path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4688 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3642f24ed..0000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4688 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The ql Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSES/QL-LICENSE file.
-// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Inital yacc source generated by ebnf2y[1]
-// at 2013-10-04 23:10:47.861401015 +0200 CEST
-// $ ebnf2y -o ql.y -oe ql.ebnf -start StatementList -pkg ql -p _
-// [1]:
-package parser
-import (
- "strings"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-%union {
- offset int // offset
- line int
- col int
- item interface{}
- list []interface{}
-%token <item>
- /*yy:token "1.%d" */ floatLit "floating-point literal"
- /*yy:token "%c" */ identifier "identifier"
- /*yy:token "%d" */ intLit "integer literal"
- /*yy:token "\"%c\"" */ stringLit "string literal"
- /*yy:token "%x" */ hexLit "hexadecimal literal"
- /*yy:token "%b" */ bitLit "bit literal"
- abs "ABS"
- add "ADD"
- addDate "ADDDATE"
- admin "ADMIN"
- after "AFTER"
- all "ALL"
- alter "ALTER"
- and "AND"
- andand "&&"
- andnot "&^"
- any "ANY"
- as "AS"
- asc "ASC"
- at "AT"
- autoIncrement "AUTO_INCREMENT"
- avg "AVG"
- avgRowLength "AVG_ROW_LENGTH"
- begin "BEGIN"
- between "BETWEEN"
- both "BOTH"
- btree "BTREE"
- by "BY"
- byteType "BYTE"
- caseKwd "CASE"
- cast "CAST"
- character "CHARACTER"
- charsetKwd "CHARSET"
- check "CHECK"
- checksum "CHECKSUM"
- coalesce "COALESCE"
- collate "COLLATE"
- collation "COLLATION"
- column "COLUMN"
- columns "COLUMNS"
- comment "COMMENT"
- commit "COMMIT"
- committed "COMMITTED"
- compact "COMPACT"
- compressed "COMPRESSED"
- compression "COMPRESSION"
- concat "CONCAT"
- concatWs "CONCAT_WS"
- connection "CONNECTION"
- connectionID "CONNECTION_ID"
- constraint "CONSTRAINT"
- convert "CONVERT"
- count "COUNT"
- create "CREATE"
- cross "CROSS"
- curDate "CURDATE"
- currentDate "CURRENT_DATE"
- curTime "CUR_TIME"
- currentTime "CURRENT_TIME"
- currentUser "CURRENT_USER"
- database "DATABASE"
- databases "DATABASES"
- dateAdd "DATE_ADD"
- dateSub "DATE_SUB"
- day "DAY"
- dayname "DAYNAME"
- dayofmonth "DAYOFMONTH"
- dayofweek "DAYOFWEEK"
- dayofyear "DAYOFYEAR"
- ddl "DDL"
- deallocate "DEALLOCATE"
- defaultKwd "DEFAULT"
- delayed "DELAYED"
- delayKeyWrite "DELAY_KEY_WRITE"
- deleteKwd "DELETE"
- desc "DESC"
- describe "DESCRIBE"
- distinct "DISTINCT"
- div "DIV"
- do "DO"
- drop "DROP"
- dual "DUAL"
- duplicate "DUPLICATE"
- dynamic "DYNAMIC"
- elseKwd "ELSE"
- end "END"
- engine "ENGINE"
- engines "ENGINES"
- enum "ENUM"
- eq "="
- escape "ESCAPE"
- execute "EXECUTE"
- exists "EXISTS"
- explain "EXPLAIN"
- extract "EXTRACT"
- falseKwd "false"
- fields "FIELDS"
- first "FIRST"
- fixed "FIXED"
- foreign "FOREIGN"
- forKwd "FOR"
- foundRows "FOUND_ROWS"
- from "FROM"
- full "FULL"
- fulltext "FULLTEXT"
- ge ">="
- global "GLOBAL"
- grant "GRANT"
- grants "GRANTS"
- group "GROUP"
- groupConcat "GROUP_CONCAT"
- hash "HASH"
- having "HAVING"
- highPriority "HIGH_PRIORITY"
- hour "HOUR"
- identified "IDENTIFIED"
- ignore "IGNORE"
- ifKwd "IF"
- ifNull "IFNULL"
- in "IN"
- index "INDEX"
- inner "INNER"
- insert "INSERT"
- interval "INTERVAL"
- into "INTO"
- is "IS"
- isolation "ISOLATION"
- join "JOIN"
- key "KEY"
- keyBlockSize "KEY_BLOCK_SIZE"
- le "<="
- leading "LEADING"
- left "LEFT"
- length "LENGTH"
- level "LEVEL"
- like "LIKE"
- limit "LIMIT"
- local "LOCAL"
- locate "LOCATE"
- lock "LOCK"
- lower "LOWER"
- lowPriority "LOW_PRIORITY"
- lsh "<<"
- max "MAX"
- maxRows "MAX_ROWS"
- microsecond "MICROSECOND"
- min "MIN"
- minute "MINUTE"
- minRows "MIN_ROWS"
- mod "MOD"
- mode "MODE"
- month "MONTH"
- names "NAMES"
- national "NATIONAL"
- neq "!="
- neqSynonym "<>"
- not "NOT"
- null "NULL"
- nulleq "<=>"
- nullIf "NULLIF"
- offset "OFFSET"
- on "ON"
- only "ONLY"
- option "OPTION"
- or "OR"
- order "ORDER"
- oror "||"
- outer "OUTER"
- password "PASSWORD"
- placeholder "PLACEHOLDER"
- pow "POW"
- power "POWER"
- prepare "PREPARE"
- primary "PRIMARY"
- procedure "PROCEDURE"
- quarter "QUARTER"
- quick "QUICK"
- rand "RAND"
- read "READ"
- redundant "REDUNDANT"
- references "REFERENCES"
- regexpKwd "REGEXP"
- repeat "REPEAT"
- repeatable "REPEATABLE"
- replace "REPLACE"
- right "RIGHT"
- rlike "RLIKE"
- rollback "ROLLBACK"
- row "ROW"
- rowFormat "ROW_FORMAT"
- rsh ">>"
- schema "SCHEMA"
- schemas "SCHEMAS"
- second "SECOND"
- selectKwd "SELECT"
- serializable "SERIALIZABLE"
- session "SESSION"
- set "SET"
- share "SHARE"
- show "SHOW"
- signed "SIGNED"
- some "SOME"
- start "START"
- status "STATUS"
- stringType "string"
- subDate "SUBDATE"
- strcmp "STRCMP"
- substring "SUBSTRING"
- substringIndex "SUBSTRING_INDEX"
- sum "SUM"
- sysVar "SYS_VAR"
- sysDate "SYSDATE"
- tableKwd "TABLE"
- tables "TABLES"
- then "THEN"
- to "TO"
- trailing "TRAILING"
- transaction "TRANSACTION"
- triggers "TRIGGERS"
- trim "TRIM"
- trueKwd "true"
- truncate "TRUNCATE"
- uncommitted "UNCOMMITTED"
- unknown "UNKNOWN"
- union "UNION"
- unique "UNIQUE"
- unlock "UNLOCK"
- unsigned "UNSIGNED"
- update "UPDATE"
- upper "UPPER"
- use "USE"
- user "USER"
- using "USING"
- userVar "USER_VAR"
- value "VALUE"
- values "VALUES"
- variables "VARIABLES"
- version "VERSION"
- warnings "WARNINGS"
- week "WEEK"
- weekday "WEEKDAY"
- weekofyear "WEEKOFYEAR"
- when "WHEN"
- where "WHERE"
- write "WRITE"
- xor "XOR"
- yearweek "YEARWEEK"
- zerofill "ZEROFILL"
- calcFoundRows "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS"
- localTime "LOCALTIME"
- now "NOW"
- tinyIntType "TINYINT"
- smallIntType "SMALLINT"
- mediumIntType "MEDIUMINT"
- intType "INT"
- integerType "INTEGER"
- bigIntType "BIGINT"
- bitType "BIT"
- decimalType "DECIMAL"
- numericType "NUMERIC"
- floatType "float"
- doubleType "DOUBLE"
- precisionType "PRECISION"
- realType "REAL"
- dateType "DATE"
- timeType "TIME"
- datetimeType "DATETIME"
- timestampType "TIMESTAMP"
- yearType "YEAR"
- charType "CHAR"
- varcharType "VARCHAR"
- binaryType "BINARY"
- varbinaryType "VARBINARY"
- tinyblobType "TINYBLOB"
- blobType "BLOB"
- mediumblobType "MEDIUMBLOB"
- longblobType "LONGBLOB"
- tinytextType "TINYTEXT"
- textType "TEXT"
- mediumtextType "MEDIUMTEXT"
- longtextType "LONGTEXT"
- int16Type "int16"
- int24Type "int24"
- int32Type "int32"
- int64Type "int64"
- int8Type "int8"
- uintType "uint"
- uint16Type "uint16"
- uint32Type "uint32"
- uint64Type "uint64"
- uint8Type "uint8",
- float32Type "float32"
- float64Type "float64"
- boolType "BOOL"
- booleanType "BOOLEAN"
- parseExpression "parse expression prefix"
- secondMicrosecond "SECOND_MICROSECOND"
- minuteMicrosecond "MINUTE_MICROSECOND"
- minuteSecond "MINUTE_SECOND"
- hourMicrosecond "HOUR_MICROSECOND"
- hourSecond "HOUR_SECOND"
- hourMinute "HOUR_MINUTE"
- dayMicrosecond "DAY_MICROSECOND"
- daySecond "DAY_SECOND"
- dayMinute "DAY_MINUTE"
- dayHour "DAY_HOUR"
- yearMonth "YEAR_MONTH"
-%type <item>
- AdminStmt "Check table statement or show ddl statement"
- AlterTableStmt "Alter table statement"
- AlterTableSpec "Alter table specification"
- AlterTableSpecList "Alter table specification list"
- AnyOrAll "Any or All for subquery"
- Assignment "assignment"
- AssignmentList "assignment list"
- AssignmentListOpt "assignment list opt"
- AuthOption "User auth option"
- AuthString "Password string value"
- BeginTransactionStmt "BEGIN TRANSACTION statement"
- CastType "Cast function target type"
- ColumnDef "table column definition"
- ColumnName "column name"
- ColumnNameList "column name list"
- ColumnNameListOpt "column name list opt"
- ColumnKeywordOpt "Column keyword or empty"
- ColumnSetValue "insert statement set value by column name"
- ColumnSetValueList "insert statement set value by column name list"
- CommaOpt "optional comma"
- CommitStmt "COMMIT statement"
- CompareOp "Compare opcode"
- ColumnOption "column definition option"
- ColumnOptionList "column definition option list"
- ColumnOptionListOpt "optional column definition option list"
- Constraint "table constraint"
- ConstraintElem "table constraint element"
- ConstraintKeywordOpt "Constraint Keyword or empty"
- CreateDatabaseStmt "Create Database Statement"
- CreateIndexStmt "CREATE INDEX statement"
- CreateIndexStmtUnique "CREATE INDEX optional UNIQUE clause"
- DatabaseOption "CREATE Database specification"
- DatabaseOptionList "CREATE Database specification list"
- DatabaseOptionListOpt "CREATE Database specification list opt"
- CreateTableStmt "CREATE TABLE statement"
- CreateUserStmt "CREATE User statement"
- CrossOpt "Cross join option"
- DateArithOpt "Date arith dateadd or datesub option"
- DateArithMultiFormsOpt "Date arith adddate or subdate option"
- DateArithInterval "Date arith interval part"
- DatabaseSym "DATABASE or SCHEMA"
- DBName "Database Name"
- DeallocateSym "Deallocate or drop"
- DeallocateStmt "Deallocate prepared statement"
- Default "DEFAULT clause"
- DefaultOpt "optional DEFAULT clause"
- DefaultKwdOpt "optional DEFAULT keyword"
- DefaultValueExpr "DefaultValueExpr(Now or Signed Literal)"
- DeleteFromStmt "DELETE FROM statement"
- DistinctOpt "Distinct option"
- DoStmt "Do statement"
- DropDatabaseStmt "DROP DATABASE statement"
- DropIndexStmt "DROP INDEX statement"
- DropTableStmt "DROP TABLE statement"
- EmptyStmt "empty statement"
- EqOpt "= or empty"
- EscapedTableRef "escaped table reference"
- ExecuteStmt "Execute statement"
- ExplainSym "EXPLAIN or DESCRIBE or DESC"
- ExplainStmt "EXPLAIN statement"
- Expression "expression"
- ExpressionList "expression list"
- ExpressionListOpt "expression list opt"
- ExpressionListList "expression list list"
- Factor "expression factor"
- PredicateExpr "Predicate expression factor"
- Field "field expression"
- FieldAsName "Field alias name"
- FieldAsNameOpt "Field alias name opt"
- FieldList "field expression list"
- TableRefsClause "Table references clause"
- Function "function expr"
- FunctionCallAgg "Function call on aggregate data"
- FunctionCallConflict "Function call with reserved keyword as function name"
- FunctionCallKeyword "Function call with keyword as function name"
- FunctionCallNonKeyword "Function call with nonkeyword as function name"
- FunctionNameConflict "Built-in function call names which are conflict with keywords"
- FuncDatetimePrec "Function datetime precision"
- GlobalScope "The scope of variable"
- GrantStmt "Grant statement"
- GroupByClause "GROUP BY clause"
- HashString "Hashed string"
- HavingClause "HAVING clause"
- IfExists "If Exists"
- IfNotExists "If Not Exists"
- IgnoreOptional "IGNORE or empty"
- IndexColName "Index column name"
- IndexColNameList "List of index column name"
- IndexName "index name"
- IndexOption "Index Option"
- IndexType "index type"
- IndexTypeOpt "Optional index type"
- InsertIntoStmt "INSERT INTO statement"
- InsertValues "Rest part of INSERT/REPLACE INTO statement"
