path: root/modules/markdown
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/markdown')
2 files changed, 264 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/modules/markdown/markdown.go b/modules/markdown/markdown.go
index 5218af8f27..52459e360e 100644
--- a/modules/markdown/markdown.go
+++ b/modules/markdown/markdown.go
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ var (
ShortLinkPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(\[\[.*\]\]\w*)`)
// AnySHA1Pattern allows to split url containing SHA into parts
- AnySHA1Pattern = regexp.MustCompile(`http\S+//(\S+)/(\S+)/(\S+)/(\S+)/([0-9a-f]{40})(?:/?([^#\s]+)?(?:#(\S+))?)?`)
+ AnySHA1Pattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(http\S*)://(\S+)/(\S+)/(\S+)/(\S+)/([0-9a-f]{40})(?:/?([^#\s]+)?(?:#(\S+))?)?`)
// IssueFullPattern allows to split issue (and pull) URLs into parts
- IssueFullPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:^|\s|\()http\S+//((?:[^\s/]+/)+)((?:\w{1,10}-)?[1-9][0-9]*)([\?|#]\S+.(\S+)?)?\b`)
+ IssueFullPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:^|\s|\()(http\S*)://((?:[^\s/]+/)+)((?:\w{1,10}-)?[1-9][0-9]*)([\?|#]\S+.(\S+)?)?\b`)
validLinksPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][\w-]+://`)
@@ -126,10 +126,11 @@ type Renderer struct {
func (r *Renderer) Link(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, content []byte) {
if len(link) > 0 && !isLink(link) {
if link[0] != '#' {
- mLink := URLJoin(r.urlPrefix, string(link))
+ lnk := string(link)
if r.isWikiMarkdown {
- mLink = URLJoin(r.urlPrefix, "wiki", string(link))
+ lnk = URLJoin("wiki", lnk)
+ mLink := URLJoin(r.urlPrefix, lnk)
link = []byte(mLink)
@@ -206,12 +207,10 @@ func (r *Renderer) Image(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, alt []byt
} else {
- if link[0] != '/' {
- if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
- prefix += "/"
- }
- }
- link = []byte(url.QueryEscape(prefix + string(link)))
+ lnk := string(link)
+ lnk = URLJoin(prefix, lnk)
+ lnk = strings.Replace(lnk, " ", "+", -1)
+ link = []byte(lnk)
@@ -246,10 +245,30 @@ func URLJoin(elem ...string) string {
last := len(elem) - 1
for i, item := range elem {
res += item
- if !strings.HasSuffix(res, "/") && i != last {
+ if i != last && !strings.HasSuffix(res, "/") {
res += "/"
+ cwdIndex := strings.Index(res, "/./")
+ for cwdIndex != -1 {
+ res = strings.Replace(res, "/./", "/", 1)
+ cwdIndex = strings.Index(res, "/./")
+ }
+ upIndex := strings.Index(res, "/..")
+ for upIndex != -1 {
+ res = strings.Replace(res, "/..", "", 1)
+ prevStart := -1
+ for i := upIndex - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if res[i] == '/' {
+ prevStart = i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if prevStart != -1 {
+ res = res[:prevStart] + res[upIndex:]
+ }
+ upIndex = strings.Index(res, "/..")
