path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65ef6851d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+Package bitset implements bitsets, a mapping
+between non-negative integers and boolean values. It should be more
+efficient than map[uint] bool.
+It provides methods for setting, clearing, flipping, and testing
+individual integers.
+But it also provides set intersection, union, difference,
+complement, and symmetric operations, as well as tests to
+check whether any, all, or no bits are set, and querying a
+bitset's current length and number of positive bits.
+BitSets are expanded to the size of the largest set bit; the
+memory allocation is approximately Max bits, where Max is
+the largest set bit. BitSets are never shrunk. On creation,
+a hint can be given for the number of bits that will be used.
+Many of the methods, including Set,Clear, and Flip, return
+a BitSet pointer, which allows for chaining.
+Example use:
+ import "bitset"
+ var b BitSet
+ b.Set(10).Set(11)
+ if b.Test(1000) {
+ b.Clear(1000)
+ }
+ if B.Intersection(bitset.New(100).Set(10)).Count() > 1 {
+ fmt.Println("Intersection works.")
+ }
+As an alternative to BitSets, one should check out the 'big' package,
+which provides a (less set-theoretical) view of bitsets.
+package bitset
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+// the wordSize of a bit set
+const wordSize = uint(64)
+// log2WordSize is lg(wordSize)
+const log2WordSize = uint(6)
+// allBits has every bit set
+const allBits uint64 = 0xffffffffffffffff
+// A BitSet is a set of bits. The zero value of a BitSet is an empty set of length 0.
+type BitSet struct {
+ length uint
+ set []uint64
+// Error is used to distinguish errors (panics) generated in this package.
+type Error string
+// safeSet will fixup b.set to be non-nil and return the field value
+func (b *BitSet) safeSet() []uint64 {
+ if b.set == nil {
+ b.set = make([]uint64, wordsNeeded(0))
+ }
+ return b.set
+// From is a constructor used to create a BitSet from an array of integers
+func From(buf []uint64) *BitSet {
+ return &BitSet{uint(len(buf)) * 64, buf}
+// Bytes returns the bitset as array of integers
+func (b *BitSet) Bytes() []uint64 {
+ return b.set
+// wordsNeeded calculates the number of words needed for i bits
+func wordsNeeded(i uint) int {
+ if i > (Cap() - wordSize + 1) {
+ return int(Cap() >> log2WordSize)
+ }
+ return int((i + (wordSize - 1)) >> log2WordSize)
+// New creates a new BitSet with a hint that length bits will be required
+func New(length uint) (bset *BitSet) {
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ bset = &BitSet{
+ 0,
+ make([]uint64, 0),
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ bset = &BitSet{
+ length,
+ make([]uint64, wordsNeeded(length)),
+ }
+ return bset
+// Cap returns the total possible capacity, or number of bits
+func Cap() uint {
+ return ^uint(0)
+// Len returns the length of the BitSet in words
+func (b *BitSet) Len() uint {
+ return b.length
+// extendSetMaybe adds additional words to incorporate new bits if needed
+func (b *BitSet) extendSetMaybe(i uint) {
+ if i >= b.length { // if we need more bits, make 'em
+ nsize := wordsNeeded(i + 1)
+ if b.set == nil {
+ b.set = make([]uint64, nsize)
+ } else if cap(b.set) >= nsize {
+ b.set = b.set[:nsize] // fast resize
+ } else if len(b.set) < nsize {
+ newset := make([]uint64, nsize, 2*nsize) // increase capacity 2x
+ copy(newset, b.set)
+ b.set = newset
+ }
+ b.length = i + 1
+ }
+// Test whether bit i is set.
+func (b *BitSet) Test(i uint) bool {
+ if i >= b.length {
+ return false
+ }
+ return b.set[i>>log2WordSize]&(1<<(i&(wordSize-1))) != 0
+// Set bit i to 1
+func (b *BitSet) Set(i uint) *BitSet {
+ b.extendSetMaybe(i)
+ b.set[i>>log2WordSize] |= 1 << (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ return b
+// Clear bit i to 0
+func (b *BitSet) Clear(i uint) *BitSet {
+ if i >= b.length {
+ return b
+ }
+ b.set[i>>log2WordSize] &^= 1 << (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ return b
+// SetTo sets bit i to value
+func (b *BitSet) SetTo(i uint, value bool) *BitSet {
+ if value {
+ return b.Set(i)
+ }
+ return b.Clear(i)
+// Flip bit at i
+func (b *BitSet) Flip(i uint) *BitSet {
+ if i >= b.length {
+ return b.Set(i)
+ }
+ b.set[i>>log2WordSize] ^= 1 << (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ return b
+// String creates a string representation of the Bitmap
+func (b *BitSet) String() string {
+ // follows code from
+ var buffer bytes.Buffer
+ start := []byte("{")
+ buffer.Write(start)
+ counter := 0
+ i, e := b.NextSet(0)
+ for e {
+ counter = counter + 1
+ // to avoid exhausting the memory
+ if counter > 0x40000 {
+ buffer.WriteString("...")
