path: root/modules/queue/queue_wrapped.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/queue/queue_wrapped.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/modules/queue/queue_wrapped.go b/modules/queue/queue_wrapped.go
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index 84d6dd98a5..0000000000
--- a/modules/queue/queue_wrapped.go
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-// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-package queue
-import (
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util"
-// WrappedQueueType is the type for a wrapped delayed starting queue
-const WrappedQueueType Type = "wrapped"
-// WrappedQueueConfiguration is the configuration for a WrappedQueue
-type WrappedQueueConfiguration struct {
- Underlying Type
- Timeout time.Duration
- MaxAttempts int
- Config interface{}
- QueueLength int
- Name string
-type delayedStarter struct {
- internal Queue
- underlying Type
- cfg interface{}
- timeout time.Duration
- maxAttempts int
- name string
-// setInternal must be called with the lock locked.
-func (q *delayedStarter) setInternal(atShutdown func(func()), handle HandlerFunc, exemplar interface{}) error {
- var ctx context.Context
- var cancel context.CancelFunc
- if q.timeout > 0 {
- ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), q.timeout)
- } else {
- ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- }
- defer cancel()
- // Ensure we also stop at shutdown
- atShutdown(cancel)
- i := 1
- for q.internal == nil {
- select {
- case <-ctx.Done():
- cfg := q.cfg
- if s, ok := cfg.([]byte); ok {
- cfg = string(s)
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("timedout creating queue %v with cfg %#v in %s", q.underlying, cfg, q.name)
- default:
- queue, err := NewQueue(q.underlying, handle, q.cfg, exemplar)
- if err == nil {
- q.internal = queue
- break
- }
- if err.Error() != "resource temporarily unavailable" {
- if bs, ok := q.cfg.([]byte); ok {
- log.Warn("[Attempt: %d] Failed to create queue: %v for %s cfg: %s error: %v", i, q.underlying, q.name, string(bs), err)
- } else {
- log.Warn("[Attempt: %d] Failed to create queue: %v for %s cfg: %#v error: %v", i, q.underlying, q.name, q.cfg, err)
- }
- }
- i++
- if q.maxAttempts > 0 && i > q.maxAttempts {
- if bs, ok := q.cfg.([]byte); ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("unable to create queue %v for %s with cfg %s by max attempts: error: %w", q.underlying, q.name, string(bs), err)
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("unable to create queue %v for %s with cfg %#v by max attempts: error: %w", q.underlying, q.name, q.cfg, err)
- }
- sleepTime := 100 * time.Millisecond
- if q.timeout > 0 && q.maxAttempts > 0 {
- sleepTime = (q.timeout - 200*time.Millisecond) / time.Duration(q.maxAttempts)
- }
- t := time.NewTimer(sleepTime)
- select {
- case <-ctx.Done():
- util.StopTimer(t)
- case <-t.C:
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
-// WrappedQueue wraps a delayed starting queue
-type WrappedQueue struct {
- delayedStarter
- lock sync.Mutex
- handle HandlerFunc
- exemplar interface{}
- channel chan Data
- numInQueue int64
-// NewWrappedQueue will attempt to create a queue of the provided type,
-// but if there is a problem creating this queue it will instead create
-// a WrappedQueue with delayed startup of the queue instead and a
-// channel which will be redirected to the queue
-func NewWrappedQueue(handle HandlerFunc, cfg, exemplar interface{}) (Queue, error) {
- configInterface, err := toConfig(WrappedQueueConfiguration{}, cfg)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- config := configInterface.(WrappedQueueConfiguration)
- queue, err := NewQueue(config.Underlying, handle, config.Config, exemplar)
- if err == nil {
- // Just return the queue there is no need to wrap
- return queue, nil
- }
- if IsErrInvalidConfiguration(err) {
- // Retrying ain't gonna make this any better...