+ }
return res
@@ -286,6 +305,9 @@ func RenderIssueIndexPattern(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string
// IsSameDomain checks if given url string has the same hostname as current Gitea instance
func IsSameDomain(s string) bool {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, "/") {
+ return true
+ }
if uapp, err := url.Parse(setting.AppURL); err == nil {
if u, err := url.Parse(s); err == nil {
return u.Host == uapp.Host
@@ -300,26 +322,27 @@ func renderFullSha1Pattern(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string) []byte {
ms := AnySHA1Pattern.FindAllSubmatch(rawBytes, -1)
for _, m := range ms {
all := m[0]
- paths := string(m[1])
- var path = "//" + paths
- author := string(m[2])
- repoName := string(m[3])
+ protocol := string(m[1])
+ paths := string(m[2])
+ path := protocol + "://" + paths
+ author := string(m[3])
+ repoName := string(m[4])
path = URLJoin(path, author, repoName)
ltype := "src"
- itemType := m[4]
+ itemType := m[5]
if IsSameDomain(paths) {
ltype = string(itemType)
} else if string(itemType) == "commit" {
ltype = "commit"
- sha := m[5]
+ sha := m[6]
var subtree string
- if len(m) > 6 && len(m[6]) > 0 {
- subtree = string(m[6])
+ if len(m) > 7 && len(m[7]) > 0 {
+ subtree = string(m[7])
var line []byte
- if len(m) > 7 && len(m[7]) > 0 {
- line = m[7]
+ if len(m) > 8 && len(m[8]) > 0 {
+ line = m[8]
urlSuffix := ""
text := base.ShortSha(string(sha))
@@ -346,23 +369,18 @@ func renderFullIssuePattern(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string) []byte {
ms := IssueFullPattern.FindAllSubmatch(rawBytes, -1)
for _, m := range ms {
all := m[0]
- paths := bytes.Split(m[1], []byte("/"))
+ protocol := string(m[1])
+ paths := bytes.Split(m[2], []byte("/"))
paths = paths[:len(paths)-1]
if bytes.HasPrefix(paths[0], []byte("gist.")) {
- var path string
- if len(paths) > 3 {
- // Internal one
- path = URLJoin(urlPrefix, "issues")
- } else {
- path = "//" + string(m[1])
- }
- id := string(m[2])
+ path := protocol + "://" + string(m[2])
+ id := string(m[3])
path = URLJoin(path, id)
var comment []byte
if len(m) > 3 {
- comment = m[3]
+ comment = m[4]
urlSuffix := ""
text := "#" + id
@@ -394,8 +412,13 @@ func lastIndexOfByte(sl []byte, target byte) int {
return -1
-// renderShortLinks processes [[syntax]]
-func renderShortLinks(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, noLink bool) []byte {
+// RenderShortLinks processes [[syntax]]
+// noLink flag disables making link tags when set to true
+// so this function just replaces the whole [[...]] with the content text
+// isWikiMarkdown is a flag to choose linking url prefix
+func RenderShortLinks(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, noLink bool, isWikiMarkdown bool) []byte {
ms := ShortLinkPattern.FindAll(rawBytes, -1)
for _, m := range ms {
orig := bytes.TrimSpace(m)
@@ -482,11 +505,17 @@ func renderShortLinks(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, noLink bool) []byte {
absoluteLink := isLink([]byte(link))
if !absoluteLink {
- link = url.QueryEscape(link)
+ link = strings.Replace(link, " ", "+", -1)
if image {
if !absoluteLink {
- link = URLJoin(urlPrefix, "wiki", "raw", link)
+ if IsSameDomain(urlPrefix) {
+ urlPrefix = strings.Replace(urlPrefix, "/src/", "/raw/", 1)
+ }
+ if isWikiMarkdown {
+ link = URLJoin("wiki", "raw", link)
+ }
+ link = URLJoin(urlPrefix, link)
title := props["title"]
if title == "" {
@@ -504,7 +533,10 @@ func renderShortLinks(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, noLink bool) []byte {
name = fmt.Sprintf(`<img src="%s" %s title="%s" />`, link, alt, title)
} else if !absoluteLink {
- link = URLJoin(urlPrefix, "wiki", link)
+ if isWikiMarkdown {
+ link = URLJoin("wiki", link)
+ }
+ link = URLJoin(urlPrefix, link)
if noLink {
rawBytes = bytes.Replace(rawBytes, orig, []byte(name), -1)
@@ -527,7 +559,7 @@ func RenderCrossReferenceIssueIndexPattern(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, me
repo := string(bytes.Split(m, []byte("#"))[0])
issue := string(bytes.Split(m, []byte("#"))[1])
- link := fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s">%s</a>`, URLJoin(urlPrefix, repo, "issues", issue), m)
+ link := fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s">%s</a>`, URLJoin(setting.AppURL, repo, "issues", issue), m)
rawBytes = bytes.Replace(rawBytes, m, []byte(link), 1)
return rawBytes
@@ -548,7 +580,7 @@ func renderSha1CurrentPattern(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string) []byte {
// RenderSpecialLink renders mentions, indexes and SHA1 strings to corresponding links.