- IntoOpt "INTO or EmptyString"
- IsolationLevel "Isolation level"
- JoinTable "join table"
- JoinType "join type"
- KeyOrIndex "{KEY|INDEX}"
- LikeEscapeOpt "like escape option"
- LimitClause "LIMIT clause"
- Literal "literal value"
- LockTablesStmt "Lock tables statement"
- LockType "Table locks type"
- logAnd "logical and operator"
- logOr "logical or operator"
- LowPriorityOptional "LOW_PRIORITY or empty"
- name "name"
- NationalOpt "National option"
- NotOpt "optional NOT"
- NumLiteral "Num/Int/Float/Decimal Literal"
- ObjectType "Grant statement object type"
- OnDuplicateKeyUpdate "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value list"
- Operand "operand"
- OptFull "Full or empty"
- OptInteger "Optional Integer keyword"
- Order "ORDER BY clause optional collation specification"
- OrderBy "ORDER BY clause"
- ByItem "BY item"
- OrderByOptional "Optional ORDER BY clause optional"
- ByList "BY list"
- OuterOpt "optional OUTER clause"
- QuickOptional "QUICK or empty"
- PasswordOpt "Password option"
- ColumnPosition "Column position [First|After ColumnName]"
- PreparedStmt "PreparedStmt"
- PrepareSQL "Prepare statement sql string"
- PrimaryExpression "primary expression"
- PrimaryFactor "primary expression factor"
- Priority "insert statement priority"
- PrivElem "Privilege element"
- PrivElemList "Privilege element list"
- PrivLevel "Privilege scope"
- PrivType "Privilege type"
- ReferDef "Reference definition"
- RegexpSym "REGEXP or RLIKE"
- ReplaceIntoStmt "REPLACE INTO statement"
- ReplacePriority "replace statement priority"
- RollbackStmt "ROLLBACK statement"
- RowFormat "Row format option"
- SelectStmt "SELECT statement"
- SelectStmtCalcFoundRows "SELECT statement optional SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS"
- SelectStmtDistinct "SELECT statement optional DISTINCT clause"
- SelectStmtFieldList "SELECT statement field list"
- SelectStmtLimit "SELECT statement optional LIMIT clause"
- SelectStmtOpts "Select statement options"
- SelectStmtGroup "SELECT statement optional GROUP BY clause"
- SetStmt "Set variable statement"
- ShowStmt "Show engines/databases/tables/columns/warnings/status statement"
- ShowTargetFilterable "Show target that can be filtered by WHERE or LIKE"
- ShowDatabaseNameOpt "Show tables/columns statement database name option"
- ShowTableAliasOpt "Show table alias option"
- ShowLikeOrWhereOpt "Show like or where clause option"
- SignedLiteral "Literal or NumLiteral with sign"
- Statement "statement"
- StatementList "statement list"
- StringName "string literal or identifier"
- StringList "string list"
- ExplainableStmt "explainable statement"
- SubSelect "Sub Select"
- Symbol "Constraint Symbol"
- SystemVariable "System defined variable name"
- TableAsName "table alias name"
- TableAsNameOpt "table alias name optional"
- TableElement "table definition element"
- TableElementList "table definition element list"
- TableFactor "table factor"
- TableLock "Table name and lock type"
- TableLockList "Table lock list"
- TableName "Table name"
- TableNameList "Table name list"
- TableOption "create table option"
- TableOptionList "create table option list"
- TableOptionListOpt "create table option list opt"
- TableRef "table reference"
- TableRefs "table references"
- TimeUnit "Time unit"
- TransactionChar "Transaction characteristic"
- TransactionChars "Transaction characteristic list"
- TrimDirection "Trim string direction"
- TruncateTableStmt "TRANSACTION TABLE statement"
- UnionOpt "Union Option(empty/ALL/DISTINCT)"
- UnionStmt "Union select state ment"
- UnionClauseList "Union select clause list"
- UnionSelect "Union (select) item"
- UnlockTablesStmt "Unlock tables statement"
- UpdateStmt "UPDATE statement"
- Username "Username"
- UserSpec "Username and auth option"
- UserSpecList "Username and auth option list"
- UserVariable "User defined variable name"
- UserVariableList "User defined variable name list"
- UseStmt "USE statement"
- ValueSym "Value or Values"
- VariableAssignment "set variable value"
- VariableAssignmentList "set variable value list"
- Variable "User or system variable"
- WhereClause "WHERE clause"
- WhereClauseOptional "Optinal WHERE clause"
- Identifier "identifier or unreserved keyword"
- UnReservedKeyword "MySQL unreserved keywords"
- NotKeywordToken "Tokens not mysql keyword but treated specially"
- WhenClause "When clause"
- WhenClauseList "When clause list"
- ElseOpt "Optional else clause"
- ExpressionOpt "Optional expression"
- Type "Types"
- NumericType "Numeric types"
- IntegerType "Integer Types types"
- FixedPointType "Exact value types"
- FloatingPointType "Approximate value types"
- BitValueType "bit value types"
- StringType "String types"
- BlobType "Blob types"
- TextType "Text types"
- DateAndTimeType "Date and Time types"
- OptFieldLen "Field length or empty"
- FieldLen "Field length"
- FieldOpts "Field type definition option list"
- FieldOpt "Field type definition option"
- FloatOpt "Floating-point type option"
- Precision "Floating-point precision option"
- OptBinary "Optional BINARY"
- CharsetKw "charset or charater set"
- OptCharset "Optional Character setting"
- OptCollate "Optional Collate setting"
- NUM "numbers"
- LengthNum "Field length num(uint64)"
-%token tableRefPriority
-%precedence lowerThanCalcFoundRows
-%precedence calcFoundRows
-%precedence lowerThanSetKeyword
-%precedence set
-%precedence lowerThanInsertValues
-%precedence insertValues
-%left join inner cross left right full
-/* A dummy token to force the priority of TableRef production in a join. */
-%left tableRefPriority
-%precedence on
-%left oror or
-%left xor
-%left andand and
-%left between
-%precedence lowerThanEq
-%left eq ge le neq neqSynonym '>' '<' is like in
-%left '|'
-%left '&'
-%left rsh lsh
-%left '-' '+'
-%left '*' '/' '%' div mod
-%left '^'
-%left '~' neg
-%right not
-%right collate
-%precedence lowerThanLeftParen
-%precedence '('
-%precedence lowerThanQuick
-%precedence quick
-%precedence lowerThanEscape
-%precedence escape
-%precedence lowerThanComma
-%precedence ','
-%start Start
- StatementList
-| parseExpression Expression
- {
- yylex.(*lexer).expr = $2.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- * See:
- *******************************************************************************************/
- "ALTER" IgnoreOptional "TABLE" TableName AlterTableSpecList
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableStmt{
- Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
- Specs: $5.([]*ast.AlterTableSpec),
- }
- }
- TableOptionListOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableOption,
- Options:$1.([]*ast.TableOption),
- }
- }
-| "ADD" ColumnKeywordOpt ColumnDef ColumnPosition
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableAddColumn,
- Column: $3.(*ast.ColumnDef),
- Position: $4.(*ast.ColumnPosition),
- }
- }
-| "ADD" Constraint
- {
- constraint := $2.(*ast.Constraint)
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableAddConstraint,
- Constraint: constraint,
- }
- }
-| "DROP" ColumnKeywordOpt ColumnName
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableDropColumn,
- DropColumn: $3.(*ast.ColumnName),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{Tp: ast.AlterTableDropPrimaryKey}
- }
-| "DROP" KeyOrIndex IndexName
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableDropIndex,
- Name: $3.(string),
- }
- }
-| "DROP" "FOREIGN" "KEY" Symbol
- {
- $$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
- Tp: ast.AlterTableDropForeignKey,
- Name: $4.(string),
- }
- }
- {}
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnPosition{Tp: ast.ColumnPositionNone}
- }
-| "FIRST"
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnPosition{Tp: ast.ColumnPositionFirst}
- }
-| "AFTER" ColumnName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnPosition{
- Tp: ast.ColumnPositionAfter,
- RelativeColumn: $2.(*ast.ColumnName),
- }
- }
- AlterTableSpec
- {
- $$ = []*ast.AlterTableSpec{$1.(*ast.AlterTableSpec)}
- }
-| AlterTableSpecList ',' AlterTableSpec
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.AlterTableSpec), $3.(*ast.AlterTableSpec))
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "CONSTRAINT" Symbol
- {
- $$ = $2.(string)
- }
- Identifier
- ColumnName eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.Assignment{Column: $1.(*ast.ColumnName), Expr:$3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
- Assignment
- {
- $$ = []*ast.Assignment{$1.(*ast.Assignment)}
- }
-| AssignmentList ',' Assignment
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.Assignment), $3.(*ast.Assignment))
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = []*ast.Assignment{}
- }
-| AssignmentList
- {
- $$ = &ast.BeginStmt{}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.BeginStmt{}
- }
- ColumnName Type ColumnOptionListOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnDef{Name: $1.(*ast.ColumnName), Tp: $2.(*types.FieldType), Options: $3.([]*ast.ColumnOption)}
- }
- Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnName{Name: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
-| Identifier '.' Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnName{Table: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Name: model.NewCIStr($3.(string))}
- }
-| Identifier '.' Identifier '.' Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnName{Schema: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Table: model.NewCIStr($3.(string)), Name: model.NewCIStr($5.(string))}
- }
- ColumnName
- {
- $$ = []*ast.ColumnName{$1.(*ast.ColumnName)}
- }
-| ColumnNameList ',' ColumnName
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.ColumnName), $3.(*ast.ColumnName))
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = []*ast.ColumnName{}
- }
-| ColumnNameList
- {
- $$ = $1.([]*ast.ColumnName)
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.CommitStmt{}
- }
- "NOT" "NULL"
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionNotNull}
- }
-| "NULL"
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionNull}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionAutoIncrement}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionPrimaryKey}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionUniq}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionUniqKey}
- }
-| "DEFAULT" DefaultValueExpr
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue, Expr: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "ON" "UPDATE" NowSym
- {
- nowFunc := &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")}
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionOnUpdate, Expr: nowFunc}
- }
-| "COMMENT" stringLit
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{Tp: ast.ColumnOptionComment}
- }
-| "CHECK" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- // See:
- // The CHECK clause is parsed but ignored by all storage engines.
