path: root/public/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/simple.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/simple.js')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/simple.js b/public/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/simple.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df663365e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/plugins/codemirror-5.17.0/addon/mode/simple.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
+// Distributed under an MIT license:
+(function(mod) {
+ if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
+ mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
+ else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
+ define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
+ else // Plain browser env
+ mod(CodeMirror);
+})(function(CodeMirror) {
+ "use strict";
+ CodeMirror.defineSimpleMode = function(name, states) {
+ CodeMirror.defineMode(name, function(config) {
+ return CodeMirror.simpleMode(config, states);
+ });
+ };
+ CodeMirror.simpleMode = function(config, states) {
+ ensureState(states, "start");
+ var states_ = {}, meta = states.meta || {}, hasIndentation = false;
+ for (var state in states) if (state != meta && states.hasOwnProperty(state)) {
+ var list = states_[state] = [], orig = states[state];
+ for (var i = 0; i < orig.length; i++) {
+ var data = orig[i];
+ list.push(new Rule(data, states));
+ if (data.indent || data.dedent) hasIndentation = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var mode = {
+ startState: function() {
+ return {state: "start", pending: null,
+ local: null, localState: null,
+ indent: hasIndentation ? [] : null};
+ },
+ copyState: function(state) {
+ var s = {state: state.state, pending: state.pending,
+ local: state.local, localState: null,
+ indent: state.indent && state.indent.slice(0)};
+ if (state.localState)
+ s.localState = CodeMirror.copyState(state.local.mode, state.localState);
+ if (state.stack)
+ s.stack = state.stack.slice(0);
+ for (var pers = state.persistentStates; pers; pers =
+ s.persistentStates = {mode: pers.mode,
+ spec: pers.spec,
+ state: pers.state == state.localState ? s.localState : CodeMirror.copyState(pers.mode, pers.state),
+ next: s.persistentStates};
+ return s;
+ },
+ token: tokenFunction(states_, config),
+ innerMode: function(state) { return state.local && {mode: state.local.mode, state: state.localState}; },
+ indent: indentFunction(states_, meta)
+ };
+ if (meta) for (var prop in meta) if (meta.hasOwnProperty(prop))
+ mode[prop] = meta[prop];
+ return mode;
+ };
+ function ensureState(states, name) {
+ if (!states.hasOwnProperty(name))
+ throw new Error("Undefined state " + name + " in simple mode");
+ }
+ function toRegex(val, caret) {
+ if (!val) return /(?:)/;
+ var flags = "";
+ if (val instanceof RegExp) {
+ if (val.ignoreCase) flags = "i";
+ val = val.source;
+ } else {
+ val = String(val);
+ }
+ return new RegExp((caret === false ? "" : "^") + "(?:" + val + ")", flags);
+ }
+ function asToken(val) {
+ if (!val) return null;
+ if (typeof val == "string") return val.replace(/\./g, " ");
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++)
+ result.push(val[i] && val[i].replace(/\./g, " "));
+ return result;
+ }
+ function Rule(data, states) {
+ if ( || data.push) ensureState(states, || data.push);
+ this.regex = toRegex(data.regex);
+ this.token = asToken(data.token);
+ = data;
+ }
+ function tokenFunction(states, config) {
+ return function(stream, state) {
+ if (state.pending) {
+ var pend = state.pending.shift();
+ if (state.pending.length == 0) state.pending = null;
+ stream.pos += pend.text.length;
+ return pend.token;
+ }
+ if (state.local) {
+ if (state.local.end && stream.match(state.local.end)) {
+ var tok = state.local.endToken || null;
+ state.local = state.localState = null;
+ return tok;
+ } else {
+ var tok = state.local.mode.token(stream, state.localState), m;
+ if (state.local.endScan && (m = state.local.endScan.exec(stream.current())))
+ stream.pos = stream.start + m.index;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ }
+ var curState = states[state.state];
+ for (var i = 0; i < curState.length; i++) {
+ var rule = curState[i];
+ var matches = (! || stream.sol()) && stream.match(rule.regex);
+ if (matches) {
+ if ( {
+ state.state =;
+ } else if ( {
+ (state.stack || (state.stack = [])).push(state.state);
+ state.state =;
+ } else if ( && state.stack && state.stack.length) {
+ state.state = state.stack.pop();
+ }
+ if (
+ enterLocalMode(config, state,, rule.token);
+ if (
+ state.indent.push(stream.indentation() + config.indentUnit);
+ if (
+ state.indent.pop();
+ if (matches.length > 2) {
+ state.pending = [];
+ for (var j = 2; j < matches.length; j++)
+ if (matches[j])
+ state.pending.push({text: matches[j], token: rule.token[j - 1]});
+ stream.backUp(matches[0].length - (matches[1] ? matches[1].length : 0));
+ return rule.token[0];
+ } else if (rule.token && rule.token.join) {
+ return rule.token[0];
+ } else {
+ return rule.token;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ }
+ function cmp(a, b) {
+ if (a === b) return true;
+ if (!a || typeof a != "object" || !b || typeof b != "object") return false;
+ var props = 0;
+ for (var prop in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ if (!b.hasOwnProperty(prop) || !cmp(a[prop], b[prop])) return false;
+ props++;
+ }
+ for (var prop in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(prop)) props--;
+ return props == 0;
+ }
+ function enterLocalMode(config, state, spec, token) {
+ var pers;
+ if (spec.persistent) for (var p = state.persistentStates; p && !pers; p =
+ if (spec.spec ? cmp(spec.spec, p.spec) : spec.mode == p.mode) pers = p;
+ var mode = pers ? pers.mode : spec.mode || CodeMirror.getMode(config, spec.spec);
+ var lState = pers ? pers.state : CodeMirror.startState(mode);
+ if (spec.persistent && !pers)
+ state.persistentStates = {mode: mode, spec: spec.spec, state: lState, next: state.persistentStates};
+ state.localState = lState;
+ state.local = {mode: mode,
+ end: spec.end && toRegex(spec.end),
+ endScan: spec.end && spec.forceEnd !== false && toRegex(spec.end, false),
+ endToken: token && token.join ? token[token.length - 1] : token};
+ }
+ function indexOf(val, arr) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) if (arr[i] === val) return true;
+ }
+ function indentFunction(states, meta) {
+ return function(state, textAfter, line) {
+ if (state.local && state.local.mode.indent)
+ return state.local.mode.indent(state.localState, textAfter, line);
+ if (state.indent == null || state.local || meta.dontIndentStates && indexOf(state.state, meta.dontIndentStates) > -1)
+ return CodeMirror.Pass;
+ var pos = state.indent.length - 1, rules = states[state.state];
+ scan: for (;;) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ var rule = rules[i];
+ if ( && !== false) {
+ var m = rule.regex.exec(textAfter);
+ if (m && m[0]) {
+ pos--;
+ if ( || rule.push) rules = states[ || rule.push];
+ textAfter = textAfter.slice(m[0].length);
+ continue scan;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos < 0 ? 0 : state.indent[pos];
+ };
+ }