path: root/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r')
2 files changed, 523 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/raku.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/raku.go
index a5f55e1f6e..349cb98c00 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/raku.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/raku.go
@@ -33,26 +33,24 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
const (
rakuQuote RakuToken = iota
- rakuName
- rakuSlashRegex
- rakuSubstitutionSingleRegex
- rakuRegexInsideToken
const (
colonPairOpeningBrackets = `(?:<<|<|«|\(|\[|\{)`
colonPairClosingBrackets = `(?:>>|>|»|\)|\]|\})`
- colonPairPattern = `(?<colon>:)(?<key>\w[\w'-]*)(?<opening_delimiters>` + colonPairOpeningBrackets + `)`
- namePattern = `((?:(?!` + colonPairPattern + `)[\w':-])+)`
- variablePattern = `[$@%&]+[.^:?=!~]?` + namePattern
- globalVariablePattern = `[$@%&]+\*` + namePattern
+ colonPairPattern = `(?<!:)(?<colon>:)(?<key>\w[\w'-]*)(?<opening_delimiters>` + colonPairOpeningBrackets + `)`
+ colonPairLookahead = `(?=(:['\w-]+` +
+ colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `)?`
+ namePattern = `(?:(?!` + colonPairPattern + `)(?:::|[\w':-]))+`
+ variablePattern = `[$@%&]+[.^:?=!~]?` + namePattern
+ globalVariablePattern = `[$@%&]+\*` + namePattern
keywords := []string{
@@ -339,13 +337,11 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// Finds opening brackets and their closing counterparts (including pod and heredoc)
// and modifies state groups and position accordingly
- bracketsFinder := func(tokenClass RakuToken) MutatorFunc {
+ findBrackets := func(tokenClass RakuToken) MutatorFunc {
return func(state *LexerState) error {
var openingChars []rune
var adverbs []rune
switch tokenClass {
- case rakuRegexInsideToken:
- openingChars = []rune("{")
case rakuPod:
openingChars = []rune(strings.Join(state.Groups[1:5], ``))
@@ -363,7 +359,6 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
switch tokenClass {
case rakuPod:
- closingChars = []rune(state.NamedGroups[`ws`] + `=end ` + state.NamedGroups[`name`])
closingCharExists = true
closingChar, closingCharExists = brackets[openingChar]
@@ -371,17 +366,8 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
switch tokenClass {
case rakuPodFormatter:
- stack, ok := state.Get("pod_formatter_stack").([]RakuFormatterRules)
- if !ok {
- stack = []RakuFormatterRules{}
- }
- popRule := makeRuleAndPushMaybe(RuleMakingConfig{
- delimiter: []rune{closingChar},
- numberOfDelimiterChars: nChars,
- tokenType: Punctuation,
- mutator: Mutators(Pop(1), MutatorFunc(podFormatterPopper)),
- })
- var formatter TokenType = StringOther
+ formatter := StringOther
switch state.NamedGroups[`keyword`] {
case "B":
formatter = GenericStrong
@@ -390,20 +376,34 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
case "U":
formatter = GenericUnderline
- formattingRule := makeRuleAndPushMaybe(RuleMakingConfig{
- pattern: `.+?`,
- tokenType: formatter,
- mutator: nil,
- })
- state.Set("pod_formatter_stack",
- append(stack, RakuFormatterRules{popRule, formattingRule}))
+ formatterRule := ruleReplacingConfig{
+ pattern: `.+?`,
+ tokenType: formatter,
+ mutator: nil,
+ stateName: `pod-formatter`,
+ rulePosition: bottomRule,
+ }
+ err := replaceRule(formatterRule)(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ err = replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune{closingChar},
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `pod-formatter`,
+ pushState: true,
+ numberOfDelimiterChars: nChars,
+ appendMutator: popRule(formatterRule),
+ })(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
return nil
- case rakuMatchRegex, rakuSubstitutionSingleRegex, rakuRegexInsideToken:
- // We're inside a regex
- // While matching a regex, the closing chars may have been used inside the regex
- // so we have to push to regex state and pop on the matched closing chars
- // and return
+ case rakuMatchRegex:
var delimiter []rune
if closingCharExists {
delimiter = []rune{closingChar}
@@ -411,16 +411,32 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
delimiter = openingChars
- makeRuleAndPushMaybe(RuleMakingConfig{
- delimiter: delimiter,
- tokenType: Punctuation,
- mutator: Pop(1),
- rulePosition: topRule,
- state: state,
- stateName: "regex",
- pushToStack: true,
- numberOfDelimiterChars: nChars,
- })
+ err := replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: delimiter,
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `regex`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ })(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return nil
+ case rakuSubstitutionRegex:
+ delimiter := regexp2.Escape(string(openingChars))
+ err := replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ pattern: `(` + delimiter + `)` + `((?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?)` + `(` + delimiter + `)`,
+ tokenType: ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf(`qq`), Punctuation),
+ rulePosition: topRule,
+ stateName: `regex`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ })(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
return nil
@@ -434,10 +450,17 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
if !closingCharExists {
// it's not a mirrored character, which means we
// just need to look for the next occurrence
- nonMirroredOpeningCharPosition = indexAt(text, openingChars, state.Pos)
+ closingChars = openingChars
+ nonMirroredOpeningCharPosition = indexAt(text, closingChars, state.Pos)
endPos = nonMirroredOpeningCharPosition
} else {
- if tokenClass != rakuPod {
+ var podRegex *regexp2.Regexp
+ if tokenClass == rakuPod {
+ podRegex = regexp2.MustCompile(
