path: root/services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go b/services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go
index 6e8c149dab..6dd237bbc8 100644
--- a/services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go
+++ b/services/gitdiff/gitdiff.go
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
- "regexp"
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ import (
-// DiffLineType represents the type of a DiffLine.
+// DiffLineType represents the type of DiffLine.
type DiffLineType uint8
// DiffLineType possible values.
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ const (
-// DiffFileType represents the type of a DiffFile.
+// DiffFileType represents the type of DiffFile.
type DiffFileType uint8
// DiffFileType possible values.
@@ -100,12 +99,12 @@ type DiffLineSectionInfo struct {
// BlobExcerptChunkSize represent max lines of excerpt
const BlobExcerptChunkSize = 20
-// GetType returns the type of a DiffLine.
+// GetType returns the type of DiffLine.
func (d *DiffLine) GetType() int {
return int(d.Type)
-// CanComment returns whether or not a line can get commented
+// CanComment returns whether a line can get commented
func (d *DiffLine) CanComment() bool {
return len(d.Comments) == 0 && d.Type != DiffLineSection
@@ -191,287 +190,13 @@ var (
codeTagSuffix = []byte(`</span>`)
-var (
- unfinishedtagRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`<[^>]*$`)
- trailingSpanRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`<span\s*[[:alpha:]="]*?[>]?$`)
- entityRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`&[#]*?[0-9[:alpha:]]*$`)
-// shouldWriteInline represents combinations where we manually write inline changes
-func shouldWriteInline(diff diffmatchpatch.Diff, lineType DiffLineType) bool {
- if true &&
- diff.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual ||
- diff.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert && lineType == DiffLineAdd ||
- diff.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete && lineType == DiffLineDel {
- return true
- }
- return false
-func fixupBrokenSpans(diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff) []diffmatchpatch.Diff {
- // Create a new array to store our fixed up blocks
- fixedup := make([]diffmatchpatch.Diff, 0, len(diffs))
- // semantically label some numbers
- const insert, delete, equal = 0, 1, 2
- // record the positions of the last type of each block in the fixedup blocks
- last := []int{-1, -1, -1}
- operation := []diffmatchpatch.Operation{diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert, diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete, diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual}
- // create a writer for insert and deletes
- toWrite := []strings.Builder{
- {},
- {},
- }
- // make some flags for insert and delete
- unfinishedTag := []bool{false, false}
- unfinishedEnt := []bool{false, false}
- // store stores the provided text in the writer for the typ
- store := func(text string, typ int) {
- (&(toWrite[typ])).WriteString(text)
- }
- // hasStored returns true if there is stored content
- hasStored := func(typ int) bool {
- return (&toWrite[typ]).Len() > 0
- }
- // stored will return that content
- stored := func(typ int) string {
- return (&toWrite[typ]).String()
- }
- // empty will empty the stored content
- empty := func(typ int) {
- (&toWrite[typ]).Reset()
- }
- // pop will remove the stored content appending to a diff block for that typ
- pop := func(typ int, fixedup []diffmatchpatch.Diff) []diffmatchpatch.Diff {
- if hasStored(typ) {
- if last[typ] > last[equal] {
- fixedup[last[typ]].Text += stored(typ)
- } else {
- fixedup = append(fixedup, diffmatchpatch.Diff{
- Type: operation[typ],
- Text: stored(typ),
- })
- }
- empty(typ)
- }
- return fixedup
- }
- // Now we walk the provided diffs and check the type of each block in turn
- for _, diff := range diffs {
- typ := delete // flag for handling insert or delete typs
- switch diff.Type {
- case diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual:
- // First check if there is anything stored
- if hasStored(insert) || hasStored(delete) {
- // There are two reasons for storing content:
- // 1. Unfinished Entity <- Could be more efficient here by not doing this if we're looking for a tag
- if unfinishedEnt[insert] || unfinishedEnt[delete] {
- // we look for a ';' to finish an entity
- idx := strings.IndexRune(diff.Text, ';')
- if idx >= 0 {
- // if we find a ';' store the preceding content to both insert and delete
- store(diff.Text[:idx+1], insert)
- store(diff.Text[:idx+1], delete)
- // and remove it from this block
- diff.Text = diff.Text[idx+1:]
- // reset the ent flags
- unfinishedEnt[insert] = false
- unfinishedEnt[delete] = false
- } else {
- // otherwise store it all on insert and delete
- store(diff.Text, insert)
- store(diff.Text, delete)
- // and empty this block
- diff.Text = ""
- }
- }
- // 2. Unfinished Tag
- if unfinishedTag[insert] || unfinishedTag[delete] {
- // we look for a '>' to finish a tag
- idx := strings.IndexRune(diff.Text, '>')
- if idx >= 0 {
- store(diff.Text[:idx+1], insert)
- store(diff.Text[:idx+1], delete)
- diff.Text = diff.Text[idx+1:]
- unfinishedTag[insert] = false
- unfinishedTag[delete] = false
- } else {
- store(diff.Text, insert)
- store(diff.Text, delete)
- diff.Text = ""
- }
- }
- // If we've completed the required tag/entities
- if !(unfinishedTag[insert] || unfinishedTag[delete] || unfinishedEnt[insert] || unfinishedEnt[delete]) {
- // pop off the stack
- fixedup = pop(insert, fixedup)
- fixedup = pop(delete, fixedup)
- }
- // If that has left this diff block empty then shortcut
- if len(diff.Text) == 0 {
- continue
- }
- }
- // check if this block ends in an unfinished tag?
