path: root/docs/content/doc/advanced
diff options
authortechknowlogick <>2017-11-26 16:44:32 -0500
committerLauris BH <>2017-11-26 23:44:32 +0200
commitfb5c6b644460f94acb8976ad35165230b9d47fb2 (patch)
tree3811cb3807a9f666e77743cc0fc8bcea4276f421 /docs/content/doc/advanced
parentf148a4a1ed55c75d391930865185fb7bfbee03ba (diff)
Import docs into main repository (#2874)
* import docs into main repository Signed-off-by: Matti Ranta <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/content/doc/advanced')
7 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55fe5c11d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
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+date: "2016-12-26T16:00:00+02:00"
+title: "Config Cheat Sheet"
+slug: "config-cheat-sheet"
+weight: 20
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "Config Cheat Sheet"
+ weight: 20
+ identifier: "config-cheat-sheet"
+# Configuration Cheat Sheet
+This is a cheat sheet for the Gitea configuration file. It is helpful for more fully understanding how it powers Gitea.
+Before getting started, make sure you know that any change to the configuration should be made in `custom/conf/app.ini` or any corresponding location.
+All default settings can be found in [app.ini.sample]( (replace master in URL with name of tag for released versions). If you see anything which looks like `%(X)s`, it is a feature powered by [ini]( for reading values recursively.
+Any configuration option that is marked by :exclamation: means that you should keep the default value unless you fully understand what you are doing.
+Values containing `#` or `;` must be quoted using `` ` `` or `"""`.
+**Note** that you have to restart Gitea for changes to take effect.
+## Overall (`DEFAULT`)
+- `APP_NAME`: Application name, change to whatever you want.
+- `RUN_USER`: The user to run Gitea as, we recommend it be `git`; however, change this to whatever your username is if you run Gitea on your personal computer. Gitea may crash if this value is not set properly.
+- `RUN_MODE`: For performance and other purposes, change this to `prod` when deployed to a production environment. The installation process will set this to `prod` automatically.
+## Repository (`repository`)
+- `ROOT`: Root path for storing all users' repository data. It must be an absolute path. The default is `~/<username>/gitea-repositories`.
+- `SCRIPT_TYPE`: The script type your server supports, usually this is `bash`, but some customers report that they only have `sh`.
+- `ANSI_CHARSET`: The default charset for an unrecognized charset.
+- `FORCE_PRIVATE`: Force every new repository to be private.
+- `MAX_CREATION_LIMIT`: Global maximum creation limit of repositories per user, `-1` means no limit.
+- `PULL_REQUEST_QUEUE_LENGTH`:exclamation:: Length of pull request patch test queue, make it as large as possible.
+## UI (`ui`)
+- `EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM`: Number of repositories that are shown in one explore page.
+- `ISSUE_PAGING_NUM`: Number of issues that are shown in one page (for all pages that list issues).
+- `FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: Number of maximum commits shown in one activity feed.
+### UI - Admin (`ui.admin`)
+- `USER_PAGING_NUM`: Number of users that are shown in one page.
+- `REPO_PAGING_NUM`: Number of repos that are shown in one page.
+- `NOTICE_PAGING_NUM`: Number of notices that are shown in one page.
+- `ORG_PAGING_NUM`: Number of organizations that are shown in one page.
+## Markdown (`markdown`)
+- `ENABLE_HARD_LINE_BREAK`: Whether or not to enable hard the line break extension.
+## Server (`server`)
+- `PROTOCOL`: Either `http`, `https`, `fcgi`, or `unix`.
+- `DOMAIN`: Domain name of your server.
+- `ROOT_URL`: Full public URL of Gitea server.
+- `HTTP_ADDR`: HTTP listen address. If `PROTOCOL` is set to `fcgi`, Gitea will listen for FastCGI requests on TCP socket defined by `HTTP_ADDR` and `HTTP_PORT` configuration settings. If `PROTOCOL` is set to `unix`, this should be the name of the Unix socket file to use.