-func RenderSpecialLink(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]string) []byte {
+func RenderSpecialLink(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]string, isWikiMarkdown bool) []byte {
ms := MentionPattern.FindAll(rawBytes, -1)
for _, m := range ms {
m = m[bytes.Index(m, []byte("@")):]
@@ -556,7 +588,7 @@ func RenderSpecialLink(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]strin
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%s">%s</a>`, URLJoin(setting.AppURL, string(m[1:])), m)), -1)
- rawBytes = renderShortLinks(rawBytes, urlPrefix, false)
+ rawBytes = RenderShortLinks(rawBytes, urlPrefix, false, isWikiMarkdown)
rawBytes = RenderIssueIndexPattern(rawBytes, urlPrefix, metas)
rawBytes = RenderCrossReferenceIssueIndexPattern(rawBytes, urlPrefix, metas)
rawBytes = renderFullSha1Pattern(rawBytes, urlPrefix)
@@ -601,7 +633,7 @@ var noEndTags = []string{"img", "input", "br", "hr"}
// PostProcess treats different types of HTML differently,
// and only renders special links for plain text blocks.
-func PostProcess(rawHTML []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]string) []byte {
+func PostProcess(rawHTML []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]string, isWikiMarkdown bool) []byte {
startTags := make([]string, 0, 5)
var buf bytes.Buffer
tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(bytes.NewReader(rawHTML))
@@ -611,7 +643,7 @@ OUTER_LOOP:
token := tokenizer.Token()
switch token.Type {
case html.TextToken:
- buf.Write(RenderSpecialLink([]byte(token.String()), urlPrefix, metas))
+ buf.Write(RenderSpecialLink([]byte(token.String()), urlPrefix, metas, isWikiMarkdown))
case html.StartTagToken:
@@ -623,7 +655,7 @@ OUTER_LOOP:
token = tokenizer.Token()
// Copy the token to the output verbatim
- buf.Write(renderShortLinks([]byte(token.String()), urlPrefix, true))
+ buf.Write(RenderShortLinks([]byte(token.String()), urlPrefix, true, isWikiMarkdown))
if token.Type == html.StartTagToken {
if !com.IsSliceContainsStr(noEndTags, token.Data) {
@@ -673,9 +705,9 @@ OUTER_LOOP:
// Render renders Markdown to HTML with all specific handling stuff.
func render(rawBytes []byte, urlPrefix string, metas map[string]string, isWikiMarkdown bool) []byte {
- urlPrefix = strings.Replace(urlPrefix, " ", "%20", -1)
+ urlPrefix = strings.Replace(urlPrefix, " ", "+", -1)
result := RenderRaw(rawBytes, urlPrefix, isWikiMarkdown)
- result = PostProcess(result, urlPrefix, metas)
+ result = PostProcess(result, urlPrefix, metas, isWikiMarkdown)
result = Sanitizer.SanitizeBytes(result)
return result
diff --git a/modules/markdown/markdown_test.go b/modules/markdown/markdown_test.go
index 60dd0afde2..403035bdf0 100644
--- a/modules/markdown/markdown_test.go
+++ b/modules/markdown/markdown_test.go
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func testRenderIssueIndexPattern(t *testing.T, input, expected string, metas map
string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(input), AppSubURL, metas)))
-func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_IssueIndexPattern(t *testing.T) {
// numeric: render inputs without valid mentions
test := func(s string) {
testRenderIssueIndexPattern(t, s, s, nil)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern(t *testing.T) {
test("test #54321issue")
-func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern2(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_IssueIndexPattern2(t *testing.T) {
setting.AppURL = AppURL
setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern2(t *testing.T) {
test("#1 (#4321) test", "%s (%s) test", 1, 4321)
-func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern3(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_IssueIndexPattern3(t *testing.T) {
setting.AppURL = AppURL
setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern3(t *testing.T) {
test("ABC-0123") // no leading zero
-func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern4(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_IssueIndexPattern4(t *testing.T) {
setting.AppURL = AppURL
setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ func TestRenderIssueIndexPattern4(t *testing.T) {
test("test issue ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890", "test issue %s", "ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890")
-func TestRenderer_AutoLink(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_AutoLink(t *testing.T) {
setting.AppURL = AppURL
setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
- SubURLNoProtocol := setting.AppSubURL[5:]
test := func(input, expected string) {
- buffer := RenderSpecialLink([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, map[string]string{})
- assert.Equal(t, expected, string(buffer))
+ buffer := RenderSpecialLink([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, nil, false)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ buffer = RenderSpecialLink([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, nil, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
// render valid issue URLs
@@ -180,54 +180,98 @@ func TestRenderer_AutoLink(t *testing.T) {
numericIssueLink(URLJoin(setting.AppSubURL, "issues"), 3333))
// render external issue URLs
- tmp := "//1111/2222/ssss-issues/3333?param=blah&blahh=333"
- test("http:"+tmp,
- "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">#3333 <i class='comment icon'></i></a>")
