path: root/web_src
diff options
authorsilverwind <me@silverwind.io>2019-11-22 00:30:14 +0100
committertechknowlogick <techknowlogick@gitea.io>2019-11-21 18:30:14 -0500
commit7bc8c6b1805546ee942a07680633fe57e8e45ef6 (patch)
tree67706da403199a0aff362d99aa199b281677debc /web_src
parentf0aaffeedccaa7b338af6cf72cef77895513c9f1 (diff)
move semantic.dropdown.custom.js to webpack (#9064)
* move semantic.dropdown.custom.js to webpack Also disabled a annoying linter rule which insisted that imports can not contain a file extension. Fixes: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/8971 * reorganize web_src files and rebuild * restart ci
Diffstat (limited to 'web_src')
-rw-r--r--web_src/css/gitGraph.css (renamed from web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.css)2
7 files changed, 4469 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.css b/web_src/css/gitGraph.css
index 92d2dcc20d..bb7e708101 100644
--- a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.css
+++ b/web_src/css/gitGraph.css
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+/* This is a customized version of https://github.com/bluef/gitgraph.js/blob/master/gitgraph.css
+ Changes include the removal of `body` and `em` styles */
#git-graph-container, #rel-container {float:left;}
#rel-container {max-width:30%; overflow-x:auto;}
#git-graph-container {overflow-x:auto; width:100%}
diff --git a/web_src/js/gitGraph.js b/web_src/js/gitGraph.js
index cfa466d8c8..59083fe569 100644
--- a/web_src/js/gitGraph.js
+++ b/web_src/js/gitGraph.js
@@ -1,16 +1,426 @@
-$(async () => {
- const graphCanvas = document.getElementById('graph-canvas');
- if (!graphCanvas) return;
+/* This is a customized version of https://github.com/bluef/gitgraph.js/blob/master/gitgraph.js
+ Changes include conversion to ES6 and linting fixes */
- const [{ default: gitGraph }] = await Promise.all([
- import(/* webpackChunkName: "gitgraph" */'../vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.js'),
- import(/* webpackChunkName: "gitgraph" */'../vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.css'),
- ]);
+ * @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c80d50af7d3db9be66a4d0a86db0286e4fd33292&dn=bsd-3-clause.txt BSD 3-Clause
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, Terrence Lee <kill889@gmail.com>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
+ * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+export default function gitGraph(canvas, rawGraphList, config) {
+ if (!canvas.getContext) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof config === 'undefined') {
+ config = {
+ unitSize: 20,
+ lineWidth: 3,
+ nodeRadius: 4
+ };
+ }
+ const flows = [];
const graphList = [];
- $('#graph-raw-list li span.node-relation').each(function () {
- graphList.push($(this).text());
- });
- gitGraph(graphCanvas, graphList);
+ const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ const backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio
+ || ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio
+ || ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio
+ || ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio
+ || ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
+ const ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
+ const init = function () {
+ let maxWidth = 0;
+ let i;
+ const l = rawGraphList.length;
+ let row;
+ let midStr;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ midStr = rawGraphList[i].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
+ maxWidth = Math.max(midStr.replace(/(_|\s)/g, '').length, maxWidth);
+ row = midStr.split('');
+ graphList.unshift(row);
+ }
+ const width = maxWidth * config.unitSize;
+ const height = graphList.length * config.unitSize;
+ canvas.width = width * ratio;
+ canvas.height = height * ratio;
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`;
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`;
+ ctx.lineWidth = config.lineWidth;
+ ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
+ ctx.lineCap = 'round';
+ ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
+ };
+ const genRandomStr = function () {
+ const chars = '0123456789ABCDEF';
+ const stringLength = 6;
+ let randomString = '', rnum, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
+ rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
+ randomString += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1);
+ }
+ return randomString;
+ };
+ const findFlow = function (id) {
+ let i = flows.length;
+ while (i-- && flows[i].id !== id);
+ return i;
+ };
+ const findColomn = function (symbol, row) {
+ let i = row.length;
+ while (i-- && row[i] !== symbol);
+ return i;
+ };
+ const findBranchOut = function (row) {
+ if (!row) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ let i = row.length;
+ while (i--
+ && !(row[i - 1] && row[i] === '/' && row[i - 1] === '|')
+ && !(row[i - 2] && row[i] === '_' && row[i - 2] === '|'));
+ return i;
+ };
+ const findLineBreak = function (row) {
+ if (!row) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ let i = row.length;
+ while (i--
+ && !(row[i - 1] && row[i - 2] && row[i] === ' ' && row[i - 1] === '|' && row[i - 2] === '_'));
+ return i;
+ };
+ const genNewFlow = function () {
+ let newId;
+ do {
+ newId = genRandomStr();
+ } while (findFlow(newId) !== -1);
+ return { id: newId, color: `#${newId}` };
+ };
+ // Draw methods
+ const drawLine = function (moveX, moveY, lineX, lineY, color) {
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(moveX, moveY);
+ ctx.lineTo(lineX, lineY);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ };
+ const drawLineRight = function (x, y, color) {
+ drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x + config.unitSize, y + config.unitSize / 2, color);
+ };
+ const drawLineUp = function (x, y, color) {
+ drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
+ };
+ const drawNode = function (x, y, color) {
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ drawLineUp(x, y, color);
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(x, y, config.nodeRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
+ ctx.fill();
+ };
+ const drawLineIn = function (x, y, color) {
+ drawLine(x + config.unitSize, y + config.unitSize / 2, x, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
+ };
+ const drawLineOut = function (x, y, color) {
+ drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x + config.unitSize, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
+ };
+ const draw = function (graphList) {
+ let colomn, colomnIndex, prevColomn, condenseIndex, breakIndex = -1;
+ let x, y;
+ let color;
+ let nodePos;
+ let tempFlow;
+ let prevRowLength = 0;
+ let flowSwapPos = -1;
+ let lastLinePos;
+ let i, l;
+ let condenseCurrentLength, condensePrevLength = 0;
+ let inlineIntersect = false;
+ // initiate color array for first row
+ for (i = 0, l = graphList[0].length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (graphList[0][i] !== '_' && graphList[0][i] !== ' ') {
+ flows.push(genNewFlow());
+ }
+ }
+ y = (canvas.height / ratio) - config.unitSize * 0.5;
+ // iterate
+ for (i = 0, l = graphList.length; i < l; i++) {
+ x = config.unitSize * 0.5;
+ const currentRow = graphList[i];
+ const nextRow = graphList[i + 1];
+ const prevRow = graphList[i - 1];
+ flowSwapPos = -1;
+ condenseCurrentLength = currentRow.filter((val) => {
+ return (val !== ' ' && val !== '_');
+ }).length;
+ // pre process begin
+ // use last row for analysing
+ if (prevRow) {
+ if (!inlineIntersect) {
+ // intersect might happen
+ for (colomnIndex = 0; colomnIndex < prevRowLength; colomnIndex++) {
+ if (prevRow[colomnIndex + 1]
+ && (prevRow[colomnIndex] === '/' && prevRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '|')
+ || ((prevRow[colomnIndex] === '_' && prevRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '|')
+ && (prevRow[colomnIndex + 2] === '/'))) {
+ flowSwapPos = colomnIndex;
+ // swap two flow
+ tempFlow = { id: flows[flowSwapPos].id, color: flows[flowSwapPos].color };
+ flows[flowSwapPos].id = flows[flowSwapPos + 1].id;
+ flows[flowSwapPos].color = flows[flowSwapPos + 1].color;
+ flows[flowSwapPos + 1].id = tempFlow.id;
+ flows[flowSwapPos + 1].color = tempFlow.color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line */
+ if (condensePrevLength < condenseCurrentLength
+ && ((nodePos = findColomn('*', currentRow)) !== -1
+ && (findColomn('_', currentRow) === -1))) {
+ flows.splice(nodePos - 1, 0, genNewFlow());
+ }
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line */
+ if (prevRowLength > currentRow.length
+ && (nodePos = findColomn('*', prevRow)) !== -1) {
+ if (findColomn('_', currentRow) === -1
+ && findColomn('/', currentRow) === -1
+ && findColomn('\\', currentRow) === -1) {
+ flows.splice(nodePos + 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ } // done with the previous row
+ prevRowLength = currentRow.length; // store for next round
+ colomnIndex = 0; // reset index
+ condenseIndex = 0;
+ condensePrevLength = 0;
+ breakIndex = -1; // reset break index
+ while (colomnIndex < currentRow.length) {
+ colomn = currentRow[colomnIndex];
+ if (colomn !== ' ' && colomn !== '_') {
+ ++condensePrevLength;
+ }
+ // check and fix line break in next row
+ if (colomn === '/' && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line */
+ if ((breakIndex = findLineBreak(nextRow)) !== -1) {
+ nextRow.splice(breakIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // if line break found replace all '/' with '|' after breakIndex in previous row
+ if (breakIndex !== -1 && colomn === '/' && colomnIndex > breakIndex) {
+ currentRow[colomnIndex] = '|';
+ colomn = '|';
+ }
+ if (colomn === ' '
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex + 1]
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '_'
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1]
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
+ currentRow.splice(colomnIndex, 1);
+ currentRow[colomnIndex] = '/';
+ colomn = '/';
+ }
+ // create new flow only when no intersect happened
+ if (flowSwapPos === -1
+ && colomn === '/'
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1]
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
+ flows.splice(condenseIndex, 0, genNewFlow());
+ }
+ // change \ and / to | when it's in the last position of the whole row
+ if (colomn === '/' || colomn === '\\') {
+ if (!(colomn === '/' && findBranchOut(nextRow) === -1)) {
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line */
+ if ((lastLinePos = Math.max(findColomn('|', currentRow),
+ findColomn('*', currentRow))) !== -1
+ && (lastLinePos < colomnIndex - 1)) {
+ while (currentRow[++lastLinePos] === ' ');
+ if (lastLinePos === colomnIndex) {
+ currentRow[colomnIndex] = '|';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (colomn === '*'
+ && prevRow
+ && prevRow[condenseIndex + 1] === '\\') {
+ flows.splice(condenseIndex + 1, 1);
+ }
+ if (colomn !== ' ') {
+ ++condenseIndex;
+ }
+ ++colomnIndex;
+ }
+ condenseCurrentLength = currentRow.filter((val) => {
+ return (val !== ' ' && val !== '_');
+ }).length;
+ // do some clean up
+ if (flows.length > condenseCurrentLength) {
+ flows.splice(condenseCurrentLength, flows.length - condenseCurrentLength);
+ }
+ colomnIndex = 0;
+ // a little inline analysis and draw process
+ while (colomnIndex < currentRow.length) {
+ colomn = currentRow[colomnIndex];
+ prevColomn = currentRow[colomnIndex - 1];
+ if (currentRow[colomnIndex] === ' ') {
+ currentRow.splice(colomnIndex, 1);
+ x += config.unitSize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // inline interset
+ if ((colomn === '_' || colomn === '/')
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|'
+ && currentRow[colomnIndex - 2] === '_') {
+ inlineIntersect = true;
+ tempFlow = flows.splice(colomnIndex - 2, 1)[0];
+ flows.splice(colomnIndex - 1, 0, tempFlow);
+ currentRow.splice(colomnIndex - 2, 1);
+ colomnIndex -= 1;
+ } else {
+ inlineIntersect = false;
+ }
+ color = flows[colomnIndex].color;
+ switch (colomn) {
+ case '_':
+ drawLineRight(x, y, color);
+ x += config.unitSize;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ drawNode(x, y, color);
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ drawLineUp(x, y, color);
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if (prevColomn
+ && (prevColomn === '/'
+ || prevColomn === ' ')) {
+ x -= config.unitSize;
+ }
+ drawLineOut(x, y, color);
+ x += config.unitSize;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ drawLineIn(x, y, color);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++colomnIndex;
+ }
+ y -= config.unitSize;
+ }
+ };
+ init();
+ draw(graphList);
+// @end-license
diff --git a/web_src/js/gitGraphLoader.js b/web_src/js/gitGraphLoader.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..997e179c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/gitGraphLoader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$(async () => {
+ const graphCanvas = document.getElementById('graph-canvas');
+ if (!graphCanvas) return;
+ const [{ default: gitGraph }] = await Promise.all([
+ import(/* webpackChunkName: "gitgraph" */'./gitGraph.js'),
+ import(/* webpackChunkName: "gitgraph" */'../css/gitGraph.css'),
+ ]);
+ const graphList = [];
+ $('#graph-raw-list li span.node-relation').each(function () {
+ graphList.push($(this).text());
+ });
+ gitGraph(graphCanvas, graphList);
diff --git a/web_src/js/index.js b/web_src/js/index.js
index 7ef036885b..43c4cdc0fe 100644
--- a/web_src/js/index.js
+++ b/web_src/js/index.js
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
/* exported timeAddManual, toggleStopwatch, cancelStopwatch, initHeatmap */
/* exported toggleDeadlineForm, setDeadline, updateDeadline, deleteDependencyModal, cancelCodeComment, onOAuthLoginClick */
-import './publicPath';
-import './gitGraph';
+import './publicPath.js';
+import './gitGraphLoader.js';
+import './semanticDropdown.js';
function htmlEncode(text) {
return jQuery('<div />').text(text).html();
diff --git a/web_src/js/semanticDropdown.js b/web_src/js/semanticDropdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..353603ff44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/semanticDropdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4026 @@
+/* This is a patched version of semantic.dropdown which includes a11y changes, see
+ https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/8638#issuecomment-549175290 */
+ * # Semantic UI 2.3.1 - Dropdown
+ * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/
+ *
+ *
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ * This version has been modified by Gitea to improve accessibility.
