path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25cc921be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+package ber
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+type Packet struct {
+ Identifier
+ Value interface{}
+ ByteValue []byte
+ Data *bytes.Buffer
+ Children []*Packet
+ Description string
+type Identifier struct {
+ ClassType Class
+ TagType Type
+ Tag Tag
+type Tag uint64
+const (
+ TagEOC Tag = 0x00
+ TagBoolean Tag = 0x01
+ TagInteger Tag = 0x02
+ TagBitString Tag = 0x03
+ TagOctetString Tag = 0x04
+ TagNULL Tag = 0x05
+ TagObjectIdentifier Tag = 0x06
+ TagObjectDescriptor Tag = 0x07
+ TagExternal Tag = 0x08
+ TagRealFloat Tag = 0x09
+ TagEnumerated Tag = 0x0a
+ TagEmbeddedPDV Tag = 0x0b
+ TagUTF8String Tag = 0x0c
+ TagRelativeOID Tag = 0x0d
+ TagSequence Tag = 0x10
+ TagSet Tag = 0x11
+ TagNumericString Tag = 0x12
+ TagPrintableString Tag = 0x13
+ TagT61String Tag = 0x14
+ TagVideotexString Tag = 0x15
+ TagIA5String Tag = 0x16
+ TagUTCTime Tag = 0x17
+ TagGeneralizedTime Tag = 0x18
+ TagGraphicString Tag = 0x19
+ TagVisibleString Tag = 0x1a
+ TagGeneralString Tag = 0x1b
+ TagUniversalString Tag = 0x1c
+ TagCharacterString Tag = 0x1d
+ TagBMPString Tag = 0x1e
+ TagBitmask Tag = 0x1f // xxx11111b
+ // HighTag indicates the start of a high-tag byte sequence
+ HighTag Tag = 0x1f // xxx11111b
+ // HighTagContinueBitmask indicates the high-tag byte sequence should continue
+ HighTagContinueBitmask Tag = 0x80 // 10000000b
+ // HighTagValueBitmask obtains the tag value from a high-tag byte sequence byte
+ HighTagValueBitmask Tag = 0x7f // 01111111b
+const (
+ // LengthLongFormBitmask is the mask to apply to the length byte to see if a long-form byte sequence is used
+ LengthLongFormBitmask = 0x80
+ // LengthValueBitmask is the mask to apply to the length byte to get the number of bytes in the long-form byte sequence
+ LengthValueBitmask = 0x7f
+ // LengthIndefinite is returned from readLength to indicate an indefinite length
+ LengthIndefinite = -1
+var tagMap = map[Tag]string{
+ TagEOC: "EOC (End-of-Content)",
+ TagBoolean: "Boolean",
+ TagInteger: "Integer",
+ TagBitString: "Bit String",
+ TagOctetString: "Octet String",
+ TagNULL: "NULL",
+ TagObjectIdentifier: "Object Identifier",
+ TagObjectDescriptor: "Object Descriptor",
+ TagExternal: "External",
+ TagRealFloat: "Real (float)",
+ TagEnumerated: "Enumerated",
+ TagEmbeddedPDV: "Embedded PDV",
+ TagUTF8String: "UTF8 String",
+ TagRelativeOID: "Relative-OID",
+ TagSequence: "Sequence and Sequence of",
+ TagSet: "Set and Set OF",
+ TagNumericString: "Numeric String",
+ TagPrintableString: "Printable String",
+ TagT61String: "T61 String",
+ TagVideotexString: "Videotex String",
+ TagIA5String: "IA5 String",
+ TagUTCTime: "UTC Time",
+ TagGeneralizedTime: "Generalized Time",
+ TagGraphicString: "Graphic String",
+ TagVisibleString: "Visible String",
+ TagGeneralString: "General String",
+ TagUniversalString: "Universal String",
+ TagCharacterString: "Character String",
+ TagBMPString: "BMP String",
+type Class uint8
+const (
+ ClassUniversal Class = 0 // 00xxxxxxb
