/* * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later, * or the Apache License Version 2.0. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. */ package javassist.compiler; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import javassist.ClassPool; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtField; import javassist.Modifier; import javassist.NotFoundException; import javassist.bytecode.AccessFlag; import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile; import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor; import javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo; import javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList; import javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree; import javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator; import javassist.compiler.ast.Keyword; import javassist.compiler.ast.Symbol; /* Code generator methods depending on javassist.* classes. */ public class MemberResolver implements TokenId { private ClassPool classPool; public MemberResolver(ClassPool cp) { classPool = cp; } public ClassPool getClassPool() { return classPool; } private static void fatal(int lineNumber) throws CompileError { throw new CompileError("fatal", lineNumber); } public static class Method { public CtClass declaring; public MethodInfo info; public int notmatch; public Method(CtClass c, MethodInfo i, int n) { declaring = c; info = i; notmatch = n; } /** * Returns true if the invoked method is static. */ public boolean isStatic() { int acc = info.getAccessFlags(); return (acc & AccessFlag.STATIC) != 0; } } public Method lookupMethod(CtClass clazz, CtClass currentClass, MethodInfo current, String methodName, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames) throws CompileError { Method maybe = null; // to enable the creation of a recursively called method if (current != null && clazz == currentClass) if (current.getName().equals(methodName)) { int res = compareSignature(current.getDescriptor(), argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, currentClass.getLinesCount() - 1); if (res != NO) { Method r = new Method(clazz, current, res); if (res == YES) return r; maybe = r; } } Method m = lookupMethod(clazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, maybe != null); if (m != null) return m; return maybe; } private Method lookupMethod(CtClass clazz, String methodName, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames, boolean onlyExact) throws CompileError { Method maybe = null; ClassFile cf = clazz.getClassFile2(); // If the class is an array type, the class file is null. // If so, search the super class java.lang.Object for clone() etc. if (cf != null) { List list = cf.getMethods(); for (MethodInfo minfo:list) { if (minfo.getName().equals(methodName) && (minfo.getAccessFlags() & AccessFlag.BRIDGE) == 0) { int res = compareSignature(minfo.getDescriptor(), argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, clazz.getLinesCount() - 1); if (res != NO) { Method r = new Method(clazz, minfo, res); if (res == YES) return r; else if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > res) maybe = r; } } } } if (onlyExact) maybe = null; //else maybe super class has more precise match int mod = clazz.getModifiers(); boolean isIntf = Modifier.isInterface(mod); try { // skip searching java.lang.Object if clazz is an interface type. if (!isIntf) { CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) { if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > r.notmatch) { maybe = r; } } } } } catch (NotFoundException e) {} try { CtClass[] ifs = clazz.getInterfaces(); for (CtClass intf:ifs) { Method r = lookupMethod(intf, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) { if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > r.notmatch) { maybe = r; } } } if (isIntf) { // finally search java.lang.Object. CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) { if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > r.notmatch) { maybe = r; } } } } } catch (NotFoundException e) {} return maybe; } private static final int YES = 0; private static final int NO = -1; /* * Returns YES if actual parameter types matches the given signature. * * argTypes, argDims, and argClassNames represent actual parameters. * * This method does not correctly implement the Java method dispatch * algorithm. * * If some of the parameter types exactly match but others are subtypes of * the corresponding type in the signature, this method returns the number * of parameter types that do not exactly match. */ private int compareSignature(String desc, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { int result = YES; int i = 1; int nArgs = argTypes.length; if (nArgs != Descriptor.numOfParameters(desc)) return NO; int len = desc.length(); for (int n = 0; i < len; ++n) { char c = desc.charAt(i++); if (c == ')') return (n == nArgs ? result : NO); else if (n >= nArgs) return NO; int dim = 0; while (c == '[') { ++dim; c = desc.charAt(i++); } if (argTypes[n] == NULL) { if (dim == 0 && c != 'L') return NO; if (c == 'L') i = desc.indexOf(';', i) + 1; } else if (argDims[n] != dim) { if (!