+ */
+;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+'use strict';
+window = (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math)
+ ? window
+ : (typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math)
+ ? self
+ : Function('return this')()
+$.fn.dropdown = function(parameters) {
+ var
+ $allModules = $(this),
+ $document = $(document),
+ moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '',
+ hasTouch = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement),
+ time = new Date().getTime(),
+ performance = [],
+ query = arguments[0],
+ methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'),
+ queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1),
+ lastAriaID = 1,
+ returnedValue
+ ;
+ $allModules
+ .each(function(elementIndex) {
+ var
+ settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) )
+ ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.dropdown.settings, parameters)
+ : $.extend({}, $.fn.dropdown.settings),
+ className = settings.className,
+ message = settings.message,
+ fields = settings.fields,
+ keys = settings.keys,
+ metadata = settings.metadata,
+ namespace = settings.namespace,
+ regExp = settings.regExp,
+ selector = settings.selector,
+ error = settings.error,
+ templates = settings.templates,
+ eventNamespace = '.' + namespace,
+ moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace,
+ $module = $(this),
+ $context = $(settings.context),
+ $text = $module.find(selector.text),
+ $search = $module.find(selector.search),
+ $sizer = $module.find(selector.sizer),
+ $input = $module.find(selector.input),
+ $icon = $module.find(selector.icon),
+ $combo = ($module.prev().find(selector.text).length > 0)
+ ? $module.prev().find(selector.text)
+ : $module.prev(),
+ $menu = $module.children(selector.menu),
+ $item = $menu.find(selector.item),
+ activated = false,
+ itemActivated = false,
+ internalChange = false,
+ element = this,
+ instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace),
+ initialLoad,
+ pageLostFocus,
+ willRefocus,
+ elementNamespace,
+ id,
+ selectObserver,
+ menuObserver,
+ module
+ ;
+ module = {
+ initialize: function() {
+ module.debug('Initializing dropdown', settings);
+ if( module.is.alreadySetup() ) {
+ module.setup.reference();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.setup.layout();
+ if(settings.values) {
+ module.change.values(settings.values);
+ }
+ module.refreshData();
+ module.save.defaults();
+ module.restore.selected();
+ module.create.id();
+ module.bind.events();
+ module.observeChanges();
+ module.instantiate();
+ module.aria.setup();
+ }
+ },
+ instantiate: function() {
+ module.verbose('Storing instance of dropdown', module);
+ instance = module;
+ $module
+ .data(moduleNamespace, module)
+ ;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ module.verbose('Destroying previous dropdown', $module);
+ module.remove.tabbable();
+ $module
+ .off(eventNamespace)
+ .removeData(moduleNamespace)
+ ;
+ $menu
+ .off(eventNamespace)
+ ;
+ $document
+ .off(elementNamespace)
+ ;
+ module.disconnect.menuObserver();
+ module.disconnect.selectObserver();
+ },
+ observeChanges: function() {
+ if('MutationObserver' in window) {
+ selectObserver = new MutationObserver(module.event.select.mutation);
+ menuObserver = new MutationObserver(module.event.menu.mutation);
+ module.debug('Setting up mutation observer', selectObserver, menuObserver);
+ module.observe.select();
+ module.observe.menu();
+ }
+ },
+ disconnect: {
+ menuObserver: function() {
+ if(menuObserver) {
+ menuObserver.disconnect();
+ }
+ },
+ selectObserver: function() {
+ if(selectObserver) {
+ selectObserver.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ observe: {
+ select: function() {
+ if(module.has.input()) {
+ selectObserver.observe($module[0], {
+ childList : true,
+ subtree : true
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ menu: function() {
+ if(module.has.menu()) {
+ menuObserver.observe($menu[0], {
+ childList : true,
+ subtree : true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ create: {
+ id: function() {
+ id = (Math.random().toString(16) + '000000000').substr(2, 8);
+ elementNamespace = '.' + id;
+ module.verbose('Creating unique id for element', id);
+ },
+ userChoice: function(values) {
+ var
+ $userChoices,
+ $userChoice,
+ isUserValue,
+ html
+ ;
+ values = values || module.get.userValues();
+ if(!values) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ values = $.isArray(values)
+ ? values
+ : [values]
+ ;
+ $.each(values, function(index, value) {
+ if(module.get.item(value) === false) {
+ html = settings.templates.addition( module.add.variables(message.addResult, value) );
+ $userChoice = $('<div />')
+ .html(html)
+ .attr('data-' + metadata.value, value)
+ .attr('data-' + metadata.text, value)
+ .addClass(className.addition)
+ .addClass(className.item)
+ ;
+ if(settings.hideAdditions) {
+ $userChoice.addClass(className.hidden);
+ }
+ $userChoices = ($userChoices === undefined)
+ ? $userChoice
+ : $userChoices.add($userChoice)
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Creating user choices for value', value, $userChoice);
+ }
+ });
+ return $userChoices;
+ },
+ userLabels: function(value) {
+ var
+ userValues = module.get.userValues()
+ ;
+ if(userValues) {
+ module.debug('Adding user labels', userValues);
+ $.each(userValues, function(index, value) {
+ module.verbose('Adding custom user value');
+ module.add.label(value, value);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ menu: function() {
+ $menu = $('<div />')
+ .addClass(className.menu)
+ .appendTo($module)
+ ;
+ },
+ sizer: function() {
+ $sizer = $('<span />')
+ .addClass(className.sizer)
+ .insertAfter($search)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ search: function(query) {
+ query = (query !== undefined)
+ ? query
+ : module.get.query()
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Searching for query', query);
+ if(module.has.minCharacters(query)) {
+ module.filter(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ firstUnfiltered: function() {
+ module.verbose('Selecting first non-filtered element');
+ module.remove.selectedItem();
+ $item
+ .not(selector.unselectable)
+ .not(selector.addition + selector.hidden)
+ .eq(0)
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ },
+ nextAvailable: function($selected) {
+ $selected = $selected.eq(0);
+ var
+ $nextAvailable = $selected.nextAll(selector.item).not(selector.unselectable).eq(0),
+ $prevAvailable = $selected.prevAll(selector.item).not(selector.unselectable).eq(0),
+ hasNext = ($nextAvailable.length > 0)
+ ;
+ if(hasNext) {
+ module.verbose('Moving selection to', $nextAvailable);
+ $nextAvailable.addClass(className.selected);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Moving selection to', $prevAvailable);
+ $prevAvailable.addClass(className.selected);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ aria: {
+ setup: function() {
+ var role = module.aria.guessRole();
+ if( role !== 'menu' ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $module.attr('aria-busy', 'true');
+ $module.attr('role', 'menu');
+ $module.attr('aria-haspopup', 'menu');
+ $module.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
+ $menu.find('.divider').attr('role', 'separator');
+ $item.attr('role', 'menuitem');
+ $item.each(function (index, item) {
+ if( !item.id ) {
+ item.id = module.aria.nextID('menuitem');
+ }
+ });
+ $text = $module
+ .find('> .text')
+ .eq(0)
+ ;
+ if( $module.data('content') ) {
+ $text.attr('aria-hidden');
+ $module.attr('aria-label', $module.data('content'));
+ }
+ else {
+ $text.attr('id', module.aria.nextID('menutext'));
+ $module.attr('aria-labelledby', $text.attr('id'));
+ }
+ $module.attr('aria-busy', 'false');
+ },
+ nextID: function(prefix) {
+ var nextID;
+ do {
+ nextID = prefix + '_' + lastAriaID++;
+ } while( document.getElementById(nextID) );
+ return nextID;
+ },
+ setExpanded: function(expanded) {
+ if( $module.attr('aria-haspopup') ) {
+ $module.attr('aria-expanded', expanded);
+ }
+ },
+ refreshDescendant: function() {
+ if( $module.attr('aria-haspopup') !== 'menu' ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var
+ $currentlySelected = $item.not(selector.unselectable).filter('.' + className.selected).eq(0),
+ $activeItem = $menu.children('.' + className.active).eq(0),
+ $selectedItem = ($currentlySelected.length > 0)
+ ? $currentlySelected
+ : $activeItem
+ ;
+ if( $selectedItem ) {
+ $module.attr('aria-activedescendant', $selectedItem.attr('id'));
+ }
+ else {
+ module.aria.removeDescendant();
+ }
+ },
+ removeDescendant: function() {
+ if( $module.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'menu' ) {
+ $module.removeAttr('aria-activedescendant');
+ }
+ },
+ guessRole: function() {
+ var
+ isIcon = $module.hasClass('icon'),
+ hasSearch = module.has.search(),
+ hasInput = ($input.length > 0),
+ isMultiple = module.is.multiple()
+ ;
+ if ( !isIcon && !hasSearch && !hasInput && !isMultiple ) {
+ return 'menu';
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+ }
+ },
+ setup: {
+ api: function() {
+ var
+ apiSettings = {
+ debug : settings.debug,
+ urlData : {
+ value : module.get.value(),
+ query : module.get.query()
+ },
+ on : false
+ }
+ ;
+ module.verbose('First request, initializing API');
+ $module
+ .api(apiSettings)
+ ;
+ },
+ layout: function() {
+ if( $module.is('select') ) {
+ module.setup.select();
+ module.setup.returnedObject();
+ }
+ if( !module.has.menu() ) {
+ module.create.menu();
+ }
+ if( module.is.search() && !module.has.search() ) {
+ module.verbose('Adding search input');
+ $search = $('<input />')
+ .addClass(className.search)
+ .prop('autocomplete', 'off')
+ .insertBefore($text)
+ ;
+ }
+ if( module.is.multiple() && module.is.searchSelection() && !module.has.sizer()) {
+ module.create.sizer();
+ }
+ if(settings.allowTab) {
+ module.set.tabbable();
+ }
+ $item.attr('tabindex', '-1');
+ },
+ select: function() {
+ var
+ selectValues = module.get.selectValues()
+ ;
+ module.debug('Dropdown initialized on a select', selectValues);
+ if( $module.is('select') ) {
+ $input = $module;
+ }
+ // see if select is placed correctly already
+ if($input.parent(selector.dropdown).length > 0) {
+ module.debug('UI dropdown already exists. Creating dropdown menu only');
+ $module = $input.closest(selector.dropdown);
+ if( !module.has.menu() ) {
+ module.create.menu();
+ }
+ $menu = $module.children(selector.menu);
+ module.setup.menu(selectValues);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Creating entire dropdown from select');
+ $module = $('<div />')
+ .attr('class', $input.attr('class') )
+ .addClass(className.selection)
+ .addClass(className.dropdown)
+ .html( templates.dropdown(selectValues) )
+ .insertBefore($input)
+ ;
+ if($input.hasClass(className.multiple) && $input.prop('multiple') === false) {
+ module.error(error.missingMultiple);
+ $input.prop('multiple', true);
+ }
+ if($input.is('[multiple]')) {
+ module.set.multiple();
+ }
+ if ($input.prop('disabled')) {
+ module.debug('Disabling dropdown');
+ $module.addClass(className.disabled);
+ }
+ $input
+ .removeAttr('class')
+ .detach()
+ .prependTo($module)
+ ;
+ }
+ module.refresh();
+ },
+ menu: function(values) {
+ $menu.html( templates.menu(values, fields));
+ $item = $menu.find(selector.item);
+ },
+ reference: function() {
+ module.debug('Dropdown behavior was called on select, replacing with closest dropdown');
+ // replace module reference
+ $module = $module.parent(selector.dropdown);
+ instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace);
+ element = $module.get(0);
+ module.refresh();
+ module.setup.returnedObject();
+ },
+ returnedObject: function() {
+ var
+ $firstModules = $allModules.slice(0, elementIndex),
+ $lastModules = $allModules.slice(elementIndex + 1)
+ ;
+ // adjust all modules to use correct reference
+ $allModules = $firstModules.add($module).add($lastModules);
+ }
+ },
+ refresh: function() {
+ module.refreshSelectors();
+ module.refreshData();
+ },
+ refreshItems: function() {
+ $item = $menu.find(selector.item);
+ },
+ refreshSelectors: function() {
+ module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache');
+ $text = $module.find(selector.text);
+ $search = $module.find(selector.search);
+ $input = $module.find(selector.input);
+ $icon = $module.find(selector.icon);
+ $combo = ($module.prev().find(selector.text).length > 0)
+ ? $module.prev().find(selector.text)
+ : $module.prev()
+ ;
+ $menu = $module.children(selector.menu);
+ $item = $menu.find(selector.item);
+ },
+ refreshData: function() {
+ module.verbose('Refreshing cached metadata');
+ $item
+ .removeData(metadata.text)
+ .removeData(metadata.value)
+ ;
+ },
+ clearData: function() {
+ module.verbose('Clearing metadata');
+ $item
+ .removeData(metadata.text)
+ .removeData(metadata.value)
+ ;
+ $module
+ .removeData(metadata.defaultText)
+ .removeData(metadata.defaultValue)
+ .removeData(metadata.placeholderText)
+ ;
+ },
+ toggle: function() {
+ module.verbose('Toggling menu visibility');
+ if( !module.is.active() ) {
+ module.show();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ show: function(callback) {
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ if(!module.can.show() && module.is.remote()) {
+ module.debug('No API results retrieved, searching before show');
+ module.queryRemote(module.get.query(), module.show);
+ }
+ if( module.can.show() && !module.is.active() ) {
+ module.debug('Showing dropdown');
+ if(module.has.message() && !(module.has.maxSelections() || module.has.allResultsFiltered()) ) {
+ module.remove.message();
+ }
+ if(module.is.allFiltered()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(settings.onShow.call(element) !== false) {
+ module.aria.setExpanded(true);
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ module.animate.show(function() {
+ if( module.can.click() ) {
+ module.bind.intent();
+ }
+ if(module.has.menuSearch()) {
+ module.focusSearch();
+ }
+ module.set.visible();
+ callback.call(element);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hide: function(callback) {
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ if( module.is.active() && !module.is.animatingOutward() ) {
+ module.debug('Hiding dropdown');
+ if(settings.onHide.call(element) !== false) {
+ module.aria.setExpanded(false);
+ module.aria.removeDescendant();
+ module.animate.hide(function() {
+ module.remove.visible();
+ callback.call(element);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hideOthers: function() {
+ module.verbose('Finding other dropdowns to hide');
+ $allModules
+ .not($module)
+ .has(selector.menu + '.' + className.visible)
+ .dropdown('hide')
+ ;
+ },
+ hideMenu: function() {
+ module.verbose('Hiding menu instantaneously');
+ module.remove.active();
+ module.remove.visible();
+ $menu.transition('hide');
+ },
+ hideSubMenus: function() {
+ var
+ $subMenus = $menu.children(selector.item).find(selector.menu)
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Hiding sub menus', $subMenus);
+ $subMenus.transition('hide');
+ },
+ bind: {
+ events: function() {
+ if(hasTouch) {
+ module.bind.touchEvents();
+ }
+ module.bind.keyboardEvents();
+ module.bind.inputEvents();
+ module.bind.mouseEvents();
+ },
+ touchEvents: function() {
+ module.debug('Touch device detected binding additional touch events');
+ if( module.is.searchSelection() ) {
+ // do nothing special yet
+ }
+ else if( module.is.single() ) {
+ $module
+ .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.toggle)
+ ;
+ }
+ $menu
+ .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, selector.item, module.event.item.mouseenter)
+ ;
+ },
+ keyboardEvents: function() {
+ module.verbose('Binding keyboard events');
+ $module
+ .on('keydown' + eventNamespace, module.event.keydown)
+ ;
+ if( module.has.search() ) {
+ $module
+ .on(module.get.inputEvent() + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.input)
+ ;
+ }
+ if( module.is.multiple() ) {
+ $document
+ .on('keydown' + elementNamespace, module.event.document.keydown)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ inputEvents: function() {
+ module.verbose('Binding input change events');
+ $module
+ .on('change' + eventNamespace, selector.input, module.event.change)
+ ;
+ },
+ mouseEvents: function() {
+ module.verbose('Binding mouse events');
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ $module
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.label, module.event.label.click)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.remove, module.event.remove.click)
+ ;
+ }
+ if( module.is.searchSelection() ) {
+ $module