+- `HTTP_PORT`: HTTP listen port. If `PROTOCOL` is set to `fcgi`, Gitea will listen for FastCGI requests on TCP socket defined by `HTTP_ADDR` and `HTTP_PORT` configuration settings.
+- `UNIX_SOCKET_PERMISSION`: Permisson mode for Unix socket, default is 666.
+- `DISABLE_SSH`: Disables SSH feature when it's not available.
+- `START_SSH_SERVER`: Starts built-in SSH server when enabled.
+- `SSH_DOMAIN`: Domain name of your ssh server.
+- `SSH_PORT`: SSH port displayed in clone URL, in case yours is not `22`.
+- `SSH_LISTEN_PORT`: Port for the built-in SSH server. Defaults to `SSH_PORT`.
+- `OFFLINE_MODE`: Disables use of CDN for static files and Gravatar for profile pictures.
+- `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG`: Mutes printing of the router log.
+- `CERT_FILE`: Cert file path used for HTTPS.
+- `KEY_FILE`: Key file path used for HTTPS.
+- `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: Upper level of template and static files path, default is the path where Gitea is located.
+- `ENABLE_GZIP`: Enables application-level GZIP support.
+- `LANDING_PAGE`: Non-logged-in users' landing page, either `home` or `explore`.
+- `LFS_START_SERVER`: Enables git-lfs support. `true` or `false`, default is `false`.
+- `LFS_CONTENT_PATH`: Where your lfs files put on, default is `data/lfs`.
+- `LFS_JWT_SECRET`: LFS authentication secret, changed this to yourself.
+## Database (`database`)
+- `DB_TYPE`: The database type you choose, either `mysql`, `postgres`, `mssql` or `sqlite3`.
+- `HOST`: Database host address and port.
+- `NAME`: Database name.
+- `USER`: Database username.
+- `PASSWD`: Database user password.
+- `SSL_MODE`: For PostgreSQL only.
+- `PATH`: For SQLite3 only, the database file path.
+## Security (`security`)
+- `INSTALL_LOCK`: Indicates whether to allow the open install page (setting admin account is involved, so it's a very important value).
+- `SECRET_KEY`: Global secret key for your server security, **you'd better change it** (will generate a random string every time you install).
+- `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: Cookie lifetime, in days.
+- `COOKIE_USERNAME`: Name of the cookie that saves username.
+- `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: Name of cookie that saves auto-login information.
+- `REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER`: Header name for reverse proxy authentication username.
+- `DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS`: Prevent all users (including admin) from creating custom git hooks (defaults to false)
+## OpenID (`openid`)
+- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN`: Whether to allow signin in via OpenID (defaults to false).
+- `ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP`: Whether to allow registering via OpenID (defaults to `!DISABLE_REGISTRATION`).
+- `WHITELISTED_URIS`: Space separated list of POSIX regexp patterns. If non empty OpenID URIs should match any of these to be granted access.
+- `BLACKLISTED_URIS`: Space separated list of POSIX regexp pattenrs. OpenID URI matching any of these is refused access.
+## Service (`service`)
+- `ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES`: The minutes of active code life time.
+- `RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES`: The minutes of reset password code life time.
+- `REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM`: Enable this to ask for mail confirmation of registration, requires `Mailer` to be enabled.
+- `DISABLE_REGISTRATION`: Disable registration, after which only admin can create accounts for users.
+- `SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON`: Indicate whether to show registration button or not.
+- `REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW`: Enable this to force users to log in to view any page.
+- `ENABLE_CACHE_AVATAR`: Enable this to cache avatar from Gravatar.
+- `ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL`: Enable this to send e-mail to watchers of repository when something happens like creating issues, requires `Mailer` to be enabled.
+- `ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION`: Enable this to allow reverse proxy authentication, more detail:
+- `ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_REGISTRATION`: Enable this to allow auto-registration for reverse authentication.