- $$ = &ast.ColumnOption{}
- }
- ColumnOption
- {
- $$ = []*ast.ColumnOption{$1.(*ast.ColumnOption)}
- }
-| ColumnOptionList ColumnOption
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.ColumnOption), $2.(*ast.ColumnOption))
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.ColumnOption{}
- }
-| ColumnOptionList
- {
- $$ = $1.([]*ast.ColumnOption)
- }
- "PRIMARY" "KEY" IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- c.Option = $7.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $3 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $3.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "FULLTEXT" "KEY" IndexName '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintFulltext,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $3.(string),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- c.Option = $7.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "INDEX" IndexName IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintIndex,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $2.(string),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- c.Option = $7.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $3 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $3.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "KEY" IndexName IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintKey,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $2.(string),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- c.Option = $7.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $3 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $3.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "UNIQUE" IndexName IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintUniq,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $2.(string),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- c.Option = $7.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $3 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $3.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "UNIQUE" "INDEX" IndexName IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintUniqIndex,
- Keys: $6.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $3.(string),
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- c.Option = $8.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $4 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $4.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "UNIQUE" "KEY" IndexName IndexTypeOpt '(' IndexColNameList ')' IndexOption
- {
- c := &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintUniqKey,
- Keys: $6.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $3.(string),
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- c.Option = $8.(*ast.IndexOption)
- }
- if $4 != nil {
- if c.Option == nil {
- c.Option = &ast.IndexOption{}
- }
- c.Option.Tp = $4.(model.IndexType)
- }
- $$ = c
- }
-| "FOREIGN" "KEY" IndexName '(' IndexColNameList ')' ReferDef
- {
- $$ = &ast.Constraint{
- Tp: ast.ConstraintForeignKey,
- Keys: $5.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- Name: $3.(string),
- Refer: $7.(*ast.ReferenceDef),
- }
- }
- "REFERENCES" TableName '(' IndexColNameList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.ReferenceDef{Table: $2.(*ast.TableName), IndexColNames: $4.([]*ast.IndexColName)}
- }
- * The DEFAULT clause specifies a default value for a column.
- * With one exception, the default value must be a constant;
- * it cannot be a function or an expression. This means, for example,
- * that you cannot set the default for a date column to be the value of
- * a function such as NOW() or CURRENT_DATE. The exception is that you
- * can specify CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the default for a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column.
- *
- * See:
- *
- */
- NowSym
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")}
- }
-| NowSym '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")}
- }
-| SignedLiteral
-// TODO: Process other three keywords
-| "NOW"
- Literal
- {
- $$ = ast.NewValueExpr($1)
- }
-| '+' NumLiteral
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Plus, V: ast.NewValueExpr($2)}
- }
-| '-' NumLiteral
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Minus, V: ast.NewValueExpr($2)}
- }
-// TODO: support decimal literal
- intLit
-| floatLit
- "CREATE" CreateIndexStmtUnique "INDEX" Identifier "ON" TableName '(' IndexColNameList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.CreateIndexStmt{
- Unique: $2.(bool),
- IndexName: $4.(string),
- Table: $6.(*ast.TableName),
- IndexColNames: $8.([]*ast.IndexColName),
- }
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- ColumnName OptFieldLen Order
- {
- //Order is parsed but just ignored as MySQL did
- $$ = &ast.IndexColName{Column: $1.(*ast.ColumnName), Length: $2.(int)}
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.IndexColName{}
- }
-| IndexColName
- {
- $$ = []*ast.IndexColName{$1.(*ast.IndexColName)}
- }
-| IndexColNameList ',' IndexColName
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.IndexColName), $3.(*ast.IndexColName))
- }
- *
- * Create Database Statement
- * [create_specification] ...
- *
- * create_specification:
- * [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name
- * | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name
- *******************************************************************/
- "CREATE" DatabaseSym IfNotExists DBName DatabaseOptionListOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.CreateDatabaseStmt{
- IfNotExists: $3.(bool),
- Name: $4.(string),
- Options: $5.([]*ast.DatabaseOption),
- }
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- Identifier
- DefaultKwdOpt CharsetKw EqOpt StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.DatabaseOption{Tp: ast.DatabaseOptionCharset, Value: $4.(string)}
- }
-| DefaultKwdOpt "COLLATE" EqOpt StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.DatabaseOption{Tp: ast.DatabaseOptionCollate, Value: $4.(string)}
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.DatabaseOption{}
- }
-| DatabaseOptionList
- DatabaseOption
- {
- $$ = []*ast.DatabaseOption{$1.(*ast.DatabaseOption)}
- }
-| DatabaseOptionList DatabaseOption
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.DatabaseOption), $2.(*ast.DatabaseOption))
- }
- *
- * Create Table Statement
- *
- * Example:
- * CREATE TABLE Persons
- * (
- * P_Id int NOT NULL,
- * LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
- * FirstName varchar(255),
- * Address varchar(255),
- * City varchar(255),
- * )
- *******************************************************************/
- "CREATE" "TABLE" IfNotExists TableName '(' TableElementList ')' TableOptionListOpt
- {
- tes := $6.([]interface {})
- var columnDefs []*ast.ColumnDef
- var constraints []*ast.Constraint
- for _, te := range tes {
- switch te := te.(type) {
- case *ast.ColumnDef:
- columnDefs = append(columnDefs, te)
- case *ast.Constraint:
- constraints = append(constraints, te)
- }
- }
- if len(columnDefs) == 0 {
- yylex.(*lexer).err("Column Definition List can't be empty.")
