Copyright (c) 2005 Health Market Science, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
You can contact Health Market Science at info@healthmarketscience.com
or at the following address:
Health Market Science
2700 Horizon Drive
Suite 200
King of Prussia, PA 19406
package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.Flushable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.query.Query;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* An Access database.
* There is now experimental, optional support for large indexes (disabled by
* default). This optional support can be enabled via a few different means:
Setting the system property {@value #USE_BIG_INDEX_PROPERTY} to
* {@code "true"} will enable "large" index support accross the jvm
Calling {@link #setUseBigIndex} with {@code true} on a Database
* instance will enable "large" index support for all tables subsequently
* created from that instance
Calling {@link #getTable(String,boolean)} can selectively
* enable/disable "large" index support on a per-table basis (overriding
* any Database or system property setting)
* @author Tim McCune
public class Database
implements Iterable
, Closeable, Flushable
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Database.class);
/** this is the default "userId" used if we cannot find existing info. this
seems to be some standard "Admin" userId for access files */
private static final byte[] SYS_DEFAULT_SID = new byte[2];
static {
SYS_DEFAULT_SID[0] = (byte) 0xA6;
SYS_DEFAULT_SID[1] = (byte) 0x33;
/** default value for the auto-sync value ({@code true}). this is slower,
but leaves more chance of a useable database in the face of failures. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC = true;
/** system property which can be used to make big index support the
default. */
public static final String USE_BIG_INDEX_PROPERTY =
/** default error handler used if none provided (just rethrows exception) */
public static final ErrorHandler DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER = new ErrorHandler() {
public Object handleRowError(Column column,
byte[] columnData,
Table.RowState rowState,
Exception error)
throws IOException
// really can only be RuntimeException or IOException
if(error instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException)error;
throw (RuntimeException)error;
/** System catalog always lives on page 2 */
private static final int PAGE_SYSTEM_CATALOG = 2;
/** Name of the system catalog */
private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM_CATALOG = "MSysObjects";
/** this is the access control bit field for created tables. the value used
is equivalent to full access (Visual Basic DAO PermissionEnum constant:
dbSecFullAccess) */
private static final Integer SYS_FULL_ACCESS_ACM = 1048575;
/** ACE table column name of the actual access control entry */
private static final String ACE_COL_ACM = "ACM";
/** ACE table column name of the inheritable attributes flag */
private static final String ACE_COL_F_INHERITABLE = "FInheritable";
/** ACE table column name of the relevant objectId */
private static final String ACE_COL_OBJECT_ID = "ObjectId";
/** ACE table column name of the relevant userId */
private static final String ACE_COL_SID = "SID";
/** Relationship table column name of the column count */
private static final String REL_COL_COLUMN_COUNT = "ccolumn";
/** Relationship table column name of the flags */
private static final String REL_COL_FLAGS = "grbit";
/** Relationship table column name of the index of the columns */
private static final String REL_COL_COLUMN_INDEX = "icolumn";
/** Relationship table column name of the "to" column name */
private static final String REL_COL_TO_COLUMN = "szColumn";
/** Relationship table column name of the "to" table name */
private static final String REL_COL_TO_TABLE = "szObject";
/** Relationship table column name of the "from" column name */
private static final String REL_COL_FROM_COLUMN = "szReferencedColumn";
/** Relationship table column name of the "from" table name */
private static final String REL_COL_FROM_TABLE = "szReferencedObject";
/** Relationship table column name of the relationship */
private static final String REL_COL_NAME = "szRelationship";
/** System catalog column name of the page on which system object definitions
are stored */
private static final String CAT_COL_ID = "Id";
/** System catalog column name of the name of a system object */
private static final String CAT_COL_NAME = "Name";
private static final String CAT_COL_OWNER = "Owner";
/** System catalog column name of a system object's parent's id */
private static final String CAT_COL_PARENT_ID = "ParentId";
/** System catalog column name of the type of a system object */
private static final String CAT_COL_TYPE = "Type";
/** System catalog column name of the date a system object was created */
private static final String CAT_COL_DATE_CREATE = "DateCreate";
/** System catalog column name of the date a system object was updated */
private static final String CAT_COL_DATE_UPDATE = "DateUpdate";
/** System catalog column name of the flags column */
private static final String CAT_COL_FLAGS = "Flags";
/** System catalog column name of the properties column */
private static final String CAT_COL_PROPS = "LvProp";
