diff options
author | 6543 <6543@obermui.de> | 2020-09-02 18:57:08 +0200 |
committer | GitHub <noreply@github.com> | 2020-09-02 12:57:08 -0400 |
commit | 84eac6ed6c1b02a28c83cd2695aa470c4acf46e9 (patch) | |
tree | 82a7122c06ed84fc808691d9d43480f2b983ce9e /options/license/CAL-1.0 | |
parent | 3ecd030cd5aa7ded57438a5b9c1459faf237993f (diff) | |
download | gitea-84eac6ed6c1b02a28c83cd2695aa470c4acf46e9.tar.gz gitea-84eac6ed6c1b02a28c83cd2695aa470c4acf46e9.zip |
Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update (#12682)
* Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore
* Update Gitignores & Licenses
Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <techknowlogick@gitea.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'options/license/CAL-1.0')
-rw-r--r-- | options/license/CAL-1.0 | 352 |
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/options/license/CAL-1.0 b/options/license/CAL-1.0 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..538f9d9610 --- /dev/null +++ b/options/license/CAL-1.0 @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +# The Cryptographic Autonomy License, v. 1.0 + +*This Cryptographic Autonomy License (the "License") applies to any Work whose +owner has marked it with any of the following notices, or a similar demonstration +of intent: * + + + +SPDX-License-Identifier: CAL-1.0 + +Licensed under the Cryptographic Autonomy License version 1.0 + + + +*or* + + + +SPDX-License-Identifier: CAL-1.0-Combined-Work-Exception + +Licensed under the Cryptographic Autonomy License version 1.0, with Combined +Work Exception + +______________________________________________________________________ + + + + ## 1. Purpose + +This License gives You unlimited permission to use and modify the software +to which it applies (the "Work"), either as-is or in modified form, for Your +private purposes, while protecting the owners and contributors to the software +from liability. + +This License also strives to protect the freedom and autonomy of third parties +who receive the Work from you. If any non-affiliated third party receives +any part, aspect, or element of the Work from You, this License requires that +You provide that third party all the permissions and materials needed to independently +use and modify the Work without that third party having a loss of data or +capability due to your actions. + + The full permissions, conditions, and other terms are laid out below. + + ## 2. Receiving a License + +In order to receive this License, You must agree to its rules. The rules of +this License are both obligations of Your agreement with the Licensor and +conditions to your License. You must not do anything with the Work that triggers +a rule You cannot or will not follow. + + ### 2.1. Application + +The terms of this License apply to the Work as you receive it from Licensor, +as well as to any modifications, elaborations, or implementations created +by You that contain any licensable portion of the Work (a "Modified Work"). +Unless specified, any reference to the Work also applies to a Modified Work. + + ### 2.2. Offer and Acceptance + +This License is automatically offered to every person and organization. You +show that you accept this License and agree to its conditions by taking any +action with the Work that, absent this License, would infringe any intellectual +property right held by Licensor. + + ### 2.3. Compliance and Remedies + +Any failure to act according to the terms and conditions of this License places +Your use of the Work outside the scope of the License and infringes the intellectual +property rights of the Licensor. In the event of infringement, the terms and +conditions of this License may be enforced by Licensor under the intellectual +property laws of any jurisdiction to which You are subject. You also agree +that either the Licensor or a Recipient (as an intended third-party beneficiary) +may enforce the terms and conditions of this License against You via specific +performance. + + ## 3. Permissions + + + + ### 3.1. Permissions Granted + +Conditioned on compliance with section 4, and subject to the limitations of +section 3.2, Licensor grants You the world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive +permission to: + ++ a) Take any action with the Work that would infringe the non-patent intellectual +property laws of any jurisdiction to which You are subject; and + ++ b) claims that Licensor can license or becomes able to license, to the extent +that those claims are embodied in the Work as distributed by Licensor. + + ### 3.2. Limitations on Permissions Granted + +The following limitations apply to the permissions granted in section 3.1: + + + ++ a) Licensor does not grant any patent license for claims that are only infringed +due to modification of the Work as provided by Licensor, or the combination +of the Work as provided by Licensor, directly or indirectly, with any other +component, including other software or hardware. + + + ++ b) Licensor does not grant any license to the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of Licensor, except to the extent necessary to comply with the attribution +conditions in section 4.1 of this License. + + ## 4. Conditions + +If You exercise any permission granted by this License, such that the Work, +or any part, aspect, or element of the Work, is distributed, communicated, +made available, or made perceptible to a non-Affiliate third party (a "Recipient"), +either via physical delivery or via a network connection to the Recipient, +You must comply with the following conditions: + + ### 4.1. Provide Access to Source Code + +Subject to the exception in section 4.4, You must provide to each Recipient +a copy of, or no-charge unrestricted network access to, the