- return 1
- }
- $$ = &ast.CreateTableStmt{
- Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
- IfNotExists: $3.(bool),
- Cols: columnDefs,
- Constraints: constraints,
- Options: $8.([]*ast.TableOption),
- }
- }
- "DEFAULT" Expression
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| Default
- {}
- * Do statement
- * See:
- ******************************************************************/
- "DO" ExpressionList
- {
- $$ = &ast.DoStmt {
- Exprs: $2.([]ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
- *
- * Delete Statement
- *
- *******************************************************************/
- "DELETE" LowPriorityOptional QuickOptional IgnoreOptional "FROM" TableName WhereClauseOptional OrderByOptional LimitClause
- {
- // Single Table
- join := &ast.Join{Left: &ast.TableSource{Source: $6.(ast.ResultSetNode)}, Right: nil}
- x := &ast.DeleteStmt{
- TableRefs: &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: join},
- LowPriority: $2.(bool),
- Quick: $3.(bool),
- Ignore: $4.(bool),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- x.Where = $7.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- x.Order = $8.(*ast.OrderByClause)
- }
- if $9 != nil {
- x.Limit = $9.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = x
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
-| "DELETE" LowPriorityOptional QuickOptional IgnoreOptional TableNameList "FROM" TableRefs WhereClauseOptional
- {
- // Multiple Table
- x := &ast.DeleteStmt{
- LowPriority: $2.(bool),
- Quick: $3.(bool),
- Ignore: $4.(bool),
- IsMultiTable: true,
- BeforeFrom: true,
- Tables: &ast.DeleteTableList{Tables: $5.([]*ast.TableName)},
- TableRefs: &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: $7.(*ast.Join)},
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- x.Where = $8.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- $$ = x
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
-| "DELETE" LowPriorityOptional QuickOptional IgnoreOptional "FROM" TableNameList "USING" TableRefs WhereClauseOptional
- {
- // Multiple Table
- x := &ast.DeleteStmt{
- LowPriority: $2.(bool),
- Quick: $3.(bool),
- Ignore: $4.(bool),
- IsMultiTable: true,
- Tables: &ast.DeleteTableList{Tables: $6.([]*ast.TableName)},
- TableRefs: &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: $8.(*ast.Join)},
- }
- if $9 != nil {
- x.Where = $9.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- $$ = x
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- "DROP" DatabaseSym IfExists DBName
- {
- $$ = &ast.DropDatabaseStmt{IfExists: $3.(bool), Name: $4.(string)}
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- "DROP" "INDEX" IfExists Identifier "ON" TableName
- {
- $$ = &ast.DropIndexStmt{IfExists: $3.(bool), IndexName: $4.(string), Table: $6.(*ast.TableName)}
- }
- "DROP" TableOrTables TableNameList
- {
- $$ = &ast.DropTableStmt{Tables: $3.([]*ast.TableName)}
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
-| "DROP" TableOrTables "IF" "EXISTS" TableNameList
- {
- $$ = &ast.DropTableStmt{IfExists: true, Tables: $5.([]*ast.TableName)}
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- {
- }
-| eq
- {
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "DESC"
- ExplainSym TableName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExplainStmt{
- Stmt: &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowColumns,
- Table: $2.(*ast.TableName),
- },
- }
- }
-| ExplainSym TableName ColumnName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExplainStmt{
- Stmt: &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowColumns,
- Table: $2.(*ast.TableName),
- Column: $3.(*ast.ColumnName),
- },
- }
- }
-| ExplainSym ExplainableStmt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExplainStmt{Stmt: $2.(ast.StmtNode)}
- }
- {
- switch v := $1.(type) {
- case int64:
- $$ = uint64(v)
- case uint64:
- $$ = uint64(v)
- }
- }
- intLit
- Expression logOr Expression %prec oror
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.OrOr, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| Expression "XOR" Expression %prec xor
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.LogicXor, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| Expression logAnd Expression %prec andand
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.AndAnd, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "NOT" Expression %prec not
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Not, V: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| Factor "IS" NotOpt trueKwd %prec is
- {
- $$ = &ast.IsTruthExpr{Expr:$1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $3.(bool), True: int64(1)}
- }
-| Factor "IS" NotOpt falseKwd %prec is
- {
- $$ = &ast.IsTruthExpr{Expr:$1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $3.(bool), True: int64(0)}
- }
-| Factor "IS" NotOpt "UNKNOWN" %prec is
- {
- /* */
- $$ = &ast.IsNullExpr{Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| Factor
- "||"
- {
- }
-| "OR"
- {
- }
- "&&"
- {
- }
-| "AND"
- {
- }
- Identifier
- Expression
- {
- $$ = []ast.ExprNode{$1.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| ExpressionList ',' Expression
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]ast.ExprNode), $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- {
- $$ = []ast.ExprNode{}
- }
-| ExpressionList
- Factor "IS" NotOpt "NULL" %prec is
- {
- $$ = &ast.IsNullExpr{Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| Factor CompareOp PredicateExpr %prec eq
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: $2.(opcode.Op), L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| Factor CompareOp AnyOrAll SubSelect %prec eq
- {
- $$ = &ast.CompareSubqueryExpr{Op: $2.(opcode.Op), L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $4.(*ast.SubqueryExpr), All: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| PredicateExpr
- ">="
- {
- $$ = opcode.GE
- }
-| '>'
- {
- $$ = opcode.GT
- }
-| "<="
- {
- $$ = opcode.LE
- }
-| '<'
- {
- $$ = opcode.LT
- }
-| "!="
- {
- $$ = opcode.NE
- }
-| "<>"
- {
- $$ = opcode.NE
- }
-| "="
- {
- $$ = opcode.EQ
- }
-| "<=>"
- {
- $$ = opcode.NullEQ
- }
- "ANY"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "SOME"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "ALL"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- PrimaryFactor NotOpt "IN" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.PatternInExpr{Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $2.(bool), List: $5.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor NotOpt "IN" SubSelect
- {
- $$ = &ast.PatternInExpr{Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $2.(bool), Sel: $4.(*ast.SubqueryExpr)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor NotOpt "BETWEEN" PrimaryFactor "AND" PredicateExpr
- {
- $$ = &ast.BetweenExpr{
- Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode),
- Left: $4.(ast.ExprNode),
- Right: $6.(ast.ExprNode),
- Not: $2.(bool),
- }
- }
-| PrimaryFactor NotOpt "LIKE" PrimaryExpression LikeEscapeOpt
- {
- escape := $5.(string)
- if len(escape) > 1 {
- yylex.(*lexer).errf("Incorrect arguments %s to ESCAPE", escape)
- return 1
- } else if len(escape) == 0 {
- escape = "\\"
- }
- $$ = &ast.PatternLikeExpr{
- Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode),
- Pattern: $4.(ast.ExprNode),
- Not: $2.(bool),
- Escape: escape[0],
- }
- }
-| PrimaryFactor NotOpt RegexpSym PrimaryExpression
- {
- $$ = &ast.PatternRegexpExpr{Expr: $1.(ast.ExprNode), Pattern: $4.(ast.ExprNode), Not: $2.(bool)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor
-| "RLIKE"
- %prec lowerThanEscape
- {
- $$ = "\\"
- }
-| "ESCAPE" stringLit
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "NOT"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- '*'
- {
- $$ = &ast.SelectField{WildCard: &ast.WildCardField{}}
- }
-| Identifier '.' '*'
- {
- wildCard := &ast.WildCardField{Table: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- $$ = &ast.SelectField{WildCard: wildCard}
- }
-| Identifier '.' Identifier '.' '*'
- {
- wildCard := &ast.WildCardField{Schema: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Table: model.NewCIStr($3.(string))}
- $$ = &ast.SelectField{WildCard: wildCard}
- }
-| Expression FieldAsNameOpt
- {
- expr := $1.(ast.ExprNode)
- asName := $2.(string)
- $$ = &ast.SelectField{Expr: expr, AsName: model.NewCIStr(asName)}
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = ""
- }
-| FieldAsName
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- Identifier
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| "AS" Identifier
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
-| stringLit
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| "AS" stringLit
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- Field
- {
- field := $1.(*ast.SelectField)
- field.Offset = yylex.(*lexer).startOffset(yyS[yypt].offset)
- $$ = []*ast.SelectField{field}
- }
-| FieldList ',' Field
- {
- fl := $1.([]*ast.SelectField)
- last := fl[len(fl)-1]
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- if last.Expr != nil && last.AsName.O == "" {
- lastEnd := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-1].offset)
- last.SetText(l.src[last.Offset:lastEnd])
- }
- newField := $3.(*ast.SelectField)
- newField.Offset = l.startOffset(yyS[yypt].offset)
- $$ = append(fl, newField)
- }
- "GROUP" "BY" ByList
- {
- $$ = &ast.GroupByClause{Items: $3.([]*ast.ByItem)}
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "HAVING" Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.HavingClause{Expr: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "IF" "EXISTS"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "IF" "NOT" "EXISTS"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = ""
- }
-| Identifier
- {
- //"index name"
- $$ = $1.(string)
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "KEY_BLOCK_SIZE" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.IndexOption{
- KeyBlockSize: $1.(uint64),
- }
- }
-| IndexType
- {
- $$ = &ast.IndexOption {
- Tp: $1.(model.IndexType),
- }
- }
-| "COMMENT" stringLit
- {
- $$ = &ast.IndexOption {
- Comment: $2.(string),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = model.IndexTypeBtree
- }
- {
- $$ = model.IndexTypeHash
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| IndexType
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- identifier | UnReservedKeyword | NotKeywordToken
-| "POWER" | "RAND" | "SECOND" | "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" | "SUBDATE" | "SUBSTRING" %prec lowerThanLeftParen
- *
- * Insert Statments
- *
- * TODO: support PARTITION
- **********************************************************************************/
- "INSERT" Priority IgnoreOptional IntoOpt TableName InsertValues OnDuplicateKeyUpdate
- {
- x := $6.(*ast.InsertStmt)
- x.Priority = $2.(int)
- // Wraps many layers here so that it can be processed the same way as select statement.
- ts := &ast.TableSource{Source: $5.(*ast.TableName)}
- x.Table = &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: &ast.Join{Left: ts}}
- if $7 != nil {
- x.OnDuplicate = $7.([]*ast.Assignment)
- }
- $$ = x
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- {
- }
-| "INTO"
- {
- }
- '(' ColumnNameListOpt ')' ValueSym ExpressionListList
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{
- Columns: $2.([]*ast.ColumnName),
- Lists: $5.([][]ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
-| '(' ColumnNameListOpt ')' SelectStmt
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Columns: $2.([]*ast.ColumnName), Select: $4.(*ast.SelectStmt)}
- }
-| '(' ColumnNameListOpt ')' UnionStmt
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Columns: $2.([]*ast.ColumnName), Select: $4.(*ast.UnionStmt)}
- }
-| ValueSym ExpressionListList %prec insertValues
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Lists: $2.([][]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| SelectStmt
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Select: $1.(*ast.SelectStmt)}
- }
-| UnionStmt
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Select: $1.(*ast.UnionStmt)}
- }
-| "SET" ColumnSetValueList
- {
- $$ = &ast.InsertStmt{Setlist: $2.([]*ast.Assignment)}
- }
- '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = [][]ast.ExprNode{[]ast.ExprNode{}}
- }
-| '(' ')' ',' ExpressionListList
- {
- $$ = append([][]ast.ExprNode{[]ast.ExprNode{}}, $4.([][]ast.ExprNode)...)
- }
-| '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = [][]ast.ExprNode{$2.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| '(' ExpressionList ')' ',' ExpressionListList
- {
- $$ = append([][]ast.ExprNode{$2.([]ast.ExprNode)}, $5.([][]ast.ExprNode)...)
- }
- ColumnName eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.Assignment{
- Column: $1.(*ast.ColumnName),
- Expr: $3.(ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.Assignment{}
- }
-| ColumnSetValue
- {
- $$ = []*ast.Assignment{$1.(*ast.Assignment)}
- }
-| ColumnSetValueList ',' ColumnSetValue
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.Assignment), $3.(*ast.Assignment))
- }
- * ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expr [, col_name=expr] ...
- * See:
- */
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "ON" "DUPLICATE" "KEY" "UPDATE" AssignmentList
- {
- $$ = $5
- }
-/***********************************Insert Statements END************************************/
- * Replace Statements
- * See:
- *
- * TODO: support PARTITION
- **********************************************************************************/
- "REPLACE" ReplacePriority IntoOpt TableName InsertValues
- {
- x := $5.(*ast.InsertStmt)
- x.IsReplace = true
- x.Priority = $2.(int)
- ts := &ast.TableSource{Source: $4.(*ast.TableName)}
- x.Table = &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: &ast.Join{Left: ts}}
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.NoPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.LowPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DelayedPriority
- }
-/***********************************Replace Statments END************************************/
- "false"
- {
- $$ = int64(0)
- }
-| "NULL"
-| "true"
- {
- $$ = int64(1)
- }
-| floatLit
-| intLit
-| stringLit
- {
- tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- tp.Charset, tp.Collate = l.GetCharsetInfo()
- expr := ast.NewValueExpr($1)
- expr.SetType(tp)
- $$ = expr
- }
- {
- // See:
- tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- tp.Charset = $1.(string)
- co, err := charset.GetDefaultCollation(tp.Charset)
- if err != nil {
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- l.errf("Get collation error for charset: %s", tp.Charset)
- return 1
- }
- tp.Collate = co
- expr := ast.NewValueExpr($2)
- expr.SetType(tp)
- $$ = expr
- }
-| hexLit
-| bitLit
- Literal
- {
- $$ = ast.NewValueExpr($1)
- }
-| ColumnName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ColumnNameExpr{Name: $1.(*ast.ColumnName)}
- }
-| '(' Expression ')'
- {
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- startOffset := l.startOffset(yyS[yypt-1].offset)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt].offset)
- expr := $2.(ast.ExprNode)
- expr.SetText(l.src[startOffset:endOffset])
- $$ = &ast.ParenthesesExpr{Expr: expr}
- }
-| "DEFAULT" %prec lowerThanLeftParen
- {
- $$ = &ast.DefaultExpr{}
- }
-| "DEFAULT" '(' ColumnName ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.DefaultExpr{Name: $3.(*ast.ColumnName)}
- }
-| Variable
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ParamMarkerExpr{
- Offset: yyS[yypt].offset,
- }
- }
-| "ROW" '(' Expression ',' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- values := append([]ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}, $5.([]ast.ExprNode)...)
