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2 files changed, 252 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/javassist/compiler/CodeGen.java b/src/main/javassist/compiler/CodeGen.java
index 35d06817..2c186eed 100644
--- a/src/main/javassist/compiler/CodeGen.java
+++ b/src/main/javassist/compiler/CodeGen.java
@@ -199,20 +199,28 @@ public abstract class CodeGen extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
public void compileExpr(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
- doTypeCheck(expr);
+ expr = doTypeCheck(expr);
public boolean compileBooleanExpr(boolean branchIf, ASTree expr)
throws CompileError
- doTypeCheck(expr);
+ expr = doTypeCheck(expr);
return booleanExpr(branchIf, expr);
- public void doTypeCheck(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
- if (typeChecker != null)
+ /* This returns a different expression from the given one
+ * if the given expression has been modified.
+ */
+ private ASTree doTypeCheck(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
+ if (typeChecker != null) {
+ ASTree expr2 = typeChecker.modifiedExpr;
+ return expr2 == null ? expr : expr2;
+ }
+ else
+ return expr;
public void atASTList(ASTList n) throws CompileError { fatal(); }
@@ -300,7 +308,7 @@ public abstract class CodeGen extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
int op = st.getOperator();
if (op == EXPR) {
ASTree expr = st.getLeft();
- doTypeCheck(expr);
+ expr = doTypeCheck(expr);
if (expr instanceof AssignExpr)
atAssignExpr((AssignExpr)expr, false);
else if (isPlusPlusExpr(expr)) {
@@ -560,7 +568,7 @@ public abstract class CodeGen extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
ASTree init = d.getInitializer();
if (init != null) {
- doTypeCheck(init);
+ init = doTypeCheck(init);
atVariableAssign(null, '=', null, d, init, false);
@@ -790,13 +798,10 @@ public abstract class CodeGen extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
int k = lookupBinOp(token);
if (k >= 0) {
- ASTree right = expr.oprand2();
- if (right == null)
- return; // see TypeChecker.atBinExpr().
int type1 = exprType;
int dim1 = arrayDim;
String cname1 = className;
+ ASTree right = expr.oprand2();
if (dim1 != arrayDim)
throw new CompileError("incompatible array types");
diff --git a/src/main/javassist/compiler/TypeChecker.java b/src/main/javassist/compiler/TypeChecker.java
index 196c7642..d57b95a5 100644
--- a/src/main/javassist/compiler/TypeChecker.java
+++ b/src/main/javassist/compiler/TypeChecker.java
@@ -17,11 +17,17 @@ package javassist.compiler;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtField;
+import javassist.Modifier;
import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.NotFoundException;
import javassist.compiler.ast.*;
import javassist.bytecode.*;
+ * This class does type checking and, if needed, transformes the original
+ * abstract syntax tree. The resulting tree is available from
+ * this.modifiedExpr.
+ */
public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
static final String javaLangObject = "java.lang.Object";
static final String jvmJavaLangObject = "java/lang/Object";
@@ -34,6 +40,7 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
protected int exprType; // VOID, NULL, CLASS, BOOLEAN, INT, ...
