// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package templates import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" "html/template" "math" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "unicode" issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/emoji" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/fileicon" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/htmlutil" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup/markdown" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/reqctx" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/translation" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util" ) type RenderUtils struct { ctx reqctx.RequestContext } func NewRenderUtils(ctx reqctx.RequestContext) *RenderUtils { return &RenderUtils{ctx: ctx} } // RenderCommitMessage renders commit message with XSS-safe and special links. func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderCommitMessage(msg string, metas map[string]string) template.HTML { cleanMsg := template.HTMLEscapeString(msg) // we can safely assume that it will not return any error, since there // shouldn't be any special HTML. fullMessage, err := markup.PostProcessCommitMessage(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx).WithMetas(metas), cleanMsg) if err != nil { log.Error("PostProcessCommitMessage: %v", err) return "" } msgLines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(fullMessage), "\n") if len(msgLines) == 0 { return template.HTML("") } return renderCodeBlock(template.HTML(msgLines[0])) } // RenderCommitMessageLinkSubject renders commit message as a XSS-safe link to // the provided default url, handling for special links without email to links. func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderCommitMessageLinkSubject(msg, urlDefault string, metas map[string]string) template.HTML { msgLine := strings.TrimLeftFunc(msg, unicode.IsSpace) lineEnd := strings.IndexByte(msgLine, '\n') if lineEnd > 0 { msgLine = msgLine[:lineEnd] } msgLine = strings.TrimRightFunc(msgLine, unicode.IsSpace) if len(msgLine) == 0 { return "" } // we can safely assume that it will not return any error, since there // shouldn't be any special HTML. renderedMessage, err := markup.PostProcessCommitMessageSubject(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx).WithMetas(metas), urlDefault, template.HTMLEscapeString(msgLine)) if err != nil { log.Error("PostProcessCommitMessageSubject: %v", err) return "" } return renderCodeBlock(template.HTML(renderedMessage)) } // RenderCommitBody extracts the body of a commit message without its title. func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderCommitBody(msg string, metas map[string]string) template.HTML { msgLine := strings.TrimSpace(msg) lineEnd := strings.IndexByte(msgLine, '\n') if lineEnd > 0 { msgLine = msgLine[lineEnd+1:] } else { return "" } msgLine = strings.TrimLeftFunc(msgLine, unicode.IsSpace) if len(msgLine) == 0 { return "" } renderedMessage, err := markup.PostProcessCommitMessage(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx).WithMetas(metas), template.HTMLEscapeString(msgLine)) if err != nil { log.Error("PostProcessCommitMessage: %v", err) return "" } return template.HTML(renderedMessage) } // Match text that is between back ticks. var codeMatcher = regexp.MustCompile("`([^`]+)`") // renderCodeBlock renders "`…`" as highlighted "" block, intended for issue and PR titles func renderCodeBlock(htmlEscapedTextToRender template.HTML) template.HTML { htmlWithCodeTags := codeMatcher.ReplaceAllString(string(htmlEscapedTextToRender), `$1`) // replace with HTML tags return template.HTML(htmlWithCodeTags) } // RenderIssueTitle renders issue/pull title with defined post processors func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderIssueTitle(text string, metas map[string]string) template.HTML { renderedText, err := markup.PostProcessIssueTitle(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx).WithMetas(metas), template.HTMLEscapeString(text)) if err != nil { log.Error("PostProcessIssueTitle: %v", err) return "" } return renderCodeBlock(template.HTML(renderedText)) } // RenderIssueSimpleTitle only renders with emoji and inline code block func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderIssueSimpleTitle(text string) template.HTML { ret := ut.RenderEmoji(text) ret = renderCodeBlock(ret) return ret } // RenderLabel renders a label func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderLabel(label *issues_model.Label) template.HTML { locale := ut.ctx.Value(translation.ContextKey).