- $$ = &ast.RowExpr{Values: values}
- }
-| '(' Expression ',' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- values := append([]ast.ExprNode{$2.(ast.ExprNode)}, $4.([]ast.ExprNode)...)
- $$ = &ast.RowExpr{Values: values}
- }
-| "EXISTS" SubSelect
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr{Sel: $2.(*ast.SubqueryExpr)}
- }
- "ORDER" "BY" ByList
- {
- $$ = &ast.OrderByClause{Items: $3.([]*ast.ByItem)}
- }
- ByItem
- {
- $$ = []*ast.ByItem{$1.(*ast.ByItem)}
- }
-| ByList ',' ByItem
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.ByItem), $3.(*ast.ByItem))
- }
- Expression Order
- {
- expr := $1
- valueExpr, ok := expr.(*ast.ValueExpr)
- if ok {
- position, isPosition := valueExpr.GetValue().(int64)
- if isPosition {
- expr = &ast.PositionExpr{N: int(position)}
- }
- }
- $$ = &ast.ByItem{Expr: expr.(ast.ExprNode), Desc: $2.(bool)}
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = false // ASC by default
- }
-| "ASC"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "DESC"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| OrderBy
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- Operand
-| Function
-| SubSelect
-| '!' PrimaryExpression %prec neg
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Not, V: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| '~' PrimaryExpression %prec neg
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.BitNeg, V: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| '-' PrimaryExpression %prec neg
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Minus, V: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| '+' PrimaryExpression %prec neg
- {
- $$ = &ast.UnaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Plus, V: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "BINARY" PrimaryExpression %prec neg
- {
- // See:
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = &ast.FuncCastExpr{
- Expr: $2.(ast.ExprNode),
- Tp: x,
- FunctionType: ast.CastBinaryOperator,
- }
- }
-| PrimaryExpression "COLLATE" StringName %prec neg
- {
- // TODO: Create a builtin function hold expr and collation. When do evaluation, convert expr result using the collation.
- $$ = $1
- }
- FunctionCallKeyword
-| FunctionCallNonKeyword
-| FunctionCallConflict
-| FunctionCallAgg
- FunctionNameConflict '(' ExpressionListOpt ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
- {
- // See:
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "ALL"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- "CAST" '(' Expression "AS" CastType ')'
- {
- /* See: */
- $$ = &ast.FuncCastExpr{
- Expr: $3.(ast.ExprNode),
- Tp: $5.(*types.FieldType),
- FunctionType: ast.CastFunction,
- }
- }
-| "CASE" ExpressionOpt WhenClauseList ElseOpt "END"
- {
- x := &ast.CaseExpr{WhenClauses: $3.([]*ast.WhenClause)}
- if $2 != nil {
- x.Value = $2.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- if $4 != nil {
- x.ElseClause = $4.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| "CONVERT" '(' Expression "USING" StringName ')'
- {
- // See:
- charset := ast.NewValueExpr($5)
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), charset},
- }
- }
-| "CONVERT" '(' Expression ',' CastType ')'
- {
- // See:
- $$ = &ast.FuncCastExpr{
- Expr: $3.(ast.ExprNode),
- Tp: $5.(*types.FieldType),
- FunctionType: ast.CastConvertFunction,
- }
- }
-| "DATE" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "USER" '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
-| "VALUES" '(' ColumnName ')' %prec lowerThanInsertValues
- {
- // TODO: support qualified identifier for column_name
- $$ = &ast.ValuesExpr{Column: &ast.ColumnNameExpr{Name: $3.(*ast.ColumnName)}}
- }
-| "WEEK" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "YEAR" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName:model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
- "COALESCE" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "CURDATE" '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
-| "CUR_TIME" '(' ExpressionOpt ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $3 != nil {
- args = append(args, $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "CURRENT_TIME" FuncDatetimePrec
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $2 != nil {
- args = append(args, $2.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" FuncDatetimePrec
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $2 != nil {
- args = append(args, $2.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "ABS" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "CONCAT" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "CONCAT_WS" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "DAY" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "DAYNAME" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "DAYOFWEEK" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "DAYOFMONTH" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "DAYOFYEAR" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| DateArithOpt '(' Expression ',' "INTERVAL" Expression TimeUnit ')'
- {
- op := ast.NewValueExpr($1)
- dateArithInterval := ast.NewValueExpr(
- ast.DateArithInterval{
- Unit: $7.(string),
- Interval: $6.(ast.ExprNode),
- },
- )
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr("DATE_ARITH"),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{
- op,
- $3.(ast.ExprNode),
- dateArithInterval,
- },
- }
- }
-| DateArithMultiFormsOpt '(' Expression ',' DateArithInterval')'
- {
- op := ast.NewValueExpr($1)
- dateArithInterval := ast.NewValueExpr($5)
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr("DATE_ARITH"),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{
- op,
- $3.(ast.ExprNode),
- dateArithInterval,
- },
- }
- }
-| "EXTRACT" '(' TimeUnit "FROM" Expression ')'
- {
- timeUnit := ast.NewValueExpr($3)
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{timeUnit, $5.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "FOUND_ROWS" '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
-| "HOUR" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "IFNULL" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "LENGTH" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "LOCATE" '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "LOCATE" '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode), $7.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "LOWER" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "MICROSECOND" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "MINUTE" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "MONTH" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "NOW" '(' ExpressionOpt ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $3 != nil {
- args = append(args, $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "NULLIF" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "POW" '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)}
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "POWER" '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)}
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "RAND" '(' ExpressionOpt ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $3 != nil {
- args = append(args, $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "REPLACE" '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode), $7.(ast.ExprNode)}
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "SECOND" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "STRCMP" '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "SUBSTRING" '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "SUBSTRING" '(' Expression "FROM" Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "SUBSTRING" '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode), $7.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "SUBSTRING" '(' Expression "FROM" Expression "FOR" Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode), $7.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "SUBSTRING_INDEX" '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode), $5.(ast.ExprNode), $7.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "SYSDATE" '(' ExpressionOpt ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{}
- if $3 != nil {
- args = append(args, $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: args}
- }
-| "TRIM" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "TRIM" '(' Expression "FROM" Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$5.(ast.ExprNode), $3.(ast.ExprNode)},
- }
- }
-| "TRIM" '(' TrimDirection "FROM" Expression ')'
- {
- nilVal := ast.NewValueExpr(nil)
- direction := ast.NewValueExpr($3)
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$5.(ast.ExprNode), nilVal, direction},
- }
- }
-| "TRIM" '(' TrimDirection Expression "FROM" Expression ')'
- {
- direction := ast.NewValueExpr($3)
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{
- FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)),
- Args: []ast.ExprNode{$6.(ast.ExprNode),$4.(ast.ExprNode), direction},
- }
- }
-| "UPPER" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "WEEKDAY" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "WEEKOFYEAR" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$3.(ast.ExprNode)}}
- }
-| "YEARWEEK" '(' ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Args: $3.([]ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "CONNECTION_ID" '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FuncCallExpr{FnName: model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DateAdd
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DateSub
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DateAdd
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DateSub
- }
- Expression
- {
- $$ = ast.DateArithInterval{
- Unit: "day",
- Interval: $1.(ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
-| "INTERVAL" Expression TimeUnit
- {
- $$ = ast.DateArithInterval{Unit: $3.(string), Interval: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
- "BOTH"
- {
- $$ = ast.TrimBoth
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.TrimLeading
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.TrimTrailing
- }
- "AVG" '(' DistinctOpt ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: $4.([]ast.ExprNode), Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "COUNT" '(' DistinctOpt ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: $4.([]ast.ExprNode), Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "COUNT" '(' DistinctOpt '*' ')'
- {
- args := []ast.ExprNode{ast.NewValueExpr(ast.UnquoteString("*"))}
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: args, Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "GROUP_CONCAT" '(' DistinctOpt ExpressionList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: $4.([]ast.ExprNode), Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "MAX" '(' DistinctOpt Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$4.(ast.ExprNode)}, Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "MIN" '(' DistinctOpt Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$4.(ast.ExprNode)}, Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
-| "SUM" '(' DistinctOpt Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.AggregateFuncExpr{F: $1.(string), Args: []ast.ExprNode{$4.(ast.ExprNode)}, Distinct: $3.(bool)}
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| '(' ')'
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| '(' Expression ')'
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| Expression
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- WhenClause
- {
- $$ = []*ast.WhenClause{$1.(*ast.WhenClause)}
- }
-| WhenClauseList WhenClause
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.WhenClause), $2.(*ast.WhenClause))
- }
- "WHEN" Expression "THEN" Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.WhenClause{
- Expr: $2.(ast.ExprNode),
- Result: $4.(ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
- /* empty */
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "ELSE" Expression
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- "BINARY" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
-| "CHAR" OptFieldLen OptBinary OptCharset
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- if $3.(bool) {
- x.Flag |= mysql.BinaryFlag
- }
- x.Charset = $4.(string)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "DATE"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDate)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "DATETIME" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDatetime)
- x.Decimal = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "DECIMAL" FloatOpt
- {
- fopt := $2.(*ast.FloatOpt)
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNewDecimal)
- x.Flen = fopt.Flen
- x.Decimal = fopt.Decimal
- $$ = x
- }
-| "TIME" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDuration)
- x.Decimal = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "SIGNED" OptInteger
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "UNSIGNED" OptInteger
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong)
- x.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag
- $$ = x
- }
- PrimaryFactor '|' PrimaryFactor %prec '|'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Or, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '&' PrimaryFactor %prec '&'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.And, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor "<<" PrimaryFactor %prec lsh
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.LeftShift, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor ">>" PrimaryFactor %prec rsh
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.RightShift, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '+' PrimaryFactor %prec '+'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Plus, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '-' PrimaryFactor %prec '-'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Minus, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '*' PrimaryFactor %prec '*'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Mul, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '/' PrimaryFactor %prec '/'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Div, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '%' PrimaryFactor %prec '%'
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Mod, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor "DIV" PrimaryFactor %prec div
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.IntDiv, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor "MOD" PrimaryFactor %prec mod