+ state.NamedGroups[`ws`]+`=end`+`\s+`+regexp2.Escape(state.NamedGroups[`name`]),
+ 0,
+ )
+ } else {
closingChars = []rune(strings.Repeat(string(closingChar), nChars))
@@ -450,8 +473,19 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
var nextClosePos int
for nestingLevel > 0 {
+ if tokenClass == rakuPod {
+ match, err := podRegex.FindRunesMatchStartingAt(text, searchPos+nChars)
+ if err == nil {
+ closingChars = match.Runes()
+ nextClosePos = match.Index
+ } else {
+ nextClosePos = -1
+ }
+ } else {
+ nextClosePos = indexAt(text, closingChars, searchPos+nChars)
+ }
nextOpenPos := indexAt(text, openingChars, searchPos+nChars)
- nextClosePos = indexAt(text, closingChars, searchPos+nChars)
switch {
case nextClosePos == -1:
@@ -479,14 +513,24 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
adverbre := regexp.MustCompile(`:to\b|:heredoc\b`)
var heredocTerminator []rune
+ var endHeredocPos int
if adverbre.MatchString(string(adverbs)) {
- heredocTerminator = text[state.Pos:endPos]
- if len(heredocTerminator) > 0 {
- endHeredocPos := indexAt(text[endPos:], heredocTerminator, 0)
+ if endPos != len(text) {
+ heredocTerminator = text[state.Pos:endPos]
nChars = len(heredocTerminator)
- endPos += endHeredocPos
} else {
- endPos = len(text)
+ endPos = state.Pos + 1
+ heredocTerminator = []rune{}
+ nChars = 0
+ }
+ if nChars > 0 {
+ endHeredocPos = indexAt(text[endPos:], heredocTerminator, 0)
+ if endHeredocPos > -1 {
+ endPos += endHeredocPos
+ } else {
+ endPos = len(text)
+ }
@@ -498,7 +542,7 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
case rakuQuote:
if len(heredocTerminator) > 0 {
// Length of heredoc terminator + closing chars + `;`
- heredocFristPunctuationLen := len(heredocTerminator) + len(openingChars) + 1
+ heredocFristPunctuationLen := nChars + len(openingChars) + 1
state.NamedGroups[`opening_delimiters`] = string(openingChars) +
@@ -506,10 +550,14 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
state.NamedGroups[`value`] =
string(text[state.Pos+heredocFristPunctuationLen : endPos])
- state.NamedGroups[`closing_delimiters`] = string(heredocTerminator)
+ if endHeredocPos > -1 {
+ state.NamedGroups[`closing_delimiters`] = string(heredocTerminator)
+ }
} else {
state.NamedGroups[`value`] = textBetweenBrackets
- state.NamedGroups[`closing_delimiters`] = string(closingChars)
+ if nChars > 0 {
+ state.NamedGroups[`closing_delimiters`] = string(closingChars)
+ }
state.Groups = []string{state.Groups[0] + string(text[state.Pos:endPos+nChars])}
@@ -522,12 +570,17 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// Raku rules
- // Empty capture groups are placeholders and will be replaced by bracketsFinder.
+ // Empty capture groups are placeholders and will be replaced by mutators
return Rules{
"root": {
+ // Placeholder, will be overwritten by mutators, DO NOT REMOVE!
+ {`\A\z`, nil, nil},
- {`[{}();]`, Punctuation, nil},
+ {`{`, Punctuation, Push(`root`)},
+ {`\(`, Punctuation, Push(`root`)},
+ {`[)}]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ {`;`, Punctuation, nil},
{`\[|\]`, Operator, nil},
{`.+?`, Text, nil},
@@ -538,14 +591,14 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
"#`(?<opening_delimiters>(?<delimiter>" + bracketsPattern + `)\k<delimiter>*)`,
- bracketsFinder(rakuMultilineComment),
+ findBrackets(rakuMultilineComment),
{`#[^\n]*$`, CommentSingle, nil},
// /regex/
- `(?<=(?:^|\(|=|:|~~|\[|,|=>)\s*)(/)(?!\]|\))((?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?)((?<!(?<!\\)\\)/(?!'|"))`,
+ `(?<=(?:^|\(|=|:|~~|\[|{|,|=>)\s*)(/)(?!\]|\))((?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?)((?<!(?<!\\)\\)/(?!'|"))`,
ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("regex"), Punctuation),
- MutatorFunc(makeRegexPoppingRule),
+ nil,
@@ -567,9 +620,9 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`(>>)(\S+?)(>>)`, ByGroups(Operator, UsingSelf("root"), Operator), nil},
{`(»)(\S+?)(»)`, ByGroups(Operator, UsingSelf("root"), Operator), nil},
// <<quoted words>>
- {`(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%][\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(<<)(?!(?:(?!>>)[^\n])+?[},;] *\n)(?!(?:(?!>>).)+?>>\S+?>>)`, Punctuation, Push("<<")},
+ {`(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?[\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(<<)(?!(?:(?!>>)[^\n])+?[},;] *\n)(?!(?:(?!>>).)+?>>\S+?>>)`, Punctuation, Push("<<")},
// «quoted words»
- {`(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%][\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(«)(?![^»]+?[},;] *\n)(?![^»]+?»\S+?»)`, Punctuation, Push("«")},
+ {`(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?[\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(«)(?![^»]+?[},;] *\n)(?![^»]+?»\S+?»)`, Punctuation, Push("«")},
// [<]
{`(?<=\[\\?)<(?=\])`, Operator, nil},
// < and > operators | something < onething > something
@@ -580,39 +633,25 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// <quoted words>
- `(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%][\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(<)((?:(?![,;)}] *(?:#[^\n]+)?\n)[^<>])+?)(>)(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\w[\w':-]*[^(]|\s+\[))`,
+ `(?<!(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?[\w':-]+\s+|[\])}]\s+)\s*)(<)((?:(?![,;)}] *(?:#[^\n]+)?\n)[^<>])+?)(>)(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?\w[\w':-]*[^(]|\s+\[))`,
ByGroups(Punctuation, String, Punctuation),
{`C?X::['\w:-]+`, NameException, nil},
- // Pair | (key) => value
- {
- `(\([^)]+\))(\s*)(=>)(\s*)([^,\n]+)(,?\n*)`,
- ByGroups(UsingSelf("root"), Text, Operator, Text, UsingSelf("root"), Text),