(dim == 0 && c == 'L' && desc.startsWith("java/lang/Object;", i))) return NO; // if the thread reaches here, c must be 'L'. i = desc.indexOf(';', i) + 1; result++; if (i <= 0) return NO; // invalid descriptor? } else if (c == 'L') { // not compare int j = desc.indexOf(';', i); if (j < 0 || argTypes[n] != CLASS) return NO; String cname = desc.substring(i, j); if (!cname.equals(argClassNames[n])) { CtClass clazz = lookupClassByJvmName(argClassNames[n], lineNumber); try { if (clazz.subtypeOf(lookupClassByJvmName(cname, lineNumber))) result++; else return NO; } catch (NotFoundException e) { result++; // should be NO? } } i = j + 1; } else { int t = descToType(c, lineNumber); int at = argTypes[n]; if (t != at) if (t == INT && (at == SHORT || at == BYTE || at == CHAR)) result++; else return NO; } } return NO; } /** * Only used by fieldAccess() in MemberCodeGen and TypeChecker. * * @param jvmClassName a JVM class name. e.g. java/lang/String * @see #lookupClass(String, boolean, int) */ public CtField lookupFieldByJvmName2(String jvmClassName, Symbol fieldSym, ASTree expr) throws NoFieldException { String field = fieldSym.get(); CtClass cc = null; try { cc = lookupClass(jvmToJavaName(jvmClassName), true, expr.getLineNumber()); } catch (CompileError e) { // EXPR might be part of a qualified class name. throw new NoFieldException(jvmClassName + "/" + field, expr); } try { return cc.getField(field); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // maybe an inner class. jvmClassName = javaToJvmName(cc.getName()); throw new NoFieldException(jvmClassName + "$" + field, expr); } } /** * @param jvmClassName a JVM class name. e.g. java/lang/String */ public CtField lookupFieldByJvmName(String jvmClassName, Symbol fieldName) throws CompileError { return lookupField(jvmToJavaName(jvmClassName), fieldName); } /** * @param className a qualified class name. e.g. java.lang.String */ public CtField lookupField(String className, Symbol fieldName) throws CompileError { CtClass cc = lookupClass(className, false, fieldName.getLineNumber()); try { return cc.getField(fieldName.get()); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} throw new CompileError("no such field: " + fieldName.get(), fieldName.getLineNumber()); } public CtClass lookupClassByName(ASTList name) throws CompileError { return lookupClass(Declarator.astToClassName(name, '.'), false, name.getLineNumber()); } public CtClass lookupClassByJvmName(String jvmName, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { return lookupClass(jvmToJavaName(jvmName), false, lineNumber); } public CtClass lookupClass(Declarator decl) throws CompileError { return lookupClass(decl.getType(), decl.getArrayDim(), decl.getClassName(), decl.getLineNumber()); } /** * @param classname jvm class name. * @param lineNumber */ public CtClass lookupClass(int type, int dim, String classname, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { String cname = ""; CtClass clazz; if (type == CLASS) { clazz = lookupClassByJvmName(classname, lineNumber); if (dim > 0) cname = clazz.getName(); else return clazz; } else cname = getTypeName(type, lineNumber); while (dim-- > 0) cname += "[]"; return lookupClass(cname, false, lineNumber); } /* * type cannot be CLASS */ static String getTypeName(int type, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { String cname = ""; switch (type) { case BOOLEAN : cname = "boolean"; break; case CHAR : cname = "char"; break; case BYTE : cname = "byte"; break; case SHORT : cname = "short"; break; case INT : cname = "int"; break; case LONG : cname = "long"; break; case FLOAT : cname = "float"; break; case DOUBLE : cname = "double"; break; case VOID : cname = "void"; break; default : fatal(lineNumber); } return cname; } /** * @param name a qualified class name. e.g. java.lang.String * @param lineNumber */ public CtClass lookupClass(String name, boolean notCheckInner, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { Map cache = getInvalidNames(); String found = cache.get(name); if (found == INVALID) throw new CompileError("no such class: " + name, lineNumber); else if (found != null) try { return classPool.get(found); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} CtClass cc = null; try { cc = lookupClass0(name, notCheckInner); } catch (NotFoundException e) { cc = searchImports(name, lineNumber); } cache.put(name, cc.getName()); return cc; } private static final String INVALID = ""; private static Map>> invalidNamesMap = new WeakHashMap>>(); private Map invalidNames = null; // for unit tests public static int getInvalidMapSize() { return invalidNamesMap.size(); } private Map getInvalidNames() { Map ht = invalidNames; if (ht == null) { synchronized (MemberResolver.class) { Reference> ref = invalidNamesMap.get(classPool); if (ref != null) ht = ref.get(); if (ht == null) { ht = new Hashtable(); invalidNamesMap.put(classPool, new WeakReference>(ht)); } } invalidNames = ht; } return ht; } private CtClass searchImports(String orgName, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { if (orgName.indexOf('.') < 0) { Iterator it = classPool.getImportedPackages(); while (it.hasNext()) { String pac = it.next(); String fqName = pac.replaceAll("\\.$","") + "." + orgName; try { return classPool.get(fqName); } catch (NotFoundException e) { try { if (pac.endsWith("." + orgName)) return classPool.get(pac); } catch (NotFoundException e2) {} } } } getInvalidNames().put(orgName, INVALID); throw new CompileError("no such class: " + orgName, lineNumber); } private CtClass lookupClass0(String classname, boolean notCheckInner) throws NotFoundException { CtClass cc = null; do { try { cc = classPool.get(classname); } catch (NotFoundException e) { int i = classname.lastIndexOf('.'); if (notCheckInner || i < 0) throw e; StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(classname); sbuf.setCharAt(i, '$'); classname = sbuf.toString(); } } while (cc == null); return cc; } /* Converts a class name into a JVM-internal representation. * * It may also expand a simple class name to java.lang.*. * For example, this converts Object into java/lang/Object. */ public String resolveClassName(ASTList name) throws CompileError { if (name == null) return null; return javaToJvmName(lookupClassByName(name).getName()); } /* Expands a simple class name to java.lang.*. * For example, this converts Object into java/lang/Object. */ public String resolveJvmClassName(String jvmName, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { if (jvmName == null) return null; return javaToJvmName(lookupClassByJvmName(jvmName, lineNumber).getName()); } public static CtClass getSuperclass(CtClass c) throws CompileError { try { CtClass sc = c.getSuperclass(); if (sc != null) return sc; } catch (NotFoundException e) {} throw new CompileError("cannot find the super class of " + c.getName(), c.getLinesCount() - 1); } public static CtClass getSuperInterface(CtClass c, String interfaceName) throws CompileError { try { CtClass[] intfs = c.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++) if (intfs[i].getName().equals(interfaceName)) return intfs[i]; } catch (NotFoundException e) {} throw new CompileError("cannot find the super interface " + interfaceName + " of " + c.getName(), c.getLinesCount() - 1); } public static String javaToJvmName(String classname) { return classname.replace('.', '/'); } public static String jvmToJavaName(String classname) { return classname.replace('/', '.'); } public static int descToType(char c, int lineNumber) throws CompileError { switch (c) { case 'Z' : return BOOLEAN; case 'C' : return CHAR; case 'B' : return BYTE; case 'S' : return SHORT; case 'I' : return INT; case 'J' : return LONG; case 'F' : return FLOAT; case 'D' : return DOUBLE; case 'V' : return VOID; case 'L' : case '[' : return CLASS; default : fatal(lineNumber); return VOID; // never reach here } } public static int getModifiers(ASTList mods) { int m = 0; while (mods != null) { Keyword k = (Keyword)mods.head(); mods = mods.tail(); switch (k.get()) { case STATIC : m |= Modifier.STATIC; break; case FINAL : m |= Modifier.FINAL; break; case SYNCHRONIZED : m |= Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED; break; case ABSTRACT : m |= Modifier.ABSTRACT; break; case PUBLIC : m |= Modifier.PUBLIC; break; case PROTECTED : m |= Modifier.PROTECTED; break; case PRIVATE : m |= Modifier.PRIVATE; break; case VOLATILE : m |= Modifier.VOLATILE; break; case TRANSIENT : m |= Modifier.TRANSIENT; break; case STRICT : m |= Modifier.STRICT; break; } } return m; } }