path: root/modules/timeutil
diff options
authorLunny Xiao <>2019-08-15 22:46:21 +0800
committerGitHub <>2019-08-15 22:46:21 +0800
commit85202d4784758573f80f93dbbda97a444e7ece99 (patch)
tree7957506de8657463e79f121e1b79567ef1cc84a1 /modules/timeutil
parent5a44be627c055d3e9eb406ec4a91579de78b6910 (diff)
Display ui time with customize time location (#7792)
* display ui time with customize time location * fix lint * rename UILocation to DefaultUILocation * move time related functions to modules/timeutil * fix tests * fix tests * fix build * fix swagger
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/timeutil')
4 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/timeutil/language.go b/modules/timeutil/language.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..121b50f277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/timeutil/language.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package timeutil
+import (
+ "time"
+ ""
+var (
+ langTimeFormats = map[string]string{
+ "zh-CN": "2006年01月02日 15时04分05秒",
+ "en-US": time.RFC1123,
+ "lv-LV": "02.01.2006. 15:04:05",
+ }
+// GetLangTimeFormat represents the default time format for the language
+func GetLangTimeFormat(lang string) string {
+ return langTimeFormats[lang]
+// GetTimeFormat represents the
+func GetTimeFormat(lang string) string {
+ if setting.TimeFormat == "" {
+ format := GetLangTimeFormat(lang)
+ if format == "" {
+ format = time.RFC1123
+ }
+ return format
+ }
+ return setting.TimeFormat
diff --git a/modules/timeutil/since.go b/modules/timeutil/since.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ba111e54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/timeutil/since.go
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package timeutil
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "html/template"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+// Seconds-based time units
+const (
+ Minute = 60
+ Hour = 60 * Minute
+ Day = 24 * Hour
+ Week = 7 * Day
+ Month = 30 * Day
+ Year = 12 * Month
+func computeTimeDiff(diff int64, lang string) (int64, string) {
+ diffStr := ""
+ switch {
+ case diff <= 0:
+ diff = 0
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "")
+ case diff < 2:
+ diff = 0
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1s")
+ case diff < 1*Minute:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.seconds", diff)
+ diff = 0
+ case diff < 2*Minute:
+ diff -= 1 * Minute
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1m")
+ case diff < 1*Hour:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.minutes", diff/Minute)
+ diff -= diff / Minute * Minute
+ case diff < 2*Hour:
+ diff -= 1 * Hour
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1h")
+ case diff < 1*Day:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.hours", diff/Hour)
+ diff -= diff / Hour * Hour
+ case diff < 2*Day:
+ diff -= 1 * Day
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1d")
+ case diff < 1*Week:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.days", diff/Day)
+ diff -= diff / Day * Day
+ case diff < 2*Week:
+ diff -= 1 * Week
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1w")
+ case diff < 1*Month:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.weeks", diff/Week)
+ diff -= diff / Week * Week
+ case diff < 2*Month:
+ diff -= 1 * Month
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1mon")
+ case diff < 1*Year:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.months", diff/Month)
+ diff -= diff / Month * Month
+ case diff < 2*Year:
+ diff -= 1 * Year
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.1y")
+ default:
+ diffStr = i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.years", diff/Year)
+ diff -= (diff / Year) * Year
+ }
+ return diff, diffStr
+// MinutesToFriendly returns a user friendly string with number of minutes
+// converted to hours and minutes.
+func MinutesToFriendly(minutes int, lang string) string {
+ duration := time.Duration(minutes) * time.Minute
+ return TimeSincePro(time.Now().Add(-duration), lang)
+// TimeSincePro calculates the time interval and generate full user-friendly string.
+func TimeSincePro(then time.Time, lang string) string {
+ return timeSincePro(then, time.Now(), lang)
+func timeSincePro(then, now time.Time, lang string) string {
+ diff := now.Unix() - then.Unix()
+ if then.After(now) {
+ return i18n.Tr(lang, "tool.future")
+ }
+ if diff == 0 {
+ return i18n.Tr(lang, "")
+ }
+ var timeStr, diffStr string
+ for {
+ if diff == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ diff, diffStr = computeTimeDiff(diff, lang)
+ timeStr += ", " + diffStr
+ }
+ return strings.TrimPrefix(timeStr, ", ")
+func timeSince(then, now time.Time, lang string) string {
+ return timeSinceUnix(then.Unix(), now.Unix(), lang)
+func timeSinceUnix(then, now int64, lang string) string {
+ lbl := "tool.ago"
+ diff := now - then
+ if then > now {
+ lbl = "tool.from_now"
+ diff = then - now
+ }
+ if diff <= 0 {
+ return i18n.Tr(lang, "")
+ }
+ _, diffStr := computeTimeDiff(diff, lang)
+ return i18n.Tr(lang, lbl, diffStr)
+// RawTimeSince retrieves i18n key of time since t
+func RawTimeSince(t time.Time, lang string) string {
+ return timeSince(t, time.Now(), lang)
+// TimeSince calculates the time interval and generate user-friendly string.