+- `DISABLE_MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK`: Do not check minimum key size with corresponding type.
+- `ENABLE_CAPTCHA`: Enable this to use captcha validation for registration.
+## Webhook (`webhook`)
+- `QUEUE_LENGTH`:exclamation:: Hook task queue length.
+- `DELIVER_TIMEOUT`: Delivery timeout in seconds for shooting webhooks.
+- `SKIP_TLS_VERIFY`: Indicate whether to allow insecure certification or not.
+- `PAGING_NUM`: Number of webhook history that are shown in one page.
+## Mailer (`mailer`)
+- `ENABLED`: Enable this to use a mail service.
+- `DISABLE_HELO`: Disable HELO operation.
+- `HELO_HOSTNAME`: Custom hostname for HELO operation.
+- `HOST`: SMTP mail host address and port (example:
+- `FROM`: Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the "Name" \<\> format.
+- `USER`: Username of mailer (usually just your e-mail address).
+- `PASSWD`: Password of mailer.
+- `SKIP_VERIFY`: Do not verify the self-signed certificates.
+- `USE_SENDMAIL`: Use the operating system's `sendmail` command instead of SMTP. This is common on linux systems. Valid values are `true` to use sendmail and `false` to use SMTP (default). Note that enabling sendmail will ignore all other `mailer` settings except `ENABLED`, `FROM` and `SENDMAIL_PATH`.
+- `SENDMAIL_PATH`: The location of sendmail on the operating system. This can be an absolute path (eg: `/usr/sbin/sendmail`) or just the name of the command (eg: `sendmail` - default) if it can be found in the `PATH` environment variable.
+Note: Actually, Gitea supports only SMTP with STARTTLS.
+## Cache (`cache`)
+- `ADAPTER`: Cache engine adapter, either `memory`, `redis`, or `memcache`. If you want to use `redis` or `memcache`, be sure to rebuild everything with build tags `redis` or `memcache`: `go build -tags='redis'`.
+- `INTERVAL`: for memory cache only, GC interval in seconds.
+- `HOST`: For redis and memcache, the host address and port number.
+ - Redis: `network=tcp,addr=,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180`
+ - Memache: `;`
+## Session (`session`)
+- `PROVIDER`: Session engine provider, either `memory`, `file`, `redis`, or `mysql`.
+- `PROVIDER_CONFIG`: For file, it's the root path; for others, it's the host address and port number.
+- `COOKIE_SECURE`: Enable this to force using HTTPS for all session access.
+- `COOKIE_NAME`: The name of the cookie used for the session ID, defaults to `i_like_gitea`.
+- `GC_INTERVAL_TIME`: GC interval in seconds.
+## Picture (`picture`)
+- `GRAVATAR_SOURCE`: Can be `gravatar`, `duoshuo` or anything like ``.
+- `DISABLE_GRAVATAR`: Enable this to use local avatars only.
+- `ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR`: Enable support for federated avatars (see
+- `AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH`: Path to store local and cached files.
+## Attachment (`attachment`)
+- `ENABLED`: Enable this to allow users upload attachments.
+- `PATH`: Path to store attachments.
+- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: Allowed MIME types, e.g. `image/jpeg|image/png`, use `*/*` for all types.
+- `MAX_SIZE`: Maximum size in MB, e.g. `4`
+- `MAX_FILES`: Maximum number of attachments can be uploaded at once, e.g. `5`.
+## Log (`log`)
+- `ROOT_PATH`: Root path for log files.
+- `MODE`: Logging mode, default is `console`. For multiple modes, use comma to separate it.
+- `LEVEL`: General log level, default is `Trace`.
+## Cron (`cron`)
+- `ENABLED`: Enable this to run cron tasks periodically.
+- `RUN_AT_START`: Enable this to run cron tasks at start time.
+### Cron - Update Mirrors (`cron.update_mirrors`)
+- `SCHEDULE`: Cron syntax for scheduling update mirrors, e.g. `@every 1h`.