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Mod, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryFactor '^' PrimaryFactor
- {
- $$ = &ast.BinaryOperationExpr{Op: opcode.Xor, L: $1.(ast.ExprNode), R: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| PrimaryExpression
- {
- $$ = ast.NoPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.LowPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.HighPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.DelayedPriority
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableName{Name:model.NewCIStr($1.(string))}
- }
-| Identifier '.' Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableName{Schema:model.NewCIStr($1.(string)), Name:model.NewCIStr($3.(string))}
- }
- TableName
- {
- tbl := []*ast.TableName{$1.(*ast.TableName)}
- $$ = tbl
- }
-| TableNameList ',' TableName
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.TableName), $3.(*ast.TableName))
- }
- %prec lowerThanQuick
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "QUICK"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
-/***************************Prepared Statement Start******************************
- * See:
- * Example:
- * PREPARE stmt_name FROM 'SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse';
- * OR
- * SET @s = 'SELECT SQRT(POW(?,2) + POW(?,2)) AS hypotenuse';
- * PREPARE stmt_name FROM @s;
- */
- "PREPARE" Identifier "FROM" PrepareSQL
- {
- var sqlText string
- var sqlVar *ast.VariableExpr
- switch $4.(type) {
- case string:
- sqlText = $4.(string)
- case *ast.VariableExpr:
- sqlVar = $4.(*ast.VariableExpr)
- }
- $$ = &ast.PrepareStmt{
- Name: $2.(string),
- SQLText: sqlText,
- SQLVar: sqlVar,
- }
- }
- stringLit
-| UserVariable
- * See:
- * Example:
- * EXECUTE stmt1 USING @a, @b;
- * OR
- * EXECUTE stmt1;
- */
- "EXECUTE" Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExecuteStmt{Name: $2.(string)}
- }
-| "EXECUTE" Identifier "USING" UserVariableList
- {
- $$ = &ast.ExecuteStmt{
- Name: $2.(string),
- UsingVars: $4.([]ast.ExprNode),
- }
- }
- UserVariable
- {
- $$ = []ast.ExprNode{$1.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| UserVariableList ',' UserVariable
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]ast.ExprNode), $3.(ast.ExprNode))
- }
- * See:
- */
- DeallocateSym "PREPARE" Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.DeallocateStmt{Name: $3.(string)}
- }
-/****************************Prepared Statement End*******************************/
- {
- $$ = &ast.RollbackStmt{}
- }
- "SELECT" SelectStmtOpts SelectStmtFieldList SelectStmtLimit SelectLockOpt
- {
- st := &ast.SelectStmt {
- Distinct: $2.(bool),
- Fields: $3.(*ast.FieldList),
- LockTp: $5.(ast.SelectLockType),
- }
- lastField := st.Fields.Fields[len(st.Fields.Fields)-1]
- if lastField.Expr != nil && lastField.AsName.O == "" {
- src := yylex.(*lexer).src
- var lastEnd int
- if $4 != nil {
- lastEnd = yyS[yypt-1].offset-1
- } else if $5 != ast.SelectLockNone {
- lastEnd = yyS[yypt].offset-1
- } else {
- lastEnd = len(src)
- if src[lastEnd-1] == ';' {
- lastEnd--
- }
- }
- lastField.SetText(src[lastField.Offset:lastEnd])
- }
- if $4 != nil {
- st.Limit = $4.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = st
- }
-| "SELECT" SelectStmtOpts SelectStmtFieldList FromDual WhereClauseOptional SelectStmtLimit SelectLockOpt
- {
- st := &ast.SelectStmt {
- Distinct: $2.(bool),
- Fields: $3.(*ast.FieldList),
- LockTp: $7.(ast.SelectLockType),
- }
- lastField := st.Fields.Fields[len(st.Fields.Fields)-1]
- if lastField.Expr != nil && lastField.AsName.O == "" {
- lastEnd := yyS[yypt-3].offset-1
- lastField.SetText(yylex.(*lexer).src[lastField.Offset:lastEnd])
- }
- if $5 != nil {
- st.Where = $5.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- if $6 != nil {
- st.Limit = $6.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = st
- }
-| "SELECT" SelectStmtOpts SelectStmtFieldList "FROM"
- TableRefsClause WhereClauseOptional SelectStmtGroup HavingClause OrderByOptional
- SelectStmtLimit SelectLockOpt
- {
- st := &ast.SelectStmt{
- Distinct: $2.(bool),
- Fields: $3.(*ast.FieldList),
- From: $5.(*ast.TableRefsClause),
- LockTp: $11.(ast.SelectLockType),
- }
- lastField := st.Fields.Fields[len(st.Fields.Fields)-1]
- if lastField.Expr != nil && lastField.AsName.O == "" {
- lastEnd := yyS[yypt-7].offset-1
- lastField.SetText(yylex.(*lexer).src[lastField.Offset:lastEnd])
- }
- if $6 != nil {
- st.Where = $6.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- st.GroupBy = $7.(*ast.GroupByClause)
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- st.Having = $8.(*ast.HavingClause)
- }
- if $9 != nil {
- st.OrderBy = $9.(*ast.OrderByClause)
- }
- if $10 != nil {
- st.Limit = $10.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = st
- }
- TableRefs
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: $1.(*ast.Join)}
- }
- EscapedTableRef
- {
- if j, ok := $1.(*ast.Join); ok {
- // if $1 is Join, use it directly
- $$ = j
- } else {
- $$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: nil}
- }
- }
-| TableRefs ',' EscapedTableRef
- {
- /* from a, b is default cross join */
- $$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: $3.(ast.ResultSetNode), Tp: ast.CrossJoin}
- }
- TableRef %prec lowerThanSetKeyword
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| '{' Identifier TableRef '}'
- {
- /*
- * ODBC escape syntax for outer join is { OJ join_table }
- * Use an Identifier for OJ
- */
- $$ = $3
- }
- TableFactor
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| JoinTable
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- TableName TableAsNameOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableSource{Source: $1.(*ast.TableName), AsName: $2.(model.CIStr)}
- }
-| '(' SelectStmt ')' TableAsName
- {
- st := $2.(*ast.SelectStmt)
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-1].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(st, endOffset)
- $$ = &ast.TableSource{Source: $2.(*ast.SelectStmt), AsName: $4.(model.CIStr)}
- }
-| '(' UnionStmt ')' TableAsName
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableSource{Source: $2.(*ast.UnionStmt), AsName: $4.(model.CIStr)}
- }
-| '(' TableRefs ')'
- {
- $$ = $2
- }
- {
- $$ = model.CIStr{}
- }
-| TableAsName
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- Identifier
- {
- $$ = model.NewCIStr($1.(string))
- }
-| "AS" Identifier
- {
- $$ = model.NewCIStr($2.(string))
- }
- /* Use %prec to evaluate production TableRef before cross join */
- TableRef CrossOpt TableRef %prec tableRefPriority
- {
- $$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: $3.(ast.ResultSetNode), Tp: ast.CrossJoin}
- }
-| TableRef CrossOpt TableRef "ON" Expression
- {
- on := &ast.OnCondition{Expr: $5.(ast.ExprNode)}
- $$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: $3.(ast.ResultSetNode), Tp: ast.CrossJoin, On: on}
- }
-| TableRef JoinType OuterOpt "JOIN" TableRef "ON" Expression
- {
- on := &ast.OnCondition{Expr: $7.(ast.ExprNode)}
- $$ = &ast.Join{Left: $1.(ast.ResultSetNode), Right: $5.(ast.ResultSetNode), Tp: $2.(ast.JoinType), On: on}
- }
- /* Support Using */
- "LEFT"
- {
- $$ = ast.LeftJoin
- }
-| "RIGHT"
- {
- $$ = ast.RightJoin
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "OUTER"
- "JOIN"
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "LIMIT" LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.Limit{Count: $2.(uint64)}
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "LIMIT" LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.Limit{Count: $2.(uint64)}
- }
-| "LIMIT" LengthNum ',' LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.Limit{Offset: $2.(uint64), Count: $4.(uint64)}
- }
-| "LIMIT" LengthNum "OFFSET" LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.Limit{Offset: $4.(uint64), Count: $2.(uint64)}
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "ALL"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- SelectStmtDistinct SelectStmtCalcFoundRows
- {
- // TODO: return calc_found_rows opt and support more other options
- $$ = $1
- }
- %prec lowerThanCalcFoundRows
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- FieldList
- {
- $$ = &ast.FieldList{Fields: $1.([]*ast.SelectField)}
- }
- /* EMPTY */
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| GroupByClause
-// See:
- '(' SelectStmt ')'
- {
- s := $2.(*ast.SelectStmt)
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(s, endOffset)
- src := yylex.(*lexer).src
- // See the implemention of yyParse function
- s.SetText(src[yyS[yypt-1].offset-1:yyS[yypt].offset-1])
- $$ = &ast.SubqueryExpr{Query: s}
- }
-| '(' UnionStmt ')'
- {
- s := $2.(*ast.UnionStmt)
- src := yylex.(*lexer).src
- // See the implemention of yyParse function
- s.SetText(src[yyS[yypt-1].offset-1:yyS[yypt].offset-1])
- $$ = &ast.SubqueryExpr{Query: s}
- }
-// See:
- /* empty */
- {
- $$ = ast.SelectLockNone
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.SelectLockForUpdate
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.SelectLockInShareMode
- }
-// See:
- UnionClauseList "UNION" UnionOpt SelectStmt
- {
- union := $1.(*ast.UnionStmt)
- union.Distinct = union.Distinct || $3.(bool)
- lastSelect := union.SelectList.Selects[len(union.SelectList.Selects)-1]
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-2].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(lastSelect, endOffset)
- union.SelectList.Selects = append(union.SelectList.Selects, $4.(*ast.SelectStmt))
- $$ = union
- }
-| UnionClauseList "UNION" UnionOpt '(' SelectStmt ')' OrderByOptional SelectStmtLimit
- {
- union := $1.(*ast.UnionStmt)
- union.Distinct = union.Distinct || $3.(bool)
- lastSelect := union.SelectList.Selects[len(union.SelectList.Selects)-1]
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-6].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(lastSelect, endOffset)
- st := $5.(*ast.SelectStmt)
- endOffset = l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-2].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(st, endOffset)
- union.SelectList.Selects = append(union.SelectList.Selects, st)
- if $7 != nil {
- union.OrderBy = $7.(*ast.OrderByClause)
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- union.Limit = $8.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = union
- }
- UnionSelect
- {
- selectList := &ast.UnionSelectList{Selects: []*ast.SelectStmt{$1.(*ast.SelectStmt)}}
- $$ = &ast.UnionStmt{
- SelectList: selectList,
- }
- }
-| UnionClauseList "UNION" UnionOpt UnionSelect
- {
- union := $1.(*ast.UnionStmt)
- union.Distinct = union.Distinct || $3.(bool)
- lastSelect := union.SelectList.Selects[len(union.SelectList.Selects)-1]
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt-2].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(lastSelect, endOffset)
- union.SelectList.Selects = append(union.SelectList.Selects, $4.(*ast.SelectStmt))
- $$ = union
- }
- SelectStmt
-| '(' SelectStmt ')'
- {
- st := $2.(*ast.SelectStmt)
- l := yylex.(*lexer)
- endOffset := l.endOffset(yyS[yypt].offset)
- l.SetLastSelectFieldText(st, endOffset)
- $$ = st
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
-| "ALL"
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
-/********************Set Statement*******************************/
- "SET" VariableAssignmentList
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetStmt{Variables: $2.([]*ast.VariableAssignment)}
- }
-| "SET" "NAMES" StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetCharsetStmt{Charset: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "SET" "NAMES" StringName "COLLATE" StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetCharsetStmt{
- Charset: $3.(string),
- Collate: $5.(string),
- }
- }
-| "SET" CharsetKw StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetCharsetStmt{Charset: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "SET" "PASSWORD" eq PasswordOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetPwdStmt{Password: $4.(string)}
- }
-| "SET" "PASSWORD" "FOR" Username eq PasswordOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.SetPwdStmt{User: $4.(string), Password: $6.(string)}
- }
-| "SET" "GLOBAL" "TRANSACTION" TransactionChars
- {
- // Parsed but ignored
- }
-| "SET" "SESSION" "TRANSACTION" TransactionChars
- {
- // Parsed but ignored
- }
- TransactionChar
-| TransactionChars ',' TransactionChar
- "ISOLATION" "LEVEL" IsolationLevel
-| "READ" "ONLY"
- Identifier eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: $1.(string), Value: $3.(ast.ExprNode), IsSystem: true}
- }
-| "GLOBAL" Identifier eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: $2.(string), Value: $4.(ast.ExprNode), IsGlobal: true, IsSystem: true}
- }
-| "SESSION" Identifier eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: $2.(string), Value: $4.(ast.ExprNode), IsSystem: true}
- }
-| "LOCAL" Identifier eq Expression
- {
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: $2.(string), Value: $4.(ast.ExprNode), IsSystem: true}
- }
-| "SYS_VAR" eq Expression
- {
- v := strings.ToLower($1.(string))
- var isGlobal bool
- if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@global.") {
- isGlobal = true
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@global.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@session.") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@session.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@local.") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@local.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@")
- }
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: v, Value: $3.(ast.ExprNode), IsGlobal: isGlobal, IsSystem: true}
- }
-| "USER_VAR" eq Expression
- {
- v := $1.(string)
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@")
- $$ = &ast.VariableAssignment{Name: v, Value: $3.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.VariableAssignment{}
- }
-| VariableAssignment
- {
- $$ = []*ast.VariableAssignment{$1.(*ast.VariableAssignment)}
- }
-| VariableAssignmentList ',' VariableAssignment
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.VariableAssignment), $3.(*ast.VariableAssignment))
- }
- SystemVariable | UserVariable
- {
- v := strings.ToLower($1.(string))
- var isGlobal bool
- if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@global.") {
- isGlobal = true
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@global.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@session.") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@session.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@local.") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@local.")