/** Error message prefix for unsupported file format. */
static final String MSG_PREFIX_CREATE_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT = "Unsupported file format: ";
/** Error message prefix for unsupported file format. */
static final String MSG_PREFIX_OPEN_UNSUPPORTED_JET_FORMAT = "Unsupported Jet format: ";
public static enum FileFormat {
V1997(null, JetFormat.VERSION_3), // v97 is not supported, so no empty template is provided
V2000("com/healthmarketscience/jackcess/empty.mdb", JetFormat.VERSION_4),
V2003("com/healthmarketscience/jackcess/empty2003.mdb", JetFormat.VERSION_4),
V2007("com/healthmarketscience/jackcess/empty2007.accdb", JetFormat.VERSION_5, ".accdb");
private final String _emptyFile;
private final JetFormat _format;
private final String _ext;
private FileFormat(String emptyDBFile, JetFormat jetFormat) {
this(emptyDBFile, jetFormat, ".mdb");
private FileFormat(String emptyDBFile, JetFormat jetFormat, String ext) {
_emptyFile = emptyDBFile;
_format = jetFormat;
_ext = ext;
public JetFormat getJetFormat() { return _format; }
public String getFileExtension() { return _ext; }
public String toString() { return name() + ", jetFormat: " + getJetFormat(); }
/** Prefix for column or table names that are reserved words */
private static final String ESCAPE_PREFIX = "x";
/** Prefix that flags system tables */
private static final String PREFIX_SYSTEM = "MSys";
/** Name of the system object that is the parent of all tables */
private static final String SYSTEM_OBJECT_NAME_TABLES = "Tables";
/** Name of the table that contains system access control entries */
private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM_ACES = "MSysACEs";
/** Name of the table that contains table relationships */
private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM_RELATIONSHIPS = "MSysRelationships";
/** Name of the table that contains queries */
private static final String TABLE_SYSTEM_QUERIES = "MSysQueries";
/** Name of the table that contains queries */
private static final String OBJECT_NAME_DBPROPS = "MSysDb";
/** System object type for table definitions */
private static final Short TYPE_TABLE = (short) 1;
/** System object type for query definitions */
private static final Short TYPE_QUERY = (short) 5;
/** the columns to read when reading system catalog initially */
private static Collection SYSTEM_CATALOG_COLUMNS =
new HashSet(Arrays.asList(CAT_COL_NAME, CAT_COL_TYPE, CAT_COL_ID));
/** the columns to read when finding queries */
private static Collection SYSTEM_CATALOG_QUERY_COLUMNS =
new HashSet(Arrays.asList(CAT_COL_NAME, CAT_COL_TYPE, CAT_COL_ID,
* All of the reserved words in Access that should be escaped when creating
* table or column names
private static final Set RESERVED_WORDS = new HashSet();
static {
//Yup, there's a lot.
"add", "all", "alphanumeric", "alter", "and", "any", "application", "as",
"asc", "assistant", "autoincrement", "avg", "between", "binary", "bit",
"boolean", "by", "byte", "char", "character", "column", "compactdatabase",
"constraint", "container", "count", "counter", "create", "createdatabase",
"createfield", "creategroup", "createindex", "createobject", "createproperty",
"createrelation", "createtabledef", "createuser", "createworkspace",
"currency", "currentuser", "database", "date", "datetime", "delete",
"desc", "description", "disallow", "distinct", "distinctrow", "document",
"double", "drop", "echo", "else", "end", "eqv", "error", "exists", "exit",
"false", "field", "fields", "fillcache", "float", "float4", "float8",
"foreign", "form", "forms", "from", "full", "function", "general",
"getobject", "getoption", "gotopage", "group", "group by", "guid", "having",
"idle", "ieeedouble", "ieeesingle", "if", "ignore", "imp", "in", "index",
"indexes", "inner", "insert", "inserttext", "int", "integer", "integer1",
"integer2", "integer4", "into", "is", "join", "key", "lastmodified", "left",
"level", "like", "logical", "logical1", "long", "longbinary", "longtext",
"macro", "match", "max", "min", "mod", "memo", "module", "money", "move",
"name", "newpassword", "no", "not", "null", "number", "numeric", "object",
"oleobject", "off", "on", "openrecordset", "option", "or", "order", "outer",
"owneraccess", "parameter", "parameters", "partial", "percent", "pivot",
"primary", "procedure", "property", "queries", "query", "quit", "real",
"recalc", "recordset", "references", "refresh", "refreshlink",
"registerdatabase", "relation", "repaint", "repairdatabase", "report",
"reports", "requery", "right", "screen", "section", "select", "set",
"setfocus", "setoption", "short", "single", "smallint", "some", "sql",
"stdev", "stdevp", "string", "sum", "table", "tabledef", "tabledefs",
"tableid", "text", "time", "timestamp", "top", "transform", "true", "type",
"union", "unique", "update", "user", "value", "values", "var", "varp",
"varbinary", "varchar", "where", "with", "workspace", "xor", "year", "yes",
/** Buffer to hold database pages */
private ByteBuffer _buffer;
/** ID of the Tables system object */
private Integer _tableParentId;
/** Format that the containing database is in */
private final JetFormat _format;
* Map of UPPERCASE table names to page numbers containing their definition
* and their stored table name.