+### Cron - Repository Health Check (`cron.repo_health_check`)
+- `SCHEDULE`: Cron syntax for scheduling repository health check, e.g. `@every 24h`.
+- `TIMEOUT`: Time duration syntax for health check execution timeout, e.g. `60s`.
+- `ARGS`: Arguments for command `git fsck`, e.g. `--unreachable --tags`.
+### Cron - Repository Statistics Check (`cron.check_repo_stats`)
+- `RUN_AT_START`: Enable this to run repository statistics check at start time.
+- `SCHEDULE`: Cron syntax for scheduling repository statistics check, e.g. `@every 24h`.
+## Git (`git`)
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES`: Max number of lines allowed of a single file in diff view.
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS`: Max number of characters of a line allowed in diff view.
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES`: Max number of files shown in diff view.
+- `GC_ARGS`: Arguments for command `git gc`, e.g. `--aggressive --auto`.
+## Other (`other`)
+- `SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING`: Enable this to show Gitea branding in the footer.
+- `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: Enable this to show Gitea version information in the footer.
+- `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: Enable this to show time of template execution in the footer.
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ec650ddbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+date: "2016-12-26T16:00:00+02:00"
+title: "配置说明"
+slug: "config-cheat-sheet"
+weight: 20
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "配置说明"
+ weight: 20
+ identifier: "config-cheat-sheet"
+# 配置说明
+这是针对Gitea配置文件的说明,你可以了解Gitea的强大配置。需要说明的是,你的所有改变请修改 `custom/conf/app.ini` 文件而不是源文件。所有默认值可以通过 [app.ini.sample]( 查看到。如果你发现 `%(X)s` 这样的内容,请查看 [ini]( 这里的说明。标注了 :exclamation: 的配置项表明除非你真的理解这个配置项的意义,否则最好使用默认值。
+## Overall (`DEFAULT`)
+- `APP_NAME`: 应用名称,改成你希望的名字。
+- `RUN_USER`: 运行Gitea的用户,推荐使用 `git`;如果在你自己的个人电脑使用改成你自己的用户名。如果设置不正确,Gitea可能崩溃。
+- `RUN_MODE`: 从性能考虑,如果在产品级的服务上改成 `prod`。如果您使用安装向导安装的那么会自动设置为 `prod`。
+## Repository (`repository`)
+- `ROOT`: 存放git工程的根目录。这里必须填绝对路径,默认值是 `~/<username>/gitea-repositories`。
+- `SCRIPT_TYPE`: 服务器支持的Shell类型,通常是 `bash`,但有些服务器也有可能是 `sh`。
+- `ANSI_CHARSET`: 默认字符编码。
+- `FORCE_PRIVATE`: 强制所有git工程必须私有。
+- `MAX_CREATION_LIMIT`: 全局最大每个用户创建的git工程数目, `-1` 表示没限制。
+- `PULL_REQUEST_QUEUE_LENGTH`: 小心:合并请求测试队列的长度,尽量放大。
+## UI (`ui`)
+- `EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM`: 探索页面每页显示的仓库数量。
+- `ISSUE_PAGING_NUM`: 工单页面每页显示的工单数量。
+- `FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM`: 活动流页面显示的最大提交树木。
+### UI - Admin (`ui.admin`)
+- `USER_PAGING_NUM`: 用户管理页面每页显示的用户数量。