- test("", numericIssueLink("//", 33333))
- test("https://issues/333", numericIssueLink("//issues", 333))
+ tmp := "http://1111/2222/ssss-issues/3333?param=blah&blahh=333"
+ test(tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">#3333 <i class='comment icon'></i></a>")
+ test("", numericIssueLink("", 33333))
+ test("https://issues/333", numericIssueLink("https://issues", 333))
// render valid commit URLs
- tmp = URLJoin(SubURLNoProtocol, "commit", "d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae")
- test("http://"+tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24</a>")
+ tmp = URLJoin(AppSubURL, "commit", "d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae")
+ test(tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24</a>")
tmp += "#diff-2"
- test("http://"+tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24 (diff-2)</a>")
+ test(tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24 (diff-2)</a>")
// render other commit URLs
- tmp = "//"
- test("https:"+tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24 (diff-2)</a>")
+ tmp = ""
+ test(tmp, "<a href=\""+tmp+"\">d8a994ef24 (diff-2)</a>")
-func TestRender_ShortLinks(t *testing.T) {
+func TestRender_StandardLinks(t *testing.T) {
setting.AppURL = AppURL
setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
- test := func(input, expected string) {
+ test := func(input, expected, expectedWiki string) {
buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil)
- assert.Equal(t, expected, string(buffer))
- }
- var url = URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "Link")
- var imgurl = URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "raw", "Link.jpg")
- var favicon = ""
- test("[[Link]]", `<p><a href="`+url+`" rel="nofollow">Link</a></p>
- test("[[Link.jpg]]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Link.jpg" title="Link.jpg"/></a></p>
- test("[["+favicon+"]]", `<p><a href="`+favicon+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+favicon+`" title="favicon.ico"/></a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link]]", `<p><a href="`+url+`" rel="nofollow">Name</a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link.jpg]]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Name" title="Name"/></a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=AltName]]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="AltName"/></a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link.jpg|title=Title]]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Title" title="Title"/></a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=AltName|title=Title]]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>
- test("[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=\"AltName\"|title='Title']]", `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ bufferWiki := RenderWiki([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expectedWiki), strings.TrimSpace(bufferWiki))
+ }
+ googleRendered := `<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>`
+ test("<>", googleRendered, googleRendered)
+ lnk := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "WikiPage")
+ lnkWiki := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "WikiPage")
+ test("[WikiPage](WikiPage)",
+ `<p><a href="`+lnk+`" rel="nofollow">WikiPage</a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+lnkWiki+`" rel="nofollow">WikiPage</a></p>`)
+func TestRender_ShortLinks(t *testing.T) {
+ setting.AppURL = AppURL
+ setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
+ tree := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "src", "master")
+ test := func(input, expected, expectedWiki string) {
+ buffer := RenderString(input, tree, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ buffer = RenderWiki([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expectedWiki), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ }
+ rawtree := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "raw", "master")
+ url := URLJoin(tree, "Link")
+ imgurl := URLJoin(rawtree, "Link.jpg")
+ urlWiki := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "Link")
+ imgurlWiki := URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "raw", "Link.jpg")
+ favicon := ""
+ test(
+ "[[Link]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+url+`" rel="nofollow">Link</a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+urlWiki+`" rel="nofollow">Link</a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Link.jpg]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Link.jpg" title="Link.jpg"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="Link.jpg" title="Link.jpg"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[["+favicon+"]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+favicon+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+favicon+`" title="favicon.ico"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+favicon+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+favicon+`" title="favicon.ico"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+url+`" rel="nofollow">Name</a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+urlWiki+`" rel="nofollow">Name</a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link.jpg]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Name" title="Name"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="Name" title="Name"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=AltName]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="AltName"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="AltName" title="AltName"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link.jpg|title=Title]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="Title" title="Title"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="Title" title="Title"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=AltName|title=Title]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[[Name|Link.jpg|alt=\"AltName\"|title='Title']]",