+ ClassApplication Class = 64 // 01xxxxxxb
+ ClassContext Class = 128 // 10xxxxxxb
+ ClassPrivate Class = 192 // 11xxxxxxb
+ ClassBitmask Class = 192 // 11xxxxxxb
+var ClassMap = map[Class]string{
+ ClassUniversal: "Universal",
+ ClassApplication: "Application",
+ ClassContext: "Context",
+ ClassPrivate: "Private",
+type Type uint8
+const (
+ TypePrimitive Type = 0 // xx0xxxxxb
+ TypeConstructed Type = 32 // xx1xxxxxb
+ TypeBitmask Type = 32 // xx1xxxxxb
+var TypeMap = map[Type]string{
+ TypePrimitive: "Primitive",
+ TypeConstructed: "Constructed",
+var Debug bool = false
+func PrintBytes(out io.Writer, buf []byte, indent string) {
+ data_lines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
+ num_lines := make([]string, (len(buf)/30)+1)
+ for i, b := range buf {
+ data_lines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02x ", b)
+ num_lines[i/30] += fmt.Sprintf("%02d ", (i+1)%100)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(data_lines); i++ {
+ out.Write([]byte(indent + data_lines[i] + "\n"))
+ out.Write([]byte(indent + num_lines[i] + "\n\n"))
+ }
+func PrintPacket(p *Packet) {
+ printPacket(os.Stdout, p, 0, false)
+func printPacket(out io.Writer, p *Packet, indent int, printBytes bool) {
+ indent_str := ""
+ for len(indent_str) != indent {
+ indent_str += " "
+ }
+ class_str := ClassMap[p.ClassType]
+ tagtype_str := TypeMap[p.TagType]
+ tag_str := fmt.Sprintf("0x%02X", p.Tag)
+ if p.ClassType == ClassUniversal {
+ tag_str = tagMap[p.Tag]
+ }
+ value := fmt.Sprint(p.Value)
+ description := ""
+ if p.Description != "" {
+ description = p.Description + ": "
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s%s(%s, %s, %s) Len=%d %q\n", indent_str, description, class_str, tagtype_str, tag_str, p.Data.Len(), value)
+ if printBytes {
+ PrintBytes(out, p.Bytes(), indent_str)
+ }
+ for _, child := range p.Children {
+ printPacket(out, child, indent+1, printBytes)
+ }
+// ReadPacket reads a single Packet from the reader
+func ReadPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, error) {
+ p, _, err := readPacket(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func DecodeString(data []byte) string {
+ return string(data)
+func parseInt64(bytes []byte) (ret int64, err error) {
+ if len(bytes) > 8 {
+ // We'll overflow an int64 in this case.
+ err = fmt.Errorf("integer too large")
+ return
+ }
+ for bytesRead := 0; bytesRead < len(bytes); bytesRead++ {
+ ret <<= 8
+ ret |= int64(bytes[bytesRead])
+ }
+ // Shift up and down in order to sign extend the result.
+ ret <<= 64 - uint8(len(bytes))*8
+ ret >>= 64 - uint8(len(bytes))*8
+ return
+func encodeInteger(i int64) []byte {
+ n := int64Length(i)
+ out := make([]byte, n)
+ var j int
+ for ; n > 0; n-- {
+ out[j] = (byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
+ j++
+ }
+ return out
+func int64Length(i int64) (numBytes int) {
+ numBytes = 1
+ for i > 127 {
+ numBytes++
+ i >>= 8
+ }
+ for i < -128 {
+ numBytes++
+ i >>= 8
+ }
+ return
+// DecodePacket decodes the given bytes into a single Packet
+// If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned.