+- `REPO_PAGING_NUM`: 仓库管理页面每页显示的仓库数量。
+- `NOTICE_PAGING_NUM`: 系统提示页面每页显示的提示数量。
+- `ORG_PAGING_NUM`: 组织管理页面每页显示的组织数量。
+## Markdown (`markdown`)
+- `ENABLE_HARD_LINE_BREAK`: 是否启用硬换行扩展。
+## Server (`server`)
+- `PROTOCOL`: 可选 `http` 或 `https`。
+- `DOMAIN`: 服务器域名。
+- `ROOT_URL`: Gitea服务器的对外 URL。
+- `HTTP_ADDR`: HTTP 监听地址。
+- `HTTP_PORT`: HTTP 监听端口。
+- `DISABLE_SSH`: 是否禁用SSH。
+- `START_SSH_SERVER`: 是否启用内部SSH服务器。
+- `SSH_PORT`: SSH端口,默认为 `22`。
+- `OFFLINE_MODE`: 针对静态和头像文件禁用 CDN。
+- `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG`: 关闭日志中的路由日志。
+- `CERT_FILE`: 启用HTTPS的证书文件。
+- `KEY_FILE`: 启用HTTPS的密钥文件。
+- `STATIC_ROOT_PATH`: 存放模板和静态文件的根目录,默认是 Gitea 的根目录。
+- `ENABLE_GZIP`: 启用应用级别的 GZIP 压缩。
+- `LANDING_PAGE`: 未登录用户的默认页面,可选 `home` 或 `explore`。
+- `LFS_START_SERVER`: 是否启用 git-lfs 支持. 可以为 `true` 或 `false`, 默认是 `false`。
+- `LFS_CONTENT_PATH`: 存放 lfs 命令上传的文件的地方,默认是 `data/lfs`。
+- `LFS_JWT_SECRET`: LFS 认证密钥,改成自己的。
+## Database (`database`)
+- `DB_TYPE`: 数据库类型,可选 `mysql`, `postgres`, `mssql`, `tidb` 或 `sqlite3`。
+- `HOST`: 数据库服务器地址和端口。
+- `NAME`: 数据库名称。
+- `USER`: 数据库用户名。
+- `PASSWD`: 数据库用户密码。
+- `SSL_MODE`: PostgreSQL数据库是否启用SSL模式。
+- `PATH`: Tidb 或者 SQLite3 数据文件存放路径。
+## Security (`security`)
+- `INSTALL_LOCK`: 是否允许运行安装向导,(跟管理员账号有关,十分重要)。
+- `SECRET_KEY`: 全局服务器安全密钥 **最好改成你自己的** (当你运行安装向导的时候会被设置为一个随机值)。
+- `LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS`: Cookie 保存时间,单位天。
+- `COOKIE_USERNAME`: 保存用户名的 cookie 名称。
+- `COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME`: 保存自动登录信息的 cookie 名称。
+## Service (`service`)
+- `ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES`: 登陆验证码失效时间,单位分钟。
+- `REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM`: 启用注册邮件激活,前提是 `Mailer` 已经启用。
+- `DISABLE_REGISTRATION`: 禁用注册,启用后只能用管理员添加用户。
+- `REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW`: 是否所有页面都必须登录后才可访问。
+- `ENABLE_CACHE_AVATAR`: 是否缓存来自 Gravatar 的头像。
+- `ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL`: 是否发送工单创建等提醒邮件,需要 `Mailer` 被激活。
+- `ENABLE_CAPTCHA`: 注册时使用图片验证码。
+## Webhook (`webhook`)
+- `QUEUE_LENGTH`: 说明: Hook 任务队列长度。
+- `DELIVER_TIMEOUT`: 请求webhooks的超时时间,单位秒。
+- `SKIP_TLS_VERIFY`: 是否允许不安全的证书。
+- `PAGING_NUM`: 每页显示的Webhook 历史数量。
+## Mailer (`mailer`)
+- `ENABLED`: 是否启用邮件服务。
+- `DISABLE_HELO`: 禁用 HELO 命令。
+- `HELO_HOSTNAME`: 自定义主机名来回应 HELO 命令。
+- `HOST`: SMTP 主机地址和端口 (例如。
+- `FROM`: 邮件发送地址,RFC 5322. 这里可以填一个邮件地址或者 "Name" \<\> 格式。
+- `USER`: 用户名(通常就是邮件地址)。
+- `PASSWD`: 密码。
+- `SKIP_VERIFY`: 忽略证书验证。
+说明:实际上 Gitea 仅仅支持基于 STARTTLS 的 SMTP。
+## Cache (`cache`)
+- `ADAPTER`: 缓存引擎,可以为 `memory`, `redis` 或 `memcache`。
+- `INTERVAL`: 只对内存缓存有效,GC间隔,单位秒。
+- `HOST`: 针对redis和memcache有效,主机地址和端口。