+ .on('mousedown' + eventNamespace, module.event.mousedown)
+ .on('mouseup' + eventNamespace, module.event.mouseup)
+ .on('mousedown' + eventNamespace, selector.menu, module.event.menu.mousedown)
+ .on('mouseup' + eventNamespace, selector.menu, module.event.menu.mouseup)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.icon, module.event.icon.click)
+ .on('focus' + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.search.focus)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.search.focus)
+ .on('blur' + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.search.blur)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.text, module.event.text.focus)
+ ;
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ $module
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.click)
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(settings.on == 'click') {
+ $module
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.icon, module.event.icon.click)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.toggle)
+ ;
+ }
+ else if(settings.on == 'hover') {
+ $module
+ .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.delay.show)
+ .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.delay.hide)
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $module
+ .on(settings.on + eventNamespace, module.toggle)
+ ;
+ }
+ $module
+ .on('mousedown' + eventNamespace, module.event.mousedown)
+ .on('mouseup' + eventNamespace, module.event.mouseup)
+ .on('focus' + eventNamespace, module.event.focus)
+ ;
+ if(module.has.menuSearch() ) {
+ $module
+ .on('blur' + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.search.blur)
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $module
+ .on('blur' + eventNamespace, module.event.blur)
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ $menu
+ .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, selector.item, module.event.item.mouseenter)
+ .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, selector.item, module.event.item.mouseleave)
+ .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.item, module.event.item.click)
+ ;
+ },
+ intent: function() {
+ module.verbose('Binding hide intent event to document');
+ if(hasTouch) {
+ $document
+ .on('touchstart' + elementNamespace, module.event.test.touch)
+ .on('touchmove' + elementNamespace, module.event.test.touch)
+ ;
+ }
+ $document
+ .on('click' + elementNamespace, module.event.test.hide)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ unbind: {
+ intent: function() {
+ module.verbose('Removing hide intent event from document');
+ if(hasTouch) {
+ $document
+ .off('touchstart' + elementNamespace)
+ .off('touchmove' + elementNamespace)
+ ;
+ }
+ $document
+ .off('click' + elementNamespace)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: function(query) {
+ var
+ searchTerm = (query !== undefined)
+ ? query
+ : module.get.query(),
+ afterFiltered = function() {
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ module.filterActive();
+ }
+ if(query || (!query && module.get.activeItem().length == 0)) {
+ module.select.firstUnfiltered();
+ }
+ if( module.has.allResultsFiltered() ) {
+ if( settings.onNoResults.call(element, searchTerm) ) {
+ if(settings.allowAdditions) {
+ if(settings.hideAdditions) {
+ module.verbose('User addition with no menu, setting empty style');
+ module.set.empty();
+ module.hideMenu();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('All items filtered, showing message', searchTerm);
+ module.add.message(message.noResults);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('All items filtered, hiding dropdown', searchTerm);
+ module.hideMenu();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.empty();
+ module.remove.message();
+ }
+ if(settings.allowAdditions) {
+ module.add.userSuggestion(query);
+ }
+ if(module.is.searchSelection() && module.can.show() && module.is.focusedOnSearch() ) {
+ module.show();
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ if(settings.useLabels && module.has.maxSelections()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(settings.apiSettings) {
+ if( module.can.useAPI() ) {
+ module.queryRemote(searchTerm, function() {
+ if(settings.filterRemoteData) {
+ module.filterItems(searchTerm);
+ }
+ afterFiltered();
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ module.error(error.noAPI);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ module.filterItems(searchTerm);
+ afterFiltered();
+ }
+ },
+ queryRemote: function(query, callback) {
+ var
+ apiSettings = {
+ errorDuration : false,
+ cache : 'local',
+ throttle : settings.throttle,
+ urlData : {
+ query: query
+ },
+ onError: function() {
+ module.add.message(message.serverError);
+ callback();
+ },
+ onFailure: function() {
+ module.add.message(message.serverError);
+ callback();
+ },
+ onSuccess : function(response) {
+ module.remove.message();
+ module.setup.menu({
+ values: response[fields.remoteValues]
+ });
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ if( !$module.api('get request') ) {
+ module.setup.api();
+ }
+ apiSettings = $.extend(true, {}, apiSettings, settings.apiSettings);
+ $module
+ .api('setting', apiSettings)
+ .api('query')
+ ;
+ },
+ filterItems: function(query) {
+ var
+ searchTerm = (query !== undefined)
+ ? query
+ : module.get.query(),
+ results = null,
+ escapedTerm = module.escape.string(searchTerm),
+ beginsWithRegExp = new RegExp('^' + escapedTerm, 'igm')
+ ;
+ // avoid loop if we're matching nothing
+ if( module.has.query() ) {
+ results = [];
+ module.verbose('Searching for matching values', searchTerm);
+ $item
+ .each(function(){
+ var
+ $choice = $(this),
+ text,
+ value
+ ;
+ if(settings.match == 'both' || settings.match == 'text') {
+ text = String(module.get.choiceText($choice, false));
+ if(text.search(beginsWithRegExp) !== -1) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (settings.fullTextSearch === 'exact' && module.exactSearch(searchTerm, text)) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (settings.fullTextSearch === true && module.fuzzySearch(searchTerm, text)) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(settings.match == 'both' || settings.match == 'value') {
+ value = String(module.get.choiceValue($choice, text));
+ if(value.search(beginsWithRegExp) !== -1) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (settings.fullTextSearch === 'exact' && module.exactSearch(searchTerm, value)) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (settings.fullTextSearch === true && module.fuzzySearch(searchTerm, value)) {
+ results.push(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ module.debug('Showing only matched items', searchTerm);
+ module.remove.filteredItem();
+ if(results) {
+ $item
+ .not(results)
+ .addClass(className.filtered)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ fuzzySearch: function(query, term) {
+ var
+ termLength = term.length,
+ queryLength = query.length
+ ;
+ query = query.toLowerCase();
+ term = term.toLowerCase();
+ if(queryLength > termLength) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(queryLength === termLength) {
+ return (query === term);
+ }
+ search: for (var characterIndex = 0, nextCharacterIndex = 0; characterIndex < queryLength; characterIndex++) {
+ var
+ queryCharacter = query.charCodeAt(characterIndex)
+ ;
+ while(nextCharacterIndex < termLength) {
+ if(term.charCodeAt(nextCharacterIndex++) === queryCharacter) {
+ continue search;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ exactSearch: function (query, term) {
+ query = query.toLowerCase();
+ term = term.toLowerCase();
+ if(term.indexOf(query) > -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ filterActive: function() {
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ $item.filter('.' + className.active)
+ .addClass(className.filtered)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ focusSearch: function(skipHandler) {
+ if( module.has.search() && !module.is.focusedOnSearch() ) {
+ if(skipHandler) {
+ $module.off('focus' + eventNamespace, selector.search);
+ $search.focus();
+ $module.on('focus' + eventNamespace, selector.search, module.event.search.focus);
+ }
+ else {
+ $search.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ forceSelection: function() {
+ var
+ $currentlySelected = $item.not(className.filtered).filter('.' + className.selected).eq(0),
+ $activeItem = $item.not(className.filtered).filter('.' + className.active).eq(0),
+ $selectedItem = ($currentlySelected.length > 0)
+ ? $currentlySelected
+ : $activeItem,
+ hasSelected = ($selectedItem.length > 0)
+ ;
+ if(hasSelected && !module.is.multiple()) {
+ module.debug('Forcing partial selection to selected item', $selectedItem);
+ module.event.item.click.call($selectedItem, {}, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(settings.allowAdditions) {
+ module.set.selected(module.get.query());
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ change: {
+ values: function(values) {
+ if(!settings.allowAdditions) {
+ module.clear();
+ }
+ module.debug('Creating dropdown with specified values', values);
+ module.setup.menu({values: values});
+ $.each(values, function(index, item) {
+ if(item.selected == true) {
+ module.debug('Setting initial selection to', item.value);
+ module.set.selected(item.value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ event: {
+ change: function() {
+ if(!internalChange) {
+ module.debug('Input changed, updating selection');
+ module.set.selected();
+ }
+ },
+ focus: function() {
+ if(settings.showOnFocus && !activated && module.is.hidden() && !pageLostFocus) {
+ module.show();
+ }
+ },
+ blur: function(event) {
+ pageLostFocus = (document.activeElement === this);
+ if(!activated && !pageLostFocus) {
+ module.remove.activeLabel();
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ mousedown: function() {
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ // prevent menu hiding on immediate re-focus
+ willRefocus = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // prevents focus callback from occurring on mousedown
+ activated = true;
+ }
+ },
+ mouseup: function() {
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ // prevent menu hiding on immediate re-focus
+ willRefocus = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ activated = false;
+ }
+ },
+ click: function(event) {
+ var
+ $target = $(event.target)
+ ;
+ // focus search
+ if($target.is($module)) {
+ if(!module.is.focusedOnSearch()) {
+ module.focusSearch();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.show();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ search: {
+ focus: function() {
+ activated = true;
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ module.remove.activeLabel();
+ }
+ if(settings.showOnFocus) {
+ module.search();
+ }
+ },
+ blur: function(event) {
+ pageLostFocus = (document.activeElement === this);
+ if(module.is.searchSelection() && !willRefocus) {
+ if(!itemActivated && !pageLostFocus) {
+ if(settings.forceSelection) {
+ module.forceSelection();
+ }
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ willRefocus = false;
+ }
+ },
+ icon: {
+ click: function(event) {
+ module.toggle();
+ }
+ },
+ text: {
+ focus: function(event) {
+ activated = true;
+ module.focusSearch();
+ }
+ },
+ input: function(event) {
+ if(module.is.multiple() || module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ module.set.filtered();
+ }
+ clearTimeout(module.timer);
+ module.timer = setTimeout(module.search, settings.delay.search);
+ },
+ label: {
+ click: function(event) {
+ var
+ $label = $(this),
+ $labels = $module.find(selector.label),
+ $activeLabels = $labels.filter('.' + className.active),
+ $nextActive = $label.nextAll('.' + className.active),
+ $prevActive = $label.prevAll('.' + className.active),
+ $range = ($nextActive.length > 0)
+ ? $label.nextUntil($nextActive).add($activeLabels).add($label)
+ : $label.prevUntil($prevActive).add($activeLabels).add($label)
+ ;
+ if(event.shiftKey) {
+ $activeLabels.removeClass(className.active);
+ $range.addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else if(event.ctrlKey) {
+ $label.toggleClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else {
+ $activeLabels.removeClass(className.active);
+ $label.addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ settings.onLabelSelect.apply(this, $labels.filter('.' + className.active));
+ }
+ },
+ remove: {
+ click: function() {
+ var
+ $label = $(this).parent()
+ ;
+ if( $label.hasClass(className.active) ) {
+ // remove all selected labels
+ module.remove.activeLabels();
+ }
+ else {
+ // remove this label only
+ module.remove.activeLabels( $label );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ test: {
+ toggle: function(event) {
+ var
+ toggleBehavior = (module.is.multiple())
+ ? module.show
+ : module.toggle
+ ;
+ if(module.is.bubbledLabelClick(event) || module.is.bubbledIconClick(event)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( module.determine.eventOnElement(event, toggleBehavior) ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ touch: function(event) {
+ module.determine.eventOnElement(event, function() {
+ if(event.type == 'touchstart') {
+ module.timer = setTimeout(function() {
+ module.hide();
+ }, settings.delay.touch);
+ }
+ else if(event.type == 'touchmove') {
+ clearTimeout(module.timer);
+ }
+ });
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ hide: function(event) {
+ module.determine.eventInModule(event, module.hide);
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ mutation: function(mutations) {
+ module.debug('<select> modified, recreating menu');
+ var
+ isSelectMutation = false
+ ;
+ $.each(mutations, function(index, mutation) {
+ if($(mutation.target).is('select') || $(mutation.addedNodes).is('select')) {
+ isSelectMutation = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(isSelectMutation) {
+ module.disconnect.selectObserver();
+ module.refresh();
+ module.setup.select();
+ module.set.selected();
+ module.observe.select();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ menu: {
+ mutation: function(mutations) {
+ var
+ mutation = mutations[0],
+ $addedNode = mutation.addedNodes
+ ? $(mutation.addedNodes[0])
+ : $(false),
+ $removedNode = mutation.removedNodes
+ ? $(mutation.removedNodes[0])
+ : $(false),
+ $changedNodes = $addedNode.add($removedNode),
+ isUserAddition = $changedNodes.is(selector.addition) || $changedNodes.closest(selector.addition).length > 0,
+ isMessage = $changedNodes.is(selector.message) || $changedNodes.closest(selector.message).length > 0
+ ;
+ if(isUserAddition || isMessage) {
+ module.debug('Updating item selector cache');
+ module.refreshItems();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Menu modified, updating selector cache');
+ module.refresh();
+ }
+ },
+ mousedown: function() {
+ itemActivated = true;
+ },
+ mouseup: function() {
+ itemActivated = false;
+ }
+ },
+ item: {
+ mouseenter: function(event) {
+ var
+ $target = $(event.target),
+ $item = $(this),
+ $subMenu = $item.children(selector.menu),
+ $otherMenus = $item.siblings(selector.item).children(selector.menu),
+ hasSubMenu = ($subMenu.length > 0),
+ isBubbledEvent = ($subMenu.find($target).length > 0)
+ ;
+ if( !isBubbledEvent && hasSubMenu ) {
+ clearTimeout(module.itemTimer);
+ module.itemTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ module.verbose('Showing sub-menu', $subMenu);
+ $.each($otherMenus, function() {
+ module.animate.hide(false, $(this));
+ });
+ module.animate.show(false, $subMenu);
+ }, settings.delay.show);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ mouseleave: function(event) {
+ var
+ $subMenu = $(this).children(selector.menu)
+ ;
+ if($subMenu.length > 0) {
+ clearTimeout(module.itemTimer);
+ module.itemTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ module.verbose('Hiding sub-menu', $subMenu);
+ module.animate.hide(false, $subMenu);
+ }, settings.delay.hide);
+ }
+ },
+ click: function (event, skipRefocus) {
+ var
+ $choice = $(this),
+ $target = (event)
+ ? $(event.target)
+ : $(''),
+ $subMenu = $choice.find(selector.menu),
+ text = module.get.choiceText($choice),
+ value = module.get.choiceValue($choice, text),
+ hasSubMenu = ($subMenu.length > 0),
+ isBubbledEvent = ($subMenu.find($target).length > 0)
+ ;
+ // prevents IE11 bug where menu receives focus even though `tabindex=-1`
+ if(module.has.menuSearch()) {
+ $(document.activeElement).blur();
+ }
+ if(!isBubbledEvent && (!hasSubMenu || settings.allowCategorySelection)) {
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ if(settings.allowAdditions) {
+ module.remove.userAddition();
+ }
