/* Copyright (c) 2005 Health Market Science, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA You can contact Health Market Science at info@healthmarketscience.com or at the following address: Health Market Science 2700 Horizon Drive Suite 200 King of Prussia, PA 19406 */ package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Describes which database pages a particular table uses * @author Tim McCune */ public abstract class UsageMap { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UsageMap.class); /** Inline map type */ public static final byte MAP_TYPE_INLINE = 0x0; /** Reference map type, for maps that are too large to fit inline */ public static final byte MAP_TYPE_REFERENCE = 0x1; /** Index of the current page, incremented after calling getNextPage */ private int _currentPageIndex = 0; /** Page number of the map declaration */ private int _dataPageNum; /** Offset of the data page at which the usage map data starts */ private int _startOffset; /** Offset of the data page at which the usage map declaration starts */ private short _rowStart; /** Format of the database that contains this usage map */ private JetFormat _format; /** List of page numbers used (Integer) */ private List _pageNumbers = new ArrayList(); /** Buffer that contains the usage map declaration page */ private ByteBuffer _dataBuffer; /** Used to read in pages */ private PageChannel _pageChannel; /** * @param pageChannel Used to read in pages * @param pageNum Page number that this usage map is contained in * @param rowNum Number of the row on the page that contains this usage map * @param format Format of the database that contains this usage map * @return Either an InlineUsageMap or a ReferenceUsageMap, depending on which * type of map is found */ public static UsageMap read(PageChannel pageChannel, int pageNum, byte rowNum, JetFormat format) throws IOException { ByteBuffer dataBuffer = pageChannel.createPageBuffer(); pageChannel.readPage(dataBuffer, pageNum); short rowStart = dataBuffer.getShort(format.OFFSET_ROW_START + 2 * rowNum); int rowEnd; if (rowNum == 0) { rowEnd = format.PAGE_SIZE - 1; } else { rowEnd = (dataBuffer.getShort(format.OFFSET_ROW_START + (rowNum - 1) * 2) & 0x0FFF) - 1; } dataBuffer.limit(rowEnd + 1); byte mapType = dataBuffer.get(rowStart); UsageMap rtn; if (mapType == MAP_TYPE_INLINE) { rtn = new InlineUsageMap(pageChannel, dataBuffer, pageNum, format, rowStart); } else if (mapType == MAP_TYPE_REFERENCE) { rtn = new ReferenceUsageMap(pageChannel, dataBuffer, pageNum, format, rowStart); } else { throw new IOException("Unrecognized map type: " + mapType); } return rtn; } /** * @param pageChannel Used to read in pages * @param dataBuffer Buffer that contains this map's declaration * @param pageNum Page number that this usage map is contained in * @param format Format of the database that contains this usage map * @param rowStart Offset at which the declaration starts in the buffer */ public UsageMap(PageChannel pageChannel, ByteBuffer dataBuffer, int pageNum, JetFormat format, short rowStart) throws IOException { _pageChannel = pageChannel; _dataBuffer = dataBuffer; _dataPageNum = pageNum; _format = format; _rowStart = rowStart; _dataBuffer.position((int) _rowStart + format.OFFSET_MAP_START); _startOffset = _dataBuffer.position(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Usage map block:\n" + ByteUtil.toHexString(_dataBuffer, _rowStart, dataBuffer.limit() - _rowStart)); } } protected short getRowStart() { return _rowStart; } public List getPageNumbers() { return _pageNumbers; } protected void setStartOffset(int startOffset) { _startOffset = startOffset; } protected int getStartOffset() { return _startOffset; } protected ByteBuffer getDataBuffer() { return _dataBuffer; } protected int getDataPageNumber() { return _dataPageNum; } protected PageChannel getPageChannel() { return _pageChannel; } protected JetFormat getFormat() { return _format; } /** * After calling this method, getNextPage will return the first page in the map */ public void reset() { _currentPageIndex = 0; } /** * @param buffer Buffer to read the next page into * @return Whether or not there was another page to read */ public boolean getNextPage(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { if (_pageNumbers.size() > _currentPageIndex) { Integer pageNumber = (Integer) _pageNumbers.get(_currentPageIndex++); _pageChannel.readPage(buffer, pageNumber.intValue()); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Read in the page numbers in this inline map */ protected void processMap(ByteBuffer buffer, int pageIndex, int startPage) { int byteCount = 0; while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { byte b = buffer.get(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((b & (1 << i)) != 0) { Integer pageNumber = new Integer((startPage + byteCount * 8 + i) + (pageIndex * _format.PAGES_PER_USAGE_MAP_PAGE)); _pageNumbers.add(pageNumber); } } byteCount++; } } /** * Add a page number to this usage map */ public void addPageNumber(int pageNumber) throws IOException { //Sanity check, only on in debug mode for performance considerations if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && _pageNumbers.contains(new Integer(pageNumber))) { throw new IOException("Page number " + pageNumber + " already in usage map"); } addOrRemovePageNumber(pageNumber, true); } /** * Remove a page number from this usage map */ public void removePageNumber(int pageNumber) throws IOException { addOrRemovePageNumber(pageNumber, false); } protected void updateMap(int absolutePageNumber, int relativePageNumber, int bitmask, ByteBuffer buffer, boolean add) { //Find the byte to apply the bitmask to int offset = relativePageNumber / 8; byte b = buffer.get(_startOffset + offset); //Apply the bitmask if (add) { b |= bitmask; _pageNumbers.add(new Integer(absolutePageNumber)); } else { b &= ~bitmask; } buffer.put(_startOffset + offset, b); } public String toString() { return "page numbers: " + _pageNumbers; } /** * @param pageNumber Page number to add or remove from this map * @param add True to add it, false to remove it */ protected abstract void addOrRemovePageNumber(int pageNumber, boolean add) throws IOException; }