+ - Redis: `network=tcp,addr=,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180`
+ - Memache: `;`
+## Session (`session`)
+- `PROVIDER`: Session 内容存储方式,可选 `memory`, `file`, `redis` 或 `mysql`。
+- `PROVIDER_CONFIG`: 如果是文件,那么这里填根目录;其他的要填主机地址和端口。
+- `COOKIE_SECURE`: 强制使用 HTTPS 作为session访问。
+- `GC_INTERVAL_TIME`: Session失效时间。
+## Picture (`picture`)
+- `GRAVATAR_SOURCE`: 头像来源,可以是 `gravatar`, `duoshuo` 或者类似 `` 的来源
+- `DISABLE_GRAVATAR`: 开启则只使用内部头像。
+- `ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR`: 启用头像联盟支持 (参见
+## Attachment (`attachment`)
+- `ENABLED`: 是否允许用户上传附件。
+- `PATH`: 附件存储路径
+- `ALLOWED_TYPES`: 允许上传的附件类型。比如:`image/jpeg|image/png`,用 `*/*` 表示允许任何类型。
+- `MAX_SIZE`: 附件最大限制,单位 MB,比如: `4`。
+- `MAX_FILES`: 一次最多上传的附件数量,比如: `5`。
+## Log (`log`)
+- `ROOT_PATH`: 日志文件根目录。
+- `MODE`: 日志记录模式,默认是为 `console`。如果要写到多个通道,用逗号分隔
+- `LEVEL`: 日志级别,默认为`Trace`。
+## Cron (`cron`)
+- `ENABLED`: 是否在后台运行定期任务。
+- `RUN_AT_START`: 是否启动时自动运行。
+### Cron - Update Mirrors (`cron.update_mirrors`)
+- `SCHEDULE`: 自动同步镜像仓库的Cron语法,比如:`@every 1h`。
+### Cron - Repository Health Check (`cron.repo_health_check`)
+- `SCHEDULE`: 仓库健康监测的Cron语法,比如:`@every 24h`。
+- `TIMEOUT`: 仓库健康监测的超时时间,比如:`60s`.
+- `ARGS`: 执行 `git fsck` 命令的参数,比如:`--unreachable --tags`。
+### Cron - Repository Statistics Check (`cron.check_repo_stats`)
+- `RUN_AT_START`: 是否启动时自动运行仓库统计。
+- `SCHEDULE`: 藏亏统计时的Cron 语法,比如:`@every 24h`.
+## Git (`git`)
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES`: 比较视图中,一个文件最多显示行数。
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS`: 比较视图中一行最大字符数。
+- `MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES`: 比较视图中的最大现实文件数目。
+- `GC_ARGS`: 执行 `git gc` 命令的参数, 比如: `--aggressive --auto`。
+## Other (`other`)
+- `SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING`: 为真则在页面底部显示Gitea的字样。
+- `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: 为真则在页面底部显示Gitea的版本。
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fdf43770a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+date: "2017-04-15T14:56:00+02:00"
+title: "Customizing Gitea"
+slug: "customizing-gitea"
+weight: 9
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "Customizing Gitea"
+ weight: 9
+ identifier: "customizing-gitea"
+# Customizing Gitea
+The main way to customize Gitea is by using the `custom` folder. This is the central place to override and configure features.
+If you install Gitea from binary, after the installation process ends, you can find the `custom` folder next to the binary.
+Gitea will create the folder for you and prepopulate it with a `conf` folder inside, where Gitea stores all the configuration settings provided through the installation steps (have a look [here]( for a complete list).