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurl+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurl+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>`,
+ `<p><a href="`+imgurlWiki+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+imgurlWiki+`" alt="AltName" title="Title"/></a></p>`)
func TestRender_Commits(t *testing.T) {
@@ -236,7 +280,7 @@ func TestRender_Commits(t *testing.T) {
test := func(input, expected string) {
buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil)
- assert.Equal(t, expected, string(buffer))
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
var sha = "b6dd6210eaebc915fd5be5579c58cce4da2e2579"
@@ -245,12 +289,45 @@ func TestRender_Commits(t *testing.T) {
var tree = strings.Replace(subtree, "/commit/", "/tree/", -1)
var src = strings.Replace(subtree, "/commit/", "/src/", -1)
- test(sha, `<p><a href="`+commit+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea</a></p>
- test(commit, `<p><a href="`+commit[5:]+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea</a></p>
- test(tree, `<p><a href="`+src[5:]+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea/src</a></p>
+ test(sha, `<p><a href="`+commit+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea</a></p>`)
+ test(commit, `<p><a href="`+commit+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea</a></p>`)
+ test(tree, `<p><a href="`+src+`" rel="nofollow">b6dd6210ea/src</a></p>`)
+func TestRender_Images(t *testing.T) {
+ setting.AppURL = AppURL
+ setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
+ test := func(input, expected string) {
+ buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ }
+ url := "../../.images/src/02/train.jpg"
+ title := "Train"
+ result := URLJoin(AppSubURL, url)
+ test(
+ "!["+title+"]("+url+")",
+ `<p><a href="`+result+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+result+`" alt="`+title+`"></a></p>`)
+ test(
+ "[["+title+"|"+url+"]]",
+ `<p><a href="`+result+`" rel="nofollow"><img src="`+result+`" alt="`+title+`" title="`+title+`"/></a></p>`)
+func TestRender_CrossReferences(t *testing.T) {
+ setting.AppURL = AppURL
+ setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL
+ test := func(input, expected string) {
+ buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)))
+ }
+ test(
+ "gogits/gogs#12345",
+ `<p><a href="`+URLJoin(AppURL, "gogits", "gogs", "issues", "12345")+`" rel="nofollow">gogits/gogs#12345</a></p>`)
func TestRegExp_MentionPattern(t *testing.T) {
@@ -387,6 +464,7 @@ func TestRegExp_ShortLinkPattern(t *testing.T) {
func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[string][]string{
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -396,6 +474,7 @@ func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -405,6 +484,7 @@ func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -414,6 +494,7 @@ func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -423,6 +504,7 @@ func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -441,30 +523,35 @@ func TestRegExp_AnySHA1Pattern(t *testing.T) {
func TestRegExp_IssueFullPattern(t *testing.T) {
testCases := map[string][]string{
"": []string{
+ "https",
"": []string{
+ "https",
"": []string{
+ "https",
"": []string{
+ "https",
"": []string{
+ "https",
@@ -549,23 +636,6 @@ Ideas and codes
- Node graph editors
- [[Memory Editor|memory_editor_example]]
- [[Plot var helper|plot_var_example]]`,
- // rendered
- `<p>Wiki! Enjoy :)</p>
-<li><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/Links" rel="nofollow">Links, Language bindings, Engine bindings</a></li>
-<li><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/Tips" rel="nofollow">Tips</a></li>
-<p>Ideas and codes</p>
-<li>Bezier widget (by <a href="` + AppURL + `r-lyeh" rel="nofollow">@r-lyeh</a>)<a href="` + AppSubURL + `issues/786" rel="nofollow">#786</a></li>
-<li>Node graph editors<a href="` + AppSubURL + `issues/306" rel="nofollow">#306</a></li>
-<li><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/memory_editor_example" rel="nofollow">Memory Editor</a></li>
-<li><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/plot_var_example" rel="nofollow">Plot var helper</a></li>
// wine-staging wiki home extract: tables, special wiki syntax, images
`## What is Wine Staging?
**Wine Staging** on website [](
@@ -576,11 +646,35 @@ Here are some links to the most important topics. You can find the full list of
| [[images/icon-install.png]] | [[Installation]] |
| [[images/icon-usage.png]] | [[Usage]] |
-| [[images/icon-config.png]] | [[Configuration]] |
-| [[images/icon-bug.png]] | [Bugs]( |
- // rendered
- `<h2>What is Wine Staging?</h2>
+ // libgdx wiki page: inline images with special syntax
+ `[Excelsior JET]( allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
+1. [Package your libGDX application](
+2. Perform a test run by hitting the Run! button.
