## Comparison to JaQu This is an overview of the fundamental differences between the original JaQu project and the current featureset of iciql.
deploymentsmall, discrete librarydepends on H2 database jar file
databasesH2, HSQL, Derby, MySQL, and PostreSQLH2 only
loggingconsole, SLF4J, or custom loggingconsole logging
exceptionsalways includes generated statement in exception, when available--
column mappingsresult sets built by column nameresult sets built by field index
this can fail for dynamic queries or joins
syntax and api
dynamic queriesmethods and where clauses for dynamic queries that build iciql objects--
DROPsyntax to drop a table
BETWEENsyntax for specifying a BETWEEN x AND y clause--
primitivesfully supported--
enumsfully supported--
DECIMAL(length,scale)can specify length/precision and scale--
BOOLEANflexible mapping of boolean as bool, varchar, or int--
BLOBpartially supported *(can not be used in a WHERE clause)*--
UUIDfully supported *(H2 only)* --
DEFAULT valuesset from annotation, *default object values*, or Define.defaultValue()set from annotations
Interface Configuration
Mapped Fields
*all fields* are mapped regardless of scope
fields are ignored by annotating with @IQIgnore
*all public fields* are mapped
fields are ignored by reducing their scope
Index namescan be set--