- nil,
- },
// Pair | key => value
- `(\w[\w'-]*)(\s*)(=>)(\s*)([^,\n]+)(,?\n*)`,
- ByGroups(String, Text, Operator, Text, UsingSelf("root"), Text),
+ `(\w[\w'-]*)(\s*)(=>)`,
+ ByGroups(String, Text, Operator),
// Token
- // Token with adverbs
- `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:regex|token|rule)(\s+))(['\w:-]+)(?=:['\w-]+` +
- colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `[({])`,
+ `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:regex|token|rule)(\s+))` + namePattern + colonPairLookahead + `\s*[({])`,
Push("token", "name-adverb"),
- {
- // Token without adverbs
- `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:regex|token|rule)(?:\s+))(['\w:-]+)`,
- NameFunction,
- Push("token"),
- },
// Substitution
{`(?<=^|\b|\s)(?<!\.)(ss|S|s|TR|tr)\b(\s*)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text), Push("substitution")},
{keywordsPattern, Keyword, nil},
@@ -626,18 +665,10 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// Routine
- // Routine with adverbs
- `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:sub|method|multi sub|multi)\s+)!?['\w:-]+(?=:['\w-]+` +
- colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `[({])`,
+ `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:sub|method|multi sub|multi)\s+)!?` + namePattern + colonPairLookahead + `\s*[({])`,
- {
- // Routine without adverbs
- `(?<=(?:^|\s)(?:sub|submethod|method|multi)\s+)!?['\w:-]+`,
- NameFunction,
- nil,
- },
// Constant
{`(?<=\bconstant\s+)` + namePattern, NameConstant, Push("name-adverb")},
// Namespace
@@ -651,26 +682,20 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
- bracketsFinder(rakuQuote),
+ findBrackets(rakuQuote),
// Function
- `\b(?:\w['\w:-]*)(?=:['\w-]+` +
- colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `\()`,
+ `\b` + namePattern + colonPairLookahead + `\()`,
- {`\b(?:\w['\w:-]*)(?=\()`, NameFunction, nil},
// Method
- // Method with adverb
- `(?<!\.\.[?^*+]?)(?<=(?:\.[?^*+&]?)|self!)['\w:-]+(?=:['\w-]+` +
- colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `$)`,
+ `(?<!\.\.[?^*+]?)(?<=(?:\.[?^*+&]?)|self!)` + namePattern + colonPairLookahead + `\b)`,
- // Method without adverb
- {`(?<!\.\.[?^*+]?)(?<=(?:\.[?^*+&]?)|self!)['\w:-]+`, NameFunction, nil},
// Indirect invocant
{namePattern + `(?=\s+\W?['\w:-]+:\W)`, NameFunction, Push("name-adverb")},
{`(?<=\W)(?:∅|i|e|𝑒|tau|τ|pi|π|Inf|∞)(?=\W)`, NameConstant, nil},
@@ -688,11 +713,13 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
- ByGroupNames(map[string]Emitter{
- `opening_delimiters`: Punctuation,
- `delimiter`: nil,
- }),
- Mutators(Pop(1), bracketsFinder(rakuMatchRegex)),
+ ByGroupNames(
+ map[string]Emitter{
+ `opening_delimiters`: Punctuation,
+ `delimiter`: nil,
+ },
+ ),
+ findBrackets(rakuMatchRegex),
"substitution": {
@@ -704,15 +731,13 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
`opening_delimiters`: Punctuation,
`delimiter`: nil,
- Mutators(Pop(1), bracketsFinder(rakuSubstitutionSingleRegex)),
+ findBrackets(rakuMatchRegex),
// Substitution | s/regex/string/
- `([^\w:\s])((?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?)(\1)((?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?)(\1)`,
- ByGroups(
- Punctuation, UsingSelf("regex"), Punctuation, UsingSelf("qq"), Punctuation,
- ),
- Mutators(Pop(1), MutatorFunc(makeRegexPoppingRule)),
+ `(?<opening_delimiters>[^\w:\s])`,
+ Punctuation,
+ findBrackets(rakuSubstitutionRegex),
"number": {
@@ -734,33 +759,33 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
"colon-pair": {
// :key(value)
- {colonPairPattern, colonPair(String), bracketsFinder(rakuNameAttribute)},
+ {colonPairPattern, colonPair(String), findBrackets(rakuNameAttribute)},
// :123abc
- `(:)(\d+)(\w[\w'-]*)(\s*[,;)]?\s*$)`,
- ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("number"), String, Text),
+ `(:)(\d+)(\w[\w'-]*)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("number"), String),
// :key
- {`(:!?)(\w[\w'-]*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, String), nil},
+ {`(:)(!?)(\w[\w'-]*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, String), nil},
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
"colon-pair-attribute": {
// :key(value)
- {colonPairPattern, colonPair(NameAttribute), bracketsFinder(rakuNameAttribute)},
+ {colonPairPattern, colonPair(NameAttribute), findBrackets(rakuNameAttribute)},
// :123abc
- `(:)(\d+)(\w+)(\s*[,;)]?\s*$)`,
- ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("number"), NameAttribute, Text),
+ `(:)(\d+)(\w[\w'-]*)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("number"), NameAttribute),
// :key
- {`(:!?)(\w[\w'-]*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute), nil},
+ {`(:)(!?)(\w[\w'-]*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, NameAttribute), nil},
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
"colon-pair-attribute-keyvalue": {
// :key(value)
- {colonPairPattern, colonPair(NameAttribute), bracketsFinder(rakuNameAttribute)},
+ {colonPairPattern, colonPair(NameAttribute), findBrackets(rakuNameAttribute)},
"escape-qq": {
@@ -769,6 +794,12 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
+ `escape-char`: {
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(\\[abfrnrt])`, StringEscape, nil},
+ },
+ `escape-single-quote`: {
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(\\)(['\\])`, ByGroups(StringEscape, StringSingle), nil},
+ },
"escape-c-name": {
@@ -785,14 +816,20 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`(\\[x|X])([0-9a-fA-F]+)`, ByGroups(StringEscape, NumberHex), nil},
"regex": {
- // Placeholder, will be overwritten by bracketsFinder, DO NOT REMOVE!