- } else if strings.HasPrefix(v, "@@") {
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@@")
- }
- $$ = &ast.VariableExpr{Name: v, IsGlobal: isGlobal, IsSystem: true}
- }
- {
- v := $1.(string)
- v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@")
- $$ = &ast.VariableExpr{Name: v, IsGlobal: false, IsSystem: false}
- }
- stringLit "AT" stringLit
- {
- $$ = $1.(string) + "@" + $3.(string)
- }
- stringLit
- {
- $$ = $1.(string)
- }
-| "PASSWORD" '(' AuthString ')'
- {
- $$ = $3.(string)
- }
- stringLit
- {
- $$ = $1.(string)
- }
-/****************************Admin Statement*******************************/
- {
- $$ = &ast.AdminStmt{Tp: ast.AdminShowDDL}
- }
-| "ADMIN" "CHECK" "TABLE" TableNameList
- {
- $$ = &ast.AdminStmt{
- Tp: ast.AdminCheckTable,
- Tables: $4.([]*ast.TableName),
- }
- }
-/****************************Show Statement*******************************/
- "SHOW" ShowTargetFilterable ShowLikeOrWhereOpt
- {
- stmt := $2.(*ast.ShowStmt)
- if $3 != nil {
- if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
- stmt.Pattern = x
- } else {
- stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- }
- $$ = stmt
- }
-| "SHOW" "CREATE" "TABLE" TableName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowCreateTable,
- Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
- }
- }
- {
- // See:
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowGrants}
- }
-| "SHOW" "GRANTS" "FOR" Username
- {
- // See:
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowGrants,
- User: $4.(string),
- }
- }
-| "SHOW" "INDEX" "FROM" TableName
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowIndex,
- Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowEngines}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowDatabases}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowDatabases}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowCharset}
- }
-| OptFull "TABLES" ShowDatabaseNameOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowTables,
- DBName: $3.(string),
- Full: $1.(bool),
- }
- }
-| "TABLE" "STATUS" ShowDatabaseNameOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowTableStatus,
- DBName: $3.(string),
- }
- }
-| OptFull "COLUMNS" ShowTableAliasOpt ShowDatabaseNameOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowColumns,
- Table: $3.(*ast.TableName),
- DBName: $4.(string),
- Full: $1.(bool),
- }
- }
-| OptFull "FIELDS" ShowTableAliasOpt ShowDatabaseNameOpt
- {
- // SHOW FIELDS is a synonym for SHOW COLUMNS.
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowColumns,
- Table: $3.(*ast.TableName),
- DBName: $4.(string),
- Full: $1.(bool),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{Tp: ast.ShowWarnings}
- }
-| GlobalScope "VARIABLES"
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowVariables,
- GlobalScope: $1.(bool),
- }
- }
-| GlobalScope "STATUS"
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowStatus,
- GlobalScope: $1.(bool),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowCollation,
- }
- }
-| "TRIGGERS" ShowDatabaseNameOpt
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
- Tp: ast.ShowTriggers,
- DBName: $2.(string),
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.ShowStmt {
- Tp: ast.ShowProcedureStatus,
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "LIKE" PrimaryExpression
- {
- $$ = &ast.PatternLikeExpr{Pattern: $2.(ast.ExprNode)}
- }
-| "WHERE" Expression
- {
- $$ = $2.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
-| "FULL"
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = ""
- }
-| "FROM" DBName
- {
- $$ = $2.(string)
- }
-| "IN" DBName
- {
- $$ = $2.(string)
- }
- "FROM" TableName
- {
- $$ = $2.(*ast.TableName)
- }
-| "IN" TableName
- {
- $$ = $2.(*ast.TableName)
- }
- EmptyStmt
-| AdminStmt
-| AlterTableStmt
-| BeginTransactionStmt
-| CommitStmt
-| DeallocateStmt
-| DeleteFromStmt
-| ExecuteStmt
-| ExplainStmt
-| CreateDatabaseStmt
-| CreateIndexStmt
-| CreateTableStmt
-| CreateUserStmt
-| DoStmt
-| DropDatabaseStmt
-| DropIndexStmt
-| DropTableStmt
-| GrantStmt
-| InsertIntoStmt
-| PreparedStmt
-| RollbackStmt
-| ReplaceIntoStmt
-| SelectStmt
-| UnionStmt
-| SetStmt
-| ShowStmt
-| TruncateTableStmt
-| UpdateStmt
-| UseStmt
-| SubSelect
- {
- // `(select 1)`; is a valid select statement
- // TODO: This is used to fix issue #320. There may be a better solution.
- $$ = $1.(*ast.SubqueryExpr).Query
- }
-| UnlockTablesStmt
-| LockTablesStmt
- SelectStmt
-| DeleteFromStmt
-| UpdateStmt
-| InsertIntoStmt
-| ReplaceIntoStmt
- Statement
- {
- if $1 != nil {
- s := $1.(ast.StmtNode)
- s.SetText(yylex.(*lexer).stmtText())
- yylex.(*lexer).list = append(yylex.(*lexer).list, s)
- }
- }
-| StatementList ';' Statement
- {
- if $3 != nil {
- s := $3.(ast.StmtNode)
- s.SetText(yylex.(*lexer).stmtText())
- yylex.(*lexer).list = append(yylex.(*lexer).list, s)
- }
- }
- ConstraintKeywordOpt ConstraintElem
- {
- cst := $2.(*ast.Constraint)
- if $1 != nil {
- cst.Name = $1.(string)
- }
- $$ = cst
- }
- ColumnDef
- {
- $$ = $1.(*ast.ColumnDef)
- }
-| Constraint
- {
- $$ = $1.(*ast.Constraint)
- }
-| "CHECK" '(' Expression ')'
- {
- /* Nothing to do now */
- $$ = nil
- }
- TableElement
- {
- if $1 != nil {
- $$ = []interface{}{$1.(interface{})}
- } else {
- $$ = []interface{}{}
- }
- }
-| TableElementList ',' TableElement
- {
- if $3 != nil {
- $$ = append($1.([]interface{}), $3)
- } else {
- $$ = $1
- }
- }
- "ENGINE" Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionEngine, StrValue: $2.(string)}
- }
-| "ENGINE" eq Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionEngine, StrValue: $3.(string)}
- }
-| DefaultKwdOpt CharsetKw EqOpt StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionCharset, StrValue: $4.(string)}
- }
-| DefaultKwdOpt "COLLATE" EqOpt StringName
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionCollate, StrValue: $4.(string)}
- }
-| "AUTO_INCREMENT" eq LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionAutoIncrement, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "COMMENT" EqOpt stringLit
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionComment, StrValue: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "AVG_ROW_LENGTH" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionAvgRowLength, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "CONNECTION" EqOpt stringLit
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionConnection, StrValue: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "CHECKSUM" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionCheckSum, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "PASSWORD" EqOpt stringLit
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionPassword, StrValue: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "COMPRESSION" EqOpt Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionCompression, StrValue: $3.(string)}
- }
-| "KEY_BLOCK_SIZE" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionKeyBlockSize, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "MAX_ROWS" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionMaxRows, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "MIN_ROWS" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionMinRows, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| "DELAY_KEY_WRITE" EqOpt LengthNum
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionDelayKeyWrite, UintValue: $3.(uint64)}
- }
-| RowFormat
- {
- $$ = &ast.TableOption{Tp: ast.TableOptionRowFormat, UintValue: $1.(uint64)}
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.TableOption{}
- }
-| TableOptionList %prec lowerThanComma
- TableOption
- {
- $$ = []*ast.TableOption{$1.(*ast.TableOption)}
- }
-| TableOptionList TableOption
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.TableOption), $2.(*ast.TableOption))
- }
-| TableOptionList ',' TableOption
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.TableOption), $3.(*ast.TableOption))
- }
- "TRUNCATE" "TABLE" TableName
- {
- $$ = &ast.TruncateTableStmt{Table: $3.(*ast.TableName)}
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatDefault
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatDynamic
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatFixed
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatCompressed
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatRedundant
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.RowFormatCompact
- }
-/*************************************Type Begin***************************************/
- NumericType
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| StringType
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| DateAndTimeType
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
-| "float32"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
-| "float64"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
-| "int64"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
-| "string"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
-| "uint"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
-| "uint64"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- $$ = x
- }
- IntegerType OptFieldLen FieldOpts
- {
- // TODO: check flen 0
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- for _, o := range $3.([]*ast.TypeOpt) {
- if o.IsUnsigned {
- x.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag
- }
- if o.IsZerofill {
- x.Flag |= mysql.ZerofillFlag
- }
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| FixedPointType FloatOpt FieldOpts
- {
- fopt := $2.(*ast.FloatOpt)
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- x.Flen = fopt.Flen
- x.Decimal = fopt.Decimal
- for _, o := range $3.([]*ast.TypeOpt) {
- if o.IsUnsigned {
- x.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag
- }
- if o.IsZerofill {
- x.Flag |= mysql.ZerofillFlag
- }
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| FloatingPointType FloatOpt FieldOpts
- {
- fopt := $2.(*ast.FloatOpt)
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- x.Flen = fopt.Flen
- if x.Tp == mysql.TypeFloat {
- // Fix issue #312
- if x.Flen > 53 {
- yylex.(*lexer).errf("Float len(%d) should not be greater than 53", x.Flen)
- return 1
- }
- if x.Flen > 24 {
- x.Tp = mysql.TypeDouble
- }
- }
- x.Decimal =fopt.Decimal
- for _, o := range $3.([]*ast.TypeOpt) {
- if o.IsUnsigned {
