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diff --git a/docs/content/doc/usage/reverse-proxies.en-us.md b/docs/content/doc/usage/reverse-proxies.en-us.md
index 5797d8e5eb..b8cebee574 100644
--- a/docs/content/doc/usage/reverse-proxies.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/content/doc/usage/reverse-proxies.en-us.md
@@ -365,3 +365,23 @@ gitea:
This config assumes that you are handling HTTPS on the traefik side and using HTTP between Gitea and traefik.
+## Traefik with a sub-path
+In case you already have a site, and you want Gitea to share the domain name, you can setup Traefik to serve Gitea under a sub-path by adding the following to your `docker-compose.yaml` (Assuming the provider is docker) :
+ image: gitea/gitea
+ ...
+ labels:
+ - "traefik.enable=true"
+ - "traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule=Host(`example.com`) && PathPrefix(`/gitea`)"
+ - "traefik.http.services.gitea-websecure.loadbalancer.server.port=3000"
+ - "traefik.http.middlewares.gitea-stripprefix.stripprefix.prefixes=/gitea"
+ - "traefik.http.routers.gitea.middlewares=gitea-stripprefix"
+This config assumes that you are handling HTTPS on the traefik side and using HTTP between Gitea and traefik.
+Then you **MUST** set something like `[server] ROOT_URL = http://example.com/gitea/` correctly in your configuration.