path: root/docs/content/doc/advanced
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
index e8866ab333..1d9326ad6e 100644
--- a/docs/content/doc/advanced/
+++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/
@@ -694,6 +694,15 @@ NB: You must `REDIRECT_MACARON_LOG` and have `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG` set to `false`
- `RUN_AT_START`: **true**: Run repository statistics check at start time.
- `SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository statistics check.
+### Cron - Cleanup hook_task Table (`cron.cleanup_hook_task_table`)
+- `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable cleanup hook_task job.
+- `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run cleanup hook_task at start time (if ENABLED).
+- `SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h**: Cron syntax for cleaning hook_task table.
+- `CLEANUP_TYPE` **OlderThan** OlderThan or PerWebhook Method to cleanup hook_task, either by age (i.e. how long ago hook_task record was delivered) or by the number to keep per webhook (i.e. keep most recent x deliveries per webhook).
+- `OLDER_THAN`: **168h**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to OlderThan, then any delivered hook_task records older than this expression will be deleted.
+- `NUMBER_TO_KEEP`: **10**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to PerWebhook, this is number of hook_task records to keep for a webhook (i.e. keep the most recent x deliveries).
#### Cron - Update Migration Poster ID (`cron.update_migration_poster_id`)
- `SCHEDULE`: **@every 24h** : Interval as a duration between each synchronization, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts.