/* * Copyright 2004-2011 H2 Group. * Copyright 2011 James Moger. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.iciql; import com.iciql.util.Utils; /** * This class represents an incomplete condition. * * @param * the incomplete condition data type */ public class TestCondition { private A x; public TestCondition(A x) { this.x = x; } public Boolean is(A y) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function("=", x, y) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" = "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } public Boolean exceeds(A y) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function(">", x, y) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" > "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } public Boolean atLeast(A y) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function(">=", x, y) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" >= "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } public Boolean lessThan(A y) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function("<", x, y) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" < "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } public Boolean atMost(A y) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function("<=", x, y) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" <= "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } public Boolean like(A pattern) { Boolean o = Utils.newObject(Boolean.class); return Db.registerToken(o, new Function("LIKE", x, pattern) { public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Query query) { stat.appendSQL("("); query.appendSQL(stat, null, x[0]); stat.appendSQL(" LIKE "); query.appendSQL(stat, x[0], x[1]); stat.appendSQL(")"); } }); } }