- {`^$`, nil, nil},
+ // Placeholder, will be overwritten by mutators, DO NOT REMOVE!
+ {`\A\z`, nil, nil},
+ Include(`regex-character-escape`),
// $(code)
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)([$@])(\()(.*?)(\))`,
- ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation, UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation),
- nil,
+ `([$@])((?<!(?<!\\)\\)\()`,
+ ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation),
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`)`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
// Exclude $/ from variables, because we can't get out of the end of the slash regex: $/;
{`\$(?=/)`, NameEntity, nil},
@@ -805,18 +842,28 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// :my variable code ...
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(:)(my|our|state|constant|temp|let)(.+?;)`,
- ByGroups(Operator, KeywordDeclaration, UsingSelf("root")),
- nil,
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(:)(my|our|state|constant|temp|let)`,
+ ByGroups(Operator, KeywordDeclaration),
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`;`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
// <{code}>
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)([?!])?((?<!(?<!\\)\\){)(.*?)(}>)`,
- ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, Punctuation, UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation),
- nil,
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)([?!.]*)((?<!(?<!\\)\\){)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, Punctuation),
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`}>`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
// {code}
- {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)({)(.*?)(})`, ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil},
+ Include(`closure`),
// Properties
{`(:)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameAttribute), nil},
// Operator
@@ -827,9 +874,14 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`#[^\n]*\n`, CommentSingle, nil},
// Lookaround
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)(\s*)([?!.])(\s*)(after|before)`,
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)(\s*)([?!.]+)(\s*)(after|before)`,
ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, Operator, Text, OperatorWord),
- Push("regex"),
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`>`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `regex`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
@@ -838,15 +890,25 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
// <$variable>
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)([$@]\w[\w-:]*)(>)`,
- ByGroups(Punctuation, NameVariable, Punctuation),
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)([?!.]*)([$@]\w[\w:-]*)(>)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, NameVariable, Punctuation),
// Capture markers
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)<\(|\)>`, Operator, nil},
+ {
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)(\w[\w:-]*)(=\.?)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, NameVariable, Operator),
+ Push(`regex-variable`),
+ },
+ {
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(<)([|!?.&]*)(\w(?:(?!:\s)[\w':-])*)`,
+ ByGroups(Punctuation, Operator, NameFunction),
+ Push(`regex-function`),
+ },
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)<`, Punctuation, Push("regex-property")},
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)"`, Punctuation, Push("double-quotes")},
- {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(?:\]|\)|>)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(?:\]|\))`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(?:\[|\()`, Punctuation, Push("regex")},
{`.+?`, StringRegex, nil},
@@ -857,41 +919,85 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
- "regex-property": {
+ "regex-function": {
+ // <function>
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)>`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
- Include("regex-class-builtin"),
- Include("variable"),
- // <regexfunc> | <regexfunc(parameter)> | <variable=regexfunc>
+ // <function(parameter)>
- `(?:(\w[\w-:]*)(=\.?))?(&?\w[\w'-:]+?)(\(.+?\))?(?=>)`,
- ByGroups(
- NameVariable, Operator, NameFunction, UsingSelf("root"),
- ),
- nil,
+ `\(`,
+ Punctuation,
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`)>`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
- // <func: value>
+ // <function value>
- `(&?\w[\w':-]*?)(:)((?:.*?(?:\$<\w[\w':-]*>)?.*?)*?)(?=>)`,
- ByGroups(
- NameFunction, Punctuation, UsingSelf("root"),
- ),
- nil,
+ `\s+`,
+ StringRegex,
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`>`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `regex`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
+ },
+ // <function: value>
+ {
+ `:`,
+ Punctuation,
+ replaceRule(ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`>`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
+ },
+ "regex-variable": {
+ Include(`regex-starting-operators`),
+ // <var=function(
+ {
+ `(&)?(\w(?:(?!:\s)[\w':-])*)(?=\()`,
+ ByGroups(Operator, NameFunction),
+ Mutators(Pop(1), Push(`regex-function`)),
+ },
+ // <var=function>
+ {`(&)?(\w[\w':-]*)(>)`, ByGroups(Operator, NameFunction, Punctuation), Pop(1)},
+ // <var=
+ Default(Pop(1), Push(`regex-property`)),
+ },
+ "regex-property": {
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)>`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ Include("regex-class-builtin"),
+ Include("variable"),
+ Include(`regex-starting-operators`),
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)\[`, Punctuation, Push("regex-character-class")},
{`\+|\-`, Operator, nil},
- {`@[\w'-:]+`, NameVariable, nil},
- {`(?<=<)[|!?.]`, Operator, nil},
+ {`@[\w':-]+`, NameVariable, nil},
{`.+?`, StringRegex, nil},
+ `regex-starting-operators`: {
+ {`(?<=<)[|!?.]+`, Operator, nil},
+ },
"regex-escape-class": {
{`(?i)\\n|\\t|\\h|\\v|\\s|\\d|\\w`, StringEscape, nil},
+ `regex-character-escape`: {
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(\\)(.)`, ByGroups(StringEscape, StringRegex), nil},
+ },
"regex-character-class": {
{`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)\]`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ Include(`regex-character-escape`),
{`\.\.`, Operator, nil},
{`.+?`, StringRegex, nil},
@@ -923,10 +1029,10 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
`keyword`: Keyword,
`opening_delimiters`: Punctuation,
`delimiter`: nil,
- `value`: UsingSelf("pod-begin"),
+ `value`: UsingSelf("pod-declaration"),
`closing_delimiters`: Punctuation,
- bracketsFinder(rakuPodDeclaration),
+ findBrackets(rakuPodDeclaration),
@@ -950,7 +1056,7 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
`value`: UsingSelf("pod-begin"),
`closing_delimiters`: Keyword,
- bracketsFinder(rakuPod),
+ findBrackets(rakuPod),
// =for ...
