#!/usr/bin/perl ## Just a perl script to extract an interface from a class. ## It extract all public methods and copies the javadoc. ## - With the option --lazy it does the work for Lazy classes ## and generates the file with the 'Lazy' prefix ## - Without --lazy it generates a file with the 'I' prefix my ($i, $o, $lazy); foreach (@ARGV) { if (/^--input=(.*)$/) { $o = $i = $1; } elsif (/^--lazy$/) { $lazy = 1; } } my $iclass = $1 if ($i =~ /^.*\/([^\.]+)\.java$/); my $oclass = ($lazy ? "Lazy" : "I") . $iclass; $o =~ s/$iclass/$oclass/; my $c = 0; open(F, $i) || die $!; my ($in, $com, $ingq, $inclass, $inh, $head, $body, $inmeth, $meth) = (0, "", 0, 0, 1, "", "", 0, ""); my ($a, $b) = (0,0); while() { s/\r+//g; s/^\s+//g; s/^(\*.*)$/ $1/g; $inh = 0 if (/^\/\*\*/); $head .= $_ if ($inh); $inclass=1 if ($ingq && m/(^|\s+|\()(class|enum|new) /); if ($ingq && !$inclass) { $in = 1 if (/^\/\**\s*$/); $com = "" if (/^\/\**\s*$/); next if /static/; next if /$iclass\s*\(/; $inmeth = 1 if (!$inmeth && !$in && /(public .*?\(.*)\s*$/); $meth .= $_ if ($inmeth); if ($inmeth && /\{/) { $meth =~ s/final\s+//g; $meth =~ s/public\s+//g; $meth =~ s/\{\s*//g; $meth =~ s/\s+$//g; if (!/$oclass/) { $meth =~ s/([^\(]*?)$iclass(\s+.*\()/$1$oclass$2/g if ($lazy); $meth =~ s/\n/ /g; $meth =~ s/ +/ /g; $body .= "$com" if (!$in); $body .= " " .$meth . ";\n\n"; } $com = ""; $meth = ""; $inmeth = 0; } $com .= " " . $_ if ($in); $in = 0 if (/^\s+\*\/\s*$/); } if ($inclass) { my $l = $_; $a ++ while($l =~ /(\{)/g); $b ++ while($l =~ /(\})/g); $inclass = $a = $b = 0 if ($a == $b); } $ingq = 1 if (!$ingq && m/(^|\s+)class /); #$body .= "$c $ingq $inclass $a $b\n"; $c ++; } close(F); my $class = "public interface $oclass"; if ($lazy) { $class .= " extends LazyBase" if ($lazy); $head .= "import com.google.gwt.query.client.LazyBase;\n\n"; } open(F, ">$o") || die $!; print F $head . $class . "{\n\n" . $body . "}\n"; close(F);