+If you can't find the `custom` folder next to the binary, please check the `GITEA_CUSTOM` environment variable, that can be used to override the default path to something else. `GITEA_CUSTOM` might be set for example in your launch script file. Please have a look [here]( for a complete list of environment variables.
+**Note** that you have to restart Gitea for it to notice the changes.
+## Customizing /robots.txt
+To make Gitea serve your own `/robots.txt` (by default, an empty 404 status is served), simply create a file called `robots.txt` in the `custom` folder with the [expected contents](
+## Serving custom public files
+To make Gitea serve custom public files (like pages and images), use the folder `custom/public/` as the webroot. Symbolic links will be followed.
+For example, a file `image.png` stored in `custom/public`, can be accessed with the url `http://your-gitea-url/image.png`.
+## Changing the default avatar
+Place the png image at the following path: `custom/public/img/avatar_default.png`
+## Customizing Gitea pages
+The `custom/templates` folder allows you to change every single page of Gitea.
+You need to be aware of the template you want to change. All templates can be found in the `templates` folder of the Gitea sources.
+When you find the correct .tmpl file, you need to copy it in the `custom/templates` folder of your installation, __respecting__ any subfolder you found in the source template.
+You can now customize the template you copied in `custom/templates`, being carefully to not break the Gitea syntax.
+Any statement contained inside `{{` and `}}` are Gitea templete's syntax and shouldn't be touch, unless you know what are you doing.
+## Customizing gitignores, labels, licenses, locales, and readmes.
+Place your own files in corresponding sub-folder under `custom/options`. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..368d174491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+date: "2016-12-01T16:00:00+02:00"
+title: "Hacking on Gitea"
+slug: "hacking-on-gitea"
+weight: 10
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "Hacking on Gitea"
+ weight: 10
+ identifier: "hacking-on-gitea"
+# Hacking on Gitea
+We won't cover the basics of a Golang setup within this guide. If you don't know how to get the environment up and running you should follow the official [install instructions](
+If you want to contribute to Gitea you should fork the project and work on the `master` branch. There is a catch though, some internal packages are referenced by their GitHub URL. So you have to trick the Go tool to think that you work on a clone of the official repository. Start by downloading the source code as you normally would:
+go get -d
+Now it's time to fork the [Gitea repository]( on GitHub, after that you should have to switch to the source directory on the command line:
+cd $GOPATH/src/
+To be able to create pull requests you should add your forked repository as a remote to the Gitea sources, otherwise you can not apply the changes to our repository because of lacking write permissions:
+git remote rename origin upstream
+git remote add origin<USERNAME>/gitea.git
+git fetch --all --prune
+You've got a working development environment for Gitea now. Take a look at the `Makefile` to get an overview about the available tasks. The most common tasks should be `make test` which will start our test environment and `make build` which will build a `gitea` binary into your working directory. Writing test cases is not mandatory to contribute, but we will be happy if you do.
+That’s it! You are ready to hack on Gitea. Test your changes, push them to your repository and open a pull request.