@@ -986,13 +1092,13 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
`(?<=^ *)(?<ws> *)(?<keyword>=head\d+)(?<ws2> *)(?<config>#?)`,
ByGroups(Comment, Keyword, GenericHeading, Keyword),
- Push("pod-single-heading"),
+ Push("pod-heading"),
// =item ...
`(?<=^ *)(?<ws> *)(?<keyword>=(?:item\d*|comment|data|[A-Z]+))(?<ws2> *)(?<config>#?)`,
ByGroups(Comment, Keyword, StringDoc, Keyword),
- Push("pod-single"),
+ Push("pod-paragraph"),
`(?<=^ *)(?<ws> *)(?<keyword>=finish)(?<config>[^\n]*)`,
@@ -1003,7 +1109,7 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
`(?<=^ *)(?<ws> *)(?<name>=\w[\w'-]*)(?<ws2> *)(?<config>#?)`,
ByGroups(Comment, Name, StringDoc, Keyword),
- Push("pod-single"),
+ Push("pod-paragraph"),
// = podconfig
@@ -1018,8 +1124,12 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`.+?`, StringDoc, nil},
+ "pod-declaration": {
+ Include("pre-pod-formatter"),
+ {`.+?`, StringDoc, nil},
+ },
"pod-paragraph": {
- {`\n\s*?\n`, StringDoc, Pop(1)},
+ {`\n *\n|\n(?=^ *=)`, StringDoc, Pop(1)},
{`.+?`, StringDoc, nil},
@@ -1028,8 +1138,8 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`.+?`, StringDoc, nil},
- "pod-single-heading": {
- {`\n`, GenericHeading, Pop(1)},
+ "pod-heading": {
+ {`\n *\n|\n(?=^ *=)`, GenericHeading, Pop(1)},
{`.+?`, GenericHeading, nil},
@@ -1043,25 +1153,21 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
ByGroups(Keyword, Punctuation),
- Mutators(
- bracketsFinder(rakuPodFormatter),
- Push("pod-formatter"), MutatorFunc(podFormatter),
- ),
+ findBrackets(rakuPodFormatter),
"pod-formatter": {
- // Placeholder rule, will be replaced by podFormatter. DO NOT REMOVE!
+ // Placeholder rule, will be replaced by mutators. DO NOT REMOVE!
{`>`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
- // Placeholder rule, will be replaced by podFormatter. DO NOT REMOVE!
+ // Placeholder rule, will be replaced by mutators. DO NOT REMOVE!
{`.+?`, StringOther, nil},
"variable": {
{variablePattern, NameVariable, Push("name-adverb")},
{globalVariablePattern, NameVariableGlobal, Push("name-adverb")},
- {`[$@](?:<.*?>)+`, NameVariable, nil},
- {`\$/`, NameVariable, nil},
- {`\$!`, NameVariable, nil},
+ {`[$@]<[^>]+>`, NameVariable, nil},
+ {`\$[/!¢]`, NameVariable, nil},
{`[$@%]`, NameVariable, nil},
"single-quote": {
@@ -1069,6 +1175,7 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
"single-quote-inner": {
{`(?<!(?<!(?<!\\)\\)\\)'`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ Include("escape-single-quote"),
{`(?:\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])+?`, StringSingle, nil},
@@ -1077,11 +1184,11 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
"<<": {
- {`>>(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%][\w':-]+|\s+\[))`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ {`>>(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?[\w':-]+|\s+\[))`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
"«": {
- {`»(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%][\w':-]+|\s+\[))`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
+ {`»(?!\s*(?:\d+|\.(?:Int|Numeric)|[$@%]\*?[\w':-]+|\s+\[))`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
"ww": {
@@ -1090,39 +1197,39 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
"qq": {
- // Function with adverb
- {
- `\w[\w:'-]+(?=:['\w-]+` +
- colonPairOpeningBrackets + `.+?` + colonPairClosingBrackets + `\()`,
- NameFunction,
- Push("qq-function", "name-adverb"),
- },
- // Function without adverb
- {`\w[\w:'-]+(?=\((?!"))`, NameFunction, Push("qq-function")},
+ Include(`escape-char`),
{`.+?`, StringDouble, nil},
- "qq-function": {
- {`(\([^"]*?\))`, UsingSelf("root"), nil},
- Default(Pop(1)),
- },
"qq-variable": {
- `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(?:` + variablePattern + `|` + globalVariablePattern + `)`,
+ `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)(?:` + variablePattern + `|` + globalVariablePattern + `)` + colonPairLookahead + `)`,
Push("qq-variable-extras", "name-adverb"),
"qq-variable-extras": {
- {`(?:\[.*?\]|\{.*?\}|<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)+`, UsingSelf("root"), nil},
// Method
- `(\.)([^(\s]+)(\([^"]*?\))`,
- ByGroups(Operator, NameFunction, UsingSelf("root")),
- nil,
+ `(?<operator>\.)(?<method_name>` + namePattern + `)` + colonPairLookahead + `\()`,
+ ByGroupNames(map[string]Emitter{
+ `operator`: Operator,
+ `method_name`: NameFunction,
+ }),
+ Push(`name-adverb`),
+ },
+ // Function/Signature
+ {
+ `\(`, Punctuation, replaceRule(
+ ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`)`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
@@ -1141,23 +1248,45 @@ func rakuRules() Rules {
{`.+?`, String, nil},
"closure": {
- {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\)\{.+?\}`, UsingSelf("root"), nil},
+ {`(?<!(?<!\\)\\){`, Punctuation, replaceRule(
+ ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`}`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
+ },
"token": {
// Token signature
- {`(\()(.+?)(\))`, ByGroups(Punctuation, UsingSelf("root"), Punctuation), nil},
- {`\{`, Punctuation, Mutators(Pop(1), bracketsFinder(rakuRegexInsideToken))},
- {`.+?`, Text, nil},
