): has_branch = True if line[0] == '*': # current branch (* name) on_branch = True if not has_branch: if force: # force the checkout the patchset to the new named branch # used when there are local changes to discard print("Forcing checkout of ticket {} patchset {} on named branch '{}'".format(ticket, patchset, branch)) __call(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, 'FETCH_HEAD', '--force'], echo=True) else: # checkout the patchset to the new named branch __call(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, 'FETCH_HEAD'], echo=True) return if not on_branch: # switch to existing local branch __call(['git', 'checkout', branch], echo=True) # # now we are on the local branch for the patchset # if force: # reset HEAD to FETCH_HEAD, this drops any local changes print("Forcing checkout of ticket {} patchset {} on named branch '{}'".format(ticket, patchset, branch)) __call(['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'FETCH_HEAD'], echo=True) return else: # try to merge the existing ref with the FETCH_HEAD merge = __call(['git', 'merge', '--ff-only', branch, 'FETCH_HEAD'], echo=True, fail=False) if len(merge) == 1: up_to_date = merge[0].lower().index('up-to-date') > 0 if up_to_date: return elif len(merge) == 0: print('') print("Your '{}' branch has diverged from patchset {} on the '{}' repository.".format(branch, patchset, remote)) print('') print("To discard your local changes, repeat the checkout with '--force'.") print('NOTE: forcing a checkout will HARD RESET your working directory!') exit(errno.EINVAL) return def __get_pushref_params(args): """ __get_pushref_params(args) Returns the push ref parameters for ticket field assignments. """ params = [] if args.milestone is not None: params.append('m=' + args.milestone) if args.topic is not None: params.append('t=' + args.topic) else: for branch in __call(['git', 'branch']): if branch[0] == '*': b = branch[1:].strip() if b.startswith('topic/'): topic = b[len('topic/'):] try: # ignore ticket id topics int(topic) except: # topic is a string params.append('t=' + topic) if args.responsible is not None: params.append('r=' + args.responsible) if args.cc is not None: for cc in args.cc: params.append('cc=' + cc) if len(params) > 0: return '%' + ','.join(params) return '' def __call(cmd_args, echo=False, fail=True, err=None): """ __call(cmd_args) Executes the specified command as a subprocess. The output is parsed and returned as a list of strings. If the process returns a non-zero exit code, the script terminates with that exit code. Std err of the subprocess is passed-through to the std err of the parent process. """ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=err, universal_newlines=True) lines = [] for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): line_str = str(line).strip() if len(line_str) == 0: break lines.append(line_str) if echo: print(line_str) p.wait() if fail and p.returncode != 0: exit(p.returncode) return lines # # define the acceptable arguments and their usage/descriptions # # force argument force_arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) force_arg.add_argument('-f', '--force', default=False, help='force the command to complete', action='store_true') # quiet argument quiet_arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) quiet_arg.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', default=False, help='suppress git stderr output', action='store_true') # ticket & patchset arguments ticket_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) ticket_args.add_argument('id', help='the ticket id', type=int) ticket_args.add_argument('-p', '--patchset', help='the patchset number', type=int) # push refspec arguments push_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) push_args.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', default=False, help='ignore uncommitted changes', action='store_true') push_args.add_argument('-m', '--milestone', help='set the milestone') push_args.add_argument('-r', '--responsible', help='set the responsible user') push_args.add_argument('-t', '--topic', help='set the topic') push_args.add_argument('-cc', nargs='+', help='specify accounts to add to the watch list') # the commands parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='a Patchset Tool for Gitblit Tickets') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__)) commands = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', title='commands') fetch_parser = commands.add_parser('fetch', help='fetch a patchset', parents=[ticket_args, quiet_arg]) fetch_parser.set_defaults(func=fetch) checkout_parser = commands.add_parser('checkout', aliases=['co'], help='fetch & checkout a patchset to a branch', parents=[ticket_args, force_arg, quiet_arg]) checkout_parser.set_defaults(func=checkout) pull_parser = commands.add_parser('pull', help='fetch & merge a patchset into the current branch', parents=[ticket_args, force_arg]) pull_parser.add_argument('-s', '--squash', help='squash the pulled patchset into your working directory', default=False, action='store_true') pull_parser.set_defaults(func=pull) push_parser = commands.add_parser('push', aliases=['up'], help='upload your patchset changes', parents=[push_args, force_arg]) push_parser.add_argument('id', help='the ticket id', nargs='?', type=int) push_parser.set_defaults(func=push) propose_parser = commands.add_parser('propose', help='propose a new ticket or the first patchset', parents=[push_args]) propose_parser.add_argument('target', help="the ticket id, 'new', or the integration branch", nargs='?') propose_parser.set_defaults(func=propose) cleanup_parser = commands.add_parser('cleanup', aliases=['rm'], help='remove local ticket branches', parents=[force_arg]) cleanup_parser.add_argument('id', help='the ticket id', nargs='?', type=int) cleanup_parser.set_defaults(func=cleanup) start_parser = commands.add_parser('start', help='start a new branch for the topic or ticket') start_parser.add_argument('topic', help="the topic or ticket id") start_parser.set_defaults(func=start) if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.parse_args(['--help']) else: # parse the command-line arguments script_args = parser.parse_args() # exec the specified command script_args.func(script_args)