+ break
+ }
+ buffer.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
+ i, e = b.NextSet(i + 1)
+ if e {
+ buffer.WriteString(",")
+ }
+ }
+ buffer.WriteString("}")
+ return buffer.String()
+// NextSet returns the next bit set from the specified index,
+// including possibly the current index
+// along with an error code (true = valid, false = no set bit found)
+// for i,e := v.NextSet(0); e; i,e = v.NextSet(i + 1) {...}
+func (b *BitSet) NextSet(i uint) (uint, bool) {
+ x := int(i >> log2WordSize)
+ if x >= len(b.set) {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ w := b.set[x]
+ w = w >> (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ if w != 0 {
+ return i + trailingZeroes64(w), true
+ }
+ x = x + 1
+ for x < len(b.set) {
+ if b.set[x] != 0 {
+ return uint(x)*wordSize + trailingZeroes64(b.set[x]), true
+ }
+ x = x + 1
+ }
+ return 0, false
+// NextSetMany returns many next bit sets from the specified index,
+// including possibly the current index and up to cap(buffer).
+// If the returned slice has len zero, then no more set bits were found
+// buffer := make([]uint, 256)
+// j := uint(0)
+// j, buffer = bitmap.NextSetMany(j, buffer)
+// for ; len(buffer) > 0; j, buffer = bitmap.NextSetMany(j,buffer) {
+// for k := range buffer {
+// do something with buffer[k]
+// }
+// j += 1
+// }
+func (b *BitSet) NextSetMany(i uint, buffer []uint) (uint, []uint) {
+ myanswer := buffer[:0]
+ x := int(i >> log2WordSize)
+ if x >= len(b.set) {
+ return 0, myanswer
+ }
+ w := b.set[x]
+ w = w >> (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ base := uint(x << 6)
+ capacity := cap(buffer)
+ for len(myanswer) < capacity {
+ for w != 0 {
+ t := w & ((^w) + 1)
+ r := trailingZeroes64(w)
+ myanswer = append(myanswer, r+base)
+ if len(myanswer) == capacity {
+ goto End
+ }
+ w = w ^ t
+ }
+ x += 1
+ if x == len(b.set) {
+ break
+ }
+ base += 64
+ w = b.set[x]
+ }
+ if len(myanswer) > 0 {
+ return myanswer[len(myanswer)-1], myanswer
+ } else {
+ return 0, myanswer
+ }
+// NextClear returns the next clear bit from the specified index,
+// including possibly the current index
+// along with an error code (true = valid, false = no bit found i.e. all bits are set)
+func (b *BitSet) NextClear(i uint) (uint, bool) {
+ x := int(i >> log2WordSize)
+ if x >= len(b.set) {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ w := b.set[x]
+ w = w >> (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ wA := allBits >> (i & (wordSize - 1))
+ index := i + trailingZeroes64(^w)
+ if w != wA && index < b.length {
+ return index, true
+ }
+ x++
+ for x < len(b.set) {
+ index = uint(x)*wordSize + trailingZeroes64(^b.set[x])
+ if b.set[x] != allBits && index < b.length {
+ return index, true
+ }
+ x++
+ }
+ return 0, false
+// ClearAll clears the entire BitSet
+func (b *BitSet) ClearAll() *BitSet {
+ if b != nil && b.set != nil {
+ for i := range b.set {
+ b.set[i] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return b
+// wordCount returns the number of words used in a bit set
+func (b *BitSet) wordCount() int {
+ return len(b.set)
+// Clone this BitSet
+func (b *BitSet) Clone() *BitSet {
+ c := New(b.length)
+ if b.set != nil { // Clone should not modify current object
+ copy(c.set, b.set)
+ }
+ return c
+// Copy into a destination BitSet
+// Returning the size of the destination BitSet
+// like array copy
+func (b *BitSet) Copy(c *BitSet) (count uint) {
+ if c == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if b.set != nil { // Copy should not modify current object
+ copy(c.set, b.set)
+ }
+ count = c.length
+ if b.length < c.length {
+ count = b.length
+ }
+ return
+// Count (number of set bits)
+func (b *BitSet) Count() uint {
+ if b != nil && b.set != nil {
+ return uint(popcntSlice(b.set))
+ }
+ return 0
+// Equal tests the equvalence of two BitSets.