- idx := unfinishedtagRegex.FindStringIndex(diff.Text)
- if idx != nil {
- unfinishedTag[insert] = true
- unfinishedTag[delete] = true
- } else {
- // otherwise does it end in an unfinished entity?
- idx = entityRegex.FindStringIndex(diff.Text)
- if idx != nil {
- unfinishedEnt[insert] = true
- unfinishedEnt[delete] = true
- }
- }
- // If there is an unfinished component
- if idx != nil {
- // Store the fragment
- store(diff.Text[idx[0]:], insert)
- store(diff.Text[idx[0]:], delete)
- // and remove it from this block
- diff.Text = diff.Text[:idx[0]]
- }
- // If that hasn't left the block empty
- if len(diff.Text) > 0 {
- // store the position of the last equal block and store it in our diffs
- last[equal] = len(fixedup)
- fixedup = append(fixedup, diff)
- }
- continue
- case diffmatchpatch.DiffInsert:
- typ = insert
- fallthrough
- case diffmatchpatch.DiffDelete:
- // First check if there is anything stored for this type
- if hasStored(typ) {
- // if there is prepend it to this block, empty the storage and reset our flags
- diff.Text = stored(typ) + diff.Text
- empty(typ)
- unfinishedEnt[typ] = false
- unfinishedTag[typ] = false
- }
- // check if this block ends in an unfinished tag
- idx := unfinishedtagRegex.FindStringIndex(diff.Text)
- if idx != nil {
- unfinishedTag[typ] = true
- } else {
- // otherwise does it end in an unfinished entity
- idx = entityRegex.FindStringIndex(diff.Text)
- if idx != nil {
- unfinishedEnt[typ] = true
- }
- }
- // If there is an unfinished component
- if idx != nil {
- // Store the fragment
- store(diff.Text[idx[0]:], typ)
- // and remove it from this block
- diff.Text = diff.Text[:idx[0]]
- }
- // If that hasn't left the block empty
- if len(diff.Text) > 0 {
- // if the last block of this type was after the last equal block
- if last[typ] > last[equal] {
- // store this blocks content on that block
- fixedup[last[typ]].Text += diff.Text
- } else {
- // otherwise store the position of the last block of this type and store the block
- last[typ] = len(fixedup)
- fixedup = append(fixedup, diff)
- }
- }
- continue
- }
- }
- // pop off any remaining stored content
- fixedup = pop(insert, fixedup)
- fixedup = pop(delete, fixedup)
- return fixedup
-func diffToHTML(fileName string, diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff, lineType DiffLineType) DiffInline {
+func diffToHTML(lineWrapperTags []string, diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff, lineType DiffLineType) string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- match := ""
- diffs = fixupBrokenSpans(diffs)
+ // restore the line wrapper tags <span class="line"> and <span class="cl">, if necessary
+ for _, tag := range lineWrapperTags {
+ buf.WriteString(tag)
+ }
for _, diff := range diffs {
- if shouldWriteInline(diff, lineType) {
- if len(match) > 0 {
- diff.Text = match + diff.Text
- match = ""
- }
- // Chroma HTML syntax highlighting is done before diffing individual lines in order to maintain consistency.