private Map _tableLookup =
new HashMap();
/** set of table names as stored in the mdb file, created on demand */
private Set _tableNames;
/** Reads and writes database pages */
private final PageChannel _pageChannel;
/** System catalog table */
private Table _systemCatalog;
/** System access control entries table */
private Table _accessControlEntries;
/** System relationships table (initialized on first use) */
private Table _relationships;
/** System queries table (initialized on first use) */
private Table _queries;
/** SIDs to use for the ACEs added for new tables */
private final List _newTableSIDs = new ArrayList();
/** for now, "big index support" is optional */
private boolean _useBigIndex;
/** optional error handler to use when row errors are encountered */
private ErrorHandler _dbErrorHandler;
/** the file format of the database */
private FileFormat _fileFormat;
* Open an existing Database. If the existing file is not writeable, the
* file will be opened read-only. Auto-syncing is enabled for the returned
* Database.
* Equivalent to:
* {@code open(mdbFile, false);}
* @param mdbFile File containing the database
* @see #open(File,boolean)
public static Database open(File mdbFile) throws IOException {
return open(mdbFile, false);
* Open an existing Database. If the existing file is not writeable or the
* readOnly flag is true, the file will be opened read-only.
* Auto-syncing is enabled for the returned Database.
* Equivalent to:
* {@code open(mdbFile, readOnly, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);}
* @param mdbFile File containing the database
* @param readOnly iff true, force opening file in read-only
* mode
* @see #open(File,boolean,boolean)
public static Database open(File mdbFile, boolean readOnly)
throws IOException
return open(mdbFile, readOnly, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);
* Open an existing Database. If the existing file is not writeable or the
* readOnly flag is true, the file will be opened read-only.
* @param mdbFile File containing the database
* @param readOnly iff true, force opening file in read-only
* mode
* @param autoSync whether or not to enable auto-syncing on write. if
* {@code true}, writes will be immediately flushed to disk.
* This leaves the database in a (fairly) consistent state
* on each write, but can be very inefficient for many
* updates. if {@code false}, flushing to disk happens at
* the jvm's leisure, which can be much faster, but may
* leave the database in an inconsistent state if failures
* are encountered during writing.
public static Database open(File mdbFile, boolean readOnly, boolean autoSync)
throws IOException
if(!mdbFile.exists() || !mdbFile.canRead()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("given file does not exist: " + mdbFile);
return new Database(openChannel(mdbFile,
(!mdbFile.canWrite() || readOnly)),
autoSync, null);
* Create a new Access 2000 Database
* Equivalent to:
* {@code create(FileFormat.V2000, mdbFile, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);}
* @param mdbFile Location to write the new database to. If this file
* already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @see #create(File,boolean)
public static Database create(File mdbFile) throws IOException {
return create(mdbFile, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);
* Create a new Database for the given fileFormat
* Equivalent to:
* {@code create(fileFormat, mdbFile, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);}
* @param fileFormat version of new database.
* @param mdbFile Location to write the new database to. If this file
* already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @see #create(File,boolean)
public static Database create(FileFormat fileFormat, File mdbFile)
throws IOException
return create(fileFormat, mdbFile, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);
* Create a new Access 2000 Database
* Equivalent to:
* {@code create(FileFormat.V2000, mdbFile, DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC);}
* @param mdbFile Location to write the new database to. If this file
* already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param autoSync whether or not to enable auto-syncing on write. if
* {@code true}, writes will be immediately flushed to disk.
* This leaves the database in a (fairly) consistent state
* on each write, but can be very inefficient for many
* updates. if {@code false}, flushing to disk happens at
* the jvm's leisure, which can be much faster, but may
* leave the database in an inconsistent state if failures
* are encountered during writing.
public static Database create(File mdbFile, boolean autoSync)
throws IOException
return create(FileFormat.V2000, mdbFile, autoSync);
* Create a new Database for the given fileFormat
* @param fileFormat version of new database.
* @param mdbFile Location to write the new database to. If this file
* already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param autoSync whether or not to enable auto-syncing on write. if
* {@code true}, writes will be immediately flushed to disk.
* This leaves the database in a (fairly) consistent state
* on each write, but can be very inefficient for many
* updates. if {@code false}, flushing to disk happens at
* the jvm's leisure, which can be much faster, but may
* leave the database in an inconsistent state if failures
* are encountered during writing.
public static Database create(FileFormat fileFormat, File mdbFile,
boolean autoSync)
throws IOException
if (JetFormat.VERSION_3.equals(fileFormat.getJetFormat())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MSG_PREFIX_CREATE_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT + fileFormat);
FileChannel channel = openChannel(mdbFile, false);
fileFormat._emptyFile)), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return new Database(channel, autoSync, fileFormat);
* Package visible only to support unit tests via DatabaseTest.openChannel().
* @param mdbFile file to open
* @param readOnly true if read-only
* @return a FileChannel on the given file.
* @exception FileNotFoundException
* if the mode is "r" but the given file object does
* not denote an existing regular file, or if the mode begins
* with "rw" but the given file object does not denote
* an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of
* that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs
* while opening or creating the file
static FileChannel openChannel(final File mdbFile, final boolean readOnly)
throws FileNotFoundException
final String mode = (readOnly ? "r" : "rw");
return new RandomAccessFile(mdbFile, mode).getChannel();
* Create a new database by reading it in from a FileChannel.
* @param channel File channel of the database. This needs to be a
* FileChannel instead of a ReadableByteChannel because we need to
* randomly jump around to various points in the file.
protected Database(FileChannel channel, boolean autoSync,
FileFormat fileFormat)
throws IOException
_format = JetFormat.getFormat(channel);
if (JetFormat.VERSION_3.equals(_format)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MSG_PREFIX_OPEN_UNSUPPORTED_JET_FORMAT + _format);
_fileFormat = fileFormat;
_pageChannel = new PageChannel(channel, _format, autoSync);
// note, it's slighly sketchy to pass ourselves along partially
// constructed, but only our _format and _pageChannel refs should be
// needed
_buffer = _pageChannel.createPageBuffer();
public PageChannel getPageChannel() {
return _pageChannel;
public JetFormat getFormat() {
return _format;
* @return The system catalog table
public Table getSystemCatalog() {
return _systemCatalog;
* @return The system Access Control Entries table
public Table getAccessControlEntries() {
return _accessControlEntries;
* Whether or not big index support is enabled for tables.
public boolean doUseBigIndex() {
return _useBigIndex;
* Set whether or not big index support is enabled for tables.
public void setUseBigIndex(boolean useBigIndex) {
_useBigIndex = useBigIndex;
* Gets the currently configured ErrorHandler (always non-{@code null}).
* This will be used to handle all errors unless overridden at the Table or
* Cursor level.
public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
return((_dbErrorHandler != null) ? _dbErrorHandler :
* Sets a new ErrorHandler. If {@code null}, resets to the
public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler newErrorHandler) {
_dbErrorHandler = newErrorHandler;
* Returns the FileFormat of this database (which may involve inspecting the
* database itself).
* @throws IllegalStateException if the file format cannot be determined
public FileFormat getFileFormat()
if(_fileFormat == null) {
Map possibleFileFormats =
if(possibleFileFormats.size() == 1) {
// single possible format, easy enough
_fileFormat = possibleFileFormats.keySet().iterator().next();
} else {
// need to check the "AccessVersion" property
byte[] dbProps = null;
for(Map row :
Arrays.asList(CAT_COL_NAME, CAT_COL_PROPS))) {
if(OBJECT_NAME_DBPROPS.equals(row.get(CAT_COL_NAME))) {
dbProps = (byte[])row.get(CAT_COL_PROPS);
if(dbProps != null) {
// search for certain "version strings" in the properties (we
// can't fully parse the properties objects, but we can still
// find the byte pattern)
ByteBuffer dbPropBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(dbProps);
for(Map.Entry possible :
possibleFileFormats.entrySet()) {
if(ByteUtil.findRange(dbPropBuf, 0, possible.getValue()) >= 0) {
_fileFormat = possible.getKey();
if(_fileFormat == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine FileFormat");
return _fileFormat;
* Read the system catalog
private void readSystemCatalog() throws IOException {
for(Map row :
String name = (String) row.get(CAT_COL_NAME);
if (name != null && TYPE_TABLE.equals(row.get(CAT_COL_TYPE))) {
if (!name.startsWith(PREFIX_SYSTEM)) {
addTable((String) row.get(CAT_COL_NAME), (Integer) row.get(CAT_COL_ID));
} else if(TABLE_SYSTEM_ACES.equals(name)) {
int pageNumber = (Integer)row.get(CAT_COL_ID);
_accessControlEntries = readTable(TABLE_SYSTEM_ACES, pageNumber,
} else if (SYSTEM_OBJECT_NAME_TABLES.equals(name)) {
_tableParentId = (Integer) row.get(CAT_COL_ID);
// check for required system values
if(_accessControlEntries == null) {
throw new IOException("Did not find required " + TABLE_SYSTEM_ACES +
" table");
if(_tableParentId == null) {
throw new IOException("Did not find required parent table id");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Finished reading system catalog. Tables: " +
* @return The names of all of the user tables (String)
public Set getTableNames() {
if(_tableNames == null) {
_tableNames = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
for(TableInfo tableInfo : _tableLookup.values()) {
return _tableNames;
* @return an unmodifiable Iterator of the user Tables in this Database.