Source Code corresponding +to the Work ("Access"). + +The "Source Code" of the Work means the form of the Work preferred for making +modifications, including any comments, configuration information, documentation, +help materials, installation instructions, cryptographic seeds or keys, and +any information reasonably necessary for the Recipient to independently compile +and use the Source Code and to have full access to the functionality contained +in the Work. + + #### 4.1.1. Providing Network Access to the Source Code + +Network Access to the Notices and Source Code may be provided by You or by +a third party, such as a public software repository, and must persist during +the same period in which You exercise any of the permissions granted to You +under this License and for at least one year thereafter. + + #### 4.1.2. Source Code for a Modified Work + +Subject to the exception in section 4.5, You must provide to each Recipient +of a Modified Work Access to Source Code corresponding to those portions of +the Work remaining in the Modified Work as well as the modifications used +by You to create the Modified Work. The Source Code corresponding to the modifications +in the Modified Work must be provided to the Recipient either a) under this +License, or b) under a Compatible Open Source License. + + #### 4.1.3. Coordinated Disclosure of Security Vulnerabilities + +You may delay providing the Source Code corresponding to a particular modification +of the Work for up to ninety (90) days (the "Embargo Period") if: + + + ++ a) the modification is intended to address a newly-identified vulnerability +or a security flaw in the Work, + + + ++ b) disclosure of the vulnerability or security flaw before the end of the +Embargo Period would put the data, identity, or autonomy of one or more Recipients +of the Work at significant risk, + + + ++ c) You are participating in a coordinated disclosure of the vulnerability +or security flaw with one or more additional Licensees, and + + + ++ d) Access to the Source Code pertaining to the modification is provided +to all Recipients at the end of the Embargo Period. + + ### 4.2. Maintain User Autonomy + +In addition to providing each Recipient the opportunity to have Access to +the Source Code, You cannot use the permissions given under this License to +interfere with a Recipient's ability to fully use an independent copy of the +Work generated from the Source Code You provide with the Recipient's own User +Data. + +"User Data" means any data that is an input to or an output from the Work, +where the presence of the data is necessary for substantially identical use +of the Work in an equivalent context chosen by the Recipient, and where the +Recipient has an existing ownership interest, an existing right to possess, +or where the data has been generated by, for, or has been assigned to the +Recipient. + + #### 4.2.1. No Withholding User Data + +Throughout any period in which You exercise any of the permissions granted +to You under this License, You must also provide to any Recipient to whom +you provide services via the Work, a no-charge copy, provided in a commonly +used electronic form, of the Recipient's User Data in your possession, to +the extent that such User Data is available to You for use in conjunction +with the Work. + + #### 4.2.2. No Technical Measures that Limit Access + +You may not, by means of the use cryptographic methods applied to anything +provided to the Recipient, by possession or control of cryptographic keys, +seeds, hashes, by any other technological protection measures, or by any other +method, limit a Recipient's ability to access any functionality present in +Recipient's independent copy of the Work, or to deny a Recipient full control +of the Recipient's User Data. + + #### 4.2.3. No Legal or Contractual Measures that Limit Access + +You may not contractually restrict a Recipient's ability to independently +exercise the permissions granted under this License. You waive any legal power +to forbid circumvention of technical protection measures that include use +of the Work, and You waive any claim that the capabilities of the Work were +limited or modified as a means of enforcing the legal rights of third parties +against Recipients. + + ### 4.3. Provide Notices and Attribution + +You must retain all licensing, authorship, or attribution notices contained +in the Source Code (the "Notices"), and provide all such Notices to each Recipient, +together with a statement acknowledging the use of the Work. Notices may be +provided directly to a Recipient or via an easy-to-find hyperlink to an Internet +location also providing Access to Source Code. + + ### 4.4. Scope of Conditions in this License + +You are required to uphold the conditions of this License only relative to +those who are Recipients of the Work from You. Other than providing Recipients +with the applicable Notices, Access to Source Code, and a copy of and full +control of their User Data, nothing in this License requires You to provide +processing services to or engage in network interactions with anyone. + + ### 4.5. Combined Work Exception + +As an exception to condition that You provide Recipients Access to Source +Code, any Source Code files marked by the Licensor as having the "Combined +Work Exception," or any object code exclusively resulting from Source Code +files so marked, may be combined with other Software into a "Larger Work." +So long as you comply with the requirements to provide Recipients the applicable +Notices and Access to the Source Code provided to You by Licensor, and you +provide Recipients access to their User Data and do not limit Recipient's +ability to independently work with their User Data, any other Software in +the