path: root/Maven.gitignore
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add rule to unignore the maven wrapper jarThomas Eizinger2015-11-261-0/+3
* Revert "Update Maven.gitignore"Brendan Forster2015-05-141-1/+0
* Update Maven.gitignoreTushar Kapila2015-04-021-0/+1
| | | Else sub projects (main dir has sub dirs with own pom files - sub modules) targets are not ignored.
* Ignore timing.properties from takari-smart-builderJean-Christophe GAY2015-03-291-0/+1
| | | | | | | This extension is an alternative scheduler to build multi-module Maven projects. It stores and updates timing for every build run in .mvn/timing.properties. http://takari.io/book/30-team-maven.html#takari-smart-builder
* Add buildNumber.propertiesMike Duigou2015-03-021-0/+1
| | | The popular build plugin org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin stores the build number it managers in a file named buildNumber.properties.
* add dependency-reduced-pom.xml, which is a maven shader thingDarren Yin2015-02-171-0/+1
* Add 'pom.xml.versionsBackup'Namik Nuhanovic2014-03-311-0/+1
| | | 'mvn versions:use-latest-versions' generates 'pom.xml.versionsBackup' file, because '-DgenerateBackupPoms=true' is default; see http://mojo.codehaus.org/versions-maven-plugin/use-latest-versions-mojo.html#generateBackupPoms
* Ignore files created by maven-release-pluginOliver Schrenk2013-11-151-1/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Maven Release Plugin provides a standard mechanism to release project artifacts. During the various phases of the execution the plugin create various files, especially if you do a dry run that allows you to see the changes that the plugin will perform on your pom files mvn release:prepare -D dryRun=true It will create - `release.properties` - copy of the properties to be used - `pom.xml.releaseBackup` - the pom.xml prior to any changes - `pom.xml.tag` - the pom.xml as it will look when tagged - `pom.xml.next` - the pom.xml as it will look for the next iteration
* -- added ignorance of temprorarely release properties fileszafarella-Linux2013-03-141-0/+1
* Added Maven gitignoreMartin Desrosiers2010-11-091-0/+1