path: root/conf
diff options
authorfanningert <>2014-08-30 12:48:14 +0200
committerfanningert <>2014-08-30 12:48:14 +0200
commit272d387c0c4afd2e700833f08f606ba3f427694b (patch)
tree6e103dfa4ae0226cf5e4b5f67ae02ac94d434fd9 /conf
parent08dbf08d3985aab2b5972220017c24756d513568 (diff)
Update locale_de-DE.ini
Diffstat (limited to 'conf')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/conf/locale/locale_de-DE.ini b/conf/locale/locale_de-DE.ini
index bcf0033779..fea2b58763 100644
--- a/conf/locale/locale_de-DE.ini
+++ b/conf/locale/locale_de-DE.ini
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ SSHTitle = SSH Schlüsselname
HttpsUrl = HTTPS URL
PayloadUrl = Payload URL
TeamName = Team name
+AuthName = Authorization name
require_error = ` darf nicht leer sein.`
alpha_dash_error = ` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ auth_failed = Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen: %v
still_own_repo = Your account still have ownership of repository, you have to delete or transfer them first.
org_still_own_repo = This organization still have ownership of repository, you have to delete or transfer them first.
+still_own_user = This authentication still has used by some users, you should move them and then delete again.
profile = Profil
password = Kennwort
@@ -143,12 +146,12 @@ ssh_desc = This is a list of SSH keys associated with your account. Remove any k
ssh_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Check out our guide to <a href="">generating SSH keys</a> or troubleshoot <a href="">common SSH Problems</a>.
add_new_key = SSH-Schlüssel hinzufügen
key_name = Schlüsselname
-key_content = Content
+key_content = Inhalt
add_key_success = New SSH Key has been added!
delete_key = löschen
-add_on = Added on
-last_used = Last used on
-no_activity = No recent activity
+add_on = Hinzugefügt am
+last_used = Zuletzt verwendet auf
+no_activity = Keine neuen Aktivitäten
manage_social = Manage Associated Social Accounts
social_desc = This is a list of associated social accounts. Remove any binding that you do not recognize.
@@ -161,13 +164,13 @@ confirm_delete_account = Löschung bestätigen
owner = Eigentümer
-repo_name = Repository Name
-repo_name_helper = Great repository names are short, memorable and <strong>unique</strong>.
+repo_name = Repositorie Name
+repo_name_helper = Tolle Repositorienamen sind kurz, einprägsam und <strong>einzigartig</strong>.
visibility = Sichtbarkeit
-visiblity_helper = This repository is <span class="label label-red label-radius">Private</span>
+visiblity_helper = Dieses Repositorie ist <span class="label label-red label-radius">Privat</span>
repo_desc = Beschreibung
repo_lang = Sprache
-repo_lang_helper = Select a .gitignore file
+repo_lang_helper = Wählen Sie eine .gitignore Datei
license = Lizenz
license_helper = Wählen Sie eine Lizenzdatei aus
init_readme = Initialisieren dieses Repository mit einem
@@ -178,16 +181,16 @@ goget_meta = Go-Get Meta
goget_meta_helper = This repository will be <span class="label label-blue label-radius">Go-Getable</span>
need_auth = Berechtigung erforderlich
-migrate_type = Migration Type
+migrate_type = Migrationstyp
migrate_type_helper = Dieses Repository wird ein <span class="label label-blue label-radius">Mirror</span>
-migrate_repo = Migrate Repository
+migrate_repo = Repositorie migrieren
clone_helper = Need help cloning? Visit <a target="_blank" href="">Help</a>!
-unwatch = Unwatch
-watch = Watch
-unstar = Unstar
-star = Star
-fork = Fork
+unwatch = Beobachtung beenden
+watch = Beobachtung
+unstar = Markierung aufheben
+star = Markierung
+fork = Abspaltung
settings = Einstellungen
settings.options = Optionen
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ settings.remove_hook_success = Webhook wurde entfernt.
settings.add_webhook_desc = We’ll send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL below with details of any subscribed events. You can also specify which data format you'd like to receive (JSON, <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>, <em>etc</em>). More information can be found in <a target="_blank" href="">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.payload_url = Payload URL
settings.content_type = Inhaltstyp
-settings.secret = Secret
+settings.secret = Geheimnis
settings.event_desc = Durch welche Ereignisse würden Sie gerne diesen Webhook auslösen?
settings.event_push_only = Just the <code>push</code> event. = Aktiv
@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ settings.add_hook_success = Neuer Webhook wurde hinzugefügt.
settings.update_webhook = Webhook aktualisieren
settings.update_hook_success = Webhook wurde aktualisiert.
settings.delete_webhook = Webhook löschen
-settings.recent_deliveries = Recent Deliveries
+settings.recent_deliveries = Jüngste Zustellungen
org_name_holder = Name der Organisation
@@ -241,14 +244,14 @@ create_new_team = Neues Team erstellen
org_desc = Beschreibung
team_name = Teamname
team_desc = Beschreibung
-team_name_helper = You'll use this name to mention this team in conversations.