+func TimeSince(then time.Time, lang string) template.HTML {
+ return htmlTimeSince(then, time.Now(), lang)
+func htmlTimeSince(then, now time.Time, lang string) template.HTML {
+ return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="time-since" title="%s">%s</span>`,
+ then.In(setting.DefaultUILocation).Format(GetTimeFormat(lang)),
+ timeSince(then, now, lang)))
+// TimeSinceUnix calculates the time interval and generate user-friendly string.
+func TimeSinceUnix(then TimeStamp, lang string) template.HTML {
+ return htmlTimeSinceUnix(then, TimeStamp(time.Now().Unix()), lang)
+func htmlTimeSinceUnix(then, now TimeStamp, lang string) template.HTML {
+ return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="time-since" title="%s">%s</span>`,
+ then.FormatInLocation(GetTimeFormat(lang), setting.DefaultUILocation),
+ timeSinceUnix(int64(then), int64(now), lang)))
diff --git a/modules/timeutil/since_test.go b/modules/timeutil/since_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c016e4ac65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/timeutil/since_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package timeutil
+import (
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ macaroni18n ""
+ ""
+var BaseDate time.Time
+// time durations
+const (
+ DayDur = 24 * time.Hour
+ WeekDur = 7 * DayDur
+ MonthDur = 30 * DayDur
+ YearDur = 12 * MonthDur
+func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
+ // setup
+ macaroni18n.I18n(macaroni18n.Options{
+ Directory: "../../options/locale/",
+ DefaultLang: "en-US",
+ Langs: []string{"en-US"},
+ Names: []string{"english"},
+ })
+ BaseDate = time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+ // run the tests
+ retVal := m.Run()
+ os.Exit(retVal)
+func TestTimeSince(t *testing.T) {
+ assert.Equal(t, "now", timeSince(BaseDate, BaseDate, "en"))
+ // test that each diff in `diffs` yields the expected string
+ test := func(expected string, diffs ...time.Duration) {
+ for _, diff := range diffs {
+ actual := timeSince(BaseDate, BaseDate.Add(diff), "en")
+ assert.Equal(t, i18n.Tr("en", "tool.ago", expected), actual)
+ actual = timeSince(BaseDate.Add(diff), BaseDate, "en")
+ assert.Equal(t, i18n.Tr("en", "tool.from_now", expected), actual)
+ }
+ }
+ test("1 second", time.Second, time.Second+50*time.Millisecond)
+ test("2 seconds", 2*time.Second, 2*time.Second+50*time.Millisecond)
+ test("1 minute", time.Minute, time.Minute+30*time.Second)
+ test("2 minutes", 2*time.Minute, 2*time.Minute+30*time.Second)
+ test("1 hour", time.Hour, time.Hour+30*time.Minute)
+ test("2 hours", 2*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour+30*time.Minute)
+ test("1 day", DayDur, DayDur+12*time.Hour)
+ test("2 days", 2*DayDur, 2*DayDur+12*time.Hour)
+ test("1 week", WeekDur, WeekDur+3*DayDur)
+ test("2 weeks", 2*WeekDur, 2*WeekDur+3*DayDur)
+ test("1 month", MonthDur, MonthDur+15*DayDur)
+ test("2 months", 2*MonthDur, 2*MonthDur+15*DayDur)
+ test("1 year", YearDur, YearDur+6*MonthDur)
+ test("2 years", 2*YearDur, 2*YearDur+6*MonthDur)
+func TestTimeSincePro(t *testing.T) {
+ assert.Equal(t, "now", timeSincePro(BaseDate, BaseDate, "en"))
+ // test that a difference of `diff` yields the expected string
+ test := func(expected string, diff time.Duration) {
+ actual := timeSincePro(BaseDate, BaseDate.Add(diff), "en")
+ assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
+ assert.Equal(t, "future", timeSincePro(BaseDate.Add(diff), BaseDate, "en"))
+ }
+ test("1 second", time.Second)
+ test("2 seconds", 2*time.Second)
+ test("1 minute", time.Minute)
+ test("1 minute, 1 second", time.Minute+time.Second)
+ test("1 minute, 59 seconds", time.Minute+59*time.Second)
+ test("2 minutes", 2*time.Minute)
+ test("1 hour", time.Hour)
+ test("1 hour, 1 second", time.Hour+time.Second)
+ test("1 hour, 59 minutes, 59 seconds", time.Hour+59*time.Minute+59*time.Second)
+ test("2 hours", 2*time.Hour)
+ test("1 day", DayDur)
+ test("1 day, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds",
+ DayDur+23*time.Hour+59*time.Minute+59*time.Second)
+ test("2 days", 2*DayDur)
+ test("1 week", WeekDur)
+ test("2 weeks", 2*WeekDur)
+ test("1 month", MonthDur)
+ test("3 months", 3*MonthDur)
+ test("1 year", YearDur)
+ test("2 years, 3 months, 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, 17 seconds",