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..857260292a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+date: "2016-12-01T16:00:00+02:00"
+title: "加入 Gitea 开源"
+slug: "hacking-on-gitea"
+weight: 10
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "加入 Gitea 开源"
+ weight: 10
+ identifier: "hacking-on-gitea"
+# Hacking on Gitea
+首先你需要一些运行环境,这和 [从源代码安装]({{< relref "" >}}) 相同,如果你还没有设置好,可以先阅读那个章节。
+如果你想为 Gitea 贡献代码,你需要 Fork 这个项目并且以 `master` 为开发分支。Gitea使用Govendor来管理依赖,因此所有依赖项都被工具自动copy在vendor子目录下。用下面的命令来下载源码:
+go get -d
+然后你可以在 Github 上 fork [Gitea 项目](,之后可以通过下面的命令进入源码目录:
+cd $GOPATH/src/
+要创建 pull requests 你还需要在源码中新增一个 remote 指向你 Fork 的地址,直接推送到 origin 的话会告诉你没有写权限:
+git remote rename origin upstream
+git remote add origin<USERNAME>/gitea.git
+git fetch --all --prune
+然后你就可以开始开发了。你可以看一下 `Makefile` 的内容。`make test` 可以运行测试程序, `make build` 将生成一个 `gitea` 可运行文件在根目录。如果你的提交比较复杂,尽量多写一些单元测试代码。
+好了,到这里你已经设置好了所有的开发Gitea所需的环境。欢迎成为 Gitea 的 Contributor。
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..836c544397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+date: "2017-01-14T11:00:00-02:00"
+title: "Make"
+slug: "make"
+weight: 10
+toc: true
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "Make"
+ weight: 30
+ identifier: "make"
+# Make
+Gitea makes heavy use of Make to automate tasks and have a faster development. This guide cover how to install Make.
+### On Linux
+You can install with your package manager.
+On Ubuntu/Debian:
+sudo apt-get install build-essential
+On Fedora/RHEL/CentOS:
+sudo yum install make
+### On Windows
+If you are using Windows, you can download and use one of these distributions of Make:
+- [Single binary build]( Copy somewhere and add to `PATH`.
+ - [32-bits version](
+ - [64-bits version](
+- [MinGW]( includes a build. The binary is called `mingw32-make.exe` instead of `make.exe`. Add the `bin` folder to your `PATH`.
+- [Chocolatey package]( Run `choco install make`
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fe705aa72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+date: "2017-04-08T11:34:00+02:00"
+title: "Specific variables"
+slug: "specific-variables"
+weight: 20
+toc: false
+draft: false
+ sidebar:
+ parent: "advanced"
+ name: "Specific variables"
+ weight: 20
+ identifier: "specific-variables"
+# Specific variables
+This is an inventory of Gitea environment variables. They change Gitea behaviour.
+Initialize them before Gitea command to be effective, for example:
+GITEA_CUSTOM=/home/gitea/custom ./gitea web
+## From Go language
+As Gitea is written in Go, it uses some Go variables as:
+ * `GOOS`
+ * `GOARCH`
+ * `GOPATH`
+For `GOPATH`, check [official documentation about GOPATH environment variable](
+For others, check [official documentation about variables used when it runs the generator](
+## Gitea files
+ * `GITEA_WORK_DIR`: Gitea absolute path of work directory.
+ * `GITEA_CUSTOM`: Gitea uses `GITEA_WORK_DIR`/custom folder by default. Use this variable to change *custom* directory.
+ * `GOGS_WORK_DIR`: Deprecated, use `GITEA_WORK_DIR`
+ * `GOGS_CUSTOM`: Deprecated, use `GITEA_CUSTOM`
+## Operating system specifics
+ * `USER`: system user that launch Gitea. Useful for repository URL address on Gitea interface
+ * `USERNAME`: if no USER found, Gitea will try `USERNAME`
+ * `HOME`: User home directory path (**except if** you're running on Windows, check the following `USERPROFILE` variable)
+### Only on Windows
+ * `USERPROFILE`: User home directory path. If empty, uses `HOMEDRIVE` + `HOMEPATH`
+ * `HOMEDRIVE`: Main drive path you will use to get home directory
+ * `HOMEPATH`: Home relative path in the given home drive path
+## Macaron (framework used by Gitea)
+ * `HOST`: Host Macaron will listen on
+ * `PORT`: Port Macaron will listen on
+ * `MACARON_ENV`: global variable to provide special functionality for development environments vs production environments. If MACARON_ENV is set to "" or "development" then templates will be recompiled on every request. For more performance, set the MACARON_ENV environment variable to "production".
+## Miscellaneous
+ * `SKIP_MINWINSVC`: Do not run as a service on Windows if set to 1
+ * `ZOOKEEPER_PATH`: [Zookeeper]( jar file path