+ {`\(`, Punctuation, replaceRule(
+ ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`)`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `root`,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
+ },
+ {`{`, Punctuation, replaceRule(
+ ruleReplacingConfig{
+ delimiter: []rune(`}`),
+ tokenType: Punctuation,
+ stateName: `regex`,
+ popState: true,
+ pushState: true,
+ }),
+ },
+ {`\s*`, Text, nil},
+ Default(Pop(1)),
-// Joins keys and values of rune map
+// Joins keys of rune map
func joinRuneMap(m map[rune]rune) string {
- runes := make([]rune, 0, len(m)*2)
- for k, v := range m {
+ runes := make([]rune, 0, len(m))
+ for k := range m {
runes = append(runes, k)
- runes = append(runes, v)
return string(runes)
@@ -1165,11 +1294,24 @@ func joinRuneMap(m map[rune]rune) string {
// Finds the index of substring in the string starting at position n
func indexAt(str []rune, substr []rune, pos int) int {
- text := string(str[pos:])
+ strFromPos := str[pos:]
+ text := string(strFromPos)
idx := strings.Index(text, string(substr))
if idx > -1 {
idx = utf8.RuneCountInString(text[:idx])
+ // Search again if the substr is escaped with backslash
+ if (idx > 1 && strFromPos[idx-1] == '\\' && strFromPos[idx-2] != '\\') ||
+ (idx == 1 && strFromPos[idx-1] == '\\') {
+ idx = indexAt(str[pos:], substr, idx+1)
+ idx = utf8.RuneCountInString(text[:idx])
+ if idx < 0 {
+ return idx
+ }
+ }
idx += pos
@@ -1186,107 +1328,190 @@ func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
return false
-type RakuFormatterRules struct {
- pop, formatter *CompiledRule
+type rulePosition int
+const (
+ topRule rulePosition = 0
+ bottomRule = -1
+type ruleMakingConfig struct {
+ delimiter []rune
+ pattern string
+ tokenType Emitter
+ mutator Mutator
+ numberOfDelimiterChars int
-// Pop from the pod_formatter_stack and reformat the pod code
-func podFormatterPopper(state *LexerState) error {
- stack, ok := state.Get("pod_formatter_stack").([]RakuFormatterRules)
+type ruleReplacingConfig struct {
+ delimiter []rune
+ pattern string
+ tokenType Emitter
+ numberOfDelimiterChars int
+ mutator Mutator
+ appendMutator Mutator
+ rulePosition rulePosition
+ stateName string
+ pop bool
+ popState bool
+ pushState bool
- if ok && len(stack) > 0 {
- // Pop from stack
- stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
- state.Set("pod_formatter_stack", stack)
- // Call podFormatter to use the last formatter rules
- err := podFormatter(state)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
+// Pops rule from state-stack and replaces the rule with the previous rule
+func popRule(rule ruleReplacingConfig) MutatorFunc {
+ return func(state *LexerState) error {
+ stackName := genStackName(rule.stateName, rule.rulePosition)
+ stack, ok := state.Get(stackName).([]ruleReplacingConfig)
+ if ok && len(stack) > 0 {
+ // Pop from stack
+ stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
+ lastRule := stack[len(stack)-1]
+ lastRule.pushState = false
+ lastRule.popState = false
+ lastRule.pop = true
+ state.Set(stackName, stack)
+ // Call replaceRule to use the last rule
+ err := replaceRule(lastRule)(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
- }
- return nil
+ return nil
+ }
-// Use the rules from pod_formatter_stack to format the pod code
-func podFormatter(state *LexerState) error {
- stack, ok := state.Get("pod_formatter_stack").([]RakuFormatterRules)
- if ok && len(stack) > 0 {
- rules := stack[len(stack)-1]
- state.Rules["pod-formatter"][0] = rules.pop
- state.Rules["pod-formatter"][len(state.Rules["pod-formatter"])-1] = rules.formatter
- }
+// Replaces a state's rule based on the rule config and position
+func replaceRule(rule ruleReplacingConfig) MutatorFunc {
+ return func(state *LexerState) error {
+ stateName := rule.stateName
+ stackName := genStackName(rule.stateName, rule.rulePosition)
- return nil
+ stack, ok := state.Get(stackName).([]ruleReplacingConfig)
+ if !ok {
+ stack = []ruleReplacingConfig{}
+ }
+ // If state-stack is empty fill it with the placeholder rule
+ if len(stack) == 0 {
+ stack = []ruleReplacingConfig{
+ {
+ // Placeholder, will be overwritten by mutators, DO NOT REMOVE!
+ pattern: `\A\z`,
+ tokenType: nil,
+ mutator: nil,
+ stateName: stateName,
+ rulePosition: rule.rulePosition,
+ },
+ }
+ state.Set(stackName, stack)
+ }
-type RulePosition int
+ var mutator Mutator
+ mutators := []Mutator{}
+ switch {
+ case rule.rulePosition == topRule && rule.mutator == nil:
+ // Default mutator for top rule
+ mutators = []Mutator{Pop(1), popRule(rule)}
+ case rule.rulePosition == topRule && rule.mutator != nil:
+ // Default mutator for top rule, when rule.mutator is set
+ mutators = []Mutator{rule.mutator, popRule(rule)}
+ case rule.mutator != nil:
+ mutators = []Mutator{rule.mutator}
+ }
-const (
- topRule RulePosition = iota + 1000
- bottomRule
+ if rule.appendMutator != nil {
+ mutators = append(mutators, rule.appendMutator)
+ }
-type RuleMakingConfig struct {
- delimiter []rune
- pattern string
- tokenType TokenType
- mutator Mutator
- rulePosition RulePosition
- state *LexerState
- stateName string
- pushToStack bool
- numberOfDelimiterChars int
+ if len(mutators) > 0 {
+ mutator = Mutators(mutators...)
