path: root/cmd/admin.go
diff options
authorJason Song <>2023-01-11 13:31:16 +0800
committerGitHub <>2023-01-11 13:31:16 +0800
commit477a1cc40ebd3ecb116c632b0717bba748e914d2 (patch)
treef8834d481acbf410d53828d21f5aa149c21a44bd /cmd/admin.go
parentdc5f2cf5906ec2f87ad47ea4724cc245c401eef6 (diff)
Improve utils of slices (#22379)
- Move the file `compare.go` and `slice.go` to `slice.go`. - Fix `ExistsInSlice`, it's buggy - It uses `sort.Search`, so it assumes that the input slice is sorted. - It passes `func(i int) bool { return slice[i] == target })` to `sort.Search`, that's incorrect, check the doc of `sort.Search`. - Conbine `IsInt64InSlice(int64, []int64)` and `ExistsInSlice(string, []string)` to `SliceContains[T]([]T, T)`. - Conbine `IsSliceInt64Eq([]int64, []int64)` and `IsEqualSlice([]string, []string)` to `SliceSortedEqual[T]([]T, T)`. - Add `SliceEqual[T]([]T, T)` as a distinction from `SliceSortedEqual[T]([]T, T)`. - Redesign `RemoveIDFromList([]int64, int64) ([]int64, bool)` to `SliceRemoveAll[T]([]T, T) []T`. - Add `SliceContainsFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool)` and `SliceRemoveAllFunc[T]([]T, func(T) bool)` for general use. - Add comments to explain why not ``. - Add unit tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/admin.go')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/admin.go b/cmd/admin.go
index 7463b21d81..a662011f9c 100644
--- a/cmd/admin.go
+++ b/cmd/admin.go
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ func parseSMTPConfig(c *cli.Context, conf *smtp.Source) error {
if c.IsSet("auth-type") {
conf.Auth = c.String("auth-type")
validAuthTypes := []string{"PLAIN", "LOGIN", "CRAM-MD5"}
- if !contains(validAuthTypes, strings.ToUpper(c.String("auth-type"))) {
+ if !util.SliceContainsString(validAuthTypes, strings.ToUpper(c.String("auth-type"))) {
return errors.New("Auth must be one of PLAIN/LOGIN/CRAM-MD5")
conf.Auth = c.String("auth-type")