+func testAnswers(baseURLContent, baseURLImages string) []string {
+ return []string{
+ `<p>Wiki! Enjoy :)</p>
+<li><a href="` + baseURLContent + `Links" rel="nofollow">Links, Language bindings, Engine bindings</a></li>
+<li><a href="` + baseURLContent + `Tips" rel="nofollow">Tips</a></li>
+<p>Ideas and codes</p>
+<li>Bezier widget (by <a href="` + AppURL + `r-lyeh" rel="nofollow">@r-lyeh</a>)<a href="" rel="nofollow">#786</a></li>
+<li>Node graph editors<a href="" rel="nofollow">#306</a></li>
+<li><a href="` + baseURLContent + `memory_editor_example" rel="nofollow">Memory Editor</a></li>
+<li><a href="` + baseURLContent + `plot_var_example" rel="nofollow">Plot var helper</a></li>
+ `<h2>What is Wine Staging?</h2>
<p><strong>Wine Staging</strong> on website <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p>
@@ -591,66 +685,53 @@ Here are some links to the most important topics. You can find the full list of
-<th><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-install.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-install.png" alt="images/icon-install.png" title="icon-install.png"/></a></th>
-<th><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/Installation" rel="nofollow">Installation</a></th>
+<th><a href="` + baseURLImages + `images/icon-install.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + baseURLImages + `images/icon-install.png" alt="images/icon-install.png" title="icon-install.png"/></a></th>
+<th><a href="` + baseURLContent + `Installation" rel="nofollow">Installation</a></th>
-<td><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-usage.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-usage.png" alt="images/icon-usage.png" title="icon-usage.png"/></a></td>
-<td><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/Usage" rel="nofollow">Usage</a></td>
-<td><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-config.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-config.png" alt="images/icon-config.png" title="icon-config.png"/></a></td>
-<td><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/Configuration" rel="nofollow">Configuration</a></td>
-<td><a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-bug.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2Ficon-bug.png" alt="images/icon-bug.png" title="icon-bug.png"/></a></td>
-<td><a href="" rel="nofollow">Bugs</a></td>
+<td><a href="` + baseURLImages + `images/icon-usage.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + baseURLImages + `images/icon-usage.png" alt="images/icon-usage.png" title="icon-usage.png"/></a></td>
+<td><a href="` + baseURLContent + `Usage" rel="nofollow">Usage</a></td>
- // libgdx wiki page: inline images with special syntax
- `[Excelsior JET]( allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
-1. [Package your libGDX application](
-2. Perform a test run by hitting the Run! button.
- // rendered
- `<p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Excelsior JET</a> allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.</p>
+ `<p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Excelsior JET</a> allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.</p>
<li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Package your libGDX application</a>
-<a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2F1.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2F1.png" alt="images/1.png" title="1.png"/></a></li>
+<a href="` + baseURLImages + `images/1.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + baseURLImages + `images/1.png" alt="images/1.png" title="1.png"/></a></li>
<li>Perform a test run by hitting the Run! button.
-<a href="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2F2.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + AppSubURL + `wiki/raw/images%2F2.png" alt="images/2.png" title="2.png"/></a></li>
+<a href="` + baseURLImages + `images/2.png" rel="nofollow"><img src="` + baseURLImages + `images/2.png" alt="images/2.png" title="2.png"/></a></li>
+ }
func TestTotal_RenderString(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i += 2 {
- line := RenderString(sameCases[i], AppSubURL, map[string]string{})
- assert.Equal(t, sameCases[i+1], line)
+ answers := testAnswers(URLJoin(AppSubURL, "src", "master/"), URLJoin(AppSubURL, "raw", "master/"))
+ for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i++ {
+ line := RenderString(sameCases[i], URLJoin(AppSubURL, "src", "master/"), nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, answers[i], line)
testCases := []string{}
for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- line := RenderString(testCases[i], AppSubURL, map[string]string{})
+ line := RenderString(testCases[i], AppSubURL, nil)
assert.Equal(t, testCases[i+1], line)
func TestTotal_RenderWiki(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i += 2 {
- line := RenderWiki([]byte(sameCases[i]), AppSubURL, map[string]string{})
- assert.Equal(t, sameCases[i+1], line)
+ answers := testAnswers(URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki/"), URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "raw/"))
+ for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i++ {
+ line := RenderWiki([]byte(sameCases[i]), AppSubURL, nil)
+ assert.Equal(t, answers[i], line)
testCases := []string{
@@ -667,7 +748,7 @@ func TestTotal_RenderWiki(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 {
- line := RenderWiki([]byte(testCases[i]), AppSubURL, map[string]string{})
+ line := RenderWiki([]byte(testCases[i]), AppSubURL, nil)
assert.Equal(t, testCases[i+1], line)