path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b21db98072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package vellum
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+var defaultBuilderOpts = &BuilderOpts{
+ Encoder: 1,
+ RegistryTableSize: 10000,
+ RegistryMRUSize: 2,
+// A Builder is used to build a new FST. When possible data is
+// streamed out to the underlying Writer as soon as possible.
+type Builder struct {
+ unfinished *unfinishedNodes
+ registry *registry
+ last []byte
+ len int
+ lastAddr int
+ encoder encoder
+ opts *BuilderOpts
+ builderNodePool builderNodePool
+ transitionPool transitionPool
+const noneAddr = 1
+const emptyAddr = 0
+// NewBuilder returns a new Builder which will stream out the
+// underlying representation to the provided Writer as the set is built.
+func newBuilder(w io.Writer, opts *BuilderOpts) (*Builder, error) {
+ if opts == nil {
+ opts = defaultBuilderOpts
+ }
+ rv := &Builder{
+ registry: newRegistry(opts.RegistryTableSize, opts.RegistryMRUSize),
+ opts: opts,
+ lastAddr: noneAddr,
+ }
+ rv.unfinished = newUnfinishedNodes(&rv.builderNodePool)
+ var err error
+ rv.encoder, err = loadEncoder(opts.Encoder, w)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ err = rv.encoder.start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return rv, nil
+func (b *Builder) Reset(w io.Writer) error {
+ b.transitionPool.reset()
+ b.builderNodePool.reset()
+ b.unfinished.Reset(&b.builderNodePool)
+ b.registry.Reset()
+ b.lastAddr = noneAddr
+ b.encoder.reset(w)
+ b.last = nil
+ b.len = 0
+ err := b.encoder.start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Insert the provided value to the set being built.
+// NOTE: values must be inserted in lexicographical order.
+func (b *Builder) Insert(key []byte, val uint64) error {
+ // ensure items are added in lexicographic order
+ if bytes.Compare(key, b.last) < 0 {
+ return ErrOutOfOrder
+ }
+ if len(key) == 0 {
+ b.len = 1
+ b.unfinished.setRootOutput(val)
+ return nil
+ }
+ prefixLen, out := b.unfinished.findCommonPrefixAndSetOutput(key, val)
+ b.len++
+ err := b.compileFrom(prefixLen)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ b.copyLastKey(key)
+ b.unfinished.addSuffix(key[prefixLen:], out, &b.builderNodePool)
+ return nil
+func (b *Builder) copyLastKey(key []byte) {
+ if b.last == nil {
+ b.last = make([]byte, 0, 64)
+ } else {
+ b.last = b.last[:0]
+ }
+ b.last = append(b.last, key...)
+// Close MUST be called after inserting all values.
+func (b *Builder) Close() error {
+ err := b.compileFrom(0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ root := b.unfinished.popRoot()
+ rootAddr, err := b.compile(root)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return b.encoder.finish(b.len, rootAddr)
+func (b *Builder) compileFrom(iState int) error {
+ addr := noneAddr
+ for iState+1 < len(b.unfinished.stack) {
+ var node *builderNode
+ if addr == noneAddr {
+ node = b.unfinished.popEmpty()
+ } else {
+ node = b.unfinished.popFreeze(addr, &b.transitionPool)
+ }
+ var err error
+ addr, err = b.compile(node)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ b.unfinished.topLastFreeze(addr, &b.transitionPool)
+ return nil
+func (b *Builder) compile(node *builderNode) (int, error) {
+ if && len(node.trans) == 0 &&
+ node.finalOutput == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ found, addr, entry := b.registry.entry(node)
+ if found {
+ return addr, nil
+ }
+ addr, err := b.encoder.encodeState(node, b.lastAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ b.lastAddr = addr
+ entry.addr = addr
+ return addr, nil
+type unfinishedNodes struct {
+ stack []*builderNodeUnfinished
+ // cache allocates a reasonable number of builderNodeUnfinished
+ // objects up front and tries to keep reusing them
+ // because the main data structure is a stack, we assume the
+ // same access pattern, and don't track items separately
+ // this means calls get() and pushXYZ() must be paired,
+ // as well as calls put() and popXYZ()
+ cache []builderNodeUnfinished
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) Reset(p *builderNodePool) {
+ u.stack = u.stack[:0]
+ for i := 0; i < len(u.cache); i++ {
+ u.cache[i] = builderNodeUnfinished{}
+ }
+ u.pushEmpty(false, p)
+func newUnfinishedNodes(p *builderNodePool) *unfinishedNodes {
+ rv := &unfinishedNodes{
+ stack: make([]*builderNodeUnfinished, 0, 64),
+ cache: make([]builderNodeUnfinished, 64),
+ }
+ rv.pushEmpty(false, p)
+ return rv
+// get new builderNodeUnfinished, reusing cache if possible
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) get() *builderNodeUnfinished {
+ if len(u.stack) < len(u.cache) {
+ return &u.cache[len(u.stack)]
+ }
+ // full now allocate a new one
+ return &builderNodeUnfinished{}
+// return builderNodeUnfinished, clearing it for reuse
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) put() {
+ if len(u.stack) >= len(u.cache) {
+ return
+ // do nothing, not part of cache
+ }