+ } else {
+ mutator = nil
+ }
+ ruleConfig := ruleMakingConfig{
+ pattern: rule.pattern,
+ delimiter: rule.delimiter,
+ numberOfDelimiterChars: rule.numberOfDelimiterChars,
+ tokenType: rule.tokenType,
+ mutator: mutator,
+ }
+ cRule := makeRule(ruleConfig)
+ switch rule.rulePosition {
+ case topRule:
+ state.Rules[stateName][0] = cRule
+ case bottomRule:
+ state.Rules[stateName][len(state.Rules[stateName])-1] = cRule
+ }
+ // Pop state name from stack if asked. State should be popped first before Pushing
+ if rule.popState {
+ err := Pop(1)(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Push state name to stack if asked
+ if rule.pushState {
+ err := Push(stateName)(state)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ }
+ if !rule.pop {
+ state.Set(stackName, append(stack, rule))
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
-// Makes compiled rules and returns them, If rule position is given, rules are added to the state
-// If pushToStack is true, state name will be added to the state stack
-func makeRuleAndPushMaybe(config RuleMakingConfig) *CompiledRule {
+// Generates rule replacing stack using state name and rule position
+func genStackName(stateName string, rulePosition rulePosition) (stackName string) {
+ switch rulePosition {
+ case topRule:
+ stackName = stateName + `-top-stack`
+ case bottomRule:
+ stackName = stateName + `-bottom-stack`
+ }
+ return
+// Makes a compiled rule and returns it
+func makeRule(config ruleMakingConfig) *CompiledRule {
var rePattern string
if len(config.delimiter) > 0 {
- delimiter := strings.Repeat(string(config.delimiter), config.numberOfDelimiterChars)
- rePattern = regexp2.Escape(delimiter)
+ delimiter := string(config.delimiter)
+ if config.numberOfDelimiterChars > 1 {
+ delimiter = strings.Repeat(delimiter, config.numberOfDelimiterChars)
+ }
+ rePattern = `(?<!(?<!\\)\\)` + regexp2.Escape(delimiter)
} else {
rePattern = config.pattern
regex := regexp2.MustCompile(rePattern, regexp2.None)
cRule := &CompiledRule{
Rule: Rule{rePattern, config.tokenType, config.mutator},
Regexp: regex,
- state := config.state
- stateName := config.stateName
- switch config.rulePosition {
- case topRule:
- state.Rules[stateName] =
- append([]*CompiledRule{cRule}, state.Rules[stateName][1:]...)
- case bottomRule:
- state.Rules[stateName] =
- append(state.Rules[stateName][:len(state.Rules[stateName])-1], cRule)
- }
- // Push state name to stack if asked
- if config.pushToStack {
- state.Stack = append(state.Stack, config.stateName)
- }
return cRule
-// Used when the regex knows its own delimiter and uses `UsingSelf("regex")`,
-// it only puts a placeholder rule at the top of "regex" state
-func makeRegexPoppingRule(state *LexerState) error {
- makeRuleAndPushMaybe(RuleMakingConfig{
- pattern: `^$`,
- rulePosition: topRule,
- state: state,
- stateName: "regex",
- })
- return nil
// Emitter for colon pairs, changes token state based on key and brackets
func colonPair(tokenClass TokenType) Emitter {
return EmitterFunc(func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/rust.go b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/rust.go
index 25d42e594a..5399c9d7b2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/rust.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/alecthomas/chroma/lexers/r/rust.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
var Rust = internal.Register(MustNewLazyLexer(
Name: "Rust",
- Aliases: []string{"rust"},
+ Aliases: []string{"rust", "rs"},
Filenames: []string{"*.rs", "*.rs.in"},
- MimeTypes: []string{"text/rust"},
+ MimeTypes: []string{"text/rust", "text/x-rust"},
EnsureNL: true,
@@ -35,20 +35,22 @@ func rustRules() Rules {
{`r#*"(?:\\.|[^\\;])*"#*`, LiteralString, nil},
{`"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"`, LiteralString, nil},
{`\$([a-zA-Z_]\w*|\(,?|\),?|,?)`, CommentPreproc, nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `as`, `async`, `await`, `const`, `crate`, `else`, `extern`, `for`, `if`, `impl`, `in`, `loop`, `match`, `move`, `mut`, `pub`, `ref`, `return`, `static`, `super`, `trait`, `unsafe`, `use`, `where`, `while`), Keyword, nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `abstract`, `become`, `box`, `do`, `final`, `macro`, `override`, `priv`, `try`, `typeof`, `unsized`, `virtual`, `yield`), KeywordReserved, nil},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `as`, `async`, `await`, `box`, `const`, `crate`, `dyn`, `else`, `extern`, `for`, `if`, `impl`, `in`, `loop`, `match`, `move`, `mut`, `pub`, `ref`, `return`, `static`, `super`, `trait`, `unsafe`, `use`, `where`, `while`), Keyword, nil},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `abstract`, `become`, `do`, `final`, `macro`, `override`, `priv`, `typeof`, `try`, `unsized`, `virtual`, `yield`), KeywordReserved, nil},
{`(true|false)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil},
+ {`self\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil},
{`mod\b`, Keyword, Push("modname")},
{`let\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil},
{`fn\b`, Keyword, Push("funcname")},
{`(struct|enum|type|union)\b`, Keyword, Push("typename")},
{`(default)(\s+)(type|fn)\b`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128`, `usize`, `isize`, `f32`, `f64`, `str`, `bool`), KeywordType, nil},
- {`self\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `Copy`, `Send`, `Sized`, `Sync`, `Drop`, `Fn`, `FnMut`, `FnOnce`, `Box`, `ToOwned`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Into`, `From`, `Default`, `Iterator`, `Extend`, `IntoIterator`, `DoubleEndedIterator`, `ExactSizeIterator`, `Option`, `Some`, `None`, `Result`, `Ok`, `Err`, `SliceConcatExt`, `String`, `ToString`, `Vec`), NameBuiltin, nil},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128`, `usize`, `isize`, `f32`, `f64`, `char`, `str`, `bool`), KeywordType, nil},