(translation.Locale) var extraCSSClasses string textColor := util.ContrastColor(label.Color) labelScope := label.ExclusiveScope() descriptionText := emoji.ReplaceAliases(label.Description) if label.IsArchived() { extraCSSClasses = "archived-label" descriptionText = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) %s", locale.TrString("archived"), descriptionText) } if labelScope == "" { // Regular label return htmlutil.HTMLFormat(`
`, extraCSSClasses, textColor, label.Color, descriptionText, ut.RenderEmoji(label.Name)) } // Scoped label scopeHTML := ut.RenderEmoji(labelScope) itemHTML := ut.RenderEmoji(label.Name[len(labelScope)+1:]) // Make scope and item background colors slightly darker and lighter respectively. // More contrast needed with higher luminance, empirically tweaked. luminance := util.GetRelativeLuminance(label.Color) contrast := 0.01 + luminance*0.03 // Ensure we add the same amount of contrast also near 0 and 1. darken := contrast + math.Max(luminance+contrast-1.0, 0.0) lighten := contrast + math.Max(contrast-luminance, 0.0) // Compute factor to keep RGB values proportional. darkenFactor := math.Max(luminance-darken, 0.0) / math.Max(luminance, 1.0/255.0) lightenFactor := math.Min(luminance+lighten, 1.0) / math.Max(luminance, 1.0/255.0) r, g, b := util.HexToRBGColor(label.Color) scopeBytes := []byte{ uint8(math.Min(math.Round(r*darkenFactor), 255)), uint8(math.Min(math.Round(g*darkenFactor), 255)), uint8(math.Min(math.Round(b*darkenFactor), 255)), } itemBytes := []byte{ uint8(math.Min(math.Round(r*lightenFactor), 255)), uint8(math.Min(math.Round(g*lightenFactor), 255)), uint8(math.Min(math.Round(b*lightenFactor), 255)), } itemColor := "#" + hex.EncodeToString(itemBytes) scopeColor := "#" + hex.EncodeToString(scopeBytes) return htmlutil.HTMLFormat(``+ `
`+ `
`+ `
`, extraCSSClasses, descriptionText, textColor, scopeColor, scopeHTML, textColor, itemColor, itemHTML) } func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderFileIcon(entry *git.TreeEntry) template.HTML { if setting.UI.FileIconTheme == "material" { return fileicon.DefaultMaterialIconProvider().FileIcon(ut.ctx, entry) } return fileicon.BasicThemeIcon(entry) } // RenderEmoji renders html text with emoji post processors func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderEmoji(text string) template.HTML { renderedText, err := markup.PostProcessEmoji(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx), template.HTMLEscapeString(text)) if err != nil { log.Error("RenderEmoji: %v", err) return "" } return template.HTML(renderedText) } // reactionToEmoji renders emoji for use in reactions func reactionToEmoji(reaction string) template.HTML { val := emoji.FromCode(reaction) if val != nil { return template.HTML(val.Emoji) } val = emoji.FromAlias(reaction) if val != nil { return template.HTML(val.Emoji) } return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`:%s:`, reaction, setting.StaticURLPrefix, url.PathEscape(reaction))) } func (ut *RenderUtils) MarkdownToHtml(input string) template.HTML { //nolint:revive output, err := markdown.RenderString(markup.NewRenderContext(ut.ctx).WithMetas(markup.ComposeSimpleDocumentMetas()), input) if err != nil { log.Error("RenderString: %v", err) } return output } func (ut *RenderUtils) RenderLabels(labels []*issues_model.Label, repoLink string, issue *issues_model.Issue) template.HTML { isPullRequest := issue != nil && issue.IsPull baseLink := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", repoLink, util.Iif(isPullRequest, "pulls", "issues")) htmlCode := `` for _, label := range labels { // Protect against nil value in labels - shouldn't happen but would cause a panic if so if label == nil { continue } htmlCode += fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, baseLink, label.ID, ut.RenderLabel(label)) } htmlCode += "" return template.HTML(htmlCode) }