path: root/templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl b/templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl
index 78223ce56a..49adcd08bf 100644
--- a/templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl
+++ b/templates/repo/issue/list.tmpl
@@ -200,106 +200,7 @@
- <div class="issue list">
- {{ $approvalCounts := .ApprovalCounts}}
- {{range .Issues}}
- <li class="item">
- {{if $.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls}}
- <div class="ui checkbox issue-checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" data-issue-id={{.ID}}></input>
- </div>
- {{end}}
- <div class="ui {{if .IsClosed}}{{if .IsPull}}{{if .PullRequest.HasMerged}}purple{{else}}red{{end}}{{else}}red{{end}}{{else}}{{if .IsRead}}white{{else}}green{{end}}{{end}} label">#{{.Index}}</div>
- <a class="title" href="{{$.Link}}/{{.Index}}">{{RenderEmoji .Title}}</a>
- {{if .IsPull }}
- {{if (index $.CommitStatus .PullRequest.ID)}}
- {{template "repo/commit_status" (index $.CommitStatus .PullRequest.ID)}}
- {{end}}
- {{end}}
- {{range .Labels}}
- <a class="ui label" href="{{$.Link}}?q={{$.Keyword}}&type={{$.ViewType}}&state={{$.State}}&labels={{.ID}}&milestone={{$.MilestoneID}}&assignee={{$.AssigneeID}}" style="color: {{.ForegroundColor}}; background-color: {{.Color}}" title="{{.Description | RenderEmojiPlain}}">{{.Name | RenderEmoji}}</a>
- {{end}}
- {{if .NumComments}}
- <span class="comment ui right">{{svg "octicon-comment"}} {{.NumComments}}</span>
- {{end}}
- {{if .TotalTrackedTime}}
- <span class="comment ui right">{{svg "octicon-clock"}} {{.TotalTrackedTime | Sec2Time}}</span>
- {{end}}
- <p class="desc">
- {{ $timeStr := TimeSinceUnix .GetLastEventTimestamp $.Lang }}
- {{if .OriginalAuthor }}
- {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr .OriginalAuthor | Safe}}
- {{else if gt .Poster.ID 0}}
- {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabel $timeStr .Poster.HomeLink (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}}
- {{else}}
- {{$.i18n.Tr .GetLastEventLabelFake $timeStr (.Poster.GetDisplayName | Escape) | Safe}}
- {{end}}
- {{if .Milestone}}
- <a class="milestone" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/milestone/{{.Milestone.ID}}">
- {{svg "octicon-milestone"}} {{.Milestone.Name}}
- </a>
- {{end}}
- {{if .Ref}}
- <a class="ref" href="{{index $.IssueRefURLs .ID}}">
- {{svg "octicon-git-branch"}} {{index $.IssueRefEndNames .ID}}
- </a>
- {{end}}
- {{$tasks := .GetTasks}}
- {{if gt $tasks 0}}
- {{$tasksDone := .GetTasksDone}}
- <span class="checklist">
- {{svg "octicon-checklist"}} {{$tasksDone}} / {{$tasks}} <span class="progress-bar"><span class="progress" style="width:calc(100% * {{$tasksDone}} / {{$tasks}});"></span></span>
- </span>
- {{end}}
- {{if ne .DeadlineUnix 0}}
- <span class="due-date poping up" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.due_date"}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="right center">
- {{svg "octicon-calendar"}}<span{{if .IsOverdue}} class="overdue"{{end}}>{{.DeadlineUnix.FormatShort}}</span>
- </span>
- {{end}}
- {{range .Assignees}}
- <a class="ui right assignee poping up" href="{{.HomeLink}}" data-content="{{.GetDisplayName}}" data-variation="inverted" data-position="left center">
- <img class="ui avatar image" src="{{.RelAvatarLink}}">
- </a>
- {{end}}
- {{if .IsPull}}
- {{$approveOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "approve"}}
- {{$rejectOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "reject"}}
- {{$waitingOfficial := call $approvalCounts .ID "waiting"}}
- {{if gt $approveOfficial 0}}
- <span class="approvals">{{svg "octicon-check"}}
- {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $approveOfficial "repo.pulls.approve_count_1" "repo.pulls.approve_count_n") $approveOfficial}}
- </span>
- {{end}}
- {{if gt $rejectOfficial 0}}
- <span class="rejects">{{svg "octicon-diff"}}
- {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $rejectOfficial "repo.pulls.reject_count_1" "repo.pulls.reject_count_n") $rejectOfficial}}
- </span>
- {{end}}
- {{if gt $waitingOfficial 0}}
- <span class="waiting">{{svg "octicon-eye"}}
- {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang $waitingOfficial "repo.pulls.waiting_count_1" "repo.pulls.waiting_count_n") $waitingOfficial}}
- </span>
- {{end}}
- {{if and (not .PullRequest.HasMerged) (gt (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) 0)}}
- <span class="conflicting">{{svg "octicon-x"}} {{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles) "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_1" "repo.pulls.num_conflicting_files_n") (len .PullRequest.ConflictedFiles)}}</span>
- {{end}}
- {{end}}
- </p>
- </li>
- {{end}}
- {{template "base/paginate" .}}
- </div>
+ {{template "shared/issuelist" mergeinto . "listType" "repo"}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}