path: root/web_src/js/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web_src/js/index.js')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/web_src/js/index.js b/web_src/js/index.js
index a74fba34e8..02189a5f13 100644
--- a/web_src/js/index.js
+++ b/web_src/js/index.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import createDropzone from './features/dropzone.js';
import highlight from './features/highlight.js';
import ActivityTopAuthors from './components/ActivityTopAuthors.vue';
import {initNotificationsTable, initNotificationCount} from './features/notification.js';
+import {createCodeEditor} from './features/codeeditor.js';
const {AppSubUrl, StaticUrlPrefix, csrf} = window.config;
@@ -28,9 +29,7 @@ function htmlEncode(text) {
let previewFileModes;
-let simpleMDEditor;
const commentMDEditors = {};
-let codeMirrorEditor;
// Silence fomantic's error logging when tabs are used without a target content element
$ = true;
@@ -1467,62 +1466,6 @@ $.fn.getCursorPosition = function () {
return pos;
-function setSimpleMDE($editArea) {
- if (codeMirrorEditor) {
- codeMirrorEditor.toTextArea();
- codeMirrorEditor = null;
- }
- if (simpleMDEditor) {
- return true;
- }
- simpleMDEditor = new SimpleMDE({
- autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
- element: $editArea[0],
- forceSync: true,
- renderingConfig: {
- singleLineBreaks: false
- },
- indentWithTabs: false,
- tabSize: 4,
- spellChecker: false,
- previewRender(plainText, preview) { // Async method
- setTimeout(() => {
- // FIXME: still send render request when return back to edit mode
- $.post($'url'), {
- _csrf: csrf,
- mode: 'gfm',
- context: $'context'),
- text: plainText
- }, (data) => {
- preview.innerHTML = `<div class="markdown ui segment">${data}</div>`;
- });
- }, 0);
- return 'Loading...';
- },
- toolbar: ['bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', '|',
- 'heading-1', 'heading-2', 'heading-3', 'heading-bigger', 'heading-smaller', '|',
- 'code', 'quote', '|',
- 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', '|',
- 'link', 'image', 'table', 'horizontal-rule', '|',
- 'clean-block', 'preview', 'fullscreen', 'side-by-side', '|',
- {
- name: 'revert-to-textarea',
- action(e) {
- e.toTextArea();
- },
- className: 'fa fa-file',
- title: 'Revert to simple textarea',
- },
- ]
- });
- $(simpleMDEditor.codemirror.getInputField()).addClass('js-quick-submit');
- return true;
function setCommentSimpleMDE($editArea) {
const simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
@@ -1569,27 +1512,7 @@ function setCommentSimpleMDE($editArea) {
return simplemde;
-function setCodeMirror($editArea) {
- if (simpleMDEditor) {
- simpleMDEditor.toTextArea();
- simpleMDEditor = null;
- }
- if (codeMirrorEditor) {
- return true;
- }
- codeMirrorEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($editArea[0], {
- lineNumbers: true
- });
- codeMirrorEditor.on('change', (cm, _change) => {
- $editArea.val(cm.getValue());
- });
- return true;
-function initEditor() {
+async function initEditor() {
$('.js-quick-pull-choice-option').on('change', function () {
if ($(this).val() === 'commit-to-new-branch') {
@@ -1650,89 +1573,7 @@ function initEditor() {
const $editArea = $('.repository.editor textarea#edit_area');
if (!$editArea.length) return;
- const markdownFileExts = $'markdown-file-exts').split(',');
- const lineWrapExtensions = $'line-wrap-extensions').split(',');
- $editFilename.on('keyup', () => {
- const val = $editFilename.val();
- let mode, spec, extension, extWithDot, dataUrl, apiCall;
- extension = extWithDot = '';
- const m = /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(val);
- if (m) {
- extension = m[1];
- extWithDot = `.${extension}`;
- }
- const info = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(extension);
- const previewLink = $('a[data-tab=preview]');
- if (info) {
- mode = info.mode;
- spec = info.mime;
- apiCall = mode;
- } else {
- apiCall = extension;
- }
- if (previewLink.length && apiCall && previewFileModes && previewFileModes.length && previewFileModes.includes(apiCall)) {
- dataUrl ='url');
-'url', dataUrl.replace(/(.*)\/.*/i, `$1/${mode}`));
- } else {
- previewLink.hide();
- }
- // If this file is a Markdown extensions, we will load that editor and return
- if (markdownFileExts.includes(extWithDot)) {
- if (setSimpleMDE($editArea)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // Else we are going to use CodeMirror
- if (!codeMirrorEditor && !setCodeMirror($editArea)) {
- return;
- }
- if (mode) {
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('mode', spec);
- CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(codeMirrorEditor, mode);
- }
- if (lineWrapExtensions.includes(extWithDot)) {
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('lineWrapping', true);
- } else {
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('lineWrapping', false);
- }
- // get the filename without any folder
- let value = $editFilename.val();
- if (value.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- value = value.split('/');
- value = value[value.length - 1];
- $.getJSON($'ec-url-prefix') + value, (editorconfig) => {
- if (editorconfig.indent_style === 'tab') {
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('indentWithTabs', true);
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('extraKeys', {});
- } else {
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('indentWithTabs', false);
- // required because CodeMirror doesn't seems to use spaces correctly for {"indentWithTabs": false}:
- // -
- // -
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('extraKeys', {
- Tab(cm) {
- const spaces = new Array(parseInt(cm.getOption('indentUnit')) + 1).join(' ');
- cm.replaceSelection(spaces);
- }
- });
- }
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('indentUnit', editorconfig.indent_size || 4);
- codeMirrorEditor.setOption('tabSize', editorconfig.tab_width || 4);
- });
- }).trigger('keyup');
+ await createCodeEditor($editArea[0], $editFilename[0], previewFileModes);
// Using events from
// to enable or disable the commit button