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ if(!module.is.focusedOnSearch() && !(skipRefocus == true)) {
+ module.focusSearch(true);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!settings.useLabels) {
+ module.remove.filteredItem();
+ module.set.scrollPosition($choice);
+ }
+ module.determine.selectAction.call(this, text, value);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ document: {
+ // label selection should occur even when element has no focus
+ keydown: function(event) {
+ var
+ pressedKey = event.which,
+ isShortcutKey = module.is.inObject(pressedKey, keys)
+ ;
+ if(isShortcutKey) {
+ var
+ $label = $module.find(selector.label),
+ $activeLabel = $label.filter('.' + className.active),
+ activeValue = $activeLabel.data(metadata.value),
+ labelIndex = $label.index($activeLabel),
+ labelCount = $label.length,
+ hasActiveLabel = ($activeLabel.length > 0),
+ hasMultipleActive = ($activeLabel.length > 1),
+ isFirstLabel = (labelIndex === 0),
+ isLastLabel = (labelIndex + 1 == labelCount),
+ isSearch = module.is.searchSelection(),
+ isFocusedOnSearch = module.is.focusedOnSearch(),
+ isFocused = module.is.focused(),
+ caretAtStart = (isFocusedOnSearch && module.get.caretPosition() === 0),
+ $nextLabel
+ ;
+ if(isSearch && !hasActiveLabel && !isFocusedOnSearch) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pressedKey == keys.leftArrow) {
+ // activate previous label
+ if((isFocused || caretAtStart) && !hasActiveLabel) {
+ module.verbose('Selecting previous label');
+ $label.last().addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else if(hasActiveLabel) {
+ if(!event.shiftKey) {
+ module.verbose('Selecting previous label');
+ $label.removeClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Adding previous label to selection');
+ }
+ if(isFirstLabel && !hasMultipleActive) {
+ $activeLabel.addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else {
+ $activeLabel.prev(selector.siblingLabel)
+ .addClass(className.active)
+ .end()
+ ;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pressedKey == keys.rightArrow) {
+ // activate first label
+ if(isFocused && !hasActiveLabel) {
+ $label.first().addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ // activate next label
+ if(hasActiveLabel) {
+ if(!event.shiftKey) {
+ module.verbose('Selecting next label');
+ $label.removeClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Adding next label to selection');
+ }
+ if(isLastLabel) {
+ if(isSearch) {
+ if(!isFocusedOnSearch) {
+ module.focusSearch();
+ }
+ else {
+ $label.removeClass(className.active);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(hasMultipleActive) {
+ $activeLabel.next(selector.siblingLabel).addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ else {
+ $activeLabel.addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $activeLabel.next(selector.siblingLabel).addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pressedKey == keys.deleteKey || pressedKey == keys.backspace) {
+ if(hasActiveLabel) {
+ module.verbose('Removing active labels');
+ if(isLastLabel) {
+ if(isSearch && !isFocusedOnSearch) {
+ module.focusSearch();
+ }
+ }
+ $activeLabel.last().next(selector.siblingLabel).addClass(className.active);
+ module.remove.activeLabels($activeLabel);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(caretAtStart && !hasActiveLabel && pressedKey == keys.backspace) {
+ module.verbose('Removing last label on input backspace');
+ $activeLabel = $label.last().addClass(className.active);
+ module.remove.activeLabels($activeLabel);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $activeLabel.removeClass(className.active);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ keydown: function(event) {
+ var
+ pressedKey = event.which,
+ isShortcutKey = module.is.inObject(pressedKey, keys)
+ ;
+ if(isShortcutKey) {
+ var
+ $currentlySelected = $item.not(selector.unselectable).filter('.' + className.selected).eq(0),
+ $activeItem = $menu.children('.' + className.active).eq(0),
+ $selectedItem = ($currentlySelected.length > 0)
+ ? $currentlySelected
+ : $activeItem,
+ $visibleItems = ($selectedItem.length > 0)
+ ? $selectedItem.siblings(':not(.' + className.filtered +')').addBack()
+ : $menu.children(':not(.' + className.filtered +')'),
+ $subMenu = $selectedItem.children(selector.menu),
+ $parentMenu = $selectedItem.closest(selector.menu),
+ inVisibleMenu = ($parentMenu.hasClass(className.visible) || $parentMenu.hasClass(className.animating) || $parentMenu.parent(selector.menu).length > 0),
+ hasSubMenu = ($subMenu.length> 0),
+ hasSelectedItem = ($selectedItem.length > 0),
+ selectedIsSelectable = ($selectedItem.not(selector.unselectable).length > 0),
+ delimiterPressed = (pressedKey == keys.delimiter && settings.allowAdditions && module.is.multiple()),
+ isAdditionWithoutMenu = (settings.allowAdditions && settings.hideAdditions && (pressedKey == keys.enter || delimiterPressed) && selectedIsSelectable),
+ $nextItem,
+ isSubMenuItem,
+ newIndex
+ ;
+ // allow selection with menu closed
+ if(isAdditionWithoutMenu) {
+ module.verbose('Selecting item from keyboard shortcut', $selectedItem);
+ $selectedItem[0].click();
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ }
+ }
+ // visible menu keyboard shortcuts
+ if( module.is.visible() ) {
+ // enter (select or open sub-menu)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.enter || delimiterPressed) {
+ if(pressedKey == keys.enter && hasSelectedItem && hasSubMenu && !settings.allowCategorySelection) {
+ module.verbose('Pressed enter on unselectable category, opening sub menu');
+ pressedKey = keys.rightArrow;
+ }
+ else if(selectedIsSelectable) {
+ module.verbose('Selecting item from keyboard shortcut', $selectedItem);
+ $selectedItem[0].click();
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ }
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // sub-menu actions
+ if(hasSelectedItem) {
+ if(pressedKey == keys.leftArrow) {
+ isSubMenuItem = ($parentMenu[0] !== $menu[0]);
+ if(isSubMenuItem) {
+ module.verbose('Left key pressed, closing sub-menu');
+ module.animate.hide(false, $parentMenu);
+ $selectedItem
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ $parentMenu
+ .closest(selector.item)
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ // right arrow (show sub-menu)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.rightArrow) {
+ if(hasSubMenu) {
+ module.verbose('Right key pressed, opening sub-menu');
+ module.animate.show(false, $subMenu);
+ $selectedItem
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ $subMenu
+ .find(selector.item).eq(0)
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // up arrow (traverse menu up)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.upArrow) {
+ $nextItem = (hasSelectedItem && inVisibleMenu)
+ ? $selectedItem.prevAll(selector.item + ':not(' + selector.unselectable + ')').eq(0)
+ : $item.eq(0)
+ ;
+ if($visibleItems.index( $nextItem ) < 0) {
+ module.verbose('Up key pressed but reached top of current menu');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Up key pressed, changing active item');
+ $selectedItem
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ $nextItem
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ module.set.scrollPosition($nextItem);
+ if(settings.selectOnKeydown && module.is.single()) {
+ module.set.selectedItem($nextItem);
+ }
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // down arrow (traverse menu down)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.downArrow) {
+ $nextItem = (hasSelectedItem && inVisibleMenu)
+ ? $nextItem = $selectedItem.nextAll(selector.item + ':not(' + selector.unselectable + ')').eq(0)
+ : $item.eq(0)
+ ;
+ if($nextItem.length === 0) {
+ module.verbose('Down key pressed but reached bottom of current menu');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Down key pressed, changing active item');
+ $item
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ $nextItem
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ module.set.scrollPosition($nextItem);
+ if(settings.selectOnKeydown && module.is.single()) {
+ module.set.selectedItem($nextItem);
+ }
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // page down (show next page)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.pageUp) {
+ module.scrollPage('up');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if(pressedKey == keys.pageDown) {
+ module.scrollPage('down');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // escape (close menu)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.escape) {
+ module.verbose('Escape key pressed, closing dropdown');
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // delimiter key
+ if(delimiterPressed) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // down arrow (open menu)
+ if(pressedKey == keys.downArrow && !module.is.visible()) {
+ module.verbose('Down key pressed, showing dropdown');
+ module.show();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( !module.has.search() ) {
+ module.set.selectedLetter( String.fromCharCode(pressedKey) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ trigger: {
+ change: function() {
+ var
+ events = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'),
+ inputElement = $input[0]
+ ;
+ if(inputElement) {
+ module.verbose('Triggering native change event');
+ events.initEvent('change', true, false);
+ inputElement.dispatchEvent(events);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ determine: {
+ selectAction: function(text, value) {
+ module.verbose('Determining action', settings.action);
+ if( $.isFunction( module.action[settings.action] ) ) {
+ module.verbose('Triggering preset action', settings.action, text, value);
+ module.action[ settings.action ].call(element, text, value, this);
+ }
+ else if( $.isFunction(settings.action) ) {
+ module.verbose('Triggering user action', settings.action, text, value);
+ settings.action.call(element, text, value, this);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.error(error.action, settings.action);
+ }
+ },
+ eventInModule: function(event, callback) {
+ var
+ $target = $(event.target),
+ inDocument = ($target.closest(document.documentElement).length > 0),
+ inModule = ($target.closest($module).length > 0)
+ ;
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ if(inDocument && !inModule) {
+ module.verbose('Triggering event', callback);
+ callback();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Event occurred in dropdown, canceling callback');
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ eventOnElement: function(event, callback) {
+ var
+ $target = $(event.target),
+ $label = $target.closest(selector.siblingLabel),
+ inVisibleDOM = document.body.contains(event.target),
+ notOnLabel = ($module.find($label).length === 0),
+ notInMenu = ($target.closest($menu).length === 0)
+ ;
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ if(inVisibleDOM && notOnLabel && notInMenu) {
+ module.verbose('Triggering event', callback);
+ callback();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Event occurred in dropdown menu, canceling callback');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ action: {
+ nothing: function() {},
+ activate: function(text, value, element) {
+ value = (value !== undefined)
+ ? value
+ : text
+ ;
+ if( module.can.activate( $(element) ) ) {
+ module.set.selected(value, $(element));
+ if(module.is.multiple() && !module.is.allFiltered()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.hideAndClear();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ select: function(text, value, element) {
+ value = (value !== undefined)
+ ? value
+ : text
+ ;
+ if( module.can.activate( $(element) ) ) {
+ module.set.value(value, text, $(element));
+ if(module.is.multiple() && !module.is.allFiltered()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.hideAndClear();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ combo: function(text, value, element) {
+ value = (value !== undefined)
+ ? value
+ : text
+ ;
+ module.set.selected(value, $(element));
+ module.hideAndClear();
+ },
+ hide: function(text, value, element) {
+ module.set.value(value, text);
+ module.hideAndClear();
+ }
+ },
+ get: {
+ id: function() {
+ return id;
+ },
+ defaultText: function() {
+ return $module.data(metadata.defaultText);
+ },
+ defaultValue: function() {
+ return $module.data(metadata.defaultValue);
+ },
+ placeholderText: function() {
+ if(settings.placeholder != 'auto' && typeof settings.placeholder == 'string') {
+ return settings.placeholder;
+ }
+ return $module.data(metadata.placeholderText) || '';
+ },
+ text: function() {
+ return $text.text();
+ },
+ query: function() {
+ return $.trim($search.val());
+ },
+ searchWidth: function(value) {
+ value = (value !== undefined)
+ ? value
+ : $search.val()
+ ;
+ $sizer.text(value);
+ // prevent rounding issues
+ return Math.ceil( $sizer.width() + 1);
+ },
+ selectionCount: function() {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values(),
+ count
+ ;
+ count = ( module.is.multiple() )
+ ? $.isArray(values)
+ ? values.length
+ : 0
+ : (module.get.value() !== '')
+ ? 1
+ : 0
+ ;
+ return count;
+ },
+ transition: function($subMenu) {
+ return (settings.transition == 'auto')
+ ? module.is.upward($subMenu)
+ ? 'slide up'
+ : 'slide down'
+ : settings.transition
+ ;
+ },
+ userValues: function() {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values()
+ ;
+ if(!values) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ values = $.isArray(values)
+ ? values
+ : [values]
+ ;
+ return $.grep(values, function(value) {
+ return (module.get.item(value) === false);
+ });
+ },
+ uniqueArray: function(array) {
+ return $.grep(array, function (value, index) {
+ return $.inArray(value, array) === index;
+ });
+ },
+ caretPosition: function() {
+ var
+ input = $search.get(0),
+ range,
+ rangeLength
+ ;
+ if('selectionStart' in input) {
+ return input.selectionStart;
+ }
+ else if (document.selection) {
+ input.focus();
+ range = document.selection.createRange();
+ rangeLength = range.text.length;
+ range.moveStart('character', -input.value.length);
+ return range.text.length - rangeLength;
+ }
+ },
+ value: function() {
+ var
+ value = ($input.length > 0)
+ ? $input.val()
+ : $module.data(metadata.value),
+ isEmptyMultiselect = ($.isArray(value) && value.length === 1 && value[0] === '')
+ ;
+ // prevents placeholder element from being selected when multiple
+ return (value === undefined || isEmptyMultiselect)
+ ? ''
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ values: function() {
+ var
+ value = module.get.value()
+ ;
+ if(value === '') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return ( !module.has.selectInput() && module.is.multiple() )
+ ? (typeof value == 'string') // delimited string
+ ? value.split(settings.delimiter)
+ : ''
+ : value
+ ;
+ },
+ remoteValues: function() {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values(),
+ remoteValues = false
+ ;
+ if(values) {
+ if(typeof values == 'string') {
+ values = [values];
+ }
+ $.each(values, function(index, value) {
+ var
+ name = module.read.remoteData(value)
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Restoring value from session data', name, value);
+ if(name) {
+ if(!remoteValues) {
+ remoteValues = {};
+ }
+ remoteValues[value] = name;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return remoteValues;
+ },
+ choiceText: function($choice, preserveHTML) {
+ preserveHTML = (preserveHTML !== undefined)
+ ? preserveHTML
+ : settings.preserveHTML
+ ;
+ if($choice) {
+ if($choice.find(selector.menu).length > 0) {
+ module.verbose('Retrieving text of element with sub-menu');
+ $choice = $choice.clone();
+ $choice.find(selector.menu).remove();
+ $choice.find(selector.menuIcon).remove();
+ }
+ return ($choice.data(metadata.text) !== undefined)
+ ? $choice.data(metadata.text)
+ : (preserveHTML)
+ ? $.trim($choice.html())
+ : $.trim($choice.text())
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ choiceValue: function($choice, choiceText) {
+ choiceText = choiceText || module.get.choiceText($choice);
+ if(!$choice) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ($choice.data(metadata.value) !== undefined)
+ ? String( $choice.data(metadata.value) )
+ : (typeof choiceText === 'string')
+ ? $.trim(choiceText.toLowerCase())
+ : String(choiceText)
+ ;
+ },
+ inputEvent: function() {
+ var
+ input = $search[0]
+ ;
+ if(input) {
+ return (input.oninput !== undefined)
+ ? 'input'
+ : (input.onpropertychange !== undefined)
+ ? 'propertychange'
+ : 'keyup'
+ ;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ selectValues: function() {