protected int arrayDim;
protected String className; // JVM-internal representation
+ protected ASTree modifiedExpr; // null if the given expr was not changed
protected MemberResolver resolver;
protected CtClass thisClass;
@@ -98,6 +105,7 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
exprType = CLASS;
arrayDim = 0;
className = MemberResolver.javaToJvmName(cname);
+ modifiedExpr = null;
@@ -109,8 +117,12 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
atMultiNewArray(type, classname, size);
else {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ size.setHead(modifiedExpr);
exprType = type;
arrayDim = 1;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
if (type == CLASS)
className = resolveClassName(classname);
@@ -130,8 +142,11 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ size.setHead(modifiedExpr);
+ modifiedExpr = null;
exprType = type;
arrayDim = dim;
if (type == CLASS)
@@ -174,49 +189,80 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
int varArray = d.getArrayDim();
String varClass = d.getClassName();
- if (op != '=')
+ if (op != '=') {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
+ }
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
exprType = varType;
arrayDim = varArray;
className = varClass;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
private void atArrayAssign(Expr expr, int op, Expr array,
ASTree right) throws CompileError
- atArrayRead(array.oprand1(), array.oprand2());
+ atArrayRead(array);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
int aType = exprType;
int aDim = arrayDim;
String cname = className;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
exprType = aType;
arrayDim = aDim;
className = cname;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
protected void atFieldAssign(Expr expr, int op, ASTree left, ASTree right)
throws CompileError
- CtField f = fieldAccess(left);
- atFieldRead(f);
+ CtField f = atFieldRead(left);
int fType = exprType;
int fDim = arrayDim;
String cname = className;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
+ if (Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers()))
+ throw new CompileError("assignment to a final field");
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
exprType = fType;
arrayDim = fDim;
className = cname;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
public void atCondExpr(CondExpr expr) throws CompileError {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setCond(modifiedExpr);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setThen(modifiedExpr);
int type1 = exprType;
int dim1 = arrayDim;
String cname1 = className;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setElse(modifiedExpr);
if (dim1 == 0 && dim1 == arrayDim)
if (CodeGen.rightIsStrong(type1, exprType))
@@ -225,63 +271,89 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
expr.setElse(new CastExpr(type1, 0, expr.elseExpr()));
exprType = type1;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
public void atBinExpr(BinExpr expr) throws CompileError {
int token = expr.getOperator();
int k = CodeGen.lookupBinOp(token);
- if (k >= 0) {
+ if (k < 0) {
+ /* equation: &&, ||, ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >
+ */
+ booleanExpr(expr);
+ }
+ else {
/* arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, |, ^, &, <<, >>, >>>
- if (token == '+') {
+ if (token != '+')
+ atNonPlusExpr(expr, token);
+ else {
Expr e = atPlusExpr(expr);
if (e != null) {
/* String concatenation has been translated into
* an expression using StringBuffer.
e = CallExpr.makeCall(Expr.make('.', e,
- new Member("toString")), null);
- expr.setLeft(e);
- expr.setOprand2(null); // <---- look at this!
+ new Member("toString")), null);
className = jvmJavaLangString;
+ modifiedExpr = e; // expr will be replaced with e.
- else {
- expr.oprand1().accept(this);
- int type1 = exprType;
- expr.oprand2().accept(this);
- computeBinExprType(expr, token, type1);
- }
- else {
- /* equation: &&, ||, ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >
- */
- booleanExpr(expr);
+ }
+ private void atNonPlusExpr(BinExpr expr, int token) throws CompileError {
+ ASTree left = expr.oprand1();
+ ASTree right = expr.oprand2();
+ left.accept(this);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ left = modifiedExpr;
+ expr.setOprand1(left);
+ }
+ int type1 = exprType;
+ right.accept(this);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ right = modifiedExpr;
+ expr.setOprand2(right);
+ modifiedExpr = computeConstExpr(token, left, right);
+ computeBinExprType(expr, token, type1);
- // expr must be a + expression.
+ /* This method deals with string concatenation. It converts a +
+ * expression on String such as:
+ * "value:" + i + "."
+ * into:
+ * new StringBuffer().append("value:").append(i).append(".")
+ * .toString()
+ *
+ * This method also inserts a cast operator for the right operand
+ * if needed.
+ *
+ * EXPR must be a + expression.
+ *
+ * atPlusExpr() returns null if the expression is not a string
+ * concatenation.
+ */
private Expr atPlusExpr(BinExpr expr) throws CompileError {
ASTree left = expr.oprand1();
ASTree right = expr.oprand2();
- if (right == null) {
- /* this expression has been already type-checked since it is
- string concatenation.
- see atBinExpr() above.
