## Overview iciql **is**... - a model-based, database access wrapper for JDBC - for modest database schemas and basic statement generation - for those who want to write code, instead of SQL, using IDE completion and compile-time type-safety - small (125KB) with no runtime dependencies - pronounced *icicle* (although it could be French: *ici ql* - here query language) - a friendly fork of the H2 [JaQu][jaqu] project iciql **is not**... - a complete alternative to JDBC - designed to compete with more powerful database query tools like [jOOQ][jooq] or [Querydsl][querydsl] - designed to compete with enterprise [ORM][orm] tools like [Hibernate][hibernate] or [mybatis][mybatis] ### Example Usage
%BEGINCODE% Product p = new Product(); List<Product> restock = db.from(p).where(p.unitsInStock).is(0).select(); List<Product> all = db.executeQuery(Product.class, "select * from products"); %ENDCODE%
select * from products p where p.unitsInStock = 0
select * from products
### Supported Databases (Unit-Tested) - [H2](http://h2database.com) 1.3.159 - [HSQLDB](http://hsqldb.org) 2.2.4 - [Derby](http://db.apache.org/derby) & ### Partially Supported Databases (not Unit-Tested) - [MySQL](http://mysql.com) Support for others is planned and may only require creating a simple "dialect" class. ### Java Runtime Requirement iciql requires a Java 6 Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java 6 Development Kit (JDK). ### Current Release iciql is undergoing rapid development so api and configuration are subject to change from release to release **%VERSION%** ([zip](http://code.google.com/p/iciql/downloads/detail?name=%ZIP%)|[jar](http://code.google.com/p/iciql/downloads/detail?name=%JAR%))   *released %BUILDDATE%* issues, binaries, & source @ [Google Code][googlecode]
sources @ [Github][github] ### License iciql is distributed under the terms of the [Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0][apachelicense] [jaqu]: http://h2database.com/html/jaqu.html "H2 JaQu project" [orm]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping "Object Relational Mapping" [jooq]: http://jooq.sourceforge.net "jOOQ" [querydsl]: http://source.mysema.com/display/querydsl/Querydsl "Querydsl" [hibernate]: http://www.hibernate.org "Hibernate" [mybatis]: http://www.mybatis.org "mybatis" [github]: http://github.com/gitblit/iciql "iciql git repository" [googlecode]: http://code.google.com/p/iciql "iciql project management" [apachelicense]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 "Apache License, Version 2.0"