path: root/templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl b/templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl
index dcd48353d3..0b5aed9ade 100644
--- a/templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl
+++ b/templates/admin/auth/list.tmpl
@@ -1,59 +1,46 @@
-{{template "ng/base/head" .}}
-{{template "ng/base/header" .}}
-<div id="admin-wrapper">
- <div id="setting-wrapper" class="main-wrapper">
- <div id="admin-setting" class="container clear">
- {{template "admin/nav" .}}
- <div class="grid-4-5 left">
- <div class="setting-content">
- {{template "ng/base/alert" .}}
- <div id="setting-content">
- <div class="panel panel-radius">
- <div class="panel-header">
- <strong>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.auth_manage_panel"}}</strong>
- </div>
- <div class="panel-body admin-panel">
- <a class="btn-blue btn-medium btn-link btn-radius" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/new">{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</a>
- <div class="admin-table">
- <table class="table table-striped">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Id</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.type"}}</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.enabled"}}</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.updated"}}</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.users.created"}}</th>
- <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.users.edit"}}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- {{range .Sources}}
- <tr>
- <td>{{.ID}}</td>
- <td><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/{{.ID}}">{{.Name}}</a></td>
- <td>{{.TypeString}}</td>
- <td><i class="fa fa{{if .IsActived}}-check{{end}}-square-o"></i></td>
- <td><span title="{{DateFmtLong .Updated}}">{{DateFmtShort .Updated}}</span></td>
- <td><span title="{{DateFmtLong .Created}}">{{DateFmtShort .Created}}</span></td>
- <td><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/{{.ID}}"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></a></td>
- </tr>
- {{end}}
- </tbody>
- </table>
- {{if or .LastPageNum .NextPageNum}}
- <ul class="pagination">
- {{if .LastPageNum}}<li><a class="btn btn-medium btn-gray btn-radius" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths?p={{.LastPageNum}}">&laquo; Prev.</a></li>{{end}}
- {{if .NextPageNum}}<li><a class="btn btn-medium btn-gray btn-radius" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths?p={{.NextPageNum}}">&raquo; Next</a></li>{{end}}
- </ul>
- {{end}}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
+{{template "base/head" .}}
+<div class="admin authentication">
+ <div class="ui container">
+ <div class="ui grid">
+ {{template "admin/navbar" .}}
+ <div class="twelve wide column content">
+ {{template "base/alert" .}}
+ <h4 class="ui top attached header">
+ {{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.auth_manage_panel"}} ({{.i18n.Tr "" .Total}})
+ <div class="ui right">
+ <a class="ui blue tiny button" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/new">{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</a>
+ </div>
+ </h4>
+ <div class="ui attached table segment">
+ <table class="ui very basic striped table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>ID</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr ""}}</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.type"}}</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.enabled"}}</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.auths.updated"}}</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.users.created"}}</th>
+ <th>{{.i18n.Tr "admin.users.edit"}}</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ {{range .Sources}}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{{.ID}}</td>
+ <td><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/{{.ID}}">{{.Name}}</a></td>
+ <td>{{.TypeString}}</td>
+ <td><i class="fa fa{{if .IsActived}}-check{{end}}-square-o"></i></td>
+ <td><span class="poping up" data-content="{{DateFmtLong .Updated}}" data-variation="tiny">{{DateFmtShort .Updated}}</span></td>
+ <td><span class="poping up" data-content="{{DateFmtLong .Created}}" data-variation="tiny">{{DateFmtShort .Created}}</span></td>
+ <td><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/admin/auths/{{.ID}}"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ {{end}}
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
-{{template "ng/base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file