* @throws IllegalStateException if an IOException is thrown by one of the
* operations, the actual exception will be contained within
* @throws ConcurrentModificationException if a table is added to the
* database while an Iterator is in use.
public Iterator
iterator() {
return new TableIterator();
* @param name Table name
* @return The table, or null if it doesn't exist
public Table getTable(String name) throws IOException {
return getTable(name, defaultUseBigIndex());
* @param name Table name
* @param useBigIndex whether or not "big index support" should be enabled
* for the table (this value will override any other
* settings)
* @return The table, or null if it doesn't exist
public Table getTable(String name, boolean useBigIndex) throws IOException {
TableInfo tableInfo = lookupTable(name);
if ((tableInfo == null) || (tableInfo.pageNumber == null)) {
return null;
return readTable(tableInfo.tableName, tableInfo.pageNumber, useBigIndex);
* Create a new table in this database
* @param name Name of the table to create
* @param columns List of Columns in the table
public void createTable(String name, List columns)
throws IOException
validateIdentifierName(name, _format.MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH, "table");
if(getTable(name) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot create table with name of existing table");
if(columns.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot create table with no columns");
if(columns.size() > _format.MAX_COLUMNS_PER_TABLE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot create table with more than " +
_format.MAX_COLUMNS_PER_TABLE + " columns");
Set colNames = new HashSet();
// next, validate the column definitions
for(Column column : columns) {
if(!colNames.add(column.getName().toUpperCase())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate column name: " +
List autoCols = Table.getAutoNumberColumns(columns);
if(autoCols.size() > 1) {
// we can have one of each type
Set autoTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(DataType.class);
for(Column c : autoCols) {
if(!autoTypes.add(c.getType())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can have at most one AutoNumber column of type " + c.getType() + " per table");
//Write the tdef page to disk.
int tdefPageNumber = Table.writeTableDefinition(columns, _pageChannel,
//Add this table to our internal list.
addTable(name, Integer.valueOf(tdefPageNumber));
//Add this table to system tables
addToSystemCatalog(name, tdefPageNumber);
* Finds all the relationships in the database between the given tables.
public List getRelationships(Table table1, Table table2)
throws IOException
// the relationships table does not get loaded until first accessed
if(_relationships == null) {
_relationships = getSystemTable(TABLE_SYSTEM_RELATIONSHIPS);
if(_relationships == null) {
throw new IOException("Could not find system relationships table");
int nameCmp = table1.getName().compareTo(table2.getName());
if(nameCmp == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide two different tables");
if(nameCmp > 0) {
// we "order" the two tables given so that we will return a collection
// of relationships in the same order regardless of whether we are given
// (TableFoo, TableBar) or (TableBar, TableFoo).
Table tmp = table1;
table1 = table2;
table2 = tmp;
List relationships = new ArrayList();
Cursor cursor = createCursorWithOptionalIndex(
_relationships, REL_COL_FROM_TABLE, table1.getName());
collectRelationships(cursor, table1, table2, relationships);
cursor = createCursorWithOptionalIndex(
_relationships, REL_COL_TO_TABLE, table1.getName());
collectRelationships(cursor, table2, table1, relationships);
return relationships;
* Finds all the queries in the database.
public List getQueries()
throws IOException
// the queries table does not get loaded until first accessed
if(_queries == null) {
_queries = getSystemTable(TABLE_SYSTEM_QUERIES);
if(_queries == null) {
throw new IOException("Could not find system queries table");
// find all the queries from the system catalog