+// False if they are of different sizes, otherwise true
+// only if all the same bits are set
+func (b *BitSet) Equal(c *BitSet) bool {
+ if c == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b.length != c.length {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b.length == 0 { // if they have both length == 0, then could have nil set
+ return true
+ }
+ // testing for equality shoud not transform the bitset (no call to safeSet)
+ for p, v := range b.set {
+ if c.set[p] != v {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func panicIfNull(b *BitSet) {
+ if b == nil {
+ panic(Error("BitSet must not be null"))
+ }
+// Difference of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of &^ (and not)
+func (b *BitSet) Difference(compare *BitSet) (result *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ result = b.Clone() // clone b (in case b is bigger than compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ result.set[i] = b.set[i] &^ compare.set[i]
+ }
+ return
+// DifferenceCardinality computes the cardinality of the differnce
+func (b *BitSet) DifferenceCardinality(compare *BitSet) uint {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ cnt := uint64(0)
+ cnt += popcntMaskSlice(b.set[:l], compare.set[:l])
+ cnt += popcntSlice(b.set[l:])
+ return uint(cnt)
+// InPlaceDifference computes the difference of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of &^ (and not)
+func (b *BitSet) InPlaceDifference(compare *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ b.set[i] &^= compare.set[i]
+ }
+// Convenience function: return two bitsets ordered by
+// increasing length. Note: neither can be nil
+func sortByLength(a *BitSet, b *BitSet) (ap *BitSet, bp *BitSet) {
+ if a.length <= b.length {
+ ap, bp = a, b
+ } else {
+ ap, bp = b, a
+ }
+ return
+// Intersection of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of & (and)
+func (b *BitSet) Intersection(compare *BitSet) (result *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ result = New(b.length)
+ for i, word := range b.set {
+ result.set[i] = word & compare.set[i]
+ }
+ return
+// IntersectionCardinality computes the cardinality of the union
+func (b *BitSet) IntersectionCardinality(compare *BitSet) uint {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ cnt := popcntAndSlice(b.set, compare.set)
+ return uint(cnt)
+// InPlaceIntersection destructively computes the intersection of
+// base set and the compare set.
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of & (and)
+func (b *BitSet) InPlaceIntersection(compare *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ b.set[i] &= compare.set[i]
+ }
+ for i := l; i < len(b.set); i++ {
+ b.set[i] = 0
+ }
+ if compare.length > 0 {
+ b.extendSetMaybe(compare.length - 1)
+ }
+// Union of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of | (or)
+func (b *BitSet) Union(compare *BitSet) (result *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ result = compare.Clone()
+ for i, word := range b.set {
+ result.set[i] = word | compare.set[i]
+ }
+ return
+// UnionCardinality computes the cardinality of the uniton of the base set
+// and the compare set.
+func (b *BitSet) UnionCardinality(compare *BitSet) uint {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ cnt := popcntOrSlice(b.set, compare.set)
+ if len(compare.set) > len(b.set) {
+ cnt += popcntSlice(compare.set[len(b.set):])
+ }
+ return uint(cnt)
+// InPlaceUnion creates the destructive union of base set and compare set.
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of | (or).
+func (b *BitSet) InPlaceUnion(compare *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ if compare.length > 0 {
+ b.extendSetMaybe(compare.length - 1)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ b.set[i] |= compare.set[i]
+ }
+ if len(compare.set) > l {
+ for i := l; i < len(compare.set); i++ {
+ b.set[i] = compare.set[i]
+ }
+ }
+// SymmetricDifference of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of ^ (xor)
+func (b *BitSet) SymmetricDifference(compare *BitSet) (result *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ // compare is bigger, so clone it
+ result = compare.Clone()
+ for i, word := range b.set {
+ result.set[i] = word ^ compare.set[i]
+ }
+ return
+// SymmetricDifferenceCardinality computes the cardinality of the symmetric difference
+func (b *BitSet) SymmetricDifferenceCardinality(compare *BitSet) uint {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ b, compare = sortByLength(b, compare)
+ cnt := popcntXorSlice(b.set, compare.set)
+ if len(compare.set) > len(b.set) {
+ cnt += popcntSlice(compare.set[len(b.set):])
+ }
+ return uint(cnt)
+// InPlaceSymmetricDifference creates the destructive SymmetricDifference of base set and other set
+// This is the BitSet equivalent of ^ (xor)
+func (b *BitSet) InPlaceSymmetricDifference(compare *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ panicIfNull(compare)
+ l := int(compare.wordCount())
+ if l > int(b.wordCount()) {
+ l = int(b.wordCount())
+ }
+ if compare.length > 0 {
+ b.extendSetMaybe(compare.length - 1)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ b.set[i] ^= compare.set[i]
+ }
+ if len(compare.set) > l {
+ for i := l; i < len(compare.set); i++ {
+ b.set[i] = compare.set[i]
+ }
+ }
+// Is the length an exact multiple of word sizes?
