path: root/web_src/js/bootstrap.js
diff options
authorsilverwind <>2024-02-28 23:20:53 +0100
committerGitHub <>2024-02-28 22:20:53 +0000
commit6d9b7253a2de00b5dfc27550cf7e015e819d6fd2 (patch)
tree2a9959374e1f57569fd924f34ae6ece9b389a9d4 /web_src/js/bootstrap.js
parent850fc2516e67049ec195c72d861896b275bd09d1 (diff)
Fix/Improve `processWindowErrorEvent` (#29407)
- `e.error` can be undefined in some cases which would raise an error inside this error handler, fixed that. - The displayed message mentions looking into the console, but in my case of error from `ResizeObserver` there was nothing there, so add this logging. I think this logging was once there but got lost during refactoring.
Diffstat (limited to 'web_src/js/bootstrap.js')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/web_src/js/bootstrap.js b/web_src/js/bootstrap.js
index e46c91e5e6..c0047b0ac2 100644
--- a/web_src/js/bootstrap.js
+++ b/web_src/js/bootstrap.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// DO NOT IMPORT window.config HERE!
-// to make sure the error handler always works, we should never import `window.config`, because some user's custom template breaks it.
+// to make sure the error handler always works, we should never import `window.config`, because
+// some user's custom template breaks it.
// This sets up the URL prefix used in webpack's chunk loading.
// This file must be imported before any lazy-loading is being attempted.
@@ -26,29 +27,42 @@ export function showGlobalErrorMessage(msg) {
- * @param {ErrorEvent} e
+ * @param {ErrorEvent|PromiseRejectionEvent} event - Event
+ * @param {string} event.message - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {string} event.error - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {string} event.type - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {string} event.filename - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {number} event.lineno - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {number} event.colno - Only present on ErrorEvent
+ * @param {string} event.reason - Only present on PromiseRejectionEvent
+ * @param {number} event.promise - Only present on PromiseRejectionEvent
-function processWindowErrorEvent(e) {
- const err = e.error ?? e.reason;
+function processWindowErrorEvent({error, reason, message, type, filename, lineno, colno}) {
+ const err = error ?? reason;
const assetBaseUrl = String(new URL(__webpack_public_path__, window.location.origin));
+ const {runModeIsProd} = window.config ?? {};
- // error is likely from browser extension or inline script. Do not show these in production builds.
- if (!err.stack?.includes(assetBaseUrl) && window.config?.runModeIsProd) return;
- let message;
- if (e.type === 'unhandledrejection') {
- message = `JavaScript promise rejection: ${err.message}.`;
- } else {
- message = `JavaScript error: ${e.message} (${e.filename} @ ${e.lineno}:${e.colno}).`;
+ // `error` and `reason` are not guaranteed to be errors. If the value is falsy, it is likly a
+ // non-critical event from the browser. We log them but don't show them to users. Examples:
+ // -
+ // -
+ // -
+ if (!err) {
+ if (message) console.error(new Error(message));
+ if (runModeIsProd) return;
- if (!e.error && e.lineno === 0 && e.colno === 0 && e.filename === '' && window.navigator.userAgent.includes('FxiOS/')) {
- // At the moment, Firefox (iOS) (10x) has an engine bug. See
- // If a script inserts a newly created (and content changed) element into DOM, there will be a nonsense error event reporting: Script error: line 0, col 0.
- return; // ignore such nonsense error event
+ // If the error stack trace does not include the base URL of our script assets, it likely came
+ // from a browser extension or inline script. Do not show such errors in production.
+ if (err instanceof Error && !err.stack?.includes(assetBaseUrl) && runModeIsProd) {
+ return;
- showGlobalErrorMessage(`${message} Open browser console to see more details.`);
+ let msg = err?.message ?? message;
+ if (lineno) msg += ` (${filename} @ ${lineno}:${colno})`;
+ const dot = msg.endsWith('.') ? '' : '.';
+ const renderedType = type === 'unhandledrejection' ? 'promise rejection' : type;
+ showGlobalErrorMessage(`JavaScript ${renderedType}: ${msg}${dot} Open browser console to see more details.`);
function initGlobalErrorHandler() {
@@ -59,13 +73,14 @@ function initGlobalErrorHandler() {
if (!window.config) {
showGlobalErrorMessage(`Gitea JavaScript code couldn't run correctly, please check your custom templates`);
- // we added an event handler for window error at the very beginning of <script> of page head
- // the handler calls `_globalHandlerErrors.push` (array method) to record all errors occur before this init
- // then in this init, we can collect all error events and show them
+ // we added an event handler for window error at the very beginning of <script> of page head the
+ // handler calls `_globalHandlerErrors.push` (array method) to record all errors occur before
+ // this init then in this init, we can collect all error events and show them.
for (const e of window._globalHandlerErrors || []) {
- // then, change _globalHandlerErrors to an object with push method, to process further error events directly
+ // then, change _globalHandlerErrors to an object with push method, to process further error
+ // events directly
window._globalHandlerErrors = {_inited: true, push: (e) => processWindowErrorEvent(e)};