+ {`[sS]elf\b`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `Copy`, `Send`, `Sized`, `Sync`, `Unpin`, `Drop`, `Fn`, `FnMut`, `FnOnce`, `drop`, `Box`, `ToOwned`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Into`, `From`, `Default`, `Iterator`, `Extend`, `IntoIterator`, `DoubleEndedIterator`, `ExactSizeIterator`, `Option`, `Some`, `None`, `Result`, `Ok`, `Err`, `String`, `ToString`, `Vec`), NameBuiltin, nil},
+ {Words(``, `!`, `asm`, `assert`, `assert_eq`, `assert_ne`, `cfg`, `column`, `compile_error`, `concat`, `concat_idents`, `dbg`, `debug_assert`, `debug_assert_eq`, `debug_assert_ne`, `env`, `eprint`, `eprintln`, `file`, `format`, `format_args`, `format_args_nl`, `global_asm`, `include`, `include_bytes`, `include_str`, `is_aarch64_feature_detected`, `is_arm_feature_detected`, `is_mips64_feature_detected`, `is_mips_feature_detected`, `is_powerpc64_feature_detected`, `is_powerpc_feature_detected`, `is_x86_feature_detected`, `line`, `llvm_asm`, `log_syntax`, `macro_rules`, `matches`, `module_path`, `option_env`, `panic`, `print`, `println`, `stringify`, `thread_local`, `todo`, `trace_macros`, `unimplemented`, `unreachable`, `vec`, `write`, `writeln`), NameFunctionMagic, nil},
{`::\b`, Text, nil},
{`(?::|->)`, Text, Push("typename")},
- {`(break|continue)(\s*)(\'[A-Za-z_]\w*)?`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameLabel), nil},
+ {`(break|continue)(\b\s*)(\'[A-Za-z_]\w*)?`, ByGroups(Keyword, TextWhitespace, NameLabel), nil},
{`'(\\['"\\nrt]|\\x[0-7][0-9a-fA-F]|\\0|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\}|.)'`, LiteralStringChar, nil},
{`b'(\\['"\\nrt]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\0|\\u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\}|.)'`, LiteralStringChar, nil},
{`0b[01_]+`, LiteralNumberBin, Push("number_lit")},
@@ -57,15 +59,15 @@ func rustRules() Rules {
{`[0-9][0-9_]*(\.[0-9_]+[eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+|\.[0-9_]*(?!\.)|[eE][+\-]?[0-9_]+)`, LiteralNumberFloat, Push("number_lit")},
{`[0-9][0-9_]*`, LiteralNumberInteger, Push("number_lit")},
{`b"`, LiteralString, Push("bytestring")},
- {`b?r(#*)".*?"\1`, LiteralString, nil},
- {`'static`, NameBuiltin, nil},
- {`'[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameAttribute, nil},
+ {`(?s)b?r(#*)".*?"\1`, LiteralString, nil},
+ {`'`, Operator, Push("lifetime")},
+ {`\.\.=?`, Operator, nil},
{`[{}()\[\],.;]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`[+\-*/%&|<>^!~@=:?]`, Operator, nil},
{`(r#)?[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil},
+ {`r#[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, Name, nil},
{`#!?\[`, CommentPreproc, Push("attribute[")},
- {`([A-Za-z_]\w*)(!)(\s*)([A-Za-z_]\w*)?(\s*)(\{)`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Punctuation, TextWhitespace, Name, TextWhitespace, Punctuation), Push("macro{")},
- {`([A-Za-z_]\w*)(!)(\s*)([A-Za-z_]\w*)?(\()`, ByGroups(CommentPreproc, Punctuation, TextWhitespace, Name, Punctuation), Push("macro(")},
+ {`#`, Text, nil},
"comment": {
{`[^*/]+`, CommentMultiline, nil},
@@ -92,11 +94,17 @@ func rustRules() Rules {
"typename": {
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
{`&`, KeywordPseudo, nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `Copy`, `Send`, `Sized`, `Sync`, `Drop`, `Fn`, `FnMut`, `FnOnce`, `Box`, `ToOwned`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Into`, `From`, `Default`, `Iterator`, `Extend`, `IntoIterator`, `DoubleEndedIterator`, `ExactSizeIterator`, `Option`, `Some`, `None`, `Result`, `Ok`, `Err`, `SliceConcatExt`, `String`, `ToString`, `Vec`), NameBuiltin, nil},
- {Words(``, `\b`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `usize`, `isize`, `f32`, `f64`, `str`, `bool`), KeywordType, nil},
+ {`'`, Operator, Push("lifetime")},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `Copy`, `Send`, `Sized`, `Sync`, `Unpin`, `Drop`, `Fn`, `FnMut`, `FnOnce`, `drop`, `Box`, `ToOwned`, `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `PartialOrd`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Into`, `From`, `Default`, `Iterator`, `Extend`, `IntoIterator`, `DoubleEndedIterator`, `ExactSizeIterator`, `Option`, `Some`, `None`, `Result`, `Ok`, `Err`, `String`, `ToString`, `Vec`), NameBuiltin, nil},
+ {Words(``, `\b`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128`, `usize`, `isize`, `f32`, `f64`, `char`, `str`, `bool`), KeywordType, nil},
{`[a-zA-Z_]\w*`, NameClass, Pop(1)},
+ "lifetime": {
+ {`(static|_)`, NameBuiltin, nil},
+ {`[a-zA-Z_]+\w*`, NameAttribute, nil},
+ Default(Pop(1)),
+ },
"number_lit": {
{`[ui](8|16|32|64|size)`, Keyword, Pop(1)},
{`f(32|64)`, Keyword, Pop(1)},
@@ -112,28 +120,14 @@ func rustRules() Rules {
{`\\x[89a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]`, LiteralStringEscape, nil},
- "macro{": {
- {`\{`, Operator, Push()},
- {`\}`, Operator, Pop(1)},
- },
- "macro(": {
- {`\(`, Operator, Push()},
- {`\)`, Operator, Pop(1)},
- },
"attribute_common": {
{`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")},
{`\[`, CommentPreproc, Push("attribute[")},
- {`\(`, CommentPreproc, Push("attribute(")},
"attribute[": {
- {`\];?`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)},
- {`[^"\]]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
- },
- "attribute(": {
- Include("attribute_common"),
- {`\);?`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)},
- {`[^")]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
+ {`\]`, CommentPreproc, Pop(1)},
+ {`[^"\]\[]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},