- // Since inline changes might split in the middle of a chroma span tag or HTML entity, make we manually put it back together
- // before writing so we don't try insert added/removed code spans in the middle of one of those
- // and create broken HTML. This is done by moving incomplete HTML forward until it no longer matches our pattern of
- // a line ending with an incomplete HTML entity or partial/opening <span>.
- // EX:
- // diffs[{Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "language</span><span "},
- // {Type: dmp.DiffEqual, Text: "c"},
- // {Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "lass="p">}]
- // After first iteration
- // diffs[{Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "language</span>"}, //write out
- // {Type: dmp.DiffEqual, Text: "<span c"},
- // {Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "lass="p">,</span>}]
- // After second iteration
- // {Type: dmp.DiffEqual, Text: ""}, // write out
- // {Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "<span class="p">,</span>}]
- // Final
- // {Type: dmp.DiffDelete, Text: "<span class="p">,</span>}]
- // end up writing <span class="removed-code"><span class="p">,</span></span>
- // Instead of <span class="removed-code">lass="p",</span></span>
- m := trailingSpanRegex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(diff.Text)
- if m != nil {
- match = diff.Text[m[0]:m[1]]
- diff.Text = strings.TrimSuffix(diff.Text, match)
- }
- m = entityRegex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(diff.Text)
- if m != nil {
- match = diff.Text[m[0]:m[1]]
- diff.Text = strings.TrimSuffix(diff.Text, match)
- }
- // Print an existing closing span first before opening added/remove-code span so it doesn't unintentionally close it
- if strings.HasPrefix(diff.Text, "</span>") {
- buf.WriteString("</span>")
- diff.Text = strings.TrimPrefix(diff.Text, "</span>")
- }
- // If we weren't able to fix it then this should avoid broken HTML by not inserting more spans below
- // The previous/next diff section will contain the rest of the tag that is missing here
- if strings.Count(diff.Text, "<") != strings.Count(diff.Text, ">") {
- buf.WriteString(diff.Text)
- continue
- }
- }
switch {
case diff.Type == diffmatchpatch.DiffEqual:
@@ -485,7 +210,10 @@ func diffToHTML(fileName string, diffs []diffmatchpatch.Diff, lineType DiffLineT
- return DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape(template.HTML(buf.String()))
+ for range lineWrapperTags {
+ buf.WriteString("</span>")
+ }
+ return buf.String()
// GetLine gets a specific line by type (add or del) and file line number
@@ -597,10 +325,12 @@ func (diffSection *DiffSection) GetComputedInlineDiffFor(diffLine *DiffLine) Dif
return DiffInlineWithHighlightCode(diffSection.FileName, language, diffLine.Content)
- diffRecord := diffMatchPatch.DiffMain(highlight.Code(diffSection.FileName, language, diff1[1:]), highlight.Code(diffSection.FileName, language, diff2[1:]), true)
- diffRecord = diffMatchPatch.DiffCleanupEfficiency(diffRecord)
- return diffToHTML(diffSection.FileName, diffRecord, diffLine.Type)
+ hcd := newHighlightCodeDiff()
+ diffRecord := hcd.diffWithHighlight(diffSection.FileName, language, diff1[1:], diff2[1:])
+ // it seems that Gitea doesn't need the line wrapper of Chroma, so do not add them back
+ // if the line wrappers are still needed in the future, it can be added back by "diffToHTML(hcd.lineWrapperTags. ...)"
+ diffHTML := diffToHTML(nil, diffRecord, diffLine.Type)
+ return DiffInlineWithUnicodeEscape(template.HTML(diffHTML))
// DiffFile represents a file diff.
@@ -1289,7 +1019,7 @@ func readFileName(rd *strings.Reader) (string, bool) {
if char == '"' {
fmt.Fscanf(rd, "%q ", &name)
if len(name) == 0 {
- log.Error("Reader has no file name: %v", rd)
+ log.Error("Reader has no file name: reader=%+v", rd)
return "", true
@@ -1311,7 +1041,7 @@ func readFileName(rd *strings.Reader) (string, bool) {
if len(name) < 2 {
- log.Error("Unable to determine name from reader: %v", rd)
+ log.Error("Unable to determine name from reader: reader=%+v", rd)
return "", true
return name[2:], ambiguity