Larger Work as well as the Larger Work as a whole may be licensed under +the terms of your choice. + + ## 5. Term and Termination + +The term of this License begins when You receive the Work, and continues until +terminated for any of the reasons described herein, or until all Licensor's +intellectual property rights in the Software expire, whichever comes first +("Term"). This License cannot be revoked, only terminated for the reasons +listed below. + + ### 5.1. Effect of Termination + +If this License is terminated for any reason, all permissions granted to You +under Section 3 by any Licensor automatically terminate. You will immediately +cease exercising any permissions granted in this License relative to the Work, +including as part of any Modified Work. + + ### 5.2. Termination for Non-Compliance; Reinstatement + +This License terminates automatically if You fail to comply with any of the +conditions in section 4. As a special exception to termination for non-compliance, +Your permissions for the Work under this License will automatically be reinstated +if You come into compliance with all the conditions in section 2 within sixty +(60) days of being notified by Licensor or an intended third-party beneficiary +of Your noncompliance. You are eligible for reinstatement of permissions for +the Work one time only, and only for the sixty days immediately after becoming +aware of noncompliance. Loss of permissions granted for the Work under this +License due to either a) sustained noncompliance lasting more than sixty days +or b) subsequent termination for noncompliance after reinstatement, is permanent, +unless rights are specifically restored by Licensor in writing. + + ### 5.3. Termination Due to Litigation + +If You initiate litigation against Licensor, or any Recipient of the Work, +either direct or indirect, asserting that the Work directly or indirectly +infringes any patent, then all permissions granted to You by this License +shall terminate. In the event of termination due to litigation, all permissions +validly granted by You under this License, directly or indirectly, shall survive +termination. Administrative review procedures, declaratory judgment actions, +counterclaims in response to patent litigation, and enforcement actions against +former Licensees terminated under this section do not cause termination due +to litigation. + + ## 6. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limit on Liability + +As far as the law allows, the Work comes AS-IS, without any warranty of any +kind, and no Licensor or contributor will be liable to anyone for any damages +related to this software or this license, under any kind of legal claim, or +for any type of damages, including indirect, special, incidental, or consequential +damages of any type arising as a result of this License or the use of the +Work including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, +computer failure or malfunction, loss of profits, revenue, or any and all +other commercial damages or losses. + + ## 7. Other Provisions + + + + ### 7.1. Affiliates + +An "Affiliate" means any other entity that, directly or indirectly through +one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common +control with, the Licensee. Employees of a Licensee and natural persons acting +as contractors exclusively providing services to Licensee are also Affiliates. + + ### 7.2. Choice of Jurisdiction and Governing Law + +A Licensor may require that any action or suit by a Licensee relating to a +Work provided by Licensor under this License may be brought only in the courts +of a particular jurisdiction and under the laws of a particular jurisdiction +(excluding its conflict-of-law provisions), if Licensor provides conspicuous +notice of the particular jurisdiction to all Licensees. + + ### 7.3. No Sublicensing + +This License is not sublicensable. Each time You provide the Work or a Modified +Work to a Recipient, the Recipient automatically receives a license under +the terms described in this License. You may not impose any further reservations, +conditions, or other provisions on any Recipients' exercise of the permissions +granted herein. + + ### 7.4. Attorneys' Fees + +In any action to enforce the terms of this License, or seeking damages relating +thereto, including by an intended third-party beneficiary, the prevailing +party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including, without +limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with +such action, including any appeal of such action. A "prevailing party" is +the party that achieves, or avoids, compliance with this License, including +through settlement. This section shall survive the termination of this License. + + ### 7.5. No Waiver + +Any failure by Licensor to enforce any provision of this License will not +constitute a present or future waiver of such provision nor limit Licensor's +ability to enforce such provision at a later time. + + ### 7.6. Severability + +If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision +shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Any +invalid or unenforceable portion will be interpreted to the effect and intent +of the original portion. If such a construction is not possible, the invalid +or unenforceable portion will be severed from this License but the rest of +this License will remain in full force and effect. + + ### 7.7. License for the Text of this License + +The text of this license is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike +4.0 International License, with the caveat that any modifications of this +license may not use the name "Cryptographic Autonomy License" or any name +confusingly similar thereto to describe any derived work of this License. |