+func (b *BitSet) isLenExactMultiple() bool {
+ return b.length%wordSize == 0
+// Clean last word by setting unused bits to 0
+func (b *BitSet) cleanLastWord() {
+ if !b.isLenExactMultiple() {
+ b.set[len(b.set)-1] &= allBits >> (wordSize - b.length%wordSize)
+ }
+// Complement computes the (local) complement of a biset (up to length bits)
+func (b *BitSet) Complement() (result *BitSet) {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ result = New(b.length)
+ for i, word := range b.set {
+ result.set[i] = ^word
+ }
+ result.cleanLastWord()
+ return
+// All returns true if all bits are set, false otherwise. Returns true for
+// empty sets.
+func (b *BitSet) All() bool {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ return b.Count() == b.length
+// None returns true if no bit is set, false otherwise. Retursn true for
+// empty sets.
+func (b *BitSet) None() bool {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ if b != nil && b.set != nil {
+ for _, word := range b.set {
+ if word > 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return true
+// Any returns true if any bit is set, false otherwise
+func (b *BitSet) Any() bool {
+ panicIfNull(b)
+ return !b.None()
+// IsSuperSet returns true if this is a superset of the other set
+func (b *BitSet) IsSuperSet(other *BitSet) bool {
+ for i, e := other.NextSet(0); e; i, e = other.NextSet(i + 1) {
+ if !b.Test(i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// IsStrictSuperSet returns true if this is a strict superset of the other set
+func (b *BitSet) IsStrictSuperSet(other *BitSet) bool {
+ return b.Count() > other.Count() && b.IsSuperSet(other)
+// DumpAsBits dumps a bit set as a string of bits
+func (b *BitSet) DumpAsBits() string {
+ if b.set == nil {
+ return "."
+ }
+ buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
+ i := len(b.set) - 1
+ for ; i >= 0; i-- {
+ fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%064b.", b.set[i])
+ }
+ return string(buffer.Bytes())
+// BinaryStorageSize returns the binary storage requirements
+func (b *BitSet) BinaryStorageSize() int {
+ return binary.Size(uint64(0)) + binary.Size(b.set)
+// WriteTo writes a BitSet to a stream
+func (b *BitSet) WriteTo(stream io.Writer) (int64, error) {
+ length := uint64(b.length)
+ // Write length
+ err := binary.Write(stream, binary.BigEndian, length)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ // Write set
+ err = binary.Write(stream, binary.BigEndian, b.set)
+ return int64(b.BinaryStorageSize()), err
+// ReadFrom reads a BitSet from a stream written using WriteTo
+func (b *BitSet) ReadFrom(stream io.Reader) (int64, error) {
+ var length uint64
+ // Read length first
+ err := binary.Read(stream, binary.BigEndian, &length)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ newset := New(uint(length))
+ if uint64(newset.length) != length {
+ return 0, errors.New("Unmarshalling error: type mismatch")
+ }
+ // Read remaining bytes as set
+ err = binary.Read(stream, binary.BigEndian, newset.set)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ *b = *newset
+ return int64(b.BinaryStorageSize()), nil
+// MarshalBinary encodes a BitSet into a binary form and returns the result.
+func (b *BitSet) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ writer := bufio.NewWriter(&buf)
+ _, err := b.WriteTo(writer)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []byte{}, err
+ }
+ err = writer.Flush()
+ return buf.Bytes(), err
+// UnmarshalBinary decodes the binary form generated by MarshalBinary.
+func (b *BitSet) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
+ buf := bytes.NewReader(data)
+ reader := bufio.NewReader(buf)
+ _, err := b.ReadFrom(reader)
+ return err
+// MarshalJSON marshals a BitSet as a JSON structure
+func (b *BitSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, b.BinaryStorageSize()))
+ _, err := b.WriteTo(buffer)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // URLEncode all bytes
+ return json.Marshal(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(buffer.Bytes()))
+// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a BitSet from JSON created using MarshalJSON
+func (b *BitSet) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+ // Unmarshal as string
+ var s string
+ err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // URLDecode string
+ buf, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = b.ReadFrom(bytes.NewReader(buf))
+ return err