path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100755
index 909f4bb0f2..0000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# _needgen is a helper function to tell if we need to generate files for msgp, codecgen.
-_needgen() {
- local a="$1"
- zneedgen=0
- if [[ ! -e "$a" ]]
- then
- zneedgen=1
- echo 1
- return 0
- fi
- for i in `ls -1 *.go.tmpl gen.go values_test.go`
- do
- if [[ "$a" -ot "$i" ]]
- then
- zneedgen=1
- echo 1
- return 0
- fi
- done
- echo 0
-# _build generates fast-path.go and gen-helper.go.
-# It is needed because there is some dependency between the generated code
-# and the other classes. Consequently, we have to totally remove the
-# generated files and put stubs in place, before calling "go run" again
-# to recreate them.
-_build() {
- if ! [[ "${zforce}" == "1" ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "fast-path.generated.go" ) ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "gen-helper.generated.go" ) ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "gen.generated.go" ) ||
- 1 == 0 ]]
- then
- return 0
- fi
- # echo "Running prebuild"
- if [ "${zbak}" == "1" ]
- then
- # echo "Backing up old generated files"
- _zts=`date '+%m%d%Y_%H%M%S'`
- _gg=".generated.go"
- [ -e "gen-helper${_gg}" ] && mv gen-helper${_gg} gen-helper${_gg}__${_zts}.bak
- [ -e "fast-path${_gg}" ] && mv fast-path${_gg} fast-path${_gg}__${_zts}.bak
- # [ -e "safe${_gg}" ] && mv safe${_gg} safe${_gg}__${_zts}.bak
- # [ -e "unsafe${_gg}" ] && mv unsafe${_gg} unsafe${_gg}__${_zts}.bak
- else
- rm -f fast-path.generated.go gen.generated.go gen-helper.generated.go \
- *safe.generated.go *_generated_test.go *.generated_ffjson_expose.go
- fi
- cat > gen.generated.go <<EOF
-// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
-package codec
-// DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM gen-dec-(map|array).go.tmpl
-const genDecMapTmpl = \`
- cat >> gen.generated.go < gen-dec-map.go.tmpl
- cat >> gen.generated.go <<EOF
-const genDecListTmpl = \`
- cat >> gen.generated.go < gen-dec-array.go.tmpl
- cat >> gen.generated.go <<EOF
- cat > gen-from-tmpl.codec.generated.go <<EOF
-package codec
-import "io"
-func GenInternalGoFile(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, safe bool) error {
-return genInternalGoFile(r, w, safe)
- cat > gen-from-tmpl.generated.go <<EOF
-//+build ignore
-package main
-//import "flag"
-import ""
-import "os"
-func run(fnameIn, fnameOut string, safe bool) {
-fin, err := os.Open(fnameIn)
-if err != nil { panic(err) }
-defer fin.Close()
-fout, err := os.Create(fnameOut)
-if err != nil { panic(err) }
-defer fout.Close()
-err = codec.GenInternalGoFile(fin, fout, safe)
-if err != nil { panic(err) }
-func main() {
-// do not make safe/unsafe variants.
-// Instead, depend on escape analysis, and place string creation and usage appropriately.
-// run("unsafe.go.tmpl", "safe.generated.go", true)
-// run("unsafe.go.tmpl", "unsafe.generated.go", false)
-run("fast-path.go.tmpl", "fast-path.generated.go", false)
-run("gen-helper.go.tmpl", "gen-helper.generated.go", false)
- go run -tags=notfastpath gen-from-tmpl.generated.go && \
- rm -f gen-from-tmpl.*generated.go
-_codegenerators() {
- if [[ $zforce == "1" ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "values_codecgen${zsfx}" ) ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "values_msgp${zsfx}" ) ||
- "1" == $( _needgen "values_ffjson${zsfx}" ) ||
- 1 == 0 ]]
- then
- # codecgen creates some temporary files in the directory (main, pkg).
- # Consequently, we should start msgp and ffjson first, and also put a small time latency before
- # starting codecgen.
- # Without this, ffjson chokes on one of the temporary files from codecgen.
- if [[ $zexternal == "1" ]]
- then
- echo "ffjson ... " && \
- ffjson -w values_ffjson${zsfx} $zfin &
- zzzIdFF=$!
- echo "msgp ... " && \
- msgp -tests=false -o=values_msgp${zsfx} -file=$zfin &
- zzzIdMsgp=$!
- sleep 1 # give ffjson and msgp some buffer time. see note above.
- fi
- echo "codecgen - !unsafe ... " && \
- codecgen -rt codecgen -t 'x,codecgen,!unsafe' -o values_codecgen${zsfx} -d 19780 $zfin &
- zzzIdC=$!
- echo "codecgen - unsafe ... " && \
- codecgen -u -rt codecgen -t 'x,codecgen,unsafe' -o values_codecgen_unsafe${zsfx} -d 19781 $zfin &
- zzzIdCU=$!
- wait $zzzIdC $zzzIdCU $zzzIdMsgp $zzzIdFF && \
- # remove (M|Unm)arshalJSON implementations, so they don't conflict with encoding/json bench \
- if [[ $zexternal == "1" ]]
- then
- sed -i 's+ MarshalJSON(+ _MarshalJSON(+g' values_ffjson${zsfx} && \
- sed -i 's+ UnmarshalJSON(+ _UnmarshalJSON(+g' values_ffjson${zsfx}
- fi && \
- echo "generators done!" && \
- true
- fi
-# _init reads the arguments and sets up the flags
-_init() {
-while getopts "fbx" flag
- case "x$flag" in
- 'xf') zforce=1;;
- 'xb') zbak=1;;
- 'xx') zexternal=1;;
- *) echo " accepts [-fbx] only"; return 1;;
- esac
-shift $((OPTIND-1))
-# main script.
-# First ensure that this is being run from the basedir (i.e. dirname of script is .)
-if [ "." = `dirname $0` ]
- zmydir=`pwd`
- zfin="test_values.generated.go"
- zsfx="_generated_test.go"
- # rm -f *_generated_test.go
- rm -f codecgen-*.go && \
- _init "$@" && \
- _build && \
- cp $zmydir/values_test.go $zmydir/$zfin && \
- _codegenerators && \
- echo prebuild done successfully
- rm -f $zmydir/$zfin
- echo "Script must be run from the directory it resides in"