+ u.cache[len(u.stack)] = builderNodeUnfinished{}
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) findCommonPrefixAndSetOutput(key []byte,
+ out uint64) (int, uint64) {
+ var i int
+ for i < len(key) {
+ if i >= len(u.stack) {
+ break
+ }
+ var addPrefix uint64
+ if !u.stack[i].hasLastT {
+ break
+ }
+ if u.stack[i].lastIn == key[i] {
+ commonPre := outputPrefix(u.stack[i].lastOut, out)
+ addPrefix = outputSub(u.stack[i].lastOut, commonPre)
+ out = outputSub(out, commonPre)
+ u.stack[i].lastOut = commonPre
+ i++
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ if addPrefix != 0 {
+ u.stack[i].addOutputPrefix(addPrefix)
+ }
+ }
+ return i, out
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) pushEmpty(final bool, p *builderNodePool) {
+ next := u.get()
+ next.node = p.alloc()
+ = final
+ u.stack = append(u.stack, next)
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) popRoot() *builderNode {
+ l := len(u.stack)
+ var unfinished *builderNodeUnfinished
+ u.stack, unfinished = u.stack[:l-1], u.stack[l-1]
+ rv := unfinished.node
+ u.put()
+ return rv
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) popFreeze(addr int, tp *transitionPool) *builderNode {
+ l := len(u.stack)
+ var unfinished *builderNodeUnfinished
+ u.stack, unfinished = u.stack[:l-1], u.stack[l-1]
+ unfinished.lastCompiled(addr, tp)
+ rv := unfinished.node
+ u.put()
+ return rv
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) popEmpty() *builderNode {
+ l := len(u.stack)
+ var unfinished *builderNodeUnfinished
+ u.stack, unfinished = u.stack[:l-1], u.stack[l-1]
+ rv := unfinished.node
+ u.put()
+ return rv
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) setRootOutput(out uint64) {
+ u.stack[0] = true
+ u.stack[0].node.finalOutput = out
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) topLastFreeze(addr int, tp *transitionPool) {
+ last := len(u.stack) - 1
+ u.stack[last].lastCompiled(addr, tp)
+func (u *unfinishedNodes) addSuffix(bs []byte, out uint64, p *builderNodePool) {
+ if len(bs) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ last := len(u.stack) - 1
+ u.stack[last].hasLastT = true
+ u.stack[last].lastIn = bs[0]
+ u.stack[last].lastOut = out
+ for _, b := range bs[1:] {
+ next := u.get()
+ next.node = p.alloc()
+ next.hasLastT = true
+ next.lastIn = b
+ next.lastOut = 0
+ u.stack = append(u.stack, next)
+ }
+ u.pushEmpty(true, p)
+type builderNodeUnfinished struct {
+ node *builderNode
+ lastOut uint64
+ lastIn byte
+ hasLastT bool
+func (b *builderNodeUnfinished) lastCompiled(addr int, tp *transitionPool) {
+ if b.hasLastT {
+ transIn := b.lastIn
+ transOut := b.lastOut
+ b.hasLastT = false
+ b.lastOut = 0
+ trans := tp.alloc()
+ = transIn
+ trans.out = transOut
+ trans.addr = addr
+ b.node.trans = append(b.node.trans, trans)
+ }
+func (b *builderNodeUnfinished) addOutputPrefix(prefix uint64) {
+ if {
+ b.node.finalOutput = outputCat(prefix, b.node.finalOutput)
+ }
+ for _, t := range b.node.trans {
+ t.out = outputCat(prefix, t.out)
+ }
+ if b.hasLastT {
+ b.lastOut = outputCat(prefix, b.lastOut)
+ }
+type builderNode struct {
+ finalOutput uint64
+ trans []*transition
+ final bool
+func (n *builderNode) equiv(o *builderNode) bool {
+ if != {
+ return false
+ }
+ if n.finalOutput != o.finalOutput {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(n.trans) != len(o.trans) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i, ntrans := range n.trans {
+ otrans := o.trans[i]
+ if != {
+ return false
+ }
+ if ntrans.addr != otrans.addr {
+ return false
+ }
+ if ntrans.out != otrans.out {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+type transition struct {
+ out uint64
+ addr int
+ in byte
+func outputPrefix(l, r uint64) uint64 {
+ if l < r {
+ return l
+ }
+ return r
+func outputSub(l, r uint64) uint64 {
+ return l - r
+func outputCat(l, r uint64) uint64 {
+ return l + r
+// the next builderNode to alloc() will be all[nextOuter][nextInner]
+type builderNodePool struct {
+ all [][]builderNode
+ nextOuter int
+ nextInner int
+func (p *builderNodePool) reset() {
+ p.nextOuter = 0
+ p.nextInner = 0
+func (p *builderNodePool) alloc() *builderNode {
+ if p.nextOuter >= len(p.all) {
+ p.all = append(p.all, make([]builderNode, 256))
+ }
+ rv := &p.all[p.nextOuter][p.nextInner]
+ p.nextInner += 1
+ if p.nextInner >= len(p.all[p.nextOuter]) {
+ p.nextOuter += 1
+ p.nextInner = 0
+ }
+ rv.finalOutput = 0
+ rv.trans = rv.trans[:0]
+ = false
+ return rv
+// the next transition to alloc() will be all[nextOuter][nextInner]
+type transitionPool struct {
+ all [][]transition
+ nextOuter int
+ nextInner int
+func (p *transitionPool) reset() {
+ p.nextOuter = 0
+ p.nextInner = 0
+func (p *transitionPool) alloc() *transition {
+ if p.nextOuter >= len(p.all) {
+ p.all = append(p.all, make([]transition, 256))
+ }
+ rv := &p.all[p.nextOuter][p.nextInner]
+ p.nextInner += 1
+ if p.nextInner >= len(p.all[p.nextOuter]) {
+ p.nextOuter += 1
+ p.nextInner = 0
+ }
+ *rv = transition{}
+ return rv