-team_desc_helper = What is this team all about?
+team_name_helper = Sie werden diesen Namen verwenden, um dieses Team in Gesprächen zu erwähnen.
+team_desc_helper = Was hat das Team auf sich?
team_permission_desc = Welche Berechtigungsstufe soll das Team haben?
settings = Einstellungen
settings.options = Optionen
settings.full_name = Vollständiger Name = Website = Webseite
settings.location = Standort
settings.update_settings = Aktualisierungseinstellungen
settings.update_setting_success = Einstellung der Organisation wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
@@ -300,6 +303,8 @@ repositories = Repositories
authentication = Authentifizierung
config = Konfiguration
monitor = Monitoring
+prev = Prev.
+next = Next
dashboard.statistic = Statistik
dashboard.operations = Operationen
@@ -309,12 +314,12 @@ dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
dashboard.operation_switch = Switch
dashboard.operation_run = Run
dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth = Clean unbound OAuthes
-dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts = Delete all inactivate accounts
+dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts = Alle inaktiven Konten löschen
dashboard.server_uptime = Server Uptime
-dashboard.current_goroutine = Current Goroutines
-dashboard.current_memory_usage = Current Memory Usage
-dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Total Memory Allocated
-dashboard.memory_obtained = Memory Obtained
+dashboard.current_goroutine = Aktuelle Goroutines
+dashboard.current_memory_usage = Aktuelle Speichernutzung
+dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Zugeteilter Gesamtspeicher
+dashboard.memory_obtained = Erhaltener Speicher
dashboard.pointer_lookup_times = Pointer Lookup Times
dashboard.memory_allocate_times = Memory Allocate Times
dashboard.memory_free_times = Memory Free Times
@@ -341,7 +346,7 @@ dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
dashboard.gc_times = GC Takt
users.user_manage_panel = User Manage Panel
-users.new_account = Create New Account
+users.new_account = Neues Konto erstellen = Name = E-mail
users.activated = Aktiviert
@@ -350,7 +355,7 @@ users.repos = Repos
users.created = Erzeugt
users.edit = Bearbeiten
users.auth_source = Auth Source
-users.local = Local
+users.local = Lokal
users.auth_login_name = Auth Login Name
users.update_profile_success = Kontoprofil wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
users.edit_account = Konto bearbeiten
@@ -360,8 +365,48 @@ users.update_profile = Kontopprofil aktualisieren
users.delete_account = Dieses Konto löschen
users.still_own_repo = Dieses Konto ist noch Eigentümer von Repositories, Sie müssen zuerst diese löschen oder übertragen.
+orgs.org_manage_panel = Organization Manage Panel = Name
+orgs.teams = Teams
+orgs.members = Mitglieder
+repos.repo_manage_panel = Repository Manage Panel
+repos.owner = Eigentümer = Name
+repos.private = Privat = Watches
+repos.stars = Stars
+repos.issues = Themen
+auths.auth_manage_panel = Authorization Manage Panel = Neu Authentifizierungsquelle hinzufügen = Name
+auths.type = Typ
+auths.enabled = Aktiviert
+auths.updated = Aktualisiert
+auths.auth_type = Authentifizierungstyp
+auths.auth_name = Authentifizierungsname
+auths.domain = Domain = Host
+auths.port = Port
+auths.base_dn = Base DN
+auths.attributes = Suchattribute
+auths.filter = Suchfilter
+auths.ms_ad_sa = Ms Ad SA
+auths.smtp_auth = SMTP Authentifizierungstyp
+auths.smtphost = SMTP Host
+auths.smtpport = SMTP Port
+auths.enable_tls = TLS-Verschlüsselung aktivieren
+auths.enable_auto_register = Automatische Registrierung aktivieren = Tipps
+auths.edit = Authentifizierungseinstellungen bearbeiten
+auths.activated = Diese Authentifizierung ist aktiviert
+auths.update_success = Authentifizierungseinstellungen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
+auths.update = Authentifizierungseinstellungen aktualisieren
+auths.delete = Diese Authentifizierung löschen
-create_repo = created repository <a href="/%s">%s</a>
+create_repo = Repositorie erstellen <a href="/%s">%s</a>
commit_repo = pushed to <a href="/%s/src/%s">%s</a> at <a href="/%s">%s</a>
create_issue = opened issue <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>
comment_issue = commented on issue <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>