- x.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag
- }
- if o.IsZerofill {
- x.Flag |= mysql.ZerofillFlag
- }
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| BitValueType OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType($1.(byte))
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- if x.Flen == -1 || x.Flen == 0 {
- x.Flen = 1
- } else if x.Flen > 64 {
- yylex.(*lexer).errf("invalid field length %d for bit type, must in [1, 64]", x.Flen)
- }
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeTiny
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeShort
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeInt24
- }
-| "INT"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeLong
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeLong
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeLonglong
- }
-| "BOOL"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeTiny
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeTiny
- }
- {} | "INTEGER"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeNewDecimal
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeNewDecimal
- }
- "float"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeFloat
- }
-| "REAL"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeDouble
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeDouble
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeDouble
- }
- "BIT"
- {
- $$ = mysql.TypeBit
- }
- NationalOpt "CHAR" FieldLen OptBinary OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- x.Flen = $3.(int)
- if $4.(bool) {
- x.Flag |= mysql.BinaryFlag
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| NationalOpt "CHAR" OptBinary OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- if $3.(bool) {
- x.Flag |= mysql.BinaryFlag
- }
- $$ = x
- }
-| NationalOpt "VARCHAR" FieldLen OptBinary OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarchar)
- x.Flen = $3.(int)
- if $4.(bool) {
- x.Flag |= mysql.BinaryFlag
- }
- x.Charset = $5.(string)
- x.Collate = $6.(string)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "BINARY" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
-| "VARBINARY" FieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarchar)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
-| BlobType
- {
- $$ = $1.(*types.FieldType)
- }
-| TextType OptBinary OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := $1.(*types.FieldType)
- if $2.(bool) {
- x.Flag |= mysql.BinaryFlag
- }
- x.Charset = $3.(string)
- x.Collate = $4.(string)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "ENUM" '(' StringList ')' OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeEnum)
- x.Elems = $3.([]string)
- x.Charset = $5.(string)
- x.Collate = $6.(string)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "SET" '(' StringList ')' OptCharset OptCollate
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeSet)
- x.Elems = $3.([]string)
- x.Charset = $5.(string)
- x.Collate = $6.(string)
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTinyBlob)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
-| "BLOB" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeMediumBlob)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLongBlob)
- x.Charset = charset.CharsetBin
- x.Collate = charset.CharsetBin
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTinyBlob)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "TEXT" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeMediumBlob)
- $$ = x
- }
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLongBlob)
- $$ = x
- }
- "DATE"
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDate)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "DATETIME" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDatetime)
- x.Decimal = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "TIMESTAMP" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTimestamp)
- x.Decimal = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "TIME" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDuration)
- x.Decimal = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
-| "YEAR" OptFieldLen
- {
- x := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeYear)
- x.Flen = $2.(int)
- $$ = x
- }
- '(' LengthNum ')'
- {
- $$ = int($2.(uint64))
- }
- {
- /* -1 means unspecified field length*/
- $$ = types.UnspecifiedLength
- }
-| FieldLen
- {
- $$ = $1.(int)
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.TypeOpt{IsUnsigned: true}
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.TypeOpt{IsZerofill: true, IsUnsigned: true}
- }
- {
- $$ = []*ast.TypeOpt{}
- }
-| FieldOpts FieldOpt
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.TypeOpt), $2.(*ast.TypeOpt))
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.FloatOpt{Flen: types.UnspecifiedLength, Decimal: types.UnspecifiedLength}
- }
-| FieldLen
- {
- $$ = &ast.FloatOpt{Flen: $1.(int), Decimal: types.UnspecifiedLength}
- }
-| Precision
- {
- $$ = $1.(*ast.FloatOpt)
- }
- '(' LengthNum ',' LengthNum ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.FloatOpt{Flen: int($2.(uint64)), Decimal: int($4.(uint64))}
- }
- {
- $$ = false
- }
- {
- $$ = true
- }
- {
- $$ = ""
- }
-| CharsetKw StringName
- {
- $$ = $2.(string)
- }
- {
- $$ = ""
- }
-| "COLLATE" StringName
- {
- $$ = $2.(string)
- }
- stringLit
- {
- $$ = []string{$1.(string)}
- }
-| StringList ',' stringLit
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]string), $3.(string))
- }
- stringLit
- {
- $$ = $1.(string)
- }
-| Identifier
- {
- $$ = $1.(string)
- }
- * Update Statement
- * See:
- ***********************************************************************************/
- "UPDATE" LowPriorityOptional IgnoreOptional TableRef "SET" AssignmentList WhereClauseOptional OrderByOptional LimitClause
- {
- var refs *ast.Join
- if x, ok := $4.(*ast.Join); ok {
- refs = x
- } else {
- refs = &ast.Join{Left: $4.(ast.ResultSetNode)}
- }
- st := &ast.UpdateStmt{
- LowPriority: $2.(bool),
- TableRefs: &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: refs},
- List: $6.([]*ast.Assignment),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- st.Where = $7.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- if $8 != nil {
- st.Order = $8.(*ast.OrderByClause)
- }
- if $9 != nil {
- st.Limit = $9.(*ast.Limit)
- }
- $$ = st
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
-| "UPDATE" LowPriorityOptional IgnoreOptional TableRefs "SET" AssignmentList WhereClauseOptional
- {
- st := &ast.UpdateStmt{
- LowPriority: $2.(bool),
- TableRefs: &ast.TableRefsClause{TableRefs: $4.(*ast.Join)},
- List: $6.([]*ast.Assignment),
- }
- if $7 != nil {
- st.Where = $7.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- $$ = st
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- "USE" DBName
- {
- $$ = &ast.UseStmt{DBName: $2.(string)}
- if yylex.(*lexer).root {
- break
- }
- }
- "WHERE" Expression
- {
- $$ = $2.(ast.ExprNode)
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| WhereClause
- {
- $$ = $1
- }
- {
- }
-| ','
- {
- }
- * Account Management Statements
- *
- ************************************************************************************/
- "CREATE" "USER" IfNotExists UserSpecList
- {
- // See:
- $$ = &ast.CreateUserStmt{
- IfNotExists: $3.(bool),
- Specs: $4.([]*ast.UserSpec),
- }
- }
- Username AuthOption
- {
- userSpec := &ast.UserSpec{
- User: $1.(string),
- }
- if $2 != nil {
- userSpec.AuthOpt = $2.(*ast.AuthOption)
- }
- $$ = userSpec
- }
- UserSpec
- {
- $$ = []*ast.UserSpec{$1.(*ast.UserSpec)}
- }
-| UserSpecList ',' UserSpec
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.UserSpec), $3.(*ast.UserSpec))
- }
- {
- $$ = nil
- }
-| "IDENTIFIED" "BY" AuthString
- {
- $$ = &ast.AuthOption {
- AuthString: $3.(string),
- ByAuthString: true,
- }
- }
- {
- $$ = &ast.AuthOption{
- HashString: $4.(string),
- }
- }
- stringLit
- * Grant statement
- * See:
- *************************************************************************************/
- "GRANT" PrivElemList "ON" ObjectType PrivLevel "TO" UserSpecList
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantStmt{
- Privs: $2.([]*ast.PrivElem),
- ObjectType: $4.(ast.ObjectTypeType),
- Level: $5.(*ast.GrantLevel),
- Users: $7.([]*ast.UserSpec),
- }
- }
- PrivType
- {
- $$ = &ast.PrivElem{
- Priv: $1.(mysql.PrivilegeType),
- }
- }
-| PrivType '(' ColumnNameList ')'
- {
- $$ = &ast.PrivElem{
- Priv: $1.(mysql.PrivilegeType),
- Cols: $3.([]*ast.ColumnName),
- }
- }
- PrivElem
- {
- $$ = []*ast.PrivElem{$1.(*ast.PrivElem)}
- }
-| PrivElemList ',' PrivElem
- {
- $$ = append($1.([]*ast.PrivElem), $3.(*ast.PrivElem))
- }
- "ALL"
- {
- $$ = mysql.AllPriv
- }
-| "ALTER"
- {
- $$ = mysql.AlterPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.CreatePriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.CreateUserPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.DeletePriv
- }
-| "DROP"
- {
- $$ = mysql.DropPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.ExecutePriv
- }
-| "INDEX"
- {
- $$ = mysql.IndexPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.InsertPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.SelectPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.ShowDBPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.UpdatePriv
- }
- {
- $$ = mysql.GrantPriv
- }
- {
- $$ = ast.ObjectTypeNone
- }
-| "TABLE"
- {
- $$ = ast.ObjectTypeTable
- }
- '*'
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantLevel {
- Level: ast.GrantLevelDB,
- }
- }
-| '*' '.' '*'
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantLevel {
- Level: ast.GrantLevelGlobal,
- }
- }
-| Identifier '.' '*'
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantLevel {
- Level: ast.GrantLevelDB,
- DBName: $1.(string),
- }
- }
-| Identifier '.' Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantLevel {
- Level: ast.GrantLevelTable,
- DBName: $1.(string),
- TableName: $3.(string),
- }
- }
-| Identifier
- {
- $$ = &ast.GrantLevel {
- Level: ast.GrantLevelTable,
- TableName: $1.(string),
- }
- }
- * Lock/Unlock Tables
- * See:
- * All the statement leaves empty. This is used to prevent mysqldump error.
- *********************************************************************/
- "LOCK" "TABLES" TableLockList
- TableName LockType
- "READ"
-| "WRITE"
- TableLock
-| TableLockList ',' TableLock