- return nil, ErrInvalidConfiguration{cfg: cfg}
- }
- queue = &WrappedQueue{
- handle: handle,
- channel: make(chan Data, config.QueueLength),
- exemplar: exemplar,
- delayedStarter: delayedStarter{
- cfg: config.Config,
- underlying: config.Underlying,
- timeout: config.Timeout,
- maxAttempts: config.MaxAttempts,
- name: config.Name,
- },
- }
- _ = GetManager().Add(queue, WrappedQueueType, config, exemplar)
- return queue, nil
-// Name returns the name of the queue
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Name() string {
- return q.name + "-wrapper"
-// Push will push the data to the internal channel checking it against the exemplar
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Push(data Data) error {
- if !assignableTo(data, q.exemplar) {
- return fmt.Errorf("unable to assign data: %v to same type as exemplar: %v in %s", data, q.exemplar, q.name)
- }
- atomic.AddInt64(&q.numInQueue, 1)
- q.channel <- data
- return nil
-func (q *WrappedQueue) flushInternalWithContext(ctx context.Context) error {
- q.lock.Lock()
- if q.internal == nil {
- q.lock.Unlock()
- return fmt.Errorf("not ready to flush wrapped queue %s yet", q.Name())
- }
- q.lock.Unlock()
- select {
- case <-ctx.Done():
- return ctx.Err()
- default:
- }
- return q.internal.FlushWithContext(ctx)
-// Flush flushes the queue and blocks till the queue is empty
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Flush(timeout time.Duration) error {
- var ctx context.Context
- var cancel context.CancelFunc
- if timeout > 0 {
- ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
- } else {
- ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- }
- defer cancel()
- return q.FlushWithContext(ctx)
-// FlushWithContext implements the final part of Flushable
-func (q *WrappedQueue) FlushWithContext(ctx context.Context) error {
- log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s FlushWithContext", q.Name())
- errChan := make(chan error, 1)
- go func() {
- errChan <- q.flushInternalWithContext(ctx)
- close(errChan)
- }()
- select {
- case err := <-errChan:
- return err
- case <-ctx.Done():
- go func() {
- <-errChan
- }()
- return ctx.Err()
- }
-// IsEmpty checks whether the queue is empty
-func (q *WrappedQueue) IsEmpty() bool {
- if atomic.LoadInt64(&q.numInQueue) != 0 {
- return false
- }
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if q.internal == nil {
- return false
- }
- return q.internal.IsEmpty()
-// Run starts to run the queue and attempts to create the internal queue
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Run(atShutdown, atTerminate func(func())) {
- log.Debug("WrappedQueue: %s Starting", q.name)
- q.lock.Lock()
- if q.internal == nil {
- err := q.setInternal(atShutdown, q.handle, q.exemplar)
- q.lock.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal("Unable to set the internal queue for %s Error: %v", q.Name(), err)
- return
- }
- go func() {
- for data := range q.channel {
- _ = q.internal.Push(data)
- atomic.AddInt64(&q.numInQueue, -1)
- }
- }()
- } else {
- q.lock.Unlock()
- }
- q.internal.Run(atShutdown, atTerminate)
- log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Done", q.name)
-// Shutdown this queue and stop processing
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Shutdown() {
- log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Shutting down", q.name)
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if q.internal == nil {
- return
- }
- if shutdownable, ok := q.internal.(Shutdownable); ok {
- shutdownable.Shutdown()
- }
- log.Debug("WrappedQueue: %s Shutdown", q.name)
-// Terminate this queue and close the queue
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Terminate() {
- log.Trace("WrappedQueue: %s Terminating", q.name)
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if q.internal == nil {
- return
- }
- if shutdownable, ok := q.internal.(Shutdownable); ok {
- shutdownable.Terminate()
- }
- log.Debug("WrappedQueue: %s Terminated", q.name)
-// IsPaused will return if the pool or queue is paused
-func (q *WrappedQueue) IsPaused() bool {
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- pausable, ok := q.internal.(Pausable)
- return ok && pausable.IsPaused()
-// Pause will pause the pool or queue
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Pause() {
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if pausable, ok := q.internal.(Pausable); ok {
- pausable.Pause()
- }
-// Resume will resume the pool or queue
-func (q *WrappedQueue) Resume() {
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if pausable, ok := q.internal.(Pausable); ok {
- pausable.Resume()
- }
-// IsPausedIsResumed will return a bool indicating if the pool or queue is paused and a channel that will be closed when it is resumed
-func (q *WrappedQueue) IsPausedIsResumed() (paused, resumed <-chan struct{}) {
- q.lock.Lock()
- defer q.lock.Unlock()
- if pausable, ok := q.internal.(Pausable); ok {
- return pausable.IsPausedIsResumed()
- }
- return context.Background().Done(), closedChan
-var closedChan chan struct{}
-func init() {
- queuesMap[WrappedQueueType] = NewWrappedQueue
- closedChan = make(chan struct{})
- close(closedChan)