+func DecodePacket(data []byte) *Packet {
+ p, _, _ := readPacket(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
+ return p
+// DecodePacketErr decodes the given bytes into a single Packet
+// If a decode error is encountered, nil is returned
+func DecodePacketErr(data []byte) (*Packet, error) {
+ p, _, err := readPacket(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// readPacket reads a single Packet from the reader, returning the number of bytes read
+func readPacket(reader io.Reader) (*Packet, int, error) {
+ identifier, length, read, err := readHeader(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, read, err
+ }
+ p := &Packet{
+ Identifier: identifier,
+ }
+ p.Data = new(bytes.Buffer)
+ p.Children = make([]*Packet, 0, 2)
+ p.Value = nil
+ if p.TagType == TypeConstructed {
+ // TODO: if universal, ensure tag type is allowed to be constructed
+ // Track how much content we've read
+ contentRead := 0
+ for {
+ if length != LengthIndefinite {
+ // End if we've read what we've been told to
+ if contentRead == length {
+ break
+ }
+ // Detect if a packet boundary didn't fall on the expected length
+ if contentRead > length {
+ return nil, read, fmt.Errorf("expected to read %d bytes, read %d", length, contentRead)
+ }
+ }
+ // Read the next packet
+ child, r, err := readPacket(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, read, err
+ }
+ contentRead += r
+ read += r
+ // Test is this is the EOC marker for our packet
+ if isEOCPacket(child) {
+ if length == LengthIndefinite {
+ break
+ }
+ return nil, read, errors.New("eoc child not allowed with definite length")
+ }
+ // Append and continue
+ p.AppendChild(child)
+ }
+ return p, read, nil
+ }
+ if length == LengthIndefinite {
+ return nil, read, errors.New("indefinite length used with primitive type")
+ }
+ // Read definite-length content
+ content := make([]byte, length, length)
+ if length > 0 {
+ _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, content)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return nil, read, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ return nil, read, err
+ }
+ read += length
+ }
+ if p.ClassType == ClassUniversal {
+ p.Data.Write(content)
+ p.ByteValue = content
+ switch p.Tag {
+ case TagEOC:
+ case TagBoolean:
+ val, _ := parseInt64(content)
+ p.Value = val != 0
+ case TagInteger:
+ p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
+ case TagBitString:
+ case TagOctetString:
+ // the actual string encoding is not known here
+ // (e.g. for LDAP content is already an UTF8-encoded
+ // string). Return the data without further processing
+ p.Value = DecodeString(content)
+ case TagNULL:
+ case TagObjectIdentifier:
+ case TagObjectDescriptor:
+ case TagExternal:
+ case TagRealFloat:
+ case TagEnumerated:
+ p.Value, _ = parseInt64(content)
+ case TagEmbeddedPDV:
+ case TagUTF8String:
+ p.Value = DecodeString(content)
+ case TagRelativeOID:
+ case TagSequence:
+ case TagSet:
+ case TagNumericString:
+ case TagPrintableString:
+ p.Value = DecodeString(content)
+ case TagT61String:
+ case TagVideotexString:
+ case TagIA5String:
+ case TagUTCTime:
+ case TagGeneralizedTime:
+ case TagGraphicString:
+ case TagVisibleString:
+ case TagGeneralString:
+ case TagUniversalString:
+ case TagCharacterString:
+ case TagBMPString:
+ }
+ } else {
+ p.Data.Write(content)
+ }
+ return p, read, nil
+func (p *Packet) Bytes() []byte {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.Write(encodeIdentifier(p.Identifier))
+ out.Write(encodeLength(p.Data.Len()))
+ out.Write(p.Data.Bytes())
+ return out.Bytes()
+func (p *Packet) AppendChild(child *Packet) {
+ p.Data.Write(child.Bytes())
+ p.Children = append(p.Children, child)
+func Encode(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value interface{}, Description string) *Packet {
+ p := new(Packet)
+ p.ClassType = ClassType
+ p.TagType = TagType
+ p.Tag = Tag
+ p.Data = new(bytes.Buffer)
+ p.Children = make([]*Packet, 0, 2)
+ p.Value = Value
+ p.Description = Description
+ if Value != nil {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(Value)
+ if ClassType == ClassUniversal {
+ switch Tag {
+ case TagOctetString:
+ sv, ok := v.Interface().(string)
+ if ok {
+ p.Data.Write([]byte(sv))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p
+func NewSequence(Description string) *Packet {
+ return Encode(ClassUniversal, TypeConstructed, TagSequence, nil, Description)
+func NewBoolean(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value bool, Description string) *Packet {
+ intValue := int64(0)
+ if Value {
+ intValue = 1
+ }
+ p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
+ p.Value = Value
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(intValue))
+ return p
+func NewInteger(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value interface{}, Description string) *Packet {
+ p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
+ p.Value = Value
+ switch v := Value.(type) {
+ case int:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case uint:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case int64:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(v))
+ case uint64:
+ // TODO : check range or add encodeUInt...
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case int32:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case uint32:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case int16:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case uint16:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case int8:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ case uint8:
+ p.Data.Write(encodeInteger(int64(v)))
+ default:
+ // TODO : add support for big.Int ?
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid type %T, expected {u|}int{64|32|16|8}", v))
+ }
+ return p
+func NewString(ClassType Class, TagType Type, Tag Tag, Value, Description string) *Packet {
+ p := Encode(ClassType, TagType, Tag, nil, Description)
+ p.Value = Value
+ p.Data.Write([]byte(Value))
+ return p