- */
- exprType = CLASS;
- arrayDim = 0;
- className = jvmJavaLangString;
- return null;
- }
if (isPlusExpr(left)) {
Expr newExpr = atPlusExpr((BinExpr)left);
if (newExpr != null) {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ right = modifiedExpr;
exprType = CLASS;
arrayDim = 0;
className = "java/lang/StringBuffer";
+ modifiedExpr = null;
return makeAppendCall(newExpr, right);
@@ -291,17 +363,37 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
int type1 = exprType;
int dim1 = arrayDim;
String cname = className;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ left = modifiedExpr;
+ expr.setOprand1(left);
+ }
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ right = modifiedExpr;
+ expr.setOprand2(right);
+ }
+ modifiedExpr = computeConstExpr('+', left, right);
if ((type1 == CLASS && dim1 == 0 && jvmJavaLangString.equals(cname))
|| (exprType == CLASS && arrayDim == 0
- && jvmJavaLangString.equals(className))) {
- ASTList sbufClass = ASTList.make(new Symbol("java"),
- new Symbol("lang"), new Symbol("StringBuffer"));
- ASTree e = new NewExpr(sbufClass, null);
+ && jvmJavaLangString.equals(className)))
+ {
exprType = CLASS;
arrayDim = 0;
- className = "java/lang/StringBuffer";
- return makeAppendCall(makeAppendCall(e, left), right);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ // this expression is constant.
+ className = jvmJavaLangString;
+ return null;
+ }
+ else {
+ className = "java/lang/StringBuffer";
+ ASTList sbufClass = ASTList.make(new Symbol("java"),
+ new Symbol("lang"),
+ new Symbol("StringBuffer"));
+ ASTree e = new NewExpr(sbufClass, null);
+ return makeAppendCall(makeAppendCall(e, left), right);
+ }
else {
computeBinExprType(expr, '+', type1);
@@ -336,33 +428,54 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
if (CodeGen.isP_INT(exprType))
exprType = INT; // type1 may be BYTE, ...
+ arrayDim = 0;
+ // don't change the value of modifiedExpr.
private void booleanExpr(ASTree expr)
throws CompileError
+ ASTree modExpr = null;
int op = CodeGen.getCompOperator(expr);
if (op == EQ) { // ==, !=, ...
BinExpr bexpr = (BinExpr)expr;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ bexpr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
int type1 = exprType;
int dim1 = arrayDim;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ bexpr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
if (dim1 == 0 && arrayDim == 0)
insertCast(bexpr, type1, exprType);
- else if (op == '!')
+ else if (op == '!') {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ ((Expr)expr).setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
+ }
else if (op == ANDAND || op == OROR) {
BinExpr bexpr = (BinExpr)expr;
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ bexpr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ bexpr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
- else // others
+ else { // others
+ modExpr = modifiedExpr;
+ }
exprType = BOOLEAN;
arrayDim = 0;
+ modifiedExpr = modExpr;
private void insertCast(BinExpr expr, int type1, int type2)
@@ -374,18 +487,37 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
exprType = type1;
+ private ASTree computeConstExpr(int op, ASTree left, ASTree right) {
+ if (left instanceof StringL && right instanceof StringL && op == '+')
+ return new StringL(((StringL)left).get() + ((StringL)right).get());
+ else if (left instanceof IntConst)
+ return ((IntConst)left).compute(op, right);
+ else if (left instanceof DoubleConst)
+ return ((DoubleConst)left).compute(op, right);
+ else
+ return null; // not constant expression
+ }
public void atCastExpr(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError {
String cname = resolveClassName(expr.getClassName());
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand(modifiedExpr);
exprType = expr.getType();
arrayDim = expr.getArrayDim();
className = cname;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
public void atInstanceOfExpr(InstanceOfExpr expr) throws CompileError {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand(modifiedExpr);
exprType = BOOLEAN;
arrayDim = 0;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
public void atExpr(Expr expr) throws CompileError {
@@ -411,7 +543,7 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
else if (token == ARRAY)
- atArrayRead(oprand, expr.oprand2());
+ atArrayRead(expr);
else if (token == PLUSPLUS || token == MINUSMINUS)
atPlusPlus(token, oprand, expr);
else if (token == '!')
@@ -419,13 +551,40 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
else if (token == CALL) // method call
else {
- expr.oprand1().accept(this);
- if (token == '-' || token == '~')
+ oprand.accept(this);
+ if (modifiedExpr != null) {
+ oprand = modifiedExpr;
+ expr.setOprand1(oprand);
+ }
+ modifiedExpr = computeConstExpr(token, oprand);
+ if (token == '-' || token == '~') {
if (CodeGen.isP_INT(exprType))
exprType = INT; // type may be BYTE, ...
