path: root/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'options/locale/locale_en-US.ini')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
index 00221573d0..f6ff12250a 100644
--- a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
+++ b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list = Status checks found in the last we
settings.protect_required_approvals = Required approvals:
settings.protect_required_approvals_desc = Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled = Restrict approvals to whitelisted users or teams
-settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc = Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
+settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc = Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_users = Whitelisted reviewers:
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for reviews:
settings.add_protected_branch = Enable protection
@@ -2026,6 +2026,54 @@ monitor.execute_time = Execution Time
monitor.process.cancel = Cancel process
monitor.process.cancel_desc = Cancelling a process may cause data loss
monitor.process.cancel_notices = Cancel: <strong>%s</strong>?
+monitor.queues = Queues
+monitor.queue = Queue: %s
+monitor.queue.name = Name
+monitor.queue.type = Type
+monitor.queue.exemplar = Exemplar Type
+monitor.queue.numberworkers = Number of Workers
+monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of Workers
+monitor.queue.review = Review Config
+monitor.queue.review_add = Review/Add Workers
+monitor.queue.configuration = Initial Configuration
+monitor.queue.nopool.title = No Worker Pool
+monitor.queue.nopool.desc = This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
+monitor.queue.wrapped.desc = A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
+monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc = A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
+monitor.queue.pool.timeout = Timeout
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title = Add Workers
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit = Add Workers
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc = Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder = Number of Workers
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder = Set to 0 for no timeout
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero = Number of Workers to add must be greater than zero
+monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
+monitor.queue.settings.title = Pool Settings
+monitor.queue.settings.desc = Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
+monitor.queue.settings.timeout = Boost Timeout
+monitor.queue.settings.timeout.placeholder = Currently %[1]v
+monitor.queue.settings.timeout.error = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
+monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers = Boost Number of Workers
+monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
+monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.error = Number of Workers to add must be greater than or equal to zero
+monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of workers
+monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
+monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.error = Max number of workers must be a number
+monitor.queue.settings.submit = Update Settings
+monitor.queue.settings.changed = Settings Updated
+monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout = Current Block Timeout
+monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout.value = %[1]v
+monitor.queue.pool.none = This queue does not have a Pool
+monitor.queue.pool.added = Worker Group Added
+monitor.queue.pool.max_changed = Maximum number of workers changed
+monitor.queue.pool.workers.title = Active Worker Groups
+monitor.queue.pool.workers.none = No worker groups.
+monitor.queue.pool.cancel = Shutdown Worker Group
+monitor.queue.pool.cancelling = Worker Group shutting down
+monitor.queue.pool.cancel_notices = Shutdown this group of %s workers?
+monitor.queue.pool.cancel_desc = Leaving a queue without any worker groups may cause requests to block indefinitely.
notices.system_notice_list = System Notices
notices.view_detail_header = View Notice Details