+ var
+ select = {}
+ ;
+ select.values = [];
+ $module
+ .find('option')
+ .each(function() {
+ var
+ $option = $(this),
+ name = $option.html(),
+ disabled = $option.attr('disabled'),
+ value = ( $option.attr('value') !== undefined )
+ ? $option.attr('value')
+ : name
+ ;
+ if(settings.placeholder === 'auto' && value === '') {
+ select.placeholder = name;
+ }
+ else {
+ select.values.push({
+ name : name,
+ value : value,
+ disabled : disabled
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ if(settings.placeholder && settings.placeholder !== 'auto') {
+ module.debug('Setting placeholder value to', settings.placeholder);
+ select.placeholder = settings.placeholder;
+ }
+ if(settings.sortSelect) {
+ select.values.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return (a.name > b.name)
+ ? 1
+ : -1
+ ;
+ });
+ module.debug('Retrieved and sorted values from select', select);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Retrieved values from select', select);
+ }
+ return select;
+ },
+ activeItem: function() {
+ return $item.filter('.' + className.active);
+ },
+ selectedItem: function() {
+ var
+ $selectedItem = $item.not(selector.unselectable).filter('.' + className.selected)
+ ;
+ return ($selectedItem.length > 0)
+ ? $selectedItem
+ : $item.eq(0)
+ ;
+ },
+ itemWithAdditions: function(value) {
+ var
+ $items = module.get.item(value),
+ $userItems = module.create.userChoice(value),
+ hasUserItems = ($userItems && $userItems.length > 0)
+ ;
+ if(hasUserItems) {
+ $items = ($items.length > 0)
+ ? $items.add($userItems)
+ : $userItems
+ ;
+ }
+ return $items;
+ },
+ item: function(value, strict) {
+ var
+ $selectedItem = false,
+ shouldSearch,
+ isMultiple
+ ;
+ value = (value !== undefined)
+ ? value
+ : ( module.get.values() !== undefined)
+ ? module.get.values()
+ : module.get.text()
+ ;
+ shouldSearch = (isMultiple)
+ ? (value.length > 0)
+ : (value !== undefined && value !== null)
+ ;
+ isMultiple = (module.is.multiple() && $.isArray(value));
+ strict = (value === '' || value === 0)
+ ? true
+ : strict || false
+ ;
+ if(shouldSearch) {
+ $item
+ .each(function() {
+ var
+ $choice = $(this),
+ optionText = module.get.choiceText($choice),
+ optionValue = module.get.choiceValue($choice, optionText)
+ ;
+ // safe early exit
+ if(optionValue === null || optionValue === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(isMultiple) {
+ if($.inArray( String(optionValue), value) !== -1 || $.inArray(optionText, value) !== -1) {
+ $selectedItem = ($selectedItem)
+ ? $selectedItem.add($choice)
+ : $choice
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(strict) {
+ module.verbose('Ambiguous dropdown value using strict type check', $choice, value);
+ if( optionValue === value || optionText === value) {
+ $selectedItem = $choice;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( String(optionValue) == String(value) || optionText == value) {
+ module.verbose('Found select item by value', optionValue, value);
+ $selectedItem = $choice;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ return $selectedItem;
+ }
+ },
+ check: {
+ maxSelections: function(selectionCount) {
+ if(settings.maxSelections) {
+ selectionCount = (selectionCount !== undefined)
+ ? selectionCount
+ : module.get.selectionCount()
+ ;
+ if(selectionCount >= settings.maxSelections) {
+ module.debug('Maximum selection count reached');
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ $item.addClass(className.filtered);
+ module.add.message(message.maxSelections);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('No longer at maximum selection count');
+ module.remove.message();
+ module.remove.filteredItem();
+ if(module.is.searchSelection()) {
+ module.filterItems();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ restore: {
+ defaults: function() {
+ module.clear();
+ module.restore.defaultText();
+ module.restore.defaultValue();
+ },
+ defaultText: function() {
+ var
+ defaultText = module.get.defaultText(),
+ placeholderText = module.get.placeholderText
+ ;
+ if(defaultText === placeholderText) {
+ module.debug('Restoring default placeholder text', defaultText);
+ module.set.placeholderText(defaultText);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Restoring default text', defaultText);
+ module.set.text(defaultText);
+ }
+ },
+ placeholderText: function() {
+ module.set.placeholderText();
+ },
+ defaultValue: function() {
+ var
+ defaultValue = module.get.defaultValue()
+ ;
+ if(defaultValue !== undefined) {
+ module.debug('Restoring default value', defaultValue);
+ if(defaultValue !== '') {
+ module.set.value(defaultValue);
+ module.set.selected();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.activeItem();
+ module.remove.selectedItem();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ labels: function() {
+ if(settings.allowAdditions) {
+ if(!settings.useLabels) {
+ module.error(error.labels);
+ settings.useLabels = true;
+ }
+ module.debug('Restoring selected values');
+ module.create.userLabels();
+ }
+ module.check.maxSelections();
+ },
+ selected: function() {
+ module.restore.values();
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ module.debug('Restoring previously selected values and labels');
+ module.restore.labels();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Restoring previously selected values');
+ }
+ },
+ values: function() {
+ // prevents callbacks from occurring on initial load
+ module.set.initialLoad();
+ if(settings.apiSettings && settings.saveRemoteData && module.get.remoteValues()) {
+ module.restore.remoteValues();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.set.selected();
+ }
+ module.remove.initialLoad();
+ },
+ remoteValues: function() {
+ var
+ values = module.get.remoteValues()
+ ;
+ module.debug('Recreating selected from session data', values);
+ if(values) {
+ if( module.is.single() ) {
+ $.each(values, function(value, name) {
+ module.set.text(name);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ $.each(values, function(value, name) {
+ module.add.label(value, name);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ read: {
+ remoteData: function(value) {
+ var
+ name
+ ;
+ if(window.Storage === undefined) {
+ module.error(error.noStorage);
+ return;
+ }
+ name = sessionStorage.getItem(value);
+ return (name !== undefined)
+ ? name
+ : false
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ save: {
+ defaults: function() {
+ module.save.defaultText();
+ module.save.placeholderText();
+ module.save.defaultValue();
+ },
+ defaultValue: function() {
+ var
+ value = module.get.value()
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Saving default value as', value);
+ $module.data(metadata.defaultValue, value);
+ },
+ defaultText: function() {
+ var
+ text = module.get.text()
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Saving default text as', text);
+ $module.data(metadata.defaultText, text);
+ },
+ placeholderText: function() {
+ var
+ text
+ ;
+ if(settings.placeholder !== false && $text.hasClass(className.placeholder)) {
+ text = module.get.text();
+ module.verbose('Saving placeholder text as', text);
+ $module.data(metadata.placeholderText, text);
+ }
+ },
+ remoteData: function(name, value) {
+ if(window.Storage === undefined) {
+ module.error(error.noStorage);
+ return;
+ }
+ module.verbose('Saving remote data to session storage', value, name);
+ sessionStorage.setItem(value, name);
+ }
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ if(module.is.multiple() && settings.useLabels) {
+ module.remove.labels();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.activeItem();
+ module.remove.selectedItem();
+ }
+ module.set.placeholderText();
+ module.clearValue();
+ },
+ clearValue: function() {
+ module.set.value('');
+ },
+ scrollPage: function(direction, $selectedItem) {
+ var
+ $currentItem = $selectedItem || module.get.selectedItem(),
+ $menu = $currentItem.closest(selector.menu),
+ menuHeight = $menu.outerHeight(),
+ currentScroll = $menu.scrollTop(),
+ itemHeight = $item.eq(0).outerHeight(),
+ itemsPerPage = Math.floor(menuHeight / itemHeight),
+ maxScroll = $menu.prop('scrollHeight'),
+ newScroll = (direction == 'up')
+ ? currentScroll - (itemHeight * itemsPerPage)
+ : currentScroll + (itemHeight * itemsPerPage),
+ $selectableItem = $item.not(selector.unselectable),
+ isWithinRange,
+ $nextSelectedItem,
+ elementIndex
+ ;
+ elementIndex = (direction == 'up')
+ ? $selectableItem.index($currentItem) - itemsPerPage
+ : $selectableItem.index($currentItem) + itemsPerPage
+ ;
+ isWithinRange = (direction == 'up')
+ ? (elementIndex >= 0)
+ : (elementIndex < $selectableItem.length)
+ ;
+ $nextSelectedItem = (isWithinRange)
+ ? $selectableItem.eq(elementIndex)
+ : (direction == 'up')
+ ? $selectableItem.first()
+ : $selectableItem.last()
+ ;
+ if($nextSelectedItem.length > 0) {
+ module.debug('Scrolling page', direction, $nextSelectedItem);
+ $currentItem
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ $nextSelectedItem
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ if(settings.selectOnKeydown && module.is.single()) {
+ module.set.selectedItem($nextSelectedItem);
+ }
+ $menu
+ .scrollTop(newScroll)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ set: {
+ filtered: function() {
+ var
+ isMultiple = module.is.multiple(),
+ isSearch = module.is.searchSelection(),
+ isSearchMultiple = (isMultiple && isSearch),
+ searchValue = (isSearch)
+ ? module.get.query()
+ : '',
+ hasSearchValue = (typeof searchValue === 'string' && searchValue.length > 0),
+ searchWidth = module.get.searchWidth(),
+ valueIsSet = searchValue !== ''
+ ;
+ if(isMultiple && hasSearchValue) {
+ module.verbose('Adjusting input width', searchWidth, settings.glyphWidth);
+ $search.css('width', searchWidth);
+ }
+ if(hasSearchValue || (isSearchMultiple && valueIsSet)) {
+ module.verbose('Hiding placeholder text');
+ $text.addClass(className.filtered);
+ }
+ else if(!isMultiple || (isSearchMultiple && !valueIsSet)) {
+ module.verbose('Showing placeholder text');
+ $text.removeClass(className.filtered);
+ }
+ },
+ empty: function() {
+ $module.addClass(className.empty);
+ },
+ loading: function() {
+ $module.addClass(className.loading);
+ },
+ placeholderText: function(text) {
+ text = text || module.get.placeholderText();
+ module.debug('Setting placeholder text', text);
+ module.set.text(text);
+ $text.addClass(className.placeholder);
+ },
+ tabbable: function() {
+ if( module.is.searchSelection() ) {
+ module.debug('Added tabindex to searchable dropdown');
+ $search
+ .val('')
+ .attr('tabindex', 0)
+ ;
+ $menu
+ .attr('tabindex', -1)
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Added tabindex to dropdown');
+ if( $module.attr('tabindex') === undefined) {
+ $module
+ .attr('tabindex', 0)
+ ;
+ $menu
+ .attr('tabindex', -1)
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ initialLoad: function() {
+ module.verbose('Setting initial load');
+ initialLoad = true;
+ },
+ activeItem: function($item) {
+ if( settings.allowAdditions && $item.filter(selector.addition).length > 0 ) {
+ $item.addClass(className.filtered);
+ }
+ else {
+ $item.addClass(className.active);
+ }
+ },
+ partialSearch: function(text) {
+ var
+ length = module.get.query().length
+ ;
+ $search.val( text.substr(0, length));
+ },
+ scrollPosition: function($item, forceScroll) {
+ var
+ edgeTolerance = 5,
+ $menu,
+ hasActive,
+ offset,
+ itemHeight,
+ itemOffset,
+ menuOffset,
+ menuScroll,
+ menuHeight,
+ abovePage,
+ belowPage
+ ;
+ $item = $item || module.get.selectedItem();
+ $menu = $item.closest(selector.menu);
+ hasActive = ($item && $item.length > 0);
+ forceScroll = (forceScroll !== undefined)
+ ? forceScroll
+ : false
+ ;
+ if($item && $menu.length > 0 && hasActive) {
+ itemOffset = $item.position().top;
+ $menu.addClass(className.loading);
+ menuScroll = $menu.scrollTop();
+ menuOffset = $menu.offset().top;
+ itemOffset = $item.offset().top;
+ offset = menuScroll - menuOffset + itemOffset;
+ if(!forceScroll) {
+ menuHeight = $menu.height();
+ belowPage = menuScroll + menuHeight < (offset + edgeTolerance);
+ abovePage = ((offset - edgeTolerance) < menuScroll);
+ }
+ module.debug('Scrolling to active item', offset);
+ if(forceScroll || abovePage || belowPage) {
+ $menu.scrollTop(offset);
+ }
+ $menu.removeClass(className.loading);
+ }
+ },
+ text: function(text) {
+ if(settings.action !== 'select') {
+ if(settings.action == 'combo') {
+ module.debug('Changing combo button text', text, $combo);
+ if(settings.preserveHTML) {
+ $combo.html(text);
+ }
+ else {
+ $combo.text(text);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(text !== module.get.placeholderText()) {
+ $text.removeClass(className.placeholder);
+ }
+ module.debug('Changing text', text, $text);
+ $text
+ .removeClass(className.filtered)
+ ;
+ if(settings.preserveHTML) {
+ $text.html(text);
+ }
+ else {
+ $text.text(text);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ selectedItem: function($item) {
+ var
+ value = module.get.choiceValue($item),
+ searchText = module.get.choiceText($item, false),
+ text = module.get.choiceText($item, true)
+ ;
+ module.debug('Setting user selection to item', $item);
+ module.remove.activeItem();
+ module.set.partialSearch(searchText);
+ module.set.activeItem($item);
+ module.set.selected(value, $item);
+ module.set.text(text);
+ },
+ selectedLetter: function(letter) {
+ var
+ $selectedItem = $item.filter('.' + className.selected),
+ alreadySelectedLetter = $selectedItem.length > 0 && module.has.firstLetter($selectedItem, letter),
+ $nextValue = false,
+ $nextItem
+ ;
+ // check next of same letter
+ if(alreadySelectedLetter) {
+ $nextItem = $selectedItem.nextAll($item).eq(0);
+ if( module.has.firstLetter($nextItem, letter) ) {
+ $nextValue = $nextItem;
+ }
+ }
+ // check all values
+ if(!$nextValue) {
+ $item
+ .each(function(){
+ if(module.has.firstLetter($(this), letter)) {
+ $nextValue = $(this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ // set next value
+ if($nextValue) {
+ module.verbose('Scrolling to next value with letter', letter);
+ module.set.scrollPosition($nextValue);
+ $selectedItem.removeClass(className.selected);
+ $nextValue.addClass(className.selected);
+ module.aria.refreshDescendant();
+ if(settings.selectOnKeydown && module.is.single()) {
+ module.set.selectedItem($nextValue);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ direction: function($menu) {
+ if(settings.direction == 'auto') {
+ // reset position
+ module.remove.upward();
+ if(module.can.openDownward($menu)) {
+ module.remove.upward($menu);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.set.upward($menu);
+ }
+ if(!module.is.leftward($menu) && !module.can.openRightward($menu)) {
+ module.set.leftward($menu);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(settings.direction == 'upward') {
+ module.set.upward($menu);
+ }
+ },
+ upward: function($currentMenu) {
+ var $element = $currentMenu || $module;
+ $element.addClass(className.upward);
+ },
+ leftward: function($currentMenu) {
+ var $element = $currentMenu || $menu;
+ $element.addClass(className.leftward);
+ },
+ value: function(value, text, $selected) {
+ var
+ escapedValue = module.escape.value(value),
+ hasInput = ($input.length > 0),
+ currentValue = module.get.values(),
+ stringValue = (value !== undefined)
+ ? String(value)
+ : value,
+ newValue
+ ;
+ if(hasInput) {
+ if(!settings.allowReselection && stringValue == currentValue) {
+ module.verbose('Skipping value update already same value', value, currentValue);
+ if(!module.is.initialLoad()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( module.is.single() && module.has.selectInput() && module.can.extendSelect() ) {
+ module.debug('Adding user option', value);
+ module.add.optionValue(value);
+ }
+ module.debug('Updating input value', escapedValue, currentValue);
+ internalChange = true;
+ $input
+ .val(escapedValue)
+ ;
+ if(settings.fireOnInit === false && module.is.initialLoad()) {
+ module.debug('Input native change event ignored on initial load');
+ }
+ else {
+ module.trigger.change();
+ }
+ internalChange = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Storing value in metadata', escapedValue, $input);
+ if(escapedValue !== currentValue) {
+ $module.data(metadata.value, stringValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if(settings.fireOnInit === false && module.is.initialLoad()) {
+ module.verbose('No callback on initial load', settings.onChange);
+ }
+ else {
+ settings.onChange.call(element, value, text, $selected);
+ }
+ },
+ active: function() {
+ $module
+ .addClass(className.active)
+ ;
+ },
+ multiple: function() {