+ 2*YearDur+3*MonthDur+WeekDur+2*DayDur+4*time.Hour+
+ 12*time.Minute+17*time.Second)
+func TestHtmlTimeSince(t *testing.T) {
+ setting.TimeFormat = time.UnixDate
+ setting.DefaultUILocation = time.UTC
+ // test that `diff` yields a result containing `expected`
+ test := func(expected string, diff time.Duration) {
+ actual := htmlTimeSince(BaseDate, BaseDate.Add(diff), "en")
+ assert.Contains(t, actual, `title="Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 2000"`)
+ assert.Contains(t, actual, expected)
+ }
+ test("1 second", time.Second)
+ test("3 minutes", 3*time.Minute+5*time.Second)
+ test("1 day", DayDur+18*time.Hour)
+ test("1 week", WeekDur+6*DayDur)
+ test("3 months", 3*MonthDur+3*WeekDur)
+ test("2 years", 2*YearDur)
+ test("3 years", 3*YearDur+11*MonthDur+4*WeekDur)
+func TestComputeTimeDiff(t *testing.T) {
+ // test that for each offset in offsets,
+ // computeTimeDiff(base + offset) == (offset, str)
+ test := func(base int64, str string, offsets ...int64) {
+ for _, offset := range offsets {
+ diff, diffStr := computeTimeDiff(base+offset, "en")
+ assert.Equal(t, offset, diff)
+ assert.Equal(t, str, diffStr)
+ }
+ }
+ test(0, "now", 0)
+ test(1, "1 second", 0)
+ test(2, "2 seconds", 0)
+ test(Minute, "1 minute", 0, 1, 30, Minute-1)
+ test(2*Minute, "2 minutes", 0, Minute-1)
+ test(Hour, "1 hour", 0, 1, Hour-1)
+ test(5*Hour, "5 hours", 0, Hour-1)
+ test(Day, "1 day", 0, 1, Day-1)
+ test(5*Day, "5 days", 0, Day-1)
+ test(Week, "1 week", 0, 1, Week-1)
+ test(3*Week, "3 weeks", 0, 4*Day+25000)
+ test(Month, "1 month", 0, 1, Month-1)
+ test(10*Month, "10 months", 0, Month-1)
+ test(Year, "1 year", 0, Year-1)
+ test(3*Year, "3 years", 0, Year-1)
+func TestMinutesToFriendly(t *testing.T) {
+ // test that a number of minutes yields the expected string
+ test := func(expected string, minutes int) {
+ actual := MinutesToFriendly(minutes, "en")
+ assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
+ }
+ test("1 minute", 1)
+ test("2 minutes", 2)
+ test("1 hour", 60)
+ test("1 hour, 1 minute", 61)
+ test("1 hour, 2 minutes", 62)
+ test("2 hours", 120)
diff --git a/modules/timeutil/timestamp.go b/modules/timeutil/timestamp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f70da9db74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/timeutil/timestamp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package timeutil
+import (
+ "time"
+ ""
+// TimeStamp defines a timestamp
+type TimeStamp int64
+// TimeStampNow returns now int64
+func TimeStampNow() TimeStamp {
+ return TimeStamp(time.Now().Unix())
+// Add adds seconds and return sum
+func (ts TimeStamp) Add(seconds int64) TimeStamp {
+ return ts + TimeStamp(seconds)
+// AddDuration adds time.Duration and return sum
+func (ts TimeStamp) AddDuration(interval time.Duration) TimeStamp {
+ return ts + TimeStamp(interval/time.Second)
+// Year returns the time's year
+func (ts TimeStamp) Year() int {
+ return ts.AsTime().Year()
+// AsTime convert timestamp as time.Time in Local locale
+func (ts TimeStamp) AsTime() (tm time.Time) {
+ return ts.AsTimeInLocation(setting.DefaultUILocation)
+// AsTimeInLocation convert timestamp as time.Time in Local locale
+func (ts TimeStamp) AsTimeInLocation(loc *time.Location) (tm time.Time) {
+ tm = time.Unix(int64(ts), 0).In(loc)
+ return
+// AsTimePtr convert timestamp as *time.Time in Local locale
+func (ts TimeStamp) AsTimePtr() *time.Time {
+ return ts.AsTimePtrInLocation(setting.DefaultUILocation)
+// AsTimePtrInLocation convert timestamp as *time.Time in customize location
+func (ts TimeStamp) AsTimePtrInLocation(loc *time.Location) *time.Time {
+ tm := time.Unix(int64(ts), 0).In(loc)
+ return &tm
+// Format formats timestamp as given format
+func (ts TimeStamp) Format(f string) string {
+ return ts.FormatInLocation(f, setting.DefaultUILocation)
+// FormatInLocation formats timestamp as given format with spiecific location
+func (ts TimeStamp) FormatInLocation(f string, loc *time.Location) string {
+ return ts.AsTimeInLocation(loc).Format(f)
+// FormatLong formats as RFC1123Z
+func (ts TimeStamp) FormatLong() string {
+ return ts.Format(time.RFC1123Z)
+// FormatShort formats as short
+func (ts TimeStamp) FormatShort() string {
+ return ts.Format("Jan 02, 2006")
+// IsZero is zero time
+func (ts TimeStamp) IsZero() bool {
+ return ts.AsTimeInLocation(time.Local).IsZero()