+ }
+ private ASTree computeConstExpr(int op, ASTree oprand) {
+ if (oprand instanceof IntConst) {
+ IntConst c = (IntConst)oprand;
+ long v = c.get();
+ if (op == '-')
+ v = -v;
+ else if (op == '~')
+ v = ~v;
+ c.set(v);
+ }
+ else if (oprand instanceof DoubleConst) {
+ DoubleConst c = (DoubleConst)oprand;
+ if (op == '-')
+ c.set(-c.get());
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public void atCallExpr(CallExpr expr) throws CompileError {
String mname = null;
CtClass targetClass = null;
@@ -455,6 +614,8 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
ASTree target = e.oprand1();
try {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ e.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
catch (NoFieldException nfe) {
if (nfe.getExpr() != target)
@@ -482,6 +643,7 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
MemberResolver.Method minfo
= atMethodCallCore(targetClass, mname, args);
+ modifiedExpr = null;
private static void badMethod() throws CompileError {
@@ -489,6 +651,8 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
+ * modifiedExpr is not set.
+ *
* @return a pair of the class declaring the invoked method
* and the MethodInfo of that method. Never null.
@@ -531,6 +695,9 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
while (args != null) {
ASTree a = args.head();
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ args.setHead(modifiedExpr);
types[i] = exprType;
dims[i] = arrayDim;
cnames[i] = className;
@@ -539,6 +706,8 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
+ /* modifiedExpr is not set.
+ */
void setReturnType(String desc) throws CompileError {
int i = desc.indexOf(')');
if (i < 0)
@@ -566,11 +735,8 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
- private void atFieldRead(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
- atFieldRead(fieldAccess(expr));
- }
- private void atFieldRead(CtField f) throws CompileError {
+ private CtField atFieldRead(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
+ CtField f = fieldAccess(expr);
FieldInfo finfo = f.getFieldInfo2();
String type = finfo.getDescriptor();
@@ -589,6 +755,9 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
className = type.substring(i + 1, type.indexOf(';', i + 1));
className = null;
+ modifiedExpr = null; ??
+ return f;
protected CtField fieldAccess(ASTree expr) throws CompileError {
@@ -611,6 +780,9 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
else if (op == '.')
try {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ e.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
if (exprType == CLASS && arrayDim == 0)
return resolver.lookupFieldByJvmName(className,
@@ -636,25 +808,38 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
exprType = CLASS;
arrayDim = 0;
className =jvmJavaLangClass;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
public void atArrayLength(Expr expr) throws CompileError {
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
exprType = INT;
arrayDim = 0;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
- public void atArrayRead(ASTree array, ASTree index)
- throws CompileError
- {
+ public void atArrayRead(Expr expr) throws CompileError {
+ ASTree array = expr.oprand1();
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand1(modifiedExpr);
int type = exprType;
int dim = arrayDim;
String cname = className;
+ ASTree index = expr.oprand2();
+ if (modifiedExpr != null)
+ expr.setOprand2(modifiedExpr);
exprType = type;
arrayDim = dim - 1;
className = cname;
+ modifiedExpr = null;
private void atPlusPlus(int token, ASTree oprand, Expr expr)
@@ -668,12 +853,13 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
Declarator d = ((Variable)oprand).getDeclarator();
exprType = d.getType();
arrayDim = d.getArrayDim();
+ modifiedExpr = null;
else {
if (oprand instanceof Expr) {
Expr e = (Expr)oprand;
if (e.getOperator() == ARRAY) {
- atArrayRead(e.oprand1(), e.oprand2());
+ atArrayRead(e);
// arrayDim should be 0.
int t = exprType;
if (t == INT || t == BYTE || t == CHAR || t == SHORT)
@@ -689,8 +875,7 @@ public class TypeChecker extends Visitor implements Opcode, TokenId {
protected void atFieldPlusPlus(ASTree oprand) throws CompileError
- CtField f = fieldAccess(oprand);
- atFieldRead(f);
+ atFieldRead(oprand);
int t = exprType;
if (t == INT || t == BYTE || t == CHAR || t == SHORT)
exprType = INT;