+ $module.addClass(className.multiple);
+ },
+ visible: function() {
+ $module.addClass(className.visible);
+ },
+ exactly: function(value, $selectedItem) {
+ module.debug('Setting selected to exact values');
+ module.clear();
+ module.set.selected(value, $selectedItem);
+ },
+ selected: function(value, $selectedItem) {
+ var
+ isMultiple = module.is.multiple(),
+ $userSelectedItem
+ ;
+ $selectedItem = (settings.allowAdditions)
+ ? $selectedItem || module.get.itemWithAdditions(value)
+ : $selectedItem || module.get.item(value)
+ ;
+ if(!$selectedItem) {
+ return;
+ }
+ module.debug('Setting selected menu item to', $selectedItem);
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ module.remove.searchWidth();
+ }
+ if(module.is.single()) {
+ module.remove.activeItem();
+ module.remove.selectedItem();
+ }
+ else if(settings.useLabels) {
+ module.remove.selectedItem();
+ }
+ // select each item
+ $selectedItem
+ .each(function() {
+ var
+ $selected = $(this),
+ selectedText = module.get.choiceText($selected),
+ selectedValue = module.get.choiceValue($selected, selectedText),
+ isFiltered = $selected.hasClass(className.filtered),
+ isActive = $selected.hasClass(className.active),
+ isUserValue = $selected.hasClass(className.addition),
+ shouldAnimate = (isMultiple && $selectedItem.length == 1)
+ ;
+ if(isMultiple) {
+ if(!isActive || isUserValue) {
+ if(settings.apiSettings && settings.saveRemoteData) {
+ module.save.remoteData(selectedText, selectedValue);
+ }
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ module.add.label(selectedValue, selectedText, shouldAnimate);
+ module.add.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ module.set.activeItem($selected);
+ module.filterActive();
+ module.select.nextAvailable($selectedItem);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.add.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ module.set.text(module.add.variables(message.count));
+ module.set.activeItem($selected);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!isFiltered) {
+ module.debug('Selected active value, removing label');
+ module.remove.selected(selectedValue);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(settings.apiSettings && settings.saveRemoteData) {
+ module.save.remoteData(selectedText, selectedValue);
+ }
+ module.set.text(selectedText);
+ module.set.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ $selected
+ .addClass(className.active)
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ add: {
+ label: function(value, text, shouldAnimate) {
+ var
+ $next = module.is.searchSelection()
+ ? $search
+ : $text,
+ escapedValue = module.escape.value(value),
+ $label
+ ;
+ if(settings.ignoreCase) {
+ escapedValue = escapedValue.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ $label = $('<a />')
+ .addClass(className.label)
+ .attr('data-' + metadata.value, escapedValue)
+ .html(templates.label(escapedValue, text))
+ ;
+ $label = settings.onLabelCreate.call($label, escapedValue, text);
+ if(module.has.label(value)) {
+ module.debug('User selection already exists, skipping', escapedValue);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(settings.label.variation) {
+ $label.addClass(settings.label.variation);
+ }
+ if(shouldAnimate === true) {
+ module.debug('Animating in label', $label);
+ $label
+ .addClass(className.hidden)
+ .insertBefore($next)
+ .transition(settings.label.transition, settings.label.duration)
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Adding selection label', $label);
+ $label
+ .insertBefore($next)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ message: function(message) {
+ var
+ $message = $menu.children(selector.message),
+ html = settings.templates.message(module.add.variables(message))
+ ;
+ if($message.length > 0) {
+ $message
+ .html(html)
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $message = $('<div/>')
+ .html(html)
+ .addClass(className.message)
+ .appendTo($menu)
+ ;
+ }
+ },
+ optionValue: function(value) {
+ var
+ escapedValue = module.escape.value(value),
+ $option = $input.find('option[value="' + module.escape.string(escapedValue) + '"]'),
+ hasOption = ($option.length > 0)
+ ;
+ if(hasOption) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // temporarily disconnect observer
+ module.disconnect.selectObserver();
+ if( module.is.single() ) {
+ module.verbose('Removing previous user addition');
+ $input.find('option.' + className.addition).remove();
+ }
+ $('<option/>')
+ .prop('value', escapedValue)
+ .addClass(className.addition)
+ .html(value)
+ .appendTo($input)
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Adding user addition as an <option>', value);
+ module.observe.select();
+ },
+ userSuggestion: function(value) {
+ var
+ $addition = $menu.children(selector.addition),
+ $existingItem = module.get.item(value),
+ alreadyHasValue = $existingItem && $existingItem.not(selector.addition).length,
+ hasUserSuggestion = $addition.length > 0,
+ html
+ ;
+ if(settings.useLabels && module.has.maxSelections()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(value === '' || alreadyHasValue) {
+ $addition.remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(hasUserSuggestion) {
+ $addition
+ .data(metadata.value, value)
+ .data(metadata.text, value)
+ .attr('data-' + metadata.value, value)
+ .attr('data-' + metadata.text, value)
+ .removeClass(className.filtered)
+ ;
+ if(!settings.hideAdditions) {
+ html = settings.templates.addition( module.add.variables(message.addResult, value) );
+ $addition
+ .html(html)
+ ;
+ }
+ module.verbose('Replacing user suggestion with new value', $addition);
+ }
+ else {
+ $addition = module.create.userChoice(value);
+ $addition
+ .prependTo($menu)
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Adding item choice to menu corresponding with user choice addition', $addition);
+ }
+ if(!settings.hideAdditions || module.is.allFiltered()) {
+ $addition
+ .addClass(className.selected)
+ .siblings()
+ .removeClass(className.selected)
+ ;
+ }
+ module.refreshItems();
+ },
+ variables: function(message, term) {
+ var
+ hasCount = (message.search('{count}') !== -1),
+ hasMaxCount = (message.search('{maxCount}') !== -1),
+ hasTerm = (message.search('{term}') !== -1),
+ values,
+ count,
+ query
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Adding templated variables to message', message);
+ if(hasCount) {
+ count = module.get.selectionCount();
+ message = message.replace('{count}', count);
+ }
+ if(hasMaxCount) {
+ count = module.get.selectionCount();
+ message = message.replace('{maxCount}', settings.maxSelections);
+ }
+ if(hasTerm) {
+ query = term || module.get.query();
+ message = message.replace('{term}', query);
+ }
+ return message;
+ },
+ value: function(addedValue, addedText, $selectedItem) {
+ var
+ currentValue = module.get.values(),
+ newValue
+ ;
+ if(module.has.value(addedValue)) {
+ module.debug('Value already selected');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(addedValue === '') {
+ module.debug('Cannot select blank values from multiselect');
+ return;
+ }
+ // extend current array
+ if($.isArray(currentValue)) {
+ newValue = currentValue.concat([addedValue]);
+ newValue = module.get.uniqueArray(newValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ newValue = [addedValue];
+ }
+ // add values
+ if( module.has.selectInput() ) {
+ if(module.can.extendSelect()) {
+ module.debug('Adding value to select', addedValue, newValue, $input);
+ module.add.optionValue(addedValue);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ newValue = newValue.join(settings.delimiter);
+ module.debug('Setting hidden input to delimited value', newValue, $input);
+ }
+ if(settings.fireOnInit === false && module.is.initialLoad()) {
+ module.verbose('Skipping onadd callback on initial load', settings.onAdd);
+ }
+ else {
+ settings.onAdd.call(element, addedValue, addedText, $selectedItem);
+ }
+ module.set.value(newValue, addedValue, addedText, $selectedItem);
+ module.check.maxSelections();
+ }
+ },
+ remove: {
+ active: function() {
+ $module.removeClass(className.active);
+ },
+ activeLabel: function() {
+ $module.find(selector.label).removeClass(className.active);
+ },
+ empty: function() {
+ $module.removeClass(className.empty);
+ },
+ loading: function() {
+ $module.removeClass(className.loading);
+ },
+ initialLoad: function() {
+ initialLoad = false;
+ },
+ upward: function($currentMenu) {
+ var $element = $currentMenu || $module;
+ $element.removeClass(className.upward);
+ },
+ leftward: function($currentMenu) {
+ var $element = $currentMenu || $menu;
+ $element.removeClass(className.leftward);
+ },
+ visible: function() {
+ $module.removeClass(className.visible);
+ },
+ activeItem: function() {
+ $item.removeClass(className.active);
+ },
+ filteredItem: function() {
+ if(settings.useLabels && module.has.maxSelections() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(settings.useLabels && module.is.multiple()) {
+ $item.not('.' + className.active).removeClass(className.filtered);
+ }
+ else {
+ $item.removeClass(className.filtered);
+ }
+ module.remove.empty();
+ },
+ optionValue: function(value) {
+ var
+ escapedValue = module.escape.value(value),
+ $option = $input.find('option[value="' + module.escape.string(escapedValue) + '"]'),
+ hasOption = ($option.length > 0)
+ ;
+ if(!hasOption || !$option.hasClass(className.addition)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // temporarily disconnect observer
+ if(selectObserver) {
+ selectObserver.disconnect();
+ module.verbose('Temporarily disconnecting mutation observer');
+ }
+ $option.remove();
+ module.verbose('Removing user addition as an <option>', escapedValue);
+ if(selectObserver) {
+ selectObserver.observe($input[0], {
+ childList : true,
+ subtree : true
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ message: function() {
+ $menu.children(selector.message).remove();
+ },
+ searchWidth: function() {
+ $search.css('width', '');
+ },
+ searchTerm: function() {
+ module.verbose('Cleared search term');
+ $search.val('');
+ module.set.filtered();
+ },
+ userAddition: function() {
+ $item.filter(selector.addition).remove();
+ },
+ selected: function(value, $selectedItem) {
+ $selectedItem = (settings.allowAdditions)
+ ? $selectedItem || module.get.itemWithAdditions(value)
+ : $selectedItem || module.get.item(value)
+ ;
+ if(!$selectedItem) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $selectedItem
+ .each(function() {
+ var
+ $selected = $(this),
+ selectedText = module.get.choiceText($selected),
+ selectedValue = module.get.choiceValue($selected, selectedText)
+ ;
+ if(module.is.multiple()) {
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ module.remove.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ module.remove.label(selectedValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ if(module.get.selectionCount() === 0) {
+ module.set.placeholderText();
+ }
+ else {
+ module.set.text(module.add.variables(message.count));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ module.remove.value(selectedValue, selectedText, $selected);
+ }
+ $selected
+ .removeClass(className.filtered)
+ .removeClass(className.active)
+ ;
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ $selected.removeClass(className.selected);
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ },
+ selectedItem: function() {
+ $item.removeClass(className.selected);
+ },
+ value: function(removedValue, removedText, $removedItem) {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values(),
+ newValue
+ ;
+ if( module.has.selectInput() ) {
+ module.verbose('Input is <select> removing selected option', removedValue);
+ newValue = module.remove.arrayValue(removedValue, values);
+ module.remove.optionValue(removedValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Removing from delimited values', removedValue);
+ newValue = module.remove.arrayValue(removedValue, values);
+ newValue = newValue.join(settings.delimiter);
+ }
+ if(settings.fireOnInit === false && module.is.initialLoad()) {
+ module.verbose('No callback on initial load', settings.onRemove);
+ }
+ else {
+ settings.onRemove.call(element, removedValue, removedText, $removedItem);
+ }
+ module.set.value(newValue, removedText, $removedItem);
+ module.check.maxSelections();
+ },
+ arrayValue: function(removedValue, values) {
+ if( !$.isArray(values) ) {
+ values = [values];
+ }
+ values = $.grep(values, function(value){
+ return (removedValue != value);
+ });
+ module.verbose('Removed value from delimited string', removedValue, values);
+ return values;
+ },
+ label: function(value, shouldAnimate) {
+ var
+ $labels = $module.find(selector.label),
+ $removedLabel = $labels.filter('[data-' + metadata.value + '="' + module.escape.string(value) +'"]')
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Removing label', $removedLabel);
+ $removedLabel.remove();
+ },
+ activeLabels: function($activeLabels) {
+ $activeLabels = $activeLabels || $module.find(selector.label).filter('.' + className.active);
+ module.verbose('Removing active label selections', $activeLabels);
+ module.remove.labels($activeLabels);
+ },
+ labels: function($labels) {
+ $labels = $labels || $module.find(selector.label);
+ module.verbose('Removing labels', $labels);
+ $labels
+ .each(function(){
+ var
+ $label = $(this),
+ value = $label.data(metadata.value),
+ stringValue = (value !== undefined)
+ ? String(value)
+ : value,
+ isUserValue = module.is.userValue(stringValue)
+ ;
+ if(settings.onLabelRemove.call($label, value) === false) {
+ module.debug('Label remove callback cancelled removal');
+ return;
+ }
+ module.remove.message();
+ if(isUserValue) {
+ module.remove.value(stringValue);
+ module.remove.label(stringValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ // selected will also remove label
+ module.remove.selected(stringValue);
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ },
+ tabbable: function() {
+ if( module.is.searchSelection() ) {
+ module.debug('Searchable dropdown initialized');
+ $search
+ .removeAttr('tabindex')
+ ;
+ $menu
+ .removeAttr('tabindex')
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug('Simple selection dropdown initialized');
+ $module
+ .removeAttr('tabindex')
+ ;
+ $menu
+ .removeAttr('tabindex')
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ has: {
+ menuSearch: function() {
+ return (module.has.search() && $search.closest($menu).length > 0);
+ },
+ search: function() {
+ return ($search.length > 0);
+ },
+ sizer: function() {
+ return ($sizer.length > 0);
+ },
+ selectInput: function() {
+ return ( $input.is('select') );
+ },
+ minCharacters: function(searchTerm) {
+ if(settings.minCharacters) {
+ searchTerm = (searchTerm !== undefined)
+ ? String(searchTerm)
+ : String(module.get.query())
+ ;
+ return (searchTerm.length >= settings.minCharacters);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ firstLetter: function($item, letter) {
+ var
+ text,
+ firstLetter
+ ;
+ if(!$item || $item.length === 0 || typeof letter !== 'string') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ text = module.get.choiceText($item, false);
+ letter = letter.toLowerCase();
+ firstLetter = String(text).charAt(0).toLowerCase();
+ return (letter == firstLetter);
+ },
+ input: function() {
+ return ($input.length > 0);
+ },
+ items: function() {
+ return ($item.length > 0);
+ },
+ menu: function() {
+ return ($menu.length > 0);
+ },
+ message: function() {
+ return ($menu.children(selector.message).length !== 0);
+ },
+ label: function(value) {
+ var
+ escapedValue = module.escape.value(value),
+ $labels = $module.find(selector.label)
+ ;
+ if(settings.ignoreCase) {
+ escapedValue = escapedValue.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ return ($labels.filter('[data-' + metadata.value + '="' + module.escape.string(escapedValue) +'"]').length > 0);
+ },
+ maxSelections: function() {
+ return (settings.maxSelections && module.get.selectionCount() >= settings.maxSelections);
+ },
+ allResultsFiltered: function() {
+ var
+ $normalResults = $item.not(selector.addition)
+ ;
+ return ($normalResults.filter(selector.unselectable).length === $normalResults.length);
+ },
+ userSuggestion: function() {
+ return ($menu.children(selector.addition).length > 0);
+ },
+ query: function() {
+ return (module.get.query() !== '');
+ },
+ value: function(value) {
+ return (settings.ignoreCase)
+ ? module.has.valueIgnoringCase(value)
+ : module.has.valueMatchingCase(value)
+ ;
+ },
+ valueMatchingCase: function(value) {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values(),
+ hasValue = $.isArray(values)
+ ? values && ($.inArray(value, values) !== -1)
+ : (values == value)
+ ;
+ return (hasValue)
+ ? true
+ : false
+ ;
+ },
+ valueIgnoringCase: function(value) {
+ var
+ values = module.get.values(),
+ hasValue = false
+ ;
+ if(!$.isArray(values)) {
+ values = [values];
+ }
+ $.each(values, function(index, existingValue) {
+ if(String(value).toLowerCase() == String(existingValue).toLowerCase()) {
+ hasValue = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return hasValue;
+ }
+ },
+ is: {
+ active: function() {
+ return $module.hasClass(className.active);
+ },
+ animatingInward: function() {
+ return $menu.transition('is inward');
+ },
+ animatingOutward: function() {
+ return $menu.transition('is outward');
+ },
+ bubbledLabelClick: function(event) {
+ return $(event.target).is('select, input') && $module.closest('label').length > 0;
+ },
+ bubbledIconClick: function(event) {
+ return $(event.target).closest($icon).length > 0;
+ },
+ alreadySetup: function() {
+ return ($module.is('select') && $module.parent(selector.dropdown).data(moduleNamespace) !== undefined && $module.prev().length === 0);
+ },
+ animating: function($subMenu) {
+ return ($subMenu)
+ ? $subMenu.transition && $subMenu.transition('is animating')
+ : $menu.transition && $menu.transition('is animating')
+ ;
+ },
+ leftward: function($subMenu) {
+ var $selectedMenu = $subMenu || $menu;
+ return $selectedMenu.hasClass(className.leftward);
+ },
+ disabled: function() {
+ return $module.hasClass(className.disabled);
+ },
+ focused: function() {
+ return (document.activeElement === $module[0]);
+ },
+ focusedOnSearch: function() {
+ return (document.activeElement === $search[0]);
+ },
+ allFiltered: function() {
+ return( (module.is.multiple() || module.has.search()) && !(settings.hideAdditions == false && module.has.userSuggestion()) && !module.has.message() && module.has.allResultsFiltered() );
+ },
+ hidden: function($subMenu) {
+ return !module.is.visible($subMenu);
+ },
+ initialLoad: function() {
+ return initialLoad;
+ },
+ inObject: function(needle, object) {
+ var
+ found = false
+ ;
+ $.each(object, function(index, property) {
+ if(property == needle) {
+ found = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ return found;
+ },
+ multiple: function() {
+ return $module.hasClass(className.multiple);
+ },
+ remote: function() {
+ return settings.apiSettings && module.can.useAPI();
+ },
+ single: function() {
+ return !module.is.multiple();
+ },
+ selectMutation: function(mutations) {
+ var
+ selectChanged = false
+ ;
+ $.each(mutations, function(index, mutation) {
+ if(mutation.target && $(mutation.target).is('select')) {
+ selectChanged = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ return selectChanged;
+ },
+ search: function() {
+ return $module.hasClass(className.search);
+ },
+ searchSelection: function() {
+ return ( module.has.search() && $search.parent(selector.dropdown).length === 1 );
+ },
+ selection: function() {
+ return $module.hasClass(className.selection);
+ },
+ userValue: function(value) {
+ return ($.inArray(value, module.get.userValues()) !== -1);
+ },
+ upward: function($menu) {
+ var $element = $menu || $module;
+ return $element.hasClass(className.upward);
+ },
+ visible: function($subMenu) {
+ return ($subMenu)
+ ? $subMenu.hasClass(className.visible)
+ : $menu.hasClass(className.visible)
+ ;
+ },
+ verticallyScrollableContext: function() {
+ var
+ overflowY = ($context.get(0) !== window)
+ ? $context.css('overflow-y')
+ : false
+ ;
+ return (overflowY == 'auto' || overflowY == 'scroll');
+ },
+ horizontallyScrollableContext: function() {
+ var
+ overflowX = ($context.get(0) !== window)
+ ? $context.css('overflow-X')
+ : false
+ ;
+ return (overflowX == 'auto' || overflowX == 'scroll');
+ }
+ },
+ can: {
+ activate: function($item) {
+ if(settings.useLabels) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(!module.has.maxSelections()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(module.has.maxSelections() && $item.hasClass(className.active)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ openDownward: function($subMenu) {
+ var
+ $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu,
+ canOpenDownward = true,
+ onScreen = {},
+ calculations
+ ;
+ $currentMenu
+ .addClass(className.loading)
+ ;
+ calculations = {
+ context: {
+ offset : ($context.get(0) === window)
+ ? { top: 0, left: 0}
+ : $context.offset(),
+ scrollTop : $context.scrollTop(),
+ height : $context.outerHeight()
+ },
+ menu : {
+ offset: $currentMenu.offset(),
+ height: $currentMenu.outerHeight()
+ }
+ };
+ if(module.is.verticallyScrollableContext()) {
+ calculations.menu.offset.top += calculations.context.scrollTop;
+ }
+ onScreen = {
+ above : (calculations.context.scrollTop) <= calculations.menu.offset.top - calculations.context.offset.top - calculations.menu.height,
+ below : (calculations.context.scrollTop + calculations.context.height) >= calculations.menu.offset.top - calculations.context.offset.top + calculations.menu.height
+ };
+ if(onScreen.below) {
+ module.verbose('Dropdown can fit in context downward', onScreen);
+ canOpenDownward = true;
+ }
+ else if(!onScreen.below && !onScreen.above) {
+ module.verbose('Dropdown cannot fit in either direction, favoring downward', onScreen);
+ canOpenDownward = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose('Dropdown cannot fit below, opening upward', onScreen);
+ canOpenDownward = false;
+ }
+ $currentMenu.removeClass(className.loading);
+ return canOpenDownward;
+ },
+ openRightward: function($subMenu) {
+ var
+ $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu,
+ canOpenRightward = true,
+ isOffscreenRight = false,
+ calculations
+ ;
+ $currentMenu
+ .addClass(className.loading)
+ ;
+ calculations = {
+ context: {
+ offset : ($context.get(0) === window)
+ ? { top: 0, left: 0}
+ : $context.offset(),
+ scrollLeft : $context.scrollLeft(),
+ width : $context.outerWidth()
+ },
+ menu: {
+ offset : $currentMenu.offset(),
+ width : $currentMenu.outerWidth()
+ }
+ };
+ if(module.is.horizontallyScrollableContext()) {
+ calculations.menu.offset.left += calculations.context.scrollLeft;
+ }
+ isOffscreenRight = (calculations.menu.offset.left - calculations.context.offset.left + calculations.menu.width >= calculations.context.scrollLeft + calculations.context.width);
+ if(isOffscreenRight) {
+ module.verbose('Dropdown cannot fit in context rightward', isOffscreenRight);
+ canOpenRightward = false;
+ }
+ $currentMenu.removeClass(className.loading);
+ return canOpenRightward;
+ },
+ click: function() {
+ return (hasTouch || settings.on == 'click');
+ },
+ extendSelect: function() {
+ return settings.allowAdditions || settings.apiSettings;
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ return !module.is.disabled() && (module.has.items() || module.has.message());
+ },
+ useAPI: function() {
+ return $.fn.api !== undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ animate: {
+ show: function(callback, $subMenu) {
+ var
+ $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu,
+ start = ($subMenu)
+ ? function() {}
+ : function() {
+ module.hideSubMenus();
+ module.hideOthers();
+ module.set.active();
+ },
+ transition
+ ;
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ module.verbose('Doing menu show animation', $currentMenu);
+ module.set.direction($subMenu);
+ transition = module.get.transition($subMenu);
+ if( module.is.selection() ) {
+ module.set.scrollPosition(module.get.selectedItem(), true);
+ }
+ if( module.is.hidden($currentMenu) || module.is.animating($currentMenu) ) {
+ if(transition == 'none') {
+ start();
+ $currentMenu.transition('show');
+ callback.call(element);
+ }
+ else if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) {
+ $currentMenu
+ .transition({
+ animation : transition + ' in',
+ debug : settings.debug,
+ verbose : settings.verbose,
+ duration : settings.duration,
+ queue : true,
+ onStart : start,
+ onComplete : function() {
+ callback.call(element);
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.error(error.noTransition, transition);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hide: function(callback, $subMenu) {
+ var
+ $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu,
+ duration = ($subMenu)
+ ? (settings.duration * 0.9)
+ : settings.duration,
+ start = ($subMenu)
+ ? function() {}
+ : function() {
+ if( module.can.click() ) {
+ module.unbind.intent();
+ }
+ module.remove.active();
+ },
+ transition = module.get.transition($subMenu)
+ ;
+ callback = $.isFunction(callback)
+ ? callback
+ : function(){}
+ ;
+ if( module.is.visible($currentMenu) || module.is.animating($currentMenu) ) {
+ module.verbose('Doing menu hide animation', $currentMenu);
+ if(transition == 'none') {
+ start();
+ $currentMenu.transition('hide');
+ callback.call(element);
+ }
+ else if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) {
+ $currentMenu
+ .transition({
+ animation : transition + ' out',
+ duration : settings.duration,
+ debug : settings.debug,
+ verbose : settings.verbose,
+ queue : false,
+ onStart : start,
+ onComplete : function() {
+ callback.call(element);
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.error(error.transition);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hideAndClear: function() {
+ module.remove.searchTerm();
+ if( module.has.maxSelections() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(module.has.search()) {
+ module.hide(function() {
+ module.remove.filteredItem();
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ module.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ delay: {
+ show: function() {
+ module.verbose('Delaying show event to ensure user intent');
+ clearTimeout(module.timer);
+ module.timer = setTimeout(module.show, settings.delay.show);
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ module.verbose('Delaying hide event to ensure user intent');
+ clearTimeout(module.timer);
+ module.timer = setTimeout(module.hide, settings.delay.hide);
+ }
+ },
+ escape: {
+ value: function(value) {
+ var
+ multipleValues = $.isArray(value),
+ stringValue = (typeof value === 'string'),
+ isUnparsable = (!stringValue && !multipleValues),
+ hasQuotes = (stringValue && value.search(regExp.quote) !== -1),
+ values = []
+ ;
+ if(isUnparsable || !hasQuotes) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ module.debug('Encoding quote values for use in select', value);
+ if(multipleValues) {
+ $.each(value, function(index, value){
+ values.push(value.replace(regExp.quote, '&quot;'));
+ });
+ return values;
+ }
+ return value.replace(regExp.quote, '&quot;');
+ },
+ string: function(text) {
+ text = String(text);
+ return text.replace(regExp.escape, '\\$&');
+ }
+ },
+ setting: function(name, value) {
+ module.debug('Changing setting', name, value);
+ if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
+ $.extend(true, settings, name);
+ }
+ else if(value !== undefined) {
+ if($.isPlainObject(settings[name])) {
+ $.extend(true, settings[name], value);
+ }
+ else {
+ settings[name] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return settings[name];
+ }
+ },
+ internal: function(name, value) {
+ if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
+ $.extend(true, module, name);
+ }
+ else if(value !== undefined) {
+ module[name] = value;
+ }
+ else {
+ return module[name];
+ }
+ },
+ debug: function() {
+ if(!settings.silent && settings.debug) {
+ if(settings.performance) {
+ module.performance.log(arguments);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':');
+ module.debug.apply(console, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ verbose: function() {
+ if(!settings.silent && settings.verbose && settings.debug) {
+ if(settings.performance) {
+ module.performance.log(arguments);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':');
+ module.verbose.apply(console, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ if(!settings.silent) {
+ module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':');
+ module.error.apply(console, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ performance: {
+ log: function(message) {
+ var
+ currentTime,
+ executionTime,
+ previousTime
+ ;
+ if(settings.performance) {
+ currentTime = new Date().getTime();
+ previousTime = time || currentTime;
+ executionTime = currentTime - previousTime;
+ time = currentTime;
+ performance.push({
+ 'Name' : message[0],
+ 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '',
+ 'Element' : element,
+ 'Execution Time' : executionTime
+ });
+ }
+ clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
+ module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500);
+ },
+ display: function() {
+ var
+ title = settings.name + ':',
+ totalTime = 0
+ ;
+ time = false;
+ clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
+ $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
+ totalTime += data['Execution Time'];
+ });
+ title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms';
+ if(moduleSelector) {
+ title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\'';
+ }
+ if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) {
+ console.groupCollapsed(title);
+ if(console.table) {
+ console.table(performance);
+ }
+ else {
+ $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
+ console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms');
+ });
+ }
+ console.groupEnd();
+ }
+ performance = [];
+ }
+ },
+ invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) {
+ var
+ object = instance,
+ maxDepth,
+ found,
+ response
+ ;
+ passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments;
+ context = element || context;
+ if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) {
+ query = query.split(/[\. ]/);
+ maxDepth = query.length - 1;
+ $.each(query, function(depth, value) {
+ var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth)
+ ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1)
+ : query
+ ;
+ if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
+ object = object[camelCaseValue];
+ }
+ else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) {
+ found = object[camelCaseValue];
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
+ object = object[value];
+ }
+ else if( object[value] !== undefined ) {
+ found = object[value];
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ module.error(error.method, query);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) {
+ response = found.apply(context, passedArguments);
+ }
+ else if(found !== undefined) {
+ response = found;
+ }
+ if($.isArray(returnedValue)) {
+ returnedValue.push(response);
+ }
+ else if(returnedValue !== undefined) {
+ returnedValue = [returnedValue, response];
+ }
+ else if(response !== undefined) {
+ returnedValue = response;
+ }
+ return found;
+ }
+ };
+ if(methodInvoked) {
+ if(instance === undefined) {
+ module.initialize();
+ }
+ module.invoke(query);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(instance !== undefined) {
+ instance.invoke('destroy');
+ }
+ module.initialize();
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ return (returnedValue !== undefined)
+ ? returnedValue
+ : $allModules
+ ;
+$.fn.dropdown.settings = {
+ silent : false,
+ debug : false,
+ verbose : false,
+ performance : true,
+ on : 'click', // what event should show menu action on item selection
+ action : 'activate', // action on item selection (nothing, activate, select, combo, hide, function(){})
+ values : false, // specify values to use for dropdown
+ apiSettings : false,
+ selectOnKeydown : true, // Whether selection should occur automatically when keyboard shortcuts used
+ minCharacters : 0, // Minimum characters required to trigger API call
+ filterRemoteData : false, // Whether API results should be filtered after being returned for query term
+ saveRemoteData : true, // Whether remote name/value pairs should be stored in sessionStorage to allow remote data to be restored on page refresh
+ throttle : 200, // How long to wait after last user input to search remotely
+ context : window, // Context to use when determining if on screen
+ direction : 'auto', // Whether dropdown should always open in one direction
+ keepOnScreen : true, // Whether dropdown should check whether it is on screen before showing
+ match : 'both', // what to match against with search selection (both, text, or label)
+ fullTextSearch : false, // search anywhere in value (set to 'exact' to require exact matches)
+ placeholder : 'auto', // whether to convert blank <select> values to placeholder text
+ preserveHTML : true, // preserve html when selecting value
+ sortSelect : false, // sort selection on init
+ forceSelection : true, // force a choice on blur with search selection
+ allowAdditions : false, // whether multiple select should allow user added values
+ ignoreCase : false, // whether to consider values not matching in case to be the same
+ hideAdditions : true, // whether or not to hide special message prompting a user they can enter a value
+ maxSelections : false, // When set to a number limits the number of selections to this count
+ useLabels : true, // whether multiple select should filter currently active selections from choices
+ delimiter : ',', // when multiselect uses normal <input> the values will be delimited with this character
+ showOnFocus : true, // show menu on focus
+ allowReselection : false, // whether current value should trigger callbacks when reselected
+ allowTab : true, // add tabindex to element
+ allowCategorySelection : false, // allow elements with sub-menus to be selected
+ fireOnInit : false, // Whether callbacks should fire when initializing dropdown values
+ transition : 'auto', // auto transition will slide down or up based on direction
+ duration : 200, // duration of transition
+ glyphWidth : 1.037, // widest glyph width in em (W is 1.037 em) used to calculate multiselect input width
+ // label settings on multi-select
+ label: {
+ transition : 'scale',
+ duration : 200,
+ variation : false
+ },
+ // delay before event
+ delay : {
+ hide : 300,
+ show : 200,
+ search : 20,
+ touch : 50
+ },
+ /* Callbacks */
+ onChange : function(value, text, $selected){},
+ onAdd : function(value, text, $selected){},
+ onRemove : function(value, text, $selected){},
+ onLabelSelect : function($selectedLabels){},
+ onLabelCreate : function(value, text) { return $(this); },
+ onLabelRemove : function(value) { return true; },
+ onNoResults : function(searchTerm) { return true; },
+ onShow : function(){},
+ onHide : function(){},
+ /* Component */
+ name : 'Dropdown',
+ namespace : 'dropdown',
+ message: {
+ addResult : 'Add <b>{term}</b>',
+ count : '{count} selected',
+ maxSelections : 'Max {maxCount} selections',
+ noResults : 'No results found.',
+ serverError : 'There was an error contacting the server'
+ },
+ error : {
+ action : 'You called a dropdown action that was not defined',
+ alreadySetup : 'Once a select has been initialized behaviors must be called on the created ui dropdown',
+ labels : 'Allowing user additions currently requires the use of labels.',
+ missingMultiple : '<select> requires multiple property to be set to correctly preserve multiple values',
+ method : 'The method you called is not defined.',
+ noAPI : 'The API module is required to load resources remotely',
+ noStorage : 'Saving remote data requires session storage',
+ noTransition : 'This module requires ui transitions <https://github.com/Semantic-Org/UI-Transition>'
+ },
+ regExp : {
+ escape : /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g,
+ quote : /"/g
+ },
+ metadata : {
+ defaultText : 'defaultText',
+ defaultValue : 'defaultValue',
+ placeholderText : 'placeholder',
+ text : 'text',
+ value : 'value'
+ },
+ // property names for remote query
+ fields: {
+ remoteValues : 'results', // grouping for api results
+ values : 'values', // grouping for all dropdown values
+ disabled : 'disabled', // whether value should be disabled
+ name : 'name', // displayed dropdown text
+ value : 'value', // actual dropdown value
+ text : 'text' // displayed text when selected
+ },
+ keys : {
+ backspace : 8,
+ delimiter : 188, // comma
+ deleteKey : 46,
+ enter : 13,
+ escape : 27,
+ pageUp : 33,
+ pageDown : 34,
+ leftArrow : 37,
+ upArrow : 38,
+ rightArrow : 39,
+ downArrow : 40
+ },
+ selector : {
+ addition : '.addition',
+ dropdown : '.ui.dropdown',
+ hidden : '.hidden',
+ icon : '> .dropdown.icon',
+ input : '> input[type="hidden"], > select',
+ item : '.item',
+ label : '> .label',
+ remove : '> .label > .delete.icon',
+ siblingLabel : '.label',
+ menu : '.menu',
+ message : '.message',
+ menuIcon : '.dropdown.icon',
+ search : 'input.search, .menu > .search > input, .menu input.search',
+ sizer : '> input.sizer',
+ text : '> .text:not(.icon)',
+ unselectable : '.disabled, .filtered'
+ },
+ className : {
+ active : 'active',
+ addition : 'addition',
+ animating : 'animating',
+ disabled : 'disabled',
+ empty : 'empty',
+ dropdown : 'ui dropdown',
+ filtered : 'filtered',
+ hidden : 'hidden transition',
+ item : 'item',
+ label : 'ui label',
+ loading : 'loading',
+ menu : 'menu',
+ message : 'message',
+ multiple : 'multiple',
+ placeholder : 'default',
+ sizer : 'sizer',
+ search : 'search',
+ selected : 'selected',
+ selection : 'selection',
+ upward : 'upward',
+ leftward : 'left',
+ visible : 'visible'
+ }
+/* Templates */
+$.fn.dropdown.settings.templates = {
+ // generates dropdown from select values
+ dropdown: function(select) {
+ var
+ placeholder = select.placeholder || false,
+ values = select.values || {},
+ html = ''
+ ;
+ html += '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>';
+ if(select.placeholder) {
+ html += '<div class="default text">' + placeholder + '</div>';
+ }
+ else {
+ html += '<div class="text"></div>';
+ }
+ html += '<div class="menu">';
+ $.each(select.values, function(index, option) {
+ html += (option.disabled)
+ ? '<div class="disabled item" data-value="' + option.value + '">' + option.name + '</div>'
+ : '<div class="item" data-value="' + option.value + '">' + option.name + '</div>'
+ ;
+ });
+ html += '</div>';
+ return html;
+ },
+ // generates just menu from select
+ menu: function(response, fields) {
+ var
+ values = response[fields.values] || {},
+ html = ''
+ ;
+ $.each(values, function(index, option) {
+ var
+ maybeText = (option[fields.text])
+ ? 'data-text="' + option[fields.text] + '"'
+ : '',
+ maybeDisabled = (option[fields.disabled])
+ ? 'disabled '
+ : ''
+ ;
+ html += '<div class="'+ maybeDisabled +'item" data-value="' + option[fields.value] + '"' + maybeText + '>';
+ html += option[fields.name];
+ html += '</div>';
+ });
+ return html;
+ },
+ // generates label for multiselect
+ label: function(value, text) {
+ return text + '<i class="delete icon"></i>';
+ },
+ // generates messages like "No results"
+ message: function(message) {
+ return message;
+ },
+ // generates user addition to selection menu
+ addition: function(choice) {
+ return choice;
+ }
+})( jQuery, window, document );
diff --git a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/LICENSE b/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 30cd6b7692..0000000000
--- a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011, Terrence Lee <kill889@gmail.com>
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the fgdev nor the
- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.js b/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c18a2d03e..0000000000
--- a/web_src/vendor/gitgraph.js/gitgraph.custom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
- * @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c80d50af7d3db9be66a4d0a86db0286e4fd33292&dn=bsd-3-clause.txt BSD 3-Clause
- * Copyright (c) 2011, Terrence Lee <kill889@gmail.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
- * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-export default function gitGraph(canvas, rawGraphList, config) {
- if (!canvas.getContext) {
- return;
- }
- if (typeof config === 'undefined') {
- config = {
- unitSize: 20,
- lineWidth: 3,
- nodeRadius: 4
- };
- }
- const flows = [];
- const graphList = [];
- const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
- const backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio
- || ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio
- || ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio
- || ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio
- || ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
- const ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
- const init = function () {
- let maxWidth = 0;
- let i;
- const l = rawGraphList.length;
- let row;
- let midStr;
- for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- midStr = rawGraphList[i].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
- maxWidth = Math.max(midStr.replace(/(_|\s)/g, '').length, maxWidth);
- row = midStr.split('');
- graphList.unshift(row);
- }
- const width = maxWidth * config.unitSize;
- const height = graphList.length * config.unitSize;
- canvas.width = width * ratio;
- canvas.height = height * ratio;
- canvas.style.width = `${width}px`;
- canvas.style.height = `${height}px`;
- ctx.lineWidth = config.lineWidth;
- ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
- ctx.lineCap = 'round';
- ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
- };
- const genRandomStr = function () {
- const chars = '0123456789ABCDEF';
- const stringLength = 6;
- let randomString = '', rnum, i;
- for (i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
- rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
- randomString += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1);
- }
- return randomString;
- };
- const findFlow = function (id) {
- let i = flows.length;
- while (i-- && flows[i].id !== id);
- return i;
- };
- const findColomn = function (symbol, row) {
- let i = row.length;
- while (i-- && row[i] !== symbol);
- return i;
- };
- const findBranchOut = function (row) {
- if (!row) {
- return -1;
- }
- let i = row.length;
- while (i--
- && !(row[i - 1] && row[i] === '/' && row[i - 1] === '|')
- && !(row[i - 2] && row[i] === '_' && row[i - 2] === '|'));
- return i;
- };
- const findLineBreak = function (row) {
- if (!row) {
- return -1;
- }
- let i = row.length;
- while (i--
- && !(row[i - 1] && row[i - 2] && row[i] === ' ' && row[i - 1] === '|' && row[i - 2] === '_'));
- return i;
- };
- const genNewFlow = function () {
- let newId;
- do {
- newId = genRandomStr();
- } while (findFlow(newId) !== -1);
- return { id: newId, color: `#${newId}` };
- };
- // Draw methods
- const drawLine = function (moveX, moveY, lineX, lineY, color) {
- ctx.strokeStyle = color;
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(moveX, moveY);
- ctx.lineTo(lineX, lineY);
- ctx.stroke();
- };
- const drawLineRight = function (x, y, color) {
- drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x + config.unitSize, y + config.unitSize / 2, color);
- };
- const drawLineUp = function (x, y, color) {
- drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
- };
- const drawNode = function (x, y, color) {
- ctx.strokeStyle = color;
- drawLineUp(x, y, color);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(x, y, config.nodeRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
- ctx.fill();
- };
- const drawLineIn = function (x, y, color) {
- drawLine(x + config.unitSize, y + config.unitSize / 2, x, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
- };
- const drawLineOut = function (x, y, color) {
- drawLine(x, y + config.unitSize / 2, x + config.unitSize, y - config.unitSize / 2, color);
- };
- const draw = function (graphList) {
- let colomn, colomnIndex, prevColomn, condenseIndex, breakIndex = -1;
- let x, y;
- let color;
- let nodePos;
- let tempFlow;
- let prevRowLength = 0;
- let flowSwapPos = -1;
- let lastLinePos;
- let i, l;
- let condenseCurrentLength, condensePrevLength = 0;
- let inlineIntersect = false;
- // initiate color array for first row
- for (i = 0, l = graphList[0].length; i < l; i++) {
- if (graphList[0][i] !== '_' && graphList[0][i] !== ' ') {
- flows.push(genNewFlow());
- }
- }
- y = (canvas.height / ratio) - config.unitSize * 0.5;
- // iterate
- for (i = 0, l = graphList.length; i < l; i++) {
- x = config.unitSize * 0.5;
- const currentRow = graphList[i];
- const nextRow = graphList[i + 1];
- const prevRow = graphList[i - 1];
- flowSwapPos = -1;
- condenseCurrentLength = currentRow.filter((val) => {
- return (val !== ' ' && val !== '_');
- }).length;
- // pre process begin
- // use last row for analysing
- if (prevRow) {
- if (!inlineIntersect) {
- // intersect might happen
- for (colomnIndex = 0; colomnIndex < prevRowLength; colomnIndex++) {
- if (prevRow[colomnIndex + 1]
- && (prevRow[colomnIndex] === '/' && prevRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '|')
- || ((prevRow[colomnIndex] === '_' && prevRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '|')
- && (prevRow[colomnIndex + 2] === '/'))) {
- flowSwapPos = colomnIndex;
- // swap two flow
- tempFlow = { id: flows[flowSwapPos].id, color: flows[flowSwapPos].color };
- flows[flowSwapPos].id = flows[flowSwapPos + 1].id;
- flows[flowSwapPos].color = flows[flowSwapPos + 1].color;
- flows[flowSwapPos + 1].id = tempFlow.id;
- flows[flowSwapPos + 1].color = tempFlow.color;
- }
- }
- }
- if (condensePrevLength < condenseCurrentLength
- && ((nodePos = findColomn('*', currentRow)) !== -1
- && (findColomn('_', currentRow) === -1))) {
- flows.splice(nodePos - 1, 0, genNewFlow());
- }
- if (prevRowLength > currentRow.length
- && (nodePos = findColomn('*', prevRow)) !== -1) {
- if (findColomn('_', currentRow) === -1
- && findColomn('/', currentRow) === -1
- && findColomn('\\', currentRow) === -1) {
- flows.splice(nodePos + 1, 1);
- }
- }
- } // done with the previous row
- prevRowLength = currentRow.length; // store for next round
- colomnIndex = 0; // reset index
- condenseIndex = 0;
- condensePrevLength = 0;
- breakIndex = -1; // reset break index
- while (colomnIndex < currentRow.length) {
- colomn = currentRow[colomnIndex];
- if (colomn !== ' ' && colomn !== '_') {
- ++condensePrevLength;
- }
- // check and fix line break in next row
- if (colomn === '/' && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
- if ((breakIndex = findLineBreak(nextRow)) !== -1) {
- nextRow.splice(breakIndex, 1);
- }
- }
- // if line break found replace all '/' with '|' after breakIndex in previous row
- if (breakIndex !== -1 && colomn === '/' && colomnIndex > breakIndex) {
- currentRow[colomnIndex] = '|';
- colomn = '|';
- }
- if (colomn === ' '
- && currentRow[colomnIndex + 1]
- && currentRow[colomnIndex + 1] === '_'
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1]
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
- currentRow.splice(colomnIndex, 1);
- currentRow[colomnIndex] = '/';
- colomn = '/';
- }
- // create new flow only when no intersect happened
- if (flowSwapPos === -1
- && colomn === '/'
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1]
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|') {
- flows.splice(condenseIndex, 0, genNewFlow());
- }
- // change \ and / to | when it's in the last position of the whole row
- if (colomn === '/' || colomn === '\\') {
- if (!(colomn === '/' && findBranchOut(nextRow) === -1)) {
- if ((lastLinePos = Math.max(findColomn('|', currentRow),
- findColomn('*', currentRow))) !== -1
- && (lastLinePos < colomnIndex - 1)) {
- while (currentRow[++lastLinePos] === ' ');
- if (lastLinePos === colomnIndex) {
- currentRow[colomnIndex] = '|';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (colomn === '*'
- && prevRow
- && prevRow[condenseIndex + 1] === '\\') {
- flows.splice(condenseIndex + 1, 1);
- }
- if (colomn !== ' ') {
- ++condenseIndex;
- }
- ++colomnIndex;
- }
- condenseCurrentLength = currentRow.filter((val) => {
- return (val !== ' ' && val !== '_');
- }).length;
- // do some clean up
- if (flows.length > condenseCurrentLength) {
- flows.splice(condenseCurrentLength, flows.length - condenseCurrentLength);
- }
- colomnIndex = 0;
- // a little inline analysis and draw process
- while (colomnIndex < currentRow.length) {
- colomn = currentRow[colomnIndex];
- prevColomn = currentRow[colomnIndex - 1];
- if (currentRow[colomnIndex] === ' ') {
- currentRow.splice(colomnIndex, 1);
- x += config.unitSize;
- continue;
- }
- // inline interset
- if ((colomn === '_' || colomn === '/')
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 1] === '|'
- && currentRow[colomnIndex - 2] === '_') {
- inlineIntersect = true;
- tempFlow = flows.splice(colomnIndex - 2, 1)[0];
- flows.splice(colomnIndex - 1, 0, tempFlow);
- currentRow.splice(colomnIndex - 2, 1);
- colomnIndex -= 1;
- } else {
- inlineIntersect = false;
- }
- color = flows[colomnIndex].color;
- switch (colomn) {
- case '_':
- drawLineRight(x, y, color);
- x += config.unitSize;
- break;
- case '*':
- drawNode(x, y, color);
- break;
- case '|':
- drawLineUp(x, y, color);
- break;
- case '/':
- if (prevColomn
- && (prevColomn === '/'
- || prevColomn === ' ')) {
- x -= config.unitSize;
- }
- drawLineOut(x, y, color);
- x += config.unitSize;
- break;
- case '\\':
- drawLineIn(x, y, color);
- break;
- }
- ++colomnIndex;
- }
- y -= config.unitSize;